Manu Leumann
Manu Leumann was a Swiss Indo-Europeanist, son of Indologist Ernst Leumann. He was Reader at Munich University 1922-1926, and professor for Indo-European studies at Zürich University 1927-1959.
- Lateinische Laut- und Formenlehre 1927; 2nd ed. 1977
- Homerische Wörter 1950
- Morphologische Neuerungen im altindischen Verbalsystem 1952
- Kleine SchriftenKleine Schriftenis a German phrase often used as a title for a collection of articles and essays written by a single scholar over the course of a career. "Collected Papers" is an English equivalent. These shorter works were usually published previously in various periodicals or in collections of papers written...
1959, eds. H. Haffter, E. Risch, W. Rüegg