Léon-Paul Fargue
Léon-Paul Fargue was a French poet and essayist.

He was born in Paris, France on rue Coquilliére. As a poet he was noted for his poetry of atmosphere and detail. His work spanned numerous literary movements. Before he reached 19 years of age, Fargue had already published in L'Art littéraire in 1894 and his important poem Tancrède appeared in the magazine Pan in 1895.

As an opponent of the surrealists, he became a member of the Symbolist poetry circle connected with Le Mercure de France. Rilke, Joyce and others declared that Fargue was at the very forefront of modern poetry.
He was also a poet of Paris, and later in his career he published two books about the city, D'après Paris (1931) and Le piéton de Paris (1939). His earliest work is divided between Paris prowlings and intimate scenes of childhood and nature.

He published a book of recollections about his friend, the composer Ravel
Maurice Ravel
Joseph-Maurice Ravel was a French composer known especially for his melodies, orchestral and instrumental textures and effects...

. He was a member of the Apaches
Les Apaches
Les Apaches or was a group of French musicians, writers and artists which formed around 1900. Members of the group included:* Edouard Benedictus, painter and composer* M.D...

 and remained a lifelong friend of Ravel. One of his poems, "Rêves", was set to music by Ravel in 1927.

He died 1947 in Paris and is buried in the Cimetière du Montparnasse. Federico Mompou
Federico Mompou
Frederic Mompou i Dencausse was a Catalan Spanish composer and pianist. He is best known for his solo piano music and his songs.-Life:...

 dedicated No. 12 of his Cançons i Danses
Cançons i Danses
Cançons i Danses is the title of a collection of 15 pieces by Federico Mompou, written between 1918 and 1972. All were written for the piano, except No. 13 for guitar and No...

to Fargue's memory.

selection of published works

  • Poèmes, 1905
  • Nocturnes, 1905
  • Tancrède, 1911
  • Pour la musique, 1912
  • Banalité, 1928
  • Vulturne, 1928
  • Épaisseurs, 1929
  • Sous la lamp, 1929
  • Loading ion, 1930
  • D'après Paris 1932
  • Le Piéton de Paris 1939
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