Marguerite-Louise Couperin
Marguerite-Louise Couperin (born 1675/76 or 1678/79, Paris – died 1728, Versailles
Versailles , a city renowned for its château, the Palace of Versailles, was the de facto capital of the kingdom of France for over a century, from 1682 to 1789. It is now a wealthy suburb of Paris and remains an important administrative and judicial centre...

) was a French soprano
A soprano is a voice type with a vocal range from approximately middle C to "high A" in choral music, or to "soprano C" or higher in operatic music. In four-part chorale style harmony, the soprano takes the highest part, which usually encompasses the melody...

 singer and harpsichordist
A harpsichord is a musical instrument played by means of a keyboard. It produces sound by plucking a string when a key is pressed.In the narrow sense, "harpsichord" designates only the large wing-shaped instruments in which the strings are perpendicular to the keyboard...

, who came from the musically talented Couperin
The Couperin family were a musical dynasty of professional composers and performers. They were the most prolific family in French musical history, active during the Baroque era...

 family dynasty. The Frenchman Évrard Titon du Tillet
Évrard Titon du Tillet
Évrard Titon du Tillet is best known for his important biographical chronicle, Le Parnasse françois, composed of brief anecdotal vite of famous French poets and musicians of his time, under the reign of Louis XIV and the Régence.- Biography :Of Scottish origin, Évrard Titon du Tillet was the son...

, in his 1732 book Le Parnasse françois, describes her as "one of the most celebrated musicians of our time, who sang with admirable taste and who played the harpsichord perfectly."

Her music teacher was Jean-Baptiste Moreau
Jean-Baptiste Moreau
Jean-Baptiste Moreau was a French composer of the baroque period. He served as the master of music at the court of Louis XIV. His compositional output includes several motets and music for the theatre.-Life and career:...


She was the cousin of the composer François Couperin
François Couperin
François Couperin was a French Baroque composer, organist and harpsichordist. He was known as Couperin le Grand to distinguish him from other members of the musically talented Couperin family.-Life:Couperin was born in Paris...

 (The Great) and collaborated with him in performing soprano parts to his church vocal music compositions. The soprano parts written for her are exceptionally high and need great purity of tone.

The Chapelle Royale
Chapelle royale
The chapelle royale was the musical establishment attached to the royal chapel of the French kings. The term may also be applied to the chapel buildings, the Chapelle royale de Versailles....

 did not ordinarily permit women to take part in performances, instead using falsetti and castrati male artists. Such was her talent that an exception was made in her case, and also for the two daughters of Michel-Richard Delalande, Marie-Anne and Jeanne.

See also

  • Marguerite-Antoinette Couperin
    Marguerite-Antoinette Couperin
    Marguerite-Antoinette Couperin was a French harpsichordist, the first woman to hold the position of ordinaire de la musique de la chambre du roi pour le clavecin . -Life:...

    (1705–1778) a younger cousin and also a talented harpsichordist.
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