MFO Civilian Medal
Civilian employees working for the Multinational Force and Observers mission in the Sinai are authorized the MFO Civilian Medal in recognition of their service in the cause of peace.
presented to peacekeepers of the 11 contingents which serve in the force. Civilians are employed in a variety of jobs, primarily services and administration. Like the medals issued by the United Nations, the medals of the MFO are not issued by a government; the Multinational Force and Observers is an international organization which answers to its headquarters in Rome and to the two interested parties, Egypt and Israel.
Established March 24, 1982, this award recognizes those civilians who have served with the MFO in the Sinai. The medal is similar to the Multinational Force and Observers MedalMultinational Force and Observers Medal
The Multinational Force and Observers Medal is an international military decoration which was first created on March 24, 1982. The medal was established under the authority of the Director-General of the Multinational Force and Observers which were established to monitor a neutral ceasefire zone,...
presented to peacekeepers of the 11 contingents which serve in the force. Civilians are employed in a variety of jobs, primarily services and administration. Like the medals issued by the United Nations, the medals of the MFO are not issued by a government; the Multinational Force and Observers is an international organization which answers to its headquarters in Rome and to the two interested parties, Egypt and Israel.