Maaf, Saya Telah Menghamili Istri Anda
Maaf, Saya Menghamili Istri Anda (Sorry, I've Impregnated Your Wife) is a 2007 Indonesia film written and directed by Monty Tiwa
Monty Tiwa
Monty Tiwa is an Indonesian screenwriter, composer, film editor, film producer and film director. Monty Tiwa enrolled in University of Kansas before he returned to Indonesia and worked as creative writer for Trans TV , head section creative for RCTI and creative director for MNC .Currently, Monty...



Maaf, Saya Menghamili Istri Anda is an Indonesian comedy movie. Dibyo is an unemployment that obsessed to become famous actor. He plays in the film, but only as an extra. He also had a bad luck in his relationship. His bad luck was changed when he met Mira, a pretty girl that evidently really likes with his style and humor. Their relations resulted in Mira being pregnant. Mira asked Dibyo’s responsibility. Dibyo even was happy and agreed to marry Mira, because finally he had good reason for marrying his sweetheart. Evidently Mira was still being tied as someone else wife, although they are separating the bed.


  • Ringgo Agus Rachman
  • Mulan Kwok
  • Shanty
  • Eddie Karsito
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