Marcia Vickers
Marcia Vickers is an award-winning print journalist, focusing primarily on business matters. She is a senior writer at Fortune Magazine. She primarily writes investigative pieces, features and profiles.
Wikipedia entries related to Vickers include an article about pardoned fugitive Marc Rich and his oil trading gang
The Rich Boys
The Rich Boys refers to an elite circle of oil and mineral trading figures under the tutelage of one-time fugitive financier Marc Rich, as identified in a July, 2005 investigative report by journalist Marcia Vickers for BusinessWeek magazine....

 and an article on recently apprehended mortgage con artist Matthew Cox
Matthew Cox
Matthew Bevan Cox , commonly known as Matthew Cox, also sometimes known as Matthew B. Cox and Matt Cox, is an American felon and con man who has been convicted of conspiracy and grand theft...

 on the Secret Service's Most-Wanted List.
Prior to joining Fortune, she was a senior writer at Business Week Magazine, where she worked for six years. From 1996 to 1998, Marcia wrote for the New York Times. She was the chief editor of a Wall Street magazine and the founding editor of Successful Retirement Magazine in 1992.

Ms. Vickers has appeared on CNN, CNBC, "ABC News' World News Tonight," ABC's "Good Morning America," National Public Radio, among other media outlets, to discuss various issues

Her several journalism honors include the Medill/Strong Financial Writing Award. Her work was included in the book, "Best Business Crime Writing of the Year" in 2002. In 2005, she was a runner-up in the Business Journalist of the Year Awards.

Notable articles include (BusinessWeek cover story, November 2004); about SAC Capital's Steven A. Cohen
Steven A. Cohen
Steven "Steve" A. Cohen is an American hedge fund manager. He is the founder of SAC Capital Advisors, a Stamford, Connecticut-based hedge fund focusing primarily on equity market strategies....

 (Business Week cover, July 2003); about former NYC deputy mayor and film producer Ken Lipper (Business Week cover, December 2002); about secretive network of independent oil traders (Business Week investigative report, July 2005). Ms. Vickers is also known for her humorous looks at financial booms such as "Start Your Own Hedge Fund" that chronicles a conference of hedge fund hopefuls.

Ms. Vickers is a graduate of Meredith College
Meredith College
Meredith College is a liberal arts women's college located in Raleigh, North Carolina. For the 2010-2011 academic year, there were approximately 2,300 students enrolled, including about 350 graduate students, making Meredith the largest women's college in the southeastern United States...

, a women's liberal arts college in North Carolina. She has a master's degree from the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University
Columbia University
Columbia University in the City of New York is a private, Ivy League university in Manhattan, New York City. Columbia is the oldest institution of higher learning in the state of New York, the fifth oldest in the United States, and one of the country's nine Colonial Colleges founded before the...

, where she graduated with honors. She was an adjunct professor at Columbia for four years.
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.