Marcus Scaurus
Marcus Scaurus may refer to:

Marcus Aemilius Scaurus
  • Marcus Aemilius Scaurus (consul 115 BC) (163–89 BC), Roman consul in 115 BC and considered one of the most talented and influential politicians of the Republic
  • Marcus Aemilius Scaurus (praetor 56 BC)
    Marcus Aemilius Scaurus (praetor 56 BC)
    Marcus Aemilius Scaurus was a Roman politician of the 1st century BC and son of Marcus Aemilius Scaurus and Caecilia Metella Dalmatica.Scaurus lost his father when he was very young, but his education was insured by several other family friends...

    , a Roman politician of the 1st century BC and son of Marcus Aemilius Scaurus and Caecilia Metella Dalmatica
  • Marcus Aemilius Scaurus (son of Praetor 56 BC of the same name)
    Marcus Aemilius Scaurus (son of Praetor 56 BC of the same name)
    Marcus Aemilius Scaurus was the son of Marcus Aemilius Scaurus and Mucia Tertia, former wife of Pompey the Great. Sextus Pompey was his half brother....

    , the son of Marcus Aemilius Scaurus (Praetor 56 BC) and Mucia Tertia, former wife of Pompey the Great. Sextus Pompey was his half brother

Marcus Aurelius Scaurus
  • Marcus Aurelius Scaurus
    Marcus Aurelius Scaurus
    Marcus Aurelius Scaurus was a Roman politician and general during the Cimbrian War. After one of the consul designates was prosecuted and condemned, Scaurus was made consul suffectus in 108 BC....

     (died 105 BC), Roman politician and general during the Cimbrian War. After one of the regularly elected consuls of the year died, Scaurus was made consul suffectus in 108 BC

See also

  • Quintus Terentius Scaurus
    Quintus Terentius Scaurus
    Quintus Terentius Scaurus, Latin grammarian, flourished during the reign of Hadrian .He was the author of an ars grammatica and commentaries on Horace, Virgil's Aeneid and perhaps Plautus...

    , Latin grammarian, flourished during the reign of Hadrian (Aulus Gellius xi. 15)
  • Mamercus Aemilius Scaurus
    Mamercus Aemilius Scaurus
    Mamercus Aemilius Scaurus was a Roman rhetorician, poet and senator, son of Marcus Aemilius Scaurus. He was a member of the senate in 14 AD at the time of Tiberius' accession to the throne.He first married Aemilia Lepida. Later he married Sextia...

    (died 1st-century), Roman rhetorician, poet and senator, son of Marcus Aemilius Scaurus. He was a member of the senate in 14 AD at the time of Tiberius' accession to the throne
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