Mamilla Mall
Mamilla Mall is a shopping street in Jerusalem, located between Jaffa Gate and the David Citadel Hotel
David Citadel Hotel
The David Citadel Hotel is a luxury hotel in the center of Jerusalem. The hotel is on King David Street, close to the entrance to the Old City...

. The mall features an outdoor promenade and a two-level indoor section as well as boutiques and fashion chain stores.

In addition to retailers, the mall is also slated to house an IMAX
IMAX is a motion picture film format and a set of proprietary cinema projection standards created by the Canadian company IMAX Corporation. IMAX has the capacity to record and display images of far greater size and resolution than conventional film systems...


The Lonely Planet describes it as the home of some of the "nicest" "posh restaurants" in Mamilla. The project was originally criticized regarding archeological excavations near the Jaffa Gate as well as environmental and religious objections. By 2007, the project had reconstructed or reassembled many historic structures.

External links

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