Mahmoud Saeed
Mahmoud Saeed is an Iraq
i-born American
award-winning novelist.
Born in Mosul
, Saeed has written more than twenty novels and short story collections, and hundreds of articles. He started writing short stories at an early age. He wrote an award-winning short story in the Newspaper “Fatal Iraq, Newspaper” in 1956. He issued a collection of short stories, “Port Saeed and other stories” in 1957. In 1963, the coup of the government destroyed his two novels, The Old Case and The Strike, which he deposited in Iraqi Union Guild.
The authorities prevented his novel Rhythm and Obsession from being published in 1968, and banned his novel Rue Ben Barka, in 1970. Rue Ben Barka was published fifteen years later in Egypt, Jordan, and Beirut in 1997. Authorities banned the publication of any book written by him from 1963 to 2008. His most important novels after Rue Ben Baraka are The Girls of Jacob, The World Through the Angel’s Eyes, I am the One Who Saw, and Trilogy of Chicago.
Saddam City depicts the fear and despair of Baghdad schoolteacher Mustafa Ali Noman as he is shuttled from prison to prison after being detained by Iraqi security forces during the height of Saddam Hussein's rule in the 1970s. The senselessness of his arrest and the torture he and other prisoners endure drive Mustafa to see Hussein's Iraq as a place where "being free only meant one thing: imminent arrest." The novel is based on the true experience of Saeed's experiences as a political prisoner in Iraq.
The book has been received well by critics, one of which called Saeed's novel "... bracingly convincing ... a simply beautiful, though inevitably harrowing, tale." Amazon.com also wrote that "Mahmoud Saeed's devastating novel evokes the works of Kafka, Solzhenitsyn and Elie Wiesel. It is a vivid account of the wanton and brutal treatment of the Iraqi people by Saddam Hussein's feared secret police and of the arbitrariness of life under tyranny." The novel has applauded for highlighting positive aspects of Arab and Iraqi culture, including friendship, community, respect, generosity, and hospitality. Saddam City was also considered one of the best 56 novels in the world by the website Library Thing in New York.
According to the author, the original transcript of the novel included two additional chapters which were censored and removed from the novel by Arab authorities before he brought the book to be published in the United States.
He wrote hundreds of articles and short stories in magazines and Newspapers the following: Al-Adab. Beirut. Life. London. Al-Quds Al-Arabi. London. Azzaman. London. Al-Khalige. Sharjah. Al-Ithad. Abu Dhabi. Lotus. Tunisia. Damascus. Range - Damascus. New culture - Damascus. Literary News - Cairo. Egyptian Al-Ahram, Al-Jadid. Los Angeles. Alienation - London. Magazine story, "London." Stream Magazine - Sharjah. Banipal
- London. Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman, boy Mosul, Iraq / Iraq and many others.
1 - Best Short Story: Ominous Gun. Short story. Fata Al Iraq. Mosel. 1957.
2- Rue bin Baraka, a novel, won the Iraqi Ministry of Information Award in 1993.
3- The End of The Day, a novel, won the Story Club award in Egypt in 1996.
4- The Woman Who Triumphed Over the Mongols, a short story, was the winner of the Sheikha Fatima Award in Abu Dhabi in 1999.
5 - The World in The Eyes of the Angels, a novel, won the King Fahd MEST Center for Arabic Literature Translation Award. November 2010.Translated by Allen Salter. Syracuse University Press.
Articles written about his works
Port Saeed and Other Stories. Collection of short stories. 1957
1 - Ahmad Fayyadh Mafraji. Baghdad. 1957.
2 – Basim Abdul-Hamid Hamoudi. Baghdad. 1957.
3 - Fadhel Thamer. Baghdad. 1958.
Rhythm and Premonition. Novel. Syria. 1968. Banned in Iraq. Published in 1995 in Damascus.
1 - Basim Abdul-Hamid Hamoudi. Rhythm and Premonition. Artistic Memory for Recent Past. Qadisiyah. Baghdad. 1995.
2 - Hasab Allah Yahya. Monitoring of the Variables and Foreseeing the Future. Dubai.1996.
3 - Aqeel Nasiri, The Novel "Rhythm and Premonition" and Eternal Repression and its Geographic. Published in The Bridge Magazine. Sweden. 1997.
4 - Abdul-Amir Khadir People Obsessed with what Happened and is Happening in the Novel "Rhythm and Premonition” Alaqlam Magazine. 1996.
Rue Ben Baraka. Novel. Beirut. 1997.
1 - Ahmed Mohammed Amin. Awakening the Text and the Retreat of the Hero: "Rue Ben Baraka." Baghdad. 1995.
2 - Antoine Abu Zeid. Beirut. Alhayat newspaper 1997.
3 - Iskandar Habash. Assfeir Newspaper. Beirut. 1996
4 – Basim Abdul-Hamid Hamoudi. Qadissiya Newspaper. Baghdad. 1994.
5 – Taghrid Alghadban. Twitter Angered: Escape to the Runaway's Country. Aljadid Magazine. Los Angeles. 1997.
6 - Jassim Abdul Hadi. Iraqi Exile in the Work of Mahmoud Saeed. Azzaman Newspaper Date. 2008.
7 - Jalal Sami. Mahmoud Saeed’s Novel: "Rue Ben Baraka" Intrepidity, Frequency and Logic in Gray. Almutamer Newspaper. 1996
8 - Hassab Allah Yahya. Disappointment in Emigrating in the Novel "Rue Ben Baraka." Aththowrah Newspaper. Baghdad. 1995.
9 - Hasab Allah Yahiya. Iraqi Exile as Embodied in Three Novels by Mahmoud Saeed. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2008
10 - Hussein Darwish. Union Newspaper. Abu Dhabi.1994.
11 - Hussein Sermk. Deadly Dazzlement: Analysis of the Novel “Rue Ben Baraka” by the Iraqi novelist Mahmoud Saeed. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2008.
12 - Dr Hussein Eid. Journey between the Desire and Verification. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2009.
13 - Razak Ibrahim Hussein. Aljumhourria Newspaper. Baghdad. 1994.
14 - Dania Mikhail. Award-winning “Rue Bin Baraka” Emerges from Decades of Censorship. Baghdad Observer. 1997
15 - Dania Mikhail. Twenty Years of “Rue Bin Baraka.” Al Jaded. Los Angelus. 1999.
16 - Reem al-Issawi. Image of Women in the Novel “Rue Bin Baraka.” Woman’s Magazine. Ras Alkhaima 2009.
17 - Salam Ibrahim. Rue Ben Baraka. Aththqafa Aljadida Damascus. 1997.
18 - Saadi Youssef. Playing with Words. Rue Ben Baraka. Almada magazine. Damascus. 1995.
19 - Siham Jabber. Iraqi Newspaper. Baghdad. 1995.
20 - Chakib Kazim. Al Sabah Newspaper. Baghdad. 2004.
21- Ali Ashshouk. Al-Hayat Newspaper. London. 199.
22- Dr. Ali Jawad At-Tahir. Al’Aqlam Magazine. Baghdad. 1994.
23- Fadhel Thamer. Al’Adab Al’Moasser. Damascus. 1995.
24- Qais Kadhim al-Janabi. Azzaman Newspaper. London 2003.
25- Omar Attaleb. Mowsel Encyclopedia. University of Mosul. Center for the Studies of Mosul: 2007
26- Mohammed Aljazaeri. Magazine of Amman. Amman. 1996.
27- Mohammad Khadhi. Al’Afaq Al’Arabia magazine. Baghdad. 1994.
28- Mohammed Ibrahim Attia. Azzanan Newspaper. London. 2010.
29- Dr Musallam Azzebaq. Al Ittehad Newspaper. Abu Dhabi. 1994.
30- Mosa Creddia. Al’Adab Magazine. Beirut. 1996.
31- Natiq Khulusi. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2005.
32- Nawaf Younis. Al-Khaleej Newspaper. Sharjah. 1994.
33- Yassin Annaseer. Al Quds Al Arabi. 1996.
Fourth book: the world in the eyes of the angels.
1- The Aeeyon site. 2008.
2- Natiq Khulusi. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2000.
3- Fatima Bouziane. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2007.
4- Ahmed Mohammed Amin. Azzaman Newspaper London. 2006.
Fifth book: Almowt Aljameel. (beautiful death):
1: Abdul Fattah Sabri. Almada magazine. Damascus. 1996.
2- D. Ahmad Farhat. Albaian Newspaper. Dubai. 1998.
3- Ezzat Omar . Alittehad Newspaper. Abu Dhabi. 1998
Sixth book: The birds of love and war:
1- Abdul Fattah Sabri. Introduction to the book.
2- Alaa al-Lami. Al Quds Al Arabi. London. 1998. Ishtar magazine. Sydney. 1998.
VII book: The end of the day.
1- Talal Yahfoufi. Al Khaleej Newspaper. Sharjah.1998.
2- Dr. Omar Abdel Aziz. Al-Khaleej Newspaper. Sharjah. 1996.
3- Dr. Akil of Nasarie. Aljiser Magazine. Sweden. 1997.
Eighth book: The edge of the labyrinth (Aldhalan.).
1- Ahmed Mohammed Amin. Annahar Newspaper. Beirut. 2004.
2- Dr. Asaad Mohammed. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2003.
3- Hasab Allah Yahya. Azzam Newspaper. London. 2004.
4- Qais Kadhim al-Janabi. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2007.
5- Yassin Annaseir .Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2004.
6: Shakib Kazim. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2010.
7- Awad Nasser. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2009.
IX: Chicago Triple (Three Novels.)
1- Natiq Khulusi. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2010.
2- Bashar Abdullah. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2009.
Eleventh book: I Am the One Who Saw.
1- Abdul Fattah Sabri. Al-Itihad Newspaper. Abu Dhabi. 1995.
2- René Hayek. Al-Hayat Newspaper. London. 1996.
3- Dr. Naji Adhdhaher. Dunia Arraai. 06/10/2006.
4- books site. (Dafater) http://www.dfatr.com/vb/index.php
5- Look and Bos site. D. Sarah Mohamed Shehata http://www.boswshoof.com/boss
6- Lynn Rogers. Al Jaded magazine. Los Angeles .11, no. 50/51
7- library thing (websity) message no: 35 Mar 31. 2008
Twelfth book: Girls of Jacob.
1- Natiq Khulusi. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2008/12/01
2- Musa al-Hussein. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2008.
3- Awad Nasser. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2008.
4- Dr. Abdul Khaliq Hussein. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2008. http://www.aafaq.org/masahas.aspx?id_mas=2764
5- Muhammad Salahat. Al-Arab Newspaper. Doha. 2008.
6- Bashar Abdullah. Azzaman Newspaper. London. No. 3103 - Date 09/18/2008
Articles in English:
1 (Winter / Spring 2005) Sriduar Pappu May, 04: 2000.Chicago Readers.
2- Lynn Rogers. Al-Jaded Magazine. Los Angeles .11, no. 50/512-
3- Jennifer. Taxes. Article in the Google, http://www.us4arabs.com/content/view/1044/333-
4- Mahmoud Saeed's Saddam City Anna Battista. 4-http: / / www.erasingclouds.com/0714book1.html
5- Marie Label. http://marywhipplereviews.com/books/?p=13349
6- Claudia Roth Pierpont. The New Yorker magazine. New York. Found in the translation. Mahmoud Saeed 0.18 / 1 / 2010
7- Chicago Triple. Dr. Shakir Mustafa. Article (in English) Al-Jadid magazine. Los Angeles. Vol. 0, no. 49, Fall 2004
8- Ali Latif. Book review. Saddam City. British Iraqi fouum. Dec 1st 2010
Masaa Paris.
1- Azzaman Newspaper. Newspaper Editor. London. 2009.
1- Ashrooq Magazine. Sharja.1997
2 - Adnan Hussein Ahmed. Al Quds Al Arabi. And Jozoor site. 25 / October. 2005.
3 - Lotfi Hadad. Journal of the Immigrant. No. XIII. January. January 2006.
4 - Azzaman Newspaper. London. (published in many sites). Mazen Lateef. http://odabasha.ipower.com/show.php?sid=10108
5 - Salih Al- Baidhani. Arab Newspaper. London. 2009.
6 - Karam Neema. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2008.
7 - An Interview with Indian magazine published by the publishing house:
mathrubhumi books ks
2- Professor - Abdel-Elah Azzaman Ahmad. London -10/05/2007 Azzaman
3- London. Azzaman. problem Letter Alhamza behind the error in dictation .. and behind the slide on meaning -02/10/2008
4-Azzaman. London. Redacted. Plucked feathers. Movie about murdered Abeer al-Janabi. Brian Palma reveals the ugly faces. -06/27/2008.
5- Azzaman. London. Caliphs dishes and cookbook. With Ibin Sayyar Alwarraq -10/31/2008.
6- Azzaman. London. Earth can be Accommodate to all. -01/11/2009.
7- Insistence on falsification of the elections in Iraq -01/26/2009 Azzaman. London
8- Arab International Society for translators and linguists, (W ATA) honored (277 Arab mind . Mahmoud Saeed)-London.AZZAMAN 02/17/2009.
9- You will grow again. Short story. Azzaman. London - 02/27/209.
10- Iran and the Arabs, and Emirates and Islands.04/17/2009 Azzaman. London.
11- Aleshmag (headdress) Arabic or English? Azzaman. London -04/20/2009.
12- London Azzaman. wisdom grandchildren 04. 23. 2008.
13- Modest and lofty "Altkrli.." Al Quds Al Arabi. London08/06/2008.
14- Al Quds Al Arabi. London. plucked feathers. Film about murdered Abeer al-Janabi Redacted.
15- 01/08/2010 Azzaman. London. issue of language, as a response or Cords, or Coords?
16- 01. 10. 2009. Mr. Maliki and displaced Iraqis. Al Quds Al Arabi. London.
17- London 01. 10. 2009 Mr. Maliki and the Iraqis are displaced again. Quds Al-Arabi.
18-01/13/2010 Azzaman. London Arabic window net in the far west
19- 02/01/2010. Azzaman. London. Green Lacertilia. Short Story.
20- 17. 10. 2010. Contempt for the present and lamenting on the past. Azzaman. London.
21- 04. Azzaman. London / 12/2010 Restoration of the constants in the geography of the place Ibn Al-Bitar city.
22- Flutes of Andalusian beach. Azzaman. London - 07/28/2010,
23- 2010/05 / December. Slavery in Islam. Lecture at the University of Chicago.
24- 01/21/2011. January. Alfu Laila wa Laila. Arabic nights, back into the arms of its author, an honorable and glory. Lecture at the University of Chicago. Enhanced supervisory
Articles mentioning Mahmoud Saeed:
People from Mosul: Ho0
1- rmuzd Rassam, Thomas L. Saaty, Munir Bashir, Mahmoud Saeed, Ghazi Mashal Ajil Al-Yawer, Kadim Al Sahir, Paulos Faraj1-http://www.hotbooksale.com/p7118363/People-from-Mosul-Hormuzd-Rassam-Thomas-L-Saaty-Munir-Bashir-Mahmoud-Saeed-Ghazi-Mashal-Ajil-Al-Yawer-Kadim-Al-Sahir-Paulos-Faraj.htmlExternal links
2-Philip Jacobson:From A Syrian Prison To A Chicago Apartment: An Iraqi Refugee's Story.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/philip-jacobson/from-a-syrian-prison-to-a_b_249152.html.
3-ARAB SPRINGS:A Libyan Author Writes of Exile and a Vanished Father, http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=149553
4-Sa-adi Samai in his novel: out of the bottle, Construction and significance of expression novelist.http://www.ahewar.org/debat/show.art.asp?aid=259661
Articles and important websites:
1-[www.librarything.com.Mahmoud Saeed]
2-[Contemporary Iraqi Fiction. Translated by Dr. Shaker Mustafa, Syracuse Press. Syracuse.]
3-[Amnesty International :Short stories Celebrating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Mahmoud Saeed was chosen by among thirty-seven international writers to write this short story on the principles of the United Nations]
4-[Lynn Rogers. Al Jaded magazine. Los Angeles. vol 11, no. 50/51]
5-[(Winter / Spring 2005) Sriduar Pappu May, 04: 2000.Chicago Readers]
6-[Mahmoud Saeed's Saddam City Anna Battista. 4-http: / /]
8-[Marie Label. http://marywhipplereviews.com/books/?p=13349]
Claudia Roth Pierpont. The New Yorker. “Found in Translation.” Mahmoud Saeed 1/18/2010 http://www.newyorker.com/arts/critics/books/2010/01/18/100118crbo_books_pierpont
10-[Chicago Triple. Dr. Shakir Mustafa. Article (in English) Al-Jadid magazine. Los Angeles. Vol. 0, no. 49, Fall 2004]
11-iction stream. WORLD FICTION.Mahmoud Saeed, Saddam City,-2004http://www.fictionstream.net/2011/01/mahmoud-saeed-saddam-city-2004.html.
12-Stories of freedomk, Iraqi novelist in the world book of stories ,Mahmoud Said, inspired by his story the scandal: the Government of the Green Zone in the massacre of the host of heaven. Middle East Online
Iraq ; officially the Republic of Iraq is a country in Western Asia spanning most of the northwestern end of the Zagros mountain range, the eastern part of the Syrian Desert and the northern part of the Arabian Desert....
i-born American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
award-winning novelist.
Born in Mosul
Mosul , is a city in northern Iraq and the capital of the Ninawa Governorate, some northwest of Baghdad. The original city stands on the west bank of the Tigris River, opposite the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh on the east bank, but the metropolitan area has now grown to encompass substantial...
, Saeed has written more than twenty novels and short story collections, and hundreds of articles. He started writing short stories at an early age. He wrote an award-winning short story in the Newspaper “Fatal Iraq, Newspaper” in 1956. He issued a collection of short stories, “Port Saeed and other stories” in 1957. In 1963, the coup of the government destroyed his two novels, The Old Case and The Strike, which he deposited in Iraqi Union Guild.
The authorities prevented his novel Rhythm and Obsession from being published in 1968, and banned his novel Rue Ben Barka, in 1970. Rue Ben Barka was published fifteen years later in Egypt, Jordan, and Beirut in 1997. Authorities banned the publication of any book written by him from 1963 to 2008. His most important novels after Rue Ben Baraka are The Girls of Jacob, The World Through the Angel’s Eyes, I am the One Who Saw, and Trilogy of Chicago.
Saddam City
Saddam City, published in 2004 by Dar Al-Saqi in London, is Saeed's most famous novel. The title was changed from the original Arabic title, I am the One Who Saw (أنا الذي راء), and was translated into English by Lake Forest College sociology professor Ahmad Sadri. The book was later translated and published in Italian with the same title.Saddam City depicts the fear and despair of Baghdad schoolteacher Mustafa Ali Noman as he is shuttled from prison to prison after being detained by Iraqi security forces during the height of Saddam Hussein's rule in the 1970s. The senselessness of his arrest and the torture he and other prisoners endure drive Mustafa to see Hussein's Iraq as a place where "being free only meant one thing: imminent arrest." The novel is based on the true experience of Saeed's experiences as a political prisoner in Iraq.
The book has been received well by critics, one of which called Saeed's novel "... bracingly convincing ... a simply beautiful, though inevitably harrowing, tale." Amazon.com also wrote that "Mahmoud Saeed's devastating novel evokes the works of Kafka, Solzhenitsyn and Elie Wiesel. It is a vivid account of the wanton and brutal treatment of the Iraqi people by Saddam Hussein's feared secret police and of the arbitrariness of life under tyranny." The novel has applauded for highlighting positive aspects of Arab and Iraqi culture, including friendship, community, respect, generosity, and hospitality. Saddam City was also considered one of the best 56 novels in the world by the website Library Thing in New York.
According to the author, the original transcript of the novel included two additional chapters which were censored and removed from the novel by Arab authorities before he brought the book to be published in the United States.
DePaul University
Mahmoud Saeed teaches intermediate and advanced Arabic language courses at DePaul University, as well as Arab Culture and Iraqi Political History.Publications
- 1955 – “Ominous gun.” This short story won the Prize of Fata Al Iraq Newspaper (Iraqi Young).
- 1957 - Port Saeed and Other Stories. Short stories. Baghdad. There is a copy in the National Library in Baghdad.
- 1959 – The Strike. Novel. Mosul. Manuscript deposited with the Iraqi Writers Union.
- 1963 - The Old Case. Novel. Published in Baghdad by the Iraqi Writers Union, but was destroyed a few days later when the coup changed the government.
- 1968 - Rhythm and obsession. Novel. The government prevented the novel from being published, but it was eventually published in Syria. Almada House Damascus. 1995.
- 1970 - Rue Ben Baraka. Novel. It was banned in Iraq. It was published in Cairo in 1987 - ISBN 3574/87, then in Dar Caramel Amman, Jordan in 1993. It was published again in Dar al-Carmel, Jordan in 1995, then in the House of Arts in Beirut, Lebanon in 1997. It won the Ministry of Information Award in 1994.
- 1981 – I am The One Who Saw. Novel. Syrian censorship deleted two chapters of it then refused to publish it. In 1995, it was published in Dar Al Mada, Syria. Written with the pen-name of Mustafa Ali Noman.
- 1996 - End of the Day. Novel. Club Story award. Cairo 1996. Published at Dar Al-Hayat. Beirut.
- 1997 – Birds of Love, and War. Short story collection. House Sina. Cairo.
- 1997 - Rue Ben Barka. Novel. Written in 1970. Banned in Iraq and published fifteen years later in Egypt, Jordan, and Beirut.
- 1998 – Beautiful Death. Novel. Damascus. Dar Al Mada Syria.
- 1999 – “Courageous Woman.” Children’s short story. Won the Sheikha Fatima Award.
- 1999 – Before Love, After Love. Novel. Damascus. Dar Al Mada Syria.
- 2003 – Aldhalan. Novel. House of Arts. Beirut.
- 2003 – Saddam City (translated title of I am the One Who Saw). Dar Al-Saqi. London.
- 2005 – Almunsdh. Short stories collections. Cairo.
- 2005 – Saddam City (translated title of I am the One Who Saw in Italian). Edizioni Sparaco s.a.s. ISBN 88.87583.50.1
- 2006 – Two Lost Souls (translated title of Aldhalan in English). Chicago.
- 2006 - I am The One Who Saw. The full novel (including censored sections). Dar Al-Hilal. Cairo.
- 2006 - The World through the Eyes of the Angels. Novel. Merritt House. Cairo.
- 2007 - Girls of Jacob. Novel. Nelson House. Beirut.
- 2008 – (Bitter Morning. And A Figure in Repose) two Short story, Published in short story collection: Contemporary Iraqi Fiction. Translated by Dr. Shaker Mustafa, Syracuse Press. Syracuse.
- 2008 - Girls of Jacob. Novel. Fadaat House. Amman. Jordan.
- 2008 – Trilogy of Chicago. Novels, House of Afaaq- Horizons. Cairo.
- 2008 – I am The One Who Saw. Novel, Was chosen as one of the top 56 novels in the world by www.librarything.com. In New York,
- 2009 – Warriors of the Sky, Short story. Published in the collection Freedom: Short stories Celebrating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Mahmoud Saeed was chosen by Amnesty International (among thirty-seven international writers) to write this short story on the principles of the United Nations.
- 2009 - Soldier and Pigs. Collection of short stories, Dar Fadaat House. Amman.
- 2009 - Paris Evening. Collection of short stories. Dar Fadaat House. Amman.
- 2010 – Stab. Novel. Dar Fadaat House. Amman. Jordan.
- 2011- Deer Valley. Novel. Arab Institute for Research and Publishing. Amman.Jordan.
- 2011- Leap frog. Novel. Dar Alghawoon. Beiroth Lebanon
He wrote hundreds of articles and short stories in magazines and Newspapers the following: Al-Adab. Beirut. Life. London. Al-Quds Al-Arabi. London. Azzaman. London. Al-Khalige. Sharjah. Al-Ithad. Abu Dhabi. Lotus. Tunisia. Damascus. Range - Damascus. New culture - Damascus. Literary News - Cairo. Egyptian Al-Ahram, Al-Jadid. Los Angeles. Alienation - London. Magazine story, "London." Stream Magazine - Sharjah. Banipal
Banipal is an independent literary magazine dedicated to the promotion of contemporary Arab literature through translations in English. It was founded in London in 1998 by Margaret Obank and Samuel Shimon. The magazine is published three times a year...
- London. Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman, boy Mosul, Iraq / Iraq and many others.
1 - Best Short Story: Ominous Gun. Short story. Fata Al Iraq. Mosel. 1957.
2- Rue bin Baraka, a novel, won the Iraqi Ministry of Information Award in 1993.
3- The End of The Day, a novel, won the Story Club award in Egypt in 1996.
4- The Woman Who Triumphed Over the Mongols, a short story, was the winner of the Sheikha Fatima Award in Abu Dhabi in 1999.
5 - The World in The Eyes of the Angels, a novel, won the King Fahd MEST Center for Arabic Literature Translation Award. November 2010.Translated by Allen Salter. Syracuse University Press.
Articles written about his works
Port Saeed and Other Stories. Collection of short stories. 1957
1 - Ahmad Fayyadh Mafraji. Baghdad. 1957.
2 – Basim Abdul-Hamid Hamoudi. Baghdad. 1957.
3 - Fadhel Thamer. Baghdad. 1958.
Rhythm and Premonition. Novel. Syria. 1968. Banned in Iraq. Published in 1995 in Damascus.
1 - Basim Abdul-Hamid Hamoudi. Rhythm and Premonition. Artistic Memory for Recent Past. Qadisiyah. Baghdad. 1995.
2 - Hasab Allah Yahya. Monitoring of the Variables and Foreseeing the Future. Dubai.1996.
3 - Aqeel Nasiri, The Novel "Rhythm and Premonition" and Eternal Repression and its Geographic. Published in The Bridge Magazine. Sweden. 1997.
4 - Abdul-Amir Khadir People Obsessed with what Happened and is Happening in the Novel "Rhythm and Premonition” Alaqlam Magazine. 1996.
Rue Ben Baraka. Novel. Beirut. 1997.
1 - Ahmed Mohammed Amin. Awakening the Text and the Retreat of the Hero: "Rue Ben Baraka." Baghdad. 1995.
2 - Antoine Abu Zeid. Beirut. Alhayat newspaper 1997.
3 - Iskandar Habash. Assfeir Newspaper. Beirut. 1996
4 – Basim Abdul-Hamid Hamoudi. Qadissiya Newspaper. Baghdad. 1994.
5 – Taghrid Alghadban. Twitter Angered: Escape to the Runaway's Country. Aljadid Magazine. Los Angeles. 1997.
6 - Jassim Abdul Hadi. Iraqi Exile in the Work of Mahmoud Saeed. Azzaman Newspaper Date. 2008.
7 - Jalal Sami. Mahmoud Saeed’s Novel: "Rue Ben Baraka" Intrepidity, Frequency and Logic in Gray. Almutamer Newspaper. 1996
8 - Hassab Allah Yahya. Disappointment in Emigrating in the Novel "Rue Ben Baraka." Aththowrah Newspaper. Baghdad. 1995.
9 - Hasab Allah Yahiya. Iraqi Exile as Embodied in Three Novels by Mahmoud Saeed. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2008
10 - Hussein Darwish. Union Newspaper. Abu Dhabi.1994.
11 - Hussein Sermk. Deadly Dazzlement: Analysis of the Novel “Rue Ben Baraka” by the Iraqi novelist Mahmoud Saeed. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2008.
12 - Dr Hussein Eid. Journey between the Desire and Verification. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2009.
13 - Razak Ibrahim Hussein. Aljumhourria Newspaper. Baghdad. 1994.
14 - Dania Mikhail. Award-winning “Rue Bin Baraka” Emerges from Decades of Censorship. Baghdad Observer. 1997
15 - Dania Mikhail. Twenty Years of “Rue Bin Baraka.” Al Jaded. Los Angelus. 1999.
16 - Reem al-Issawi. Image of Women in the Novel “Rue Bin Baraka.” Woman’s Magazine. Ras Alkhaima 2009.
17 - Salam Ibrahim. Rue Ben Baraka. Aththqafa Aljadida Damascus. 1997.
18 - Saadi Youssef. Playing with Words. Rue Ben Baraka. Almada magazine. Damascus. 1995.
19 - Siham Jabber. Iraqi Newspaper. Baghdad. 1995.
20 - Chakib Kazim. Al Sabah Newspaper. Baghdad. 2004.
21- Ali Ashshouk. Al-Hayat Newspaper. London. 199.
22- Dr. Ali Jawad At-Tahir. Al’Aqlam Magazine. Baghdad. 1994.
23- Fadhel Thamer. Al’Adab Al’Moasser. Damascus. 1995.
24- Qais Kadhim al-Janabi. Azzaman Newspaper. London 2003.
25- Omar Attaleb. Mowsel Encyclopedia. University of Mosul. Center for the Studies of Mosul: 2007
26- Mohammed Aljazaeri. Magazine of Amman. Amman. 1996.
27- Mohammad Khadhi. Al’Afaq Al’Arabia magazine. Baghdad. 1994.
28- Mohammed Ibrahim Attia. Azzanan Newspaper. London. 2010.
29- Dr Musallam Azzebaq. Al Ittehad Newspaper. Abu Dhabi. 1994.
30- Mosa Creddia. Al’Adab Magazine. Beirut. 1996.
31- Natiq Khulusi. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2005.
32- Nawaf Younis. Al-Khaleej Newspaper. Sharjah. 1994.
33- Yassin Annaseer. Al Quds Al Arabi. 1996.
Fourth book: the world in the eyes of the angels.
1- The Aeeyon site. 2008.
2- Natiq Khulusi. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2000.
3- Fatima Bouziane. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2007.
4- Ahmed Mohammed Amin. Azzaman Newspaper London. 2006.
Fifth book: Almowt Aljameel. (beautiful death):
1: Abdul Fattah Sabri. Almada magazine. Damascus. 1996.
2- D. Ahmad Farhat. Albaian Newspaper. Dubai. 1998.
3- Ezzat Omar . Alittehad Newspaper. Abu Dhabi. 1998
Sixth book: The birds of love and war:
1- Abdul Fattah Sabri. Introduction to the book.
2- Alaa al-Lami. Al Quds Al Arabi. London. 1998. Ishtar magazine. Sydney. 1998.
VII book: The end of the day.
1- Talal Yahfoufi. Al Khaleej Newspaper. Sharjah.1998.
2- Dr. Omar Abdel Aziz. Al-Khaleej Newspaper. Sharjah. 1996.
3- Dr. Akil of Nasarie. Aljiser Magazine. Sweden. 1997.
Eighth book: The edge of the labyrinth (Aldhalan.).
1- Ahmed Mohammed Amin. Annahar Newspaper. Beirut. 2004.
2- Dr. Asaad Mohammed. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2003.
3- Hasab Allah Yahya. Azzam Newspaper. London. 2004.
4- Qais Kadhim al-Janabi. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2007.
5- Yassin Annaseir .Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2004.
6: Shakib Kazim. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2010.
7- Awad Nasser. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2009.
IX: Chicago Triple (Three Novels.)
1- Natiq Khulusi. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2010.
2- Bashar Abdullah. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2009.
Eleventh book: I Am the One Who Saw.
1- Abdul Fattah Sabri. Al-Itihad Newspaper. Abu Dhabi. 1995.
2- René Hayek. Al-Hayat Newspaper. London. 1996.
3- Dr. Naji Adhdhaher. Dunia Arraai. 06/10/2006.
4- books site. (Dafater) http://www.dfatr.com/vb/index.php
5- Look and Bos site. D. Sarah Mohamed Shehata http://www.boswshoof.com/boss
6- Lynn Rogers. Al Jaded magazine. Los Angeles .11, no. 50/51
7- library thing (websity) message no: 35 Mar 31. 2008
Twelfth book: Girls of Jacob.
1- Natiq Khulusi. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2008/12/01
2- Musa al-Hussein. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2008.
3- Awad Nasser. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2008.
4- Dr. Abdul Khaliq Hussein. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2008. http://www.aafaq.org/masahas.aspx?id_mas=2764
5- Muhammad Salahat. Al-Arab Newspaper. Doha. 2008.
6- Bashar Abdullah. Azzaman Newspaper. London. No. 3103 - Date 09/18/2008
Articles in English:
1 (Winter / Spring 2005) Sriduar Pappu May, 04: 2000.Chicago Readers.
2- Lynn Rogers. Al-Jaded Magazine. Los Angeles .11, no. 50/512-
3- Jennifer. Taxes. Article in the Google, http://www.us4arabs.com/content/view/1044/333-
4- Mahmoud Saeed's Saddam City Anna Battista. 4-http: / / www.erasingclouds.com/0714book1.html
5- Marie Label. http://marywhipplereviews.com/books/?p=13349
6- Claudia Roth Pierpont. The New Yorker magazine. New York. Found in the translation. Mahmoud Saeed 0.18 / 1 / 2010
7- Chicago Triple. Dr. Shakir Mustafa. Article (in English) Al-Jadid magazine. Los Angeles. Vol. 0, no. 49, Fall 2004
8- Ali Latif. Book review. Saddam City. British Iraqi fouum. Dec 1st 2010
Masaa Paris.
1- Azzaman Newspaper. Newspaper Editor. London. 2009.
1- Ashrooq Magazine. Sharja.1997
2 - Adnan Hussein Ahmed. Al Quds Al Arabi. And Jozoor site. 25 / October. 2005.
3 - Lotfi Hadad. Journal of the Immigrant. No. XIII. January. January 2006.
4 - Azzaman Newspaper. London. (published in many sites). Mazen Lateef. http://odabasha.ipower.com/show.php?sid=10108
5 - Salih Al- Baidhani. Arab Newspaper. London. 2009.
6 - Karam Neema. Azzaman Newspaper. London. 2008.
7 - An Interview with Indian magazine published by the publishing house:
mathrubhumi books ks
Published Work, 2008-2011
1- Azzaman. London-the three Tops of Arabic eloquence from Quranic miracle, to Mistkganmi revolution -9/25/20072- Professor - Abdel-Elah Azzaman Ahmad. London -10/05/2007 Azzaman
3- London. Azzaman. problem Letter Alhamza behind the error in dictation .. and behind the slide on meaning -02/10/2008
4-Azzaman. London. Redacted. Plucked feathers. Movie about murdered Abeer al-Janabi. Brian Palma reveals the ugly faces. -06/27/2008.
5- Azzaman. London. Caliphs dishes and cookbook. With Ibin Sayyar Alwarraq -10/31/2008.
6- Azzaman. London. Earth can be Accommodate to all. -01/11/2009.
7- Insistence on falsification of the elections in Iraq -01/26/2009 Azzaman. London
8- Arab International Society for translators and linguists, (W ATA) honored (277 Arab mind . Mahmoud Saeed)-London.AZZAMAN 02/17/2009.
9- You will grow again. Short story. Azzaman. London - 02/27/209.
10- Iran and the Arabs, and Emirates and Islands.04/17/2009 Azzaman. London.
11- Aleshmag (headdress) Arabic or English? Azzaman. London -04/20/2009.
12- London Azzaman. wisdom grandchildren 04. 23. 2008.
13- Modest and lofty "Altkrli.." Al Quds Al Arabi. London08/06/2008.
14- Al Quds Al Arabi. London. plucked feathers. Film about murdered Abeer al-Janabi Redacted.
15- 01/08/2010 Azzaman. London. issue of language, as a response or Cords, or Coords?
16- 01. 10. 2009. Mr. Maliki and displaced Iraqis. Al Quds Al Arabi. London.
17- London 01. 10. 2009 Mr. Maliki and the Iraqis are displaced again. Quds Al-Arabi.
18-01/13/2010 Azzaman. London Arabic window net in the far west
19- 02/01/2010. Azzaman. London. Green Lacertilia. Short Story.
20- 17. 10. 2010. Contempt for the present and lamenting on the past. Azzaman. London.
21- 04. Azzaman. London / 12/2010 Restoration of the constants in the geography of the place Ibn Al-Bitar city.
22- Flutes of Andalusian beach. Azzaman. London - 07/28/2010,
23- 2010/05 / December. Slavery in Islam. Lecture at the University of Chicago.
24- 01/21/2011. January. Alfu Laila wa Laila. Arabic nights, back into the arms of its author, an honorable and glory. Lecture at the University of Chicago. Enhanced supervisory
- Best Short Story: Ominous Gun. Short story. Fata Al Iraq. Mosel. 1957.
- Rue bin Baraka, a novel, won the Iraqi Ministry of Information Award in 1993.
- The End of the Day, a novel, won the Story Club award in Egypt in 1996.
- The Woman Who Triumphed Over the Mongols, a short story, was the winner of the Sheikha Fatima Award in Abu Dhabi in 1999.
- The World Through the Eyes of the Angels, a novel, won the King Fahd MEST Center for Arabic Literature Translation Award. November 2010.
Articles mentioning Mahmoud Saeed:
People from Mosul: Ho0
1- rmuzd Rassam, Thomas L. Saaty, Munir Bashir, Mahmoud Saeed, Ghazi Mashal Ajil Al-Yawer, Kadim Al Sahir, Paulos Faraj1-http://www.hotbooksale.com/p7118363/People-from-Mosul-Hormuzd-Rassam-Thomas-L-Saaty-Munir-Bashir-Mahmoud-Saeed-Ghazi-Mashal-Ajil-Al-Yawer-Kadim-Al-Sahir-Paulos-Faraj.htmlExternal links
2-Philip Jacobson:From A Syrian Prison To A Chicago Apartment: An Iraqi Refugee's Story.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/philip-jacobson/from-a-syrian-prison-to-a_b_249152.html.
3-ARAB SPRINGS:A Libyan Author Writes of Exile and a Vanished Father, http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=149553
4-Sa-adi Samai in his novel: out of the bottle, Construction and significance of expression novelist.http://www.ahewar.org/debat/show.art.asp?aid=259661
Articles and important websites:
1-[www.librarything.com.Mahmoud Saeed]
2-[Contemporary Iraqi Fiction. Translated by Dr. Shaker Mustafa, Syracuse Press. Syracuse.]
3-[Amnesty International :Short stories Celebrating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Mahmoud Saeed was chosen by among thirty-seven international writers to write this short story on the principles of the United Nations]
4-[Lynn Rogers. Al Jaded magazine. Los Angeles. vol 11, no. 50/51]
5-[(Winter / Spring 2005) Sriduar Pappu May, 04: 2000.Chicago Readers]
6-[Mahmoud Saeed's Saddam City Anna Battista. 4-http: / /]
8-[Marie Label. http://marywhipplereviews.com/books/?p=13349]
Claudia Roth Pierpont. The New Yorker. “Found in Translation.” Mahmoud Saeed 1/18/2010 http://www.newyorker.com/arts/critics/books/2010/01/18/100118crbo_books_pierpont
10-[Chicago Triple. Dr. Shakir Mustafa. Article (in English) Al-Jadid magazine. Los Angeles. Vol. 0, no. 49, Fall 2004]
11-iction stream. WORLD FICTION.Mahmoud Saeed, Saddam City,-2004http://www.fictionstream.net/2011/01/mahmoud-saeed-saddam-city-2004.html.
12-Stories of freedomk, Iraqi novelist in the world book of stories ,Mahmoud Said, inspired by his story the scandal: the Government of the Green Zone in the massacre of the host of heaven. Middle East Online