Marie-Anne Barbel
Marie-Anne Barbel was a daughter of Jacques Barbel
Jacques Barbel
Jacques Barbel was a French soldier in Canada who stayed in the country and became a part of the history of Quebec. His daughter, Marie-Anne Barbel and her husband, Louis Fornel became successful merchants as well....

, who had come as a soldier from France and became an important member of the Quebec business and political landscape. Her mother was Marie-Anne Barbel.

Barbel married Louis Fornel
Louis Fornel
Louis Fornel was a French merchant, explorer, and seigneur in New France. Involved in maritime trade and both born and married into prominent Quebec families, Louis Fornel was among the partners Louis Bazil convinced to invest in his ill-fated Labrador sealing station.Determined to claim a sealing...

, a merchant, in 1723 and they had 14 children, seven who survived beyond infancy. She was active in her husband's business affairs and continued the business after his death in 1745. Under her guidance the family business thrived and expanded. She bought a pottery factory, invested in real estate and also received a permit to trade.

Barbel's life in business gives a close look at a woman functioning in the merchant class. Despite serious losses during the Seven Years' War
Seven Years' War
The Seven Years' War was a global military war between 1756 and 1763, involving most of the great powers of the time and affecting Europe, North America, Central America, the West African coast, India, and the Philippines...

, she was able to divide a solid estate amongst the heirs on her retirement in 1777.

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