Madaline is a two layer neural network
Neural network
The term neural network was traditionally used to refer to a network or circuit of biological neurons. The modern usage of the term often refers to artificial neural networks, which are composed of artificial neurons or nodes...

 with a set of ADALINE
ADALINE is a single layer neural network. It was developed by Professor Bernard Widrow and his graduate student Ted Hoff at Stanford University in 1960. It is based on the McCulloch–Pitts neuron...

s in parallel as its input layer and a single PE (processing element) in its output layer. For problems with multiple input variables and one output, each input is applied to one Adaline. For similar problems with multiple outputs, madalines in parallel can be used. The madaline network is useful for problems which involve prediction based on multiple inputs, such as weather forecasting (Input variables: barometric pressure, difference in pressure. Output variables: rain, cloudy, sunny).
A MADALINE (many Adaline) network is created by combining a number of Adalines. The network of ADALINES can span many layers. The use of Multiple Adalines help counter the problem of non linear separability. For example, the MADALINE network with two units exhibits the capability to solve the XOR problem.
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