Malladi is a village in Amaravati
mandal of Guntur district
, Andhra Pradesh
, India
Bhavirisetty Hanumatha Rao is the sarpanch of the village.
It has around 500 houses in the village. The main occupation of the village is agriculture. The village depends on Krishna river water for irrigation purpose.
It has pioneered in lift irrigation scheme. It is one of the most active villages in the mandal.
The village Malladi has a famous temple of lord Sri Venkateswara swami and called as "VATAVRUSHANTARGATA VENKATESWARA SWAMY" where the god was showed himself in the form of Banyaan tree
Well…then, what is the reason for Sri Venkateswara Swami to get manifested in that Banyan tree ?
How is He, i.e. Swami is accomplishing the desires of his devotees ?
What services are being offered by devotees to him ?
How he gives the fortune of having darshan of his divine Lotus feet ?
Here is the powerful story of Venkayya Swami and his Temple :
Sri Venkateswara Swami, a perceptible (visible) God of Kaliyuga is incarnation of Almighty Lord who appeared on earth just to liberate the human beings from the clutches of Samsara (the world) The actions of Sri Swami are undepictable and inexplicable. It is beyond words to narrate the greatness (glory) of Swami.
Though Lord Venkateswara settled at Anandanilaya on Seven Hills, in order to fulfill the desires of devotees, his temples are constructed in various places and daily archanas are being offered there. Swayambhu Sri Venkateswara Swami’s temple, situated in a banyan tree, is one among them in Malladi village, 9 km away from Amaravathi, a well known pilgrimage, on the banks of holy river Krishna. The God of this temple is like a Kalpa Vriksha (a heavenly tree that grants any wish) fulfilling each and every desire of his desire. Thus, He proves himself as the most influenced and powerful God in this world.
Past history:
A mountain by name “Tirumalagiri” is situated near Jaggiahpet in Krishna district. A number of Mumukshu Sages (Sages who strive for final emancipation or salvation) influenced and impressed by the natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere of this area, used to spend day and night here in penance. Maharshi Bharadwaj was one among the Seven great sages, who once visited this mountain and prayed Lord Venketeswara to appear on this hill. Impressed by his penance or meditation, Almighty God appeared in a “rocky anthill” in order to fulfill his desire. Later, Maharshi Bharadwaja spend his time in worshipping Lord Swami for few years and left for Himalayas. Subsequently, the people of nearby villages came to Swami with devotion and dedication, started worshipping. In this manner, Lord has become farmers as a God of fulfilling the desires of devotees within no time.
Visit of Malladi people to Tirumala Giri God:
Malladi village is 9 km away from Amaravathi of Guntur District. The residents of this village were pious, religiousminded and mild. They used to worship God daily. Once it so happened that Malladi had become the victim of Famine and draught. Not even grass (fodder) was available at that time. In this situation, a few inhabitants of Malladi driven the cattle to graze them near “Tirumalagiri” forest. Once an unknown disease attacked the cattle and then the villages prayed Lord Venkateswara to protect their cattle. As a result, the cattle were saved and also they became healthy.
From that day onwards, the inhabitants of Malladi developed faith on Tirumalagiri Venkateswara and started worshipping him every day. At the time of festivals and auspicious days, they used to visit Swami and get blessings; but…. River Krishna which was in between Malladi and Tirumalagiri, had became an obstacle for their free movements. They used to face a number of problems to cross the river. The villages started praying God Almighty with a request to settle down in their village. In response to their humble request, Sri Venkateswara appeared in a Banyan tree existed in the fields of Batthineni Bollaiah which was existing in Malladi village by the side of Amaravati Krosuru Road.
Story of Sacred Banyan Tree (Vata Vruksha)
Battineni Bollaiah, a great devotee of Shri Rama, used to write name of Rama a number of times. (Rama Koti) and he used to spend his entire life by doing Rama nama Japam. He planted a Banyan tree in his fields. The tree started growing day-by-day and many passers by (travlersby going on by foot by road) used to relax in its shadow.
Many of us are aware of terrible cyclone (typhoon) faced by Andhra Pradesh in 1976. Many people, including birds, animals etc. suffered a lot. Even the Tree, planted by Shri Bollaiah had become the victim of cyclone and got collapsed also. The R & B Dept. arranged bidding in auction in order to get the tree removed. The bidders got the tree cut into pieces. After cutting 75% of it,. the workers were unsuccessful in cutting the remaining part of the tree even they used various tools, the workers left the remaining part as they could not cut it.
It was a shocking and surprising news to the inhabitants of Malladi when the half cut tree stood up in its bed by itself at 12.00 pm on 22 January 1977 in Abhijit Langna ( Magha Suddha Thadhiya). The people amazed when they found that the soil found by its side, covered the stem. (basis)
One Sri Tumaati Narasimhaiah, a farmer, who had an opportunity to witness the above amazing scene, shocked and was taken aback. Later, He rushed to village in order to inform the villagers about this.
In fact, a few Ladies and girls of that village had punakam (possession by Goddess) and said to villagers, as if Swami himself is informing, about his appearance in the Banyan tree and again He only made the tree to come to its original position. Also he ordered his devotees to serve him and get liberated.
The inhabitants of the in and around villages, after knowing the glory Swami came to that Banyan tree. They started praising Swami with a thousand mouths. Two more Neem trees too came up on either side of that Banyan tree as if they both are queens of the Lord.
The day i.e. 22nd Jan. 1977 is a festival day to all devotees especially to villagers of Malladi since Swami appeared in the Banyan tree. They used to offer prayers with high regard and devotion to Swami on that day every year on 22 January. It is being conducted even today as “Chettu Tirunallu”. Many people who approached Swami with trust and devotion experienced a lot of change in their lives. Their desires were fulfilled and their diseases were cured.
A number of pilgrims from other States also are visiting this place daily. This temple is being developed day-by-day and transforming into Vaikuntam of course, many programmes are to be taken up with the co-operation of devotees.
Details of Devotees, made sincere and serious for the development of this temple.
There are many many devotees who left no stone unturned to develop this temple. Among them were, initially started by Sri Tadikonda Subba Rao, and after him continued by Sri Tripuramallu Bulli Kotaiah and his son-in-law Sri Eluri Pardha saradhi garu native of Sattenapalli Guntur Dist. Sri Pardha Saradhi garu scarified his entirely life to serve Lord Venkayya swami…he started build the Temple and 80% of the work was completed by him only.The work was completed and Murthy Prathista was done by his wife and Founder Trustee Mrs. Eluri Mangayamma garu and sons. Sri Pardha saradhi’s daughter Sri Chittiprolu Vijaya Laxmi and son-in-law Dr. Ch. Jaganmohan Rao, Columbus USA have extend their full co-operation in developing the temple.
And currently temple is maintaining by Founder Trustee Mrs.Eluri Mangayamma and Sons.
It is the desire of Villages that this development should be continued and its financial position should be more improved and it should turn up into a place that fulfills the desire of devotees.
The Glory (greatness) of Banyan Tree
The banyan tree is mentioned in many scriptures as a tree of immortality. Its aerial roots grow down into the soil forming additional trunks and therefore called Bahupada, the one with several feet (Bahu-several, Pada-feet). It symbolizes longevity and represents the divine creator, Brahma. We find this tree invariably planted in front of many temples. The numerous stems of the banyan tree are regarded as the home of gods and spirits.
The Rishis and Munis (Sages and Seers) sat under the shade of this tree to seek enlightenment, held discourses and conducted Vedic rituals.In Hindu mythology, the tree is called Kalpavriksha, the tree that provides fulfillment of wishes and other material gains. It symbolizes Trimurti – Lord Vishnu is believed to be the bark, Lord Brahma, the roots, and Lord Shiva, the branches.
The banyan tree is said to have nourished mankind with its ‘milk’ before the advent of grain and other food. According to the Agni Purana, it symbolizes fertility and is worshipped by those who want children. For the same reason, it is never cut. Even its leaves, which are used as cattle fodder, are broken only when there is a famine. It is believed that if the tree is cut, a goat should be sacrificed in atonement.
The Puranas tell the story of Savitri, who lost her husband a year after their marriage. He died under a banyan tree and by worshipping it; Savitri was able to follow Yama-the Lord of Death himself and win back her husband’s life as well as secure prosperity and progeny. This powerful legend has made Savitri an ideal of Indian womanhood and established the Vat-Savitri Vrata.
On the full-moon night in month of Jyeshtha (June), all married women fast and circumambulate the banyan to pray for the long and healthy life of their husbands. According to the Vishnu Purana, during the deluge at the end of an epoch or Yuga, Lord Vishnu sleeps on a banyan leaf. It also compares Lord Vishnu to the seed of the banyan: just as a huge tree originates from and is contained in one little seed, the entire universe is reduced to its germ after these periodic deluges. This germ is contained in Vishnu, who then recreates the universe.
Another legend states that this tree is believed to have originally been situated in Vasuki’s garden. Amba or Mother Earth, wanted it for her children. After a fight with Vasuki and by invoking Lord Shiva’s help, Amba managed to obtain it.
This tree is also sacred to the Buddhists. After attaining enlightenment, Lord Buddha is believed to have sat under a banyan tree for seven days, absorbed in his newfound realization. The worship of the tree is also represented in a Buddhist sculpture with its long hanging roots dropping gold pieces in vessels placed below.
The Elders say that Sri Mahavishnu appears on leaf of Banyan Tree only (Vata Patra Sai) at the time of destruction (Pralayam). The leaf of Banyan (tree) is the basis (Adhaara) of Sri Mahavishnu himself. Therefore, it is beyond words to narrate the greetness (glory) of Banyan Tree.
There are many trees, attached (linked) with Indian culture. Among them, there are 5 famous trees, called as “Pancha Ksheera Vrukshas”. Of course, there is also Banayan tree in those famous five Ksheera Vrukshas. (Milky Trees) The remaining four trees are ficus tisela, (JUWWI – a kind of fig tree) Ficus religiosa, (Peepal tree), Ficus glomerata, (Medi- species of fig tree) and Jonesia asoka (The Asoka tree) Varaha Mihiracharya opined that wherever these trees exist, there will be plenty of water including various crops in large quantity. Therefore, the Banyan tree is a unique and matchless great tree among all trees.
The Banyan tree is also one among Pancha Pallava trees i.e. Ravi, Medi, Marri, Juwwi and Mamidi (Ficus, Tisela, Ficus raligiota, Firus glomerata, Banyan and Mango) All these five pallavams are used in sacred water kalasam (jar containing and offering worshipped as a preliminary to a main ceremony)
Our ancestors used to grow those trees in groves, These help us to maintain good health. These groves are considered one among seven offsprings (children) these trees supposed to grown as groves are 1) Ravi (peepal) 2) Maredu (bael fruit tree/ Aegle marmelos) 3) Banyan 4) Asoka (Jonesia asoka) and 5) Medi (species of fig tree). There is also Banyan tree in these five trees. Thus we can understand the importance of Banyan tree.
There is Banyan tree also among seven samidhas (firewood for a sacrifice) and five twaks. We are using these all in Homas (sacrifice performed by casting ghee and other objects on a fire accompanied by recital of Prayers from the Rigveda) and in the preparation of Ayurvedic Medicines.
The Banyan tree is also known as Nyagrodha which means a “tree which takes birth again and again”. Even human beings get rotated in the wheel of Birth and Death. They will born and die, born and die again and again. We are similar to Banyan tree. No sooner Swami enters in us than our body gets filled with divinity and divine wealth. Therefore entering the Banyan tree, the God indirectly preaches us to convert our Hearts into Banyan tree so as to enable me (the God) to reside there”.
“The trees Preach and teach us Sacrifice” So, It is the aim of Swami that people should develop humanity in themselves and serve others alike Banyan tree. Sri Swami is preaching the same, entering the Banyan tree.
Details of Services in Temple
Daily Worship: All the Pujas (Worships/Adorations) of Swami, from dawn to dust are being carried out as per Vaikhanasa Bhagawat Sastra.
Saturday Puja: A special Tulasi decoration seva will be offered to swami on Saturday. The Tulasi (Sacred basil / ocymum sanctum) will be arranged from the garden of Tulasi of Swami for this service. The Garlands of Tulasi will be offered grandly to Swami. At that time, Swami is worth seeing one can not describe his beauty.
Ekadasi Puja:
Sri Swami likes Ekadasi thidhi, -one of Vishunu panchaka days- very much. A number of Devotees, Observers of Ekaadasi vrata, attained Sayujya (ultimate union with deity) and have become famous in the history. Bhishma, Rukmangada, Ambareesha etc. performed these Ekadasi pujaas and got liberated. The Ekadasi poojas of Swami will be performed splendidly.
Snapana Tirumanjans of Sravana Nakshatra
Swami born in Sravana star. On this day, the holy bath (Abhisheka) programme will be conducted very grandly to Lord Venkataswara along with his queens Sri, Bhu and Neela. Both, the organizers and viewers of this seva (kaynkarya) are blessed or fortuned.
Worship (Adorations) Karthika Maasa (Month):
Both Siva and Kesava like this kartika maasa. This comes before Uttarayana Punyakalam. Therefore, it is equal to very early morning before dawn (Brahma Muhurthum) and considered as a very holy month. Sri Damodara Swami is the presiding deity of this kartika masa, another form of Lord Vishnu. The devotees worship Lord Venkateswara in a special manner with total devotion and dedication in this month.
Satyanaryana Vrathams will be performed in this month collectively. Thus social amicableness (harmony) will be formed and mutual love develops and inturn the integrity will be strengthened.
Pujas in Dhanurmasa
Mother Goda performed ‘Margali Vratham’ in order to win the heart of Swami Ranganatha’ as inspired by ‘Katyani Vratham’, conducted by Gopikas during Dwapara Yuga during this month only. Thus, this month is considered as a holy month. Muggu (Rangavalli) [ornamental pattern drawn on the ground with white flour, esp. at a house entrance] will be drawn at house entrance in this month only. Various prasadams (food offered to a deity and subsequently distributed to devotees) are prepared (like Pulihora=lemon rice, Chakkera Pongal = Sweet rice, Dadhyodanam = Curd Rice and Katta pongal = dish made of rice and green gram) will be offered to God and later they will be distributed among devotees.
(All these Prasadams (food offered to deity) will strengthen us both physically and mentally. The food offered in this month is equal to food offered through out year and the result also is equal.
This Dhanurmasa service (Kainkaryam) is need to be improved with the co-operation and co-ordination of Devotees.
Marriage celebration of Goda Devi
Slokam: Swochhishta maalika gandha bandhura jishna ve I
Vishnu chitta tanujai Godai nitya mangalam II
Swami Ranganatha liked the garland, kept by Goda in her plaited or braided hair. She is also a “robber”, stolen the heart of God Ranaganaatha. The marriage ceremony of Goda and Ranganatha will be celebrated on Kanuma very grandly on Kanuma Festival in a befitting manner.
Chettu Tirunalla:
(Temple festival (auspicious day of tree):
“Chettu Tirunalla” will be celebrated on 22 January every year. It is the day when Swami appeared in banyan tree. The people of in and around villages come to this tree, offer Pongals (rice with milk and dhall presented to a deity by persons/devotees) along with their offerings. The entire village Malladi will be resounded with many spiritual and cultural programmes.
Brahmotsavams: (A religious celebration held in a temple hosting for seven days)
Brahmotsavams of Swami will be celebrated once in a year wonderfully. In befitting manner It is essential to organize these Utsavams (celebrations) systematically.
Protection of COW
Go – Samrakshana (Protection of Cows) should necessarily be taken up by every temple. The Cow is need to be worishipped in order to maintain Dharma (righteousness) on this Earth since the cow is another form of Dharma. The cows, vedic scholars, Vedas, chaste and virtuous wives, people with devotion to truth (Truthful persons) all these seven are responsible for Righteousness (Dharma). In fact Dharma is being protected by these only:
Slokam: Gobhihi Vipiecha, Vediescha, Sateebhi Satya Vadibhihi I
Anudhhatiehi daana Seeliehi, Saptabhirdhryate Mahi II
It is the duty of every Indian to take care of Cow, which is considered by “Viswamaatha” (Mother of universe) since our India is the ‘Land of Cows’
The Devasthanam is leaving no stone unturned to make an appeal to all donors to extend their full co-operation and provide the resources, required for protecting Cows and inturn, protecting “Dharma”. It is making efforts seriously to open a Cow protection centre in our temple also.
Prayer of Cow
Slokam: Gavo me matarassarvaa
Gavo me pitara ssadaa I
Gavo mamaagrata ssantu
Gavo me santu prushtaha I
Gavo me Parshvata ssantu
Gavam brundeva Saamyati II
Religious Programmes, organized in temple and Tulasi vanam:
Sri Swami is fond of Tulasi To him it is very essential. He said that:
Slokam: Tulasi kaananam yatra, yatra vaa hari kirtanam !
Tatraiva vaaste Hari Sriman Sankha chakra Gadayudhaha !!
It is said that one who eats Tulasi, gets the result, of 100 Chandrayana Vrataas. Our elders say that all holy places (tirthaas) all holy rivers and all Gods do exist in Tulasi.
Slokam: Yanmule sarva teertnani yanmadhye sarva devataha !
Yadagre sarva vedaascha Tulaseem Twam Namamyaham !!
There is no Puryushita Dosha in Tulasi. It means it will not get spoiled even after six months, once it is plucked. We can use it before six months. The holy scriptures say that every part of this plant, like, leaves, Dalam (Leaf with three leaflets) branches, roots and even the soil near the plant are to be worshipped. Tulsi washes out every sin. The holy book prakeernadhikara says that even the soldiers of Yamaraj (God of Death) can not dare to enter the area where Tulasi plants are grown and the area coved by their fragrance.
Tulsi plants are grown in a total area of 50 cms. Apporx. in this temple. The Tulsi brought from this garden of Tulsi is being utilized for Swami’s puja and decoration.
Ever lasting (Eternal) Every Saturday Kalyana Pathakam” (Auspicious (Well-being) Scheme) has been started in the year 2007 in this Malladi Venkatewara temple with the blessings of Lord Venkatesha with the Donations received from 500 devotees.
The Divine Kalyana Mahotsava of Sri Bhoo sameta Venkateswara Swami is being celebrated from 22nd Jan 2007 till date on every Saturday from 9-00 am to 12-30 pm very grandly in a befitting manner. It is being organized under aegis of Pandit Sriman P. Srinivasacharya. Nakshatra Harathi will be offered to Lord Venktesa after Kalyanam in the midst of holy Govinda naamas. Later, Naryana Seva (free Annadaanam) will be done to all devotees.
Details of Kalyana Programme:
The Kalyana scheme of Sri Bhusametha Sri Venkateswara Swami is being implemented, on every Saturday since one year in this temple of Sri Malledi Venkatswara (52 Saturdays) with Gotra, Names of Devotees. From next year, Kalyanam will be organized two times permanently. The devotee couples can participate in these Kalyanmas. If it is not possible, Kalaynam will be celebrated on their Gotra Names, and Prasadam will be mailed to their house addresses once in a month for one year.
Note: The amount received thro this scheme, will be deposited in banks in fixed Deposits and daily pujas and other temple activities will be conducted with the interest amount, received on this deposited amount.
We earnestly appeal all the devotees to extend their full co-operation to make this everlasting scheme as Everlasting (saswata) “Daily” Kalyana scheme commenced with the divine blessings of Sri Swamivaru.
If you wish to join this “Everlasting (Saswatha) Kalyana pathakam” (Scheme) and get blessed by Sri Swami, then join the “Saaswatha Kalyana Pathakam” and thus you can become his permanent devotee.
Malladi (Telugu
: మల్లాది) is one of the Indian surnames.
Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh
Amaravathi is a small town situated on the banks of the River Krishna in the Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh, India. It is famous for its Amareswara temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple is one of the famous Pancharamas. Amaravati, also known as Dhanyakataka/Dharanikota was the site of a...
mandal of Guntur district
Guntur district
Guntur district is located in Andhra Pradesh along the east coast of Bay of Bengal. The district has a coastline of around 100 kilometers. Guntur City is the largest city in the district and administrative center of Guntur District. The district is a major center for learning.-Etymology:There are...
, Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh , is one of the 28 states of India, situated on the southeastern coast of India. It is India's fourth largest state by area and fifth largest by population. Its capital and largest city by population is Hyderabad.The total GDP of Andhra Pradesh is $100 billion and is ranked third...
, India
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...
Bhavirisetty Hanumatha Rao is the sarpanch of the village.
It has around 500 houses in the village. The main occupation of the village is agriculture. The village depends on Krishna river water for irrigation purpose.
It has pioneered in lift irrigation scheme. It is one of the most active villages in the mandal.
The village Malladi has a famous temple of lord Sri Venkateswara swami and called as "VATAVRUSHANTARGATA VENKATESWARA SWAMY" where the god was showed himself in the form of Banyaan tree
Well…then, what is the reason for Sri Venkateswara Swami to get manifested in that Banyan tree ?
How is He, i.e. Swami is accomplishing the desires of his devotees ?
What services are being offered by devotees to him ?
How he gives the fortune of having darshan of his divine Lotus feet ?
Here is the powerful story of Venkayya Swami and his Temple :
Sri Venkateswara Swami, a perceptible (visible) God of Kaliyuga is incarnation of Almighty Lord who appeared on earth just to liberate the human beings from the clutches of Samsara (the world) The actions of Sri Swami are undepictable and inexplicable. It is beyond words to narrate the greatness (glory) of Swami.
Though Lord Venkateswara settled at Anandanilaya on Seven Hills, in order to fulfill the desires of devotees, his temples are constructed in various places and daily archanas are being offered there. Swayambhu Sri Venkateswara Swami’s temple, situated in a banyan tree, is one among them in Malladi village, 9 km away from Amaravathi, a well known pilgrimage, on the banks of holy river Krishna. The God of this temple is like a Kalpa Vriksha (a heavenly tree that grants any wish) fulfilling each and every desire of his desire. Thus, He proves himself as the most influenced and powerful God in this world.
Past history:
A mountain by name “Tirumalagiri” is situated near Jaggiahpet in Krishna district. A number of Mumukshu Sages (Sages who strive for final emancipation or salvation) influenced and impressed by the natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere of this area, used to spend day and night here in penance. Maharshi Bharadwaj was one among the Seven great sages, who once visited this mountain and prayed Lord Venketeswara to appear on this hill. Impressed by his penance or meditation, Almighty God appeared in a “rocky anthill” in order to fulfill his desire. Later, Maharshi Bharadwaja spend his time in worshipping Lord Swami for few years and left for Himalayas. Subsequently, the people of nearby villages came to Swami with devotion and dedication, started worshipping. In this manner, Lord has become farmers as a God of fulfilling the desires of devotees within no time.
Visit of Malladi people to Tirumala Giri God:
Malladi village is 9 km away from Amaravathi of Guntur District. The residents of this village were pious, religiousminded and mild. They used to worship God daily. Once it so happened that Malladi had become the victim of Famine and draught. Not even grass (fodder) was available at that time. In this situation, a few inhabitants of Malladi driven the cattle to graze them near “Tirumalagiri” forest. Once an unknown disease attacked the cattle and then the villages prayed Lord Venkateswara to protect their cattle. As a result, the cattle were saved and also they became healthy.
From that day onwards, the inhabitants of Malladi developed faith on Tirumalagiri Venkateswara and started worshipping him every day. At the time of festivals and auspicious days, they used to visit Swami and get blessings; but…. River Krishna which was in between Malladi and Tirumalagiri, had became an obstacle for their free movements. They used to face a number of problems to cross the river. The villages started praying God Almighty with a request to settle down in their village. In response to their humble request, Sri Venkateswara appeared in a Banyan tree existed in the fields of Batthineni Bollaiah which was existing in Malladi village by the side of Amaravati Krosuru Road.
Story of Sacred Banyan Tree (Vata Vruksha)
Battineni Bollaiah, a great devotee of Shri Rama, used to write name of Rama a number of times. (Rama Koti) and he used to spend his entire life by doing Rama nama Japam. He planted a Banyan tree in his fields. The tree started growing day-by-day and many passers by (travlersby going on by foot by road) used to relax in its shadow.
Many of us are aware of terrible cyclone (typhoon) faced by Andhra Pradesh in 1976. Many people, including birds, animals etc. suffered a lot. Even the Tree, planted by Shri Bollaiah had become the victim of cyclone and got collapsed also. The R & B Dept. arranged bidding in auction in order to get the tree removed. The bidders got the tree cut into pieces. After cutting 75% of it,. the workers were unsuccessful in cutting the remaining part of the tree even they used various tools, the workers left the remaining part as they could not cut it.
It was a shocking and surprising news to the inhabitants of Malladi when the half cut tree stood up in its bed by itself at 12.00 pm on 22 January 1977 in Abhijit Langna ( Magha Suddha Thadhiya). The people amazed when they found that the soil found by its side, covered the stem. (basis)
One Sri Tumaati Narasimhaiah, a farmer, who had an opportunity to witness the above amazing scene, shocked and was taken aback. Later, He rushed to village in order to inform the villagers about this.
In fact, a few Ladies and girls of that village had punakam (possession by Goddess) and said to villagers, as if Swami himself is informing, about his appearance in the Banyan tree and again He only made the tree to come to its original position. Also he ordered his devotees to serve him and get liberated.
The inhabitants of the in and around villages, after knowing the glory Swami came to that Banyan tree. They started praising Swami with a thousand mouths. Two more Neem trees too came up on either side of that Banyan tree as if they both are queens of the Lord.
The day i.e. 22nd Jan. 1977 is a festival day to all devotees especially to villagers of Malladi since Swami appeared in the Banyan tree. They used to offer prayers with high regard and devotion to Swami on that day every year on 22 January. It is being conducted even today as “Chettu Tirunallu”. Many people who approached Swami with trust and devotion experienced a lot of change in their lives. Their desires were fulfilled and their diseases were cured.
A number of pilgrims from other States also are visiting this place daily. This temple is being developed day-by-day and transforming into Vaikuntam of course, many programmes are to be taken up with the co-operation of devotees.
Details of Devotees, made sincere and serious for the development of this temple.
There are many many devotees who left no stone unturned to develop this temple. Among them were, initially started by Sri Tadikonda Subba Rao, and after him continued by Sri Tripuramallu Bulli Kotaiah and his son-in-law Sri Eluri Pardha saradhi garu native of Sattenapalli Guntur Dist. Sri Pardha Saradhi garu scarified his entirely life to serve Lord Venkayya swami…he started build the Temple and 80% of the work was completed by him only.The work was completed and Murthy Prathista was done by his wife and Founder Trustee Mrs. Eluri Mangayamma garu and sons. Sri Pardha saradhi’s daughter Sri Chittiprolu Vijaya Laxmi and son-in-law Dr. Ch. Jaganmohan Rao, Columbus USA have extend their full co-operation in developing the temple.
And currently temple is maintaining by Founder Trustee Mrs.Eluri Mangayamma and Sons.
It is the desire of Villages that this development should be continued and its financial position should be more improved and it should turn up into a place that fulfills the desire of devotees.
The Glory (greatness) of Banyan Tree
The banyan tree is mentioned in many scriptures as a tree of immortality. Its aerial roots grow down into the soil forming additional trunks and therefore called Bahupada, the one with several feet (Bahu-several, Pada-feet). It symbolizes longevity and represents the divine creator, Brahma. We find this tree invariably planted in front of many temples. The numerous stems of the banyan tree are regarded as the home of gods and spirits.
The Rishis and Munis (Sages and Seers) sat under the shade of this tree to seek enlightenment, held discourses and conducted Vedic rituals.In Hindu mythology, the tree is called Kalpavriksha, the tree that provides fulfillment of wishes and other material gains. It symbolizes Trimurti – Lord Vishnu is believed to be the bark, Lord Brahma, the roots, and Lord Shiva, the branches.
The banyan tree is said to have nourished mankind with its ‘milk’ before the advent of grain and other food. According to the Agni Purana, it symbolizes fertility and is worshipped by those who want children. For the same reason, it is never cut. Even its leaves, which are used as cattle fodder, are broken only when there is a famine. It is believed that if the tree is cut, a goat should be sacrificed in atonement.
The Puranas tell the story of Savitri, who lost her husband a year after their marriage. He died under a banyan tree and by worshipping it; Savitri was able to follow Yama-the Lord of Death himself and win back her husband’s life as well as secure prosperity and progeny. This powerful legend has made Savitri an ideal of Indian womanhood and established the Vat-Savitri Vrata.
On the full-moon night in month of Jyeshtha (June), all married women fast and circumambulate the banyan to pray for the long and healthy life of their husbands. According to the Vishnu Purana, during the deluge at the end of an epoch or Yuga, Lord Vishnu sleeps on a banyan leaf. It also compares Lord Vishnu to the seed of the banyan: just as a huge tree originates from and is contained in one little seed, the entire universe is reduced to its germ after these periodic deluges. This germ is contained in Vishnu, who then recreates the universe.
Another legend states that this tree is believed to have originally been situated in Vasuki’s garden. Amba or Mother Earth, wanted it for her children. After a fight with Vasuki and by invoking Lord Shiva’s help, Amba managed to obtain it.
This tree is also sacred to the Buddhists. After attaining enlightenment, Lord Buddha is believed to have sat under a banyan tree for seven days, absorbed in his newfound realization. The worship of the tree is also represented in a Buddhist sculpture with its long hanging roots dropping gold pieces in vessels placed below.
The Elders say that Sri Mahavishnu appears on leaf of Banyan Tree only (Vata Patra Sai) at the time of destruction (Pralayam). The leaf of Banyan (tree) is the basis (Adhaara) of Sri Mahavishnu himself. Therefore, it is beyond words to narrate the greetness (glory) of Banyan Tree.
There are many trees, attached (linked) with Indian culture. Among them, there are 5 famous trees, called as “Pancha Ksheera Vrukshas”. Of course, there is also Banayan tree in those famous five Ksheera Vrukshas. (Milky Trees) The remaining four trees are ficus tisela, (JUWWI – a kind of fig tree) Ficus religiosa, (Peepal tree), Ficus glomerata, (Medi- species of fig tree) and Jonesia asoka (The Asoka tree) Varaha Mihiracharya opined that wherever these trees exist, there will be plenty of water including various crops in large quantity. Therefore, the Banyan tree is a unique and matchless great tree among all trees.
The Banyan tree is also one among Pancha Pallava trees i.e. Ravi, Medi, Marri, Juwwi and Mamidi (Ficus, Tisela, Ficus raligiota, Firus glomerata, Banyan and Mango) All these five pallavams are used in sacred water kalasam (jar containing and offering worshipped as a preliminary to a main ceremony)
Our ancestors used to grow those trees in groves, These help us to maintain good health. These groves are considered one among seven offsprings (children) these trees supposed to grown as groves are 1) Ravi (peepal) 2) Maredu (bael fruit tree/ Aegle marmelos) 3) Banyan 4) Asoka (Jonesia asoka) and 5) Medi (species of fig tree). There is also Banyan tree in these five trees. Thus we can understand the importance of Banyan tree.
There is Banyan tree also among seven samidhas (firewood for a sacrifice) and five twaks. We are using these all in Homas (sacrifice performed by casting ghee and other objects on a fire accompanied by recital of Prayers from the Rigveda) and in the preparation of Ayurvedic Medicines.
The Banyan tree is also known as Nyagrodha which means a “tree which takes birth again and again”. Even human beings get rotated in the wheel of Birth and Death. They will born and die, born and die again and again. We are similar to Banyan tree. No sooner Swami enters in us than our body gets filled with divinity and divine wealth. Therefore entering the Banyan tree, the God indirectly preaches us to convert our Hearts into Banyan tree so as to enable me (the God) to reside there”.
“The trees Preach and teach us Sacrifice” So, It is the aim of Swami that people should develop humanity in themselves and serve others alike Banyan tree. Sri Swami is preaching the same, entering the Banyan tree.
Details of Services in Temple
Daily Worship: All the Pujas (Worships/Adorations) of Swami, from dawn to dust are being carried out as per Vaikhanasa Bhagawat Sastra.
Saturday Puja: A special Tulasi decoration seva will be offered to swami on Saturday. The Tulasi (Sacred basil / ocymum sanctum) will be arranged from the garden of Tulasi of Swami for this service. The Garlands of Tulasi will be offered grandly to Swami. At that time, Swami is worth seeing one can not describe his beauty.
Ekadasi Puja:
Sri Swami likes Ekadasi thidhi, -one of Vishunu panchaka days- very much. A number of Devotees, Observers of Ekaadasi vrata, attained Sayujya (ultimate union with deity) and have become famous in the history. Bhishma, Rukmangada, Ambareesha etc. performed these Ekadasi pujaas and got liberated. The Ekadasi poojas of Swami will be performed splendidly.
Snapana Tirumanjans of Sravana Nakshatra
Swami born in Sravana star. On this day, the holy bath (Abhisheka) programme will be conducted very grandly to Lord Venkataswara along with his queens Sri, Bhu and Neela. Both, the organizers and viewers of this seva (kaynkarya) are blessed or fortuned.
Worship (Adorations) Karthika Maasa (Month):
Both Siva and Kesava like this kartika maasa. This comes before Uttarayana Punyakalam. Therefore, it is equal to very early morning before dawn (Brahma Muhurthum) and considered as a very holy month. Sri Damodara Swami is the presiding deity of this kartika masa, another form of Lord Vishnu. The devotees worship Lord Venkateswara in a special manner with total devotion and dedication in this month.
Satyanaryana Vrathams will be performed in this month collectively. Thus social amicableness (harmony) will be formed and mutual love develops and inturn the integrity will be strengthened.
Pujas in Dhanurmasa
Mother Goda performed ‘Margali Vratham’ in order to win the heart of Swami Ranganatha’ as inspired by ‘Katyani Vratham’, conducted by Gopikas during Dwapara Yuga during this month only. Thus, this month is considered as a holy month. Muggu (Rangavalli) [ornamental pattern drawn on the ground with white flour, esp. at a house entrance] will be drawn at house entrance in this month only. Various prasadams (food offered to a deity and subsequently distributed to devotees) are prepared (like Pulihora=lemon rice, Chakkera Pongal = Sweet rice, Dadhyodanam = Curd Rice and Katta pongal = dish made of rice and green gram) will be offered to God and later they will be distributed among devotees.
(All these Prasadams (food offered to deity) will strengthen us both physically and mentally. The food offered in this month is equal to food offered through out year and the result also is equal.
This Dhanurmasa service (Kainkaryam) is need to be improved with the co-operation and co-ordination of Devotees.
Marriage celebration of Goda Devi
Slokam: Swochhishta maalika gandha bandhura jishna ve I
Vishnu chitta tanujai Godai nitya mangalam II
Swami Ranganatha liked the garland, kept by Goda in her plaited or braided hair. She is also a “robber”, stolen the heart of God Ranaganaatha. The marriage ceremony of Goda and Ranganatha will be celebrated on Kanuma very grandly on Kanuma Festival in a befitting manner.
Chettu Tirunalla:
(Temple festival (auspicious day of tree):
“Chettu Tirunalla” will be celebrated on 22 January every year. It is the day when Swami appeared in banyan tree. The people of in and around villages come to this tree, offer Pongals (rice with milk and dhall presented to a deity by persons/devotees) along with their offerings. The entire village Malladi will be resounded with many spiritual and cultural programmes.
Brahmotsavams: (A religious celebration held in a temple hosting for seven days)
Brahmotsavams of Swami will be celebrated once in a year wonderfully. In befitting manner It is essential to organize these Utsavams (celebrations) systematically.
Protection of COW
Go – Samrakshana (Protection of Cows) should necessarily be taken up by every temple. The Cow is need to be worishipped in order to maintain Dharma (righteousness) on this Earth since the cow is another form of Dharma. The cows, vedic scholars, Vedas, chaste and virtuous wives, people with devotion to truth (Truthful persons) all these seven are responsible for Righteousness (Dharma). In fact Dharma is being protected by these only:
Slokam: Gobhihi Vipiecha, Vediescha, Sateebhi Satya Vadibhihi I
Anudhhatiehi daana Seeliehi, Saptabhirdhryate Mahi II
It is the duty of every Indian to take care of Cow, which is considered by “Viswamaatha” (Mother of universe) since our India is the ‘Land of Cows’
The Devasthanam is leaving no stone unturned to make an appeal to all donors to extend their full co-operation and provide the resources, required for protecting Cows and inturn, protecting “Dharma”. It is making efforts seriously to open a Cow protection centre in our temple also.
Prayer of Cow
Slokam: Gavo me matarassarvaa
Gavo me pitara ssadaa I
Gavo mamaagrata ssantu
Gavo me santu prushtaha I
Gavo me Parshvata ssantu
Gavam brundeva Saamyati II
Religious Programmes, organized in temple and Tulasi vanam:
Sri Swami is fond of Tulasi To him it is very essential. He said that:
Slokam: Tulasi kaananam yatra, yatra vaa hari kirtanam !
Tatraiva vaaste Hari Sriman Sankha chakra Gadayudhaha !!
It is said that one who eats Tulasi, gets the result, of 100 Chandrayana Vrataas. Our elders say that all holy places (tirthaas) all holy rivers and all Gods do exist in Tulasi.
Slokam: Yanmule sarva teertnani yanmadhye sarva devataha !
Yadagre sarva vedaascha Tulaseem Twam Namamyaham !!
There is no Puryushita Dosha in Tulasi. It means it will not get spoiled even after six months, once it is plucked. We can use it before six months. The holy scriptures say that every part of this plant, like, leaves, Dalam (Leaf with three leaflets) branches, roots and even the soil near the plant are to be worshipped. Tulsi washes out every sin. The holy book prakeernadhikara says that even the soldiers of Yamaraj (God of Death) can not dare to enter the area where Tulasi plants are grown and the area coved by their fragrance.
Tulsi plants are grown in a total area of 50 cms. Apporx. in this temple. The Tulsi brought from this garden of Tulsi is being utilized for Swami’s puja and decoration.
Ever lasting (Eternal) Every Saturday Kalyana Pathakam” (Auspicious (Well-being) Scheme) has been started in the year 2007 in this Malladi Venkatewara temple with the blessings of Lord Venkatesha with the Donations received from 500 devotees.
The Divine Kalyana Mahotsava of Sri Bhoo sameta Venkateswara Swami is being celebrated from 22nd Jan 2007 till date on every Saturday from 9-00 am to 12-30 pm very grandly in a befitting manner. It is being organized under aegis of Pandit Sriman P. Srinivasacharya. Nakshatra Harathi will be offered to Lord Venktesa after Kalyanam in the midst of holy Govinda naamas. Later, Naryana Seva (free Annadaanam) will be done to all devotees.
Details of Kalyana Programme:
The Kalyana scheme of Sri Bhusametha Sri Venkateswara Swami is being implemented, on every Saturday since one year in this temple of Sri Malledi Venkatswara (52 Saturdays) with Gotra, Names of Devotees. From next year, Kalyanam will be organized two times permanently. The devotee couples can participate in these Kalyanmas. If it is not possible, Kalaynam will be celebrated on their Gotra Names, and Prasadam will be mailed to their house addresses once in a month for one year.
Note: The amount received thro this scheme, will be deposited in banks in fixed Deposits and daily pujas and other temple activities will be conducted with the interest amount, received on this deposited amount.
We earnestly appeal all the devotees to extend their full co-operation to make this everlasting scheme as Everlasting (saswata) “Daily” Kalyana scheme commenced with the divine blessings of Sri Swamivaru.
If you wish to join this “Everlasting (Saswatha) Kalyana pathakam” (Scheme) and get blessed by Sri Swami, then join the “Saaswatha Kalyana Pathakam” and thus you can become his permanent devotee.
Malladi (Telugu
Telugu language
Telugu is a Central Dravidian language primarily spoken in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India, where it is an official language. It is also spoken in the neighbouring states of Chattisgarh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Orissa and Tamil Nadu...
: మల్లాది) is one of the Indian surnames.
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, Malladi Sreeramprasad and Malladi Ravikumar, are a Carnatic music vocalist duo. - Malladi Amulya, is an author.
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, is a vedic scholar and walking encyclopedia in Astadasha. - Malladi Ramakrishna SastryMalladi Ramakrishna SastryMalladi Ramakrishna Sastry M.A. was an eminent Telugu writer.-Lifesketch:He was born in Chitti Guduru village near Machilipatnam in Krishna district in 1905 to Narasimha Sastry and Kanakamma. Their family has settled in Bandar during his childhood. He has passed B.A. in Machilipatnam and M.A. in...
, Telugu writer. - Malladi Satyalingam Naicker, founder of M.S.N.CharitiesM.S.N.CharitiesM.S.N. Charities is a non profitable organization established at East Godavari Dist of Andhra Pradesh in the period of pre independent India. It is the brain child of Malladi Satyalingam Naicker .-About the will:...
by his will. - Malladi Subbamma, is a Telugu writer.
- Malladi Venkata Krishna MurthyMalladi Venkata Krishna MurthyMalladi Venkata Krishna Murty is a popular Telugu writer. He is known for thrilling plots, nearer to natural real life. Malladi Dakshinamurty, Malladi Saradamba are his parents. He is seventh child to his parents. He graduated from Andhra University in 1969...
is a Telugu writer. - Malladi Venkata Krishna MurthyMalladi Venkata Krishna MurthyMalladi Venkata Krishna Murty is a popular Telugu writer. He is known for thrilling plots, nearer to natural real life. Malladi Dakshinamurty, Malladi Saradamba are his parents. He is seventh child to his parents. He graduated from Andhra University in 1969...
is a person in California, promoted Pravasvani Telugu Programs thru KOLK 1170AM Radio. - Malladi Vasudev a famous advocate in Khammam district Andhra Pradesh