MaraJoara (brand)
MaraJoara are an Australian designer swimwear label based in Sydney, Australia with their wholesaling and manufacturing operations in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

MaraJoara was founded by Andre Bendavit, Leesa Fogarty, Fernando Stambowsky and Hamish Stewart.

MaraJoara most commonly design and produce swimwear in the form of a white label product
White label product
A white label product or service is a product or service produced by one company that other companies rebrand to make it appear as if they made it.-History:...

, including a capsule collection for Sportsgirl's
Sportsgirl is a women's apparel clothing chain, owned and operated by the Sussan Retail Group in Australia.The first Sportsgirl stores were opened in 1948 in Melbourne, as a younger, more fun alternative to the more conservative sister label Sportscraft...

"Girl of Ipanema" campaign.

External links

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