Mariana Anghileri
Mariana Anghileri is an Argentine television and film actress. She is sometimes credited as "Moro" Anghileri.

Born in Junín, Buenos Aires
Junín, Buenos Aires
Junín is a city in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and capital of the municipality of Junín. It has a population of 82,427 and is situated 260 km west of Buenos Aires.-History:...

, she first starred in the slice-of-life film, Sábado (2001), and has since worked in numerous roles for television and the cinema of Argentina
Cinema of Argentina
The cinema of Argentina has a tradition dating back to the late nineteenth century, and continues to play a role in the culture of Argentina....

. She earned a Silver Condor Award for her starring role in the tragic Buena Vida Delivery (2004).


  • Sábado (2001) aka Saturday
  • Nadar solo (2003)
  • Vida en Marte (2003)
  • Si no me ahogo (2004)
  • Buena Vida Delivery (2004) aka Good Life Delivery
  • Lifting de corazón (2005)
  • Medianeras (2005)
  • Ronda nocturna (2005) aka Night Watch
  • A los ojos de Dios (2005)
  • Aballay, el hombre sin miedo (2010)


  • Argentine Film Critics Association Awards: Silver Condor; Best New Actress, for: Buena Vida Delivery; 2005.

External links

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