Margo Tamez
Margo Tamez is an Nde' indigenous Lipan Apache and Jumano Apache scholar and poet. She was born and grew up in South Texas and the Lower Rio Grande Valley, along the Texas-Mexico border. Tamez's 2007 work, Raven Eye, is considered the first fusion of creative non-fiction, biography, and poetry genres by an Apache woman in the U.S. Known primarily as an indigenous human rights defender and poet, Tamez has taught in Native American communities, at the college and university level, and has actively performed and published her work across North America. As a social justice advocate, Tamez' work has bridged gender issues, environmental racism, indigenous self-determination struggles, international law, sexuality, racial discrimination, poverty, class, ethnicity, and border indigenous feminisms with a focus on the U.S.-Mexico international transboundary.
Poetry and Criticism
- Naked Wanting (University of Arizona Press, 2003).
- Raven Eye (University of Arizona Press, 2007).
- Letter to Cameron County Commission," 2 Crit 110 (2009).
- "My Mother in Her Being--Photograph ca. 1947," Callaloo, Vol. 32, No. 1, Winter 2009, pp. 185–187.
- "Restoring Lipan Apache Women's Laws, Lands and Strength in El Calaboz Rancheria at the Texas-Mexico Border," Signs, Vol. 35, No. 3, 2010, pp. 558–569.
- "Our Way of Life is Our Resistance": Indigenous Women and Anti-Imperialist Challenges to Militarization along the U.S.-Mexico Border," Works and Days, Invisible Battlegrounds: Feminist Resistance in the Global Age of War and Imperialism, Susan Comfort, Editor, 57/58: Vol. 20, 2011.
- Dance the Guns to Silence: 100 Poems Inspired by Ken Saro-Wiwa
- Sister Nations, Heid Erdrich and Laura Tohe (Editors), New Rivers Press.
- Stories from Where We Live: The Gulf Coast, Sara St. Antoine (Editor), Milkweed Editions.
- Southwestern Women: New Voices, Caitlin L. Gannon (Editor), Javelina Pr.