MV Cory Chouest
MV Cory Chouest is an ocean surveillance ship leased by the U.S. Navy in 1989 and assigned to the Navy’s Special Missions Program. Cory Choquest had all SURTASS equipment removed and was returned to her original owners in 2008 completing nearly 20 years of service.http://www.msc.navy.mil/annualreport/2008/pm2.htm
arrays to detect and track undersea threats.
Cory Chouest was acquired and modified by Edison Chouest Offshore for use by the U.S. Navy as a modified TAGOS vessel. Originally used as a research platform in conjunction with the Amy Chouest, the Cory was later modified to carry an active and passive sonar system. The vessel served until October of 2008 when it went off charter.Mission
The mission of Cory Chouest is to directly support the Navy by using both passive and active low frequency sonarSonar
Sonar is a technique that uses sound propagation to navigate, communicate with or detect other vessels...
arrays to detect and track undersea threats.
Honors and awards
Cory Chouest personnel are qualified for the following medals:- None currently noted.