MOMO (artist)
MOMO is an artist currently living in New York, known for "A Tag the Width of Manhattan", The MOMO Maker", "100 street Collages", "A Totem Pole in the East River", and spoofed "New Yorker Cover". He has collaborated with Zosen, Marie Lorenz, Melissa Brown, Milton Carter, Eltono, and Yohji Yamamoto. In June 2009 his first book "3AM-6AM" was published with Rojo Magazine. Later in October 2009 Y-3/Adidas produced the "MOMO" shoe, and in December arts residency The Studios of Key West
The Studios of Key West
The Studios of Key West is a non-profit creative campus, cultural center, and artists colony in the heart of Key West, Florida, based at the Historic Armory at 600 White St....

hosted his "Public Art in Private Spaces" project in Key West, Florida.

Further reading

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