Margaret Michaels
Margaret Michaels is an American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 actress best known for appearing as the characters of Pamela Ewing #2 and Jeanne O'Brien on the TV series Dallas
Dallas (TV series)
Dallas is an American serial drama/prime time soap opera that revolves around the Ewings, a wealthy Texas family in the oil and cattle-ranching industries. Throughout the series, Larry Hagman stars as greedy, scheming oil baron J. R. Ewing...

, as a tennis player in the Dallas
Dallas (TV series)
Dallas is an American serial drama/prime time soap opera that revolves around the Ewings, a wealthy Texas family in the oil and cattle-ranching industries. Throughout the series, Larry Hagman stars as greedy, scheming oil baron J. R. Ewing...

, imitator series Dynasty
A dynasty is a sequence of rulers considered members of the same family. Historians traditionally consider many sovereign states' history within a framework of successive dynasties, e.g., China, Ancient Egypt and the Persian Empire...

and on the television serial Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara (TV series)
Santa Barbara is an American television soap opera, first broadcast in the United States on NBC on July 30, 1984, and last aired on January 15, 1993. The show revolved around the eventful lives of the wealthy Capwell family of Santa Barbara, California...



In the late-1980s, Warner Bros.
Warner Bros.
Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc., also known as Warner Bros. Pictures or simply Warner Bros. , is an American producer of film and television entertainment.One of the major film studios, it is a subsidiary of Time Warner, with its headquarters in Burbank,...

 was looking for a Victoria Principal look-a-like to step into the role of Pamela Ewing on Dallas, after Victoria Principal
Victoria Principal
Victoria Principal is an American actress, best known for her role as Pamela Barnes Ewing on the CBS nighttime drama Dallas from 1978 to 1987.-Early life:...

 had left the series to pursue other interests. Michaels appeared briefly in one episode in the 12th season as Pamela Ewing, who had undergone plastic surgery after her near-fatal car accident. In season 13, the producers of the series were looking for a Pam look-alike in order to give Bobby one last fling before his marriage to April Stevens, played by Sheree J. Wilson
Sheree J. Wilson
Sheree Julienne Wilson is an American actress, primarily known for her roles in soap operas and television...

. Michaels was asked to return to the show, this time not as Pamela Ewing, but as a Pam Ewing look-a-like named Jeanne O'Brien. After her 5-episode stint on the show, Michaels' character Jeanne was written out.

External links

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