Lydia Venieri
Lydia Venieri is a major Greek
, and a descendant of the Greek branch of the Venier
family. Born in Athens
, she studied at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts
, and later lived in Paris
. She is currently living in New York
. Her web site dates from 1995, and showed some of the first Internet
-based art.
Venieri is well known for her evocative sculpture installations which bridge mythology with current events, and for her ability to combine humor with self reflection on human conditions in our times, through her characters that are taken from mythology, history, fairy tales and daily life. In her stories dreams reinforce reality and reality reinforce dreams.
The provocative visualizations of the universe of Venieri's work offer a Potnian statement about the world in flux in which we live.
SOS, Gallery Isabel Aninat, Santiago de Chile
The Last Conflict,, Stux Gallery, New York
2010 Bathhouse of the Winds, Athens
2008 See No Evil, Terra Gallery Tokyo, Japan
2007 War Games, Stux Gallery, New York
War Games, Gallery Lola Nikalou, Thessalonica
2006 Forever After, Gallery 3, Athens
For Ever After, Luxe, New York
2005 For Ever After, Gallery Quang, Paris
2004 Athens Hibernation – Summer Olympics, Vernikos
Sleeping Beauty Conscience, Mid-Manhattan Library, New York
Foundation, Kastella, Athens
Hibernation, Luxe Gallery, New York
2002 Hibernation, Gallerie Three, Athens
Hibernation, Gallerie Samy Kinge, Paris
2001 Summer Celebration, Sundaram Targore Gallery, New York
Beyond Being, Space Untitled, New York
2000 Beyond Being, Galerie Three, Athens
Axiome Lambda, Gallerie Samy Kinge, Paris
Beyond Being, Galerie lola Nikolaou, Thessalonique, Greece
1999 Who is Nostalgic, Galerie Vourkariani, Kia, Greece
1997 Two Strangers on the Moon, Galerie Selini, Athens
Cool Memories, Galerie lola Nikolaou, Thessalonique, Greece
1995 Anima Mundis, Art Space X, Athens
Manifeste Tellurique III, Gallerie Samy Kinge, Paris
1994 Manifeste Tellurique II, Galerie lola Nikolaou, Thessalonique, Greece
Manifeste Tellurique I, Gallerie d'Athens, Athens
1993 Anima Mundis, Banque Franco-Hellenique, Larissa
1990 Exposition personnelle, Galerie Asbaek Pilon, Copenhagen
1988 FIAC 1988, Galerie Samy Kinge, Grande Palais, Paris
Les Figures De Lydia, Galerie Medoussa, Athens
1986 Exposition personnelle, Galerie Samy Kinge, Paris
Art Miami 08, Stux Gallery, Miami
Moscow 2008, Terra Gallery, Moscow
From Head to Toe, Stux Gallery, New York
NEXT Art Fair, Stux Gallery, Chicago, IL
2007 Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art
War Games, Gallery Quang, Show Off!, Paris
Scope Basel International Art Fair, Stux Gallery, Basel, Switzerland
Art Athina, Luxe Gallery, Athens
Art Chicago, Luxe Gallery, Chicago
Art Miami, Stux Gallery, Miami, FL
The Nightly News, curated by Kathleen Goncharov and Stephan Stoyanov, Luxe, New York
2006 War Games, Gallery Luxe, FIAC 2006, Paris
Tarot, Gallery Quang, FIAC 2006, Paris
The Last Conflict, Location One, New York
The Venieri Tarot, Gallery Quang, Paris
Oh, You Beautiful Doll, curated by Douglas F. Maxwell, Andrea Meislin Gallery, New York
2005 ARTISSIMA 12, Luxe Gallery, Turin
Platonic Exodus - FIAC 2005, Luxe Gallery, Paris
It's Not About Sex, Luxe Gallery, New York
Propos d'Europe IV, Fondation Hippocrene,
Agence de Rob Mallet- Stevens, Paris
Art Athina, Luxe Gallery, Athens
Flash Art Fair, Luxe Gallery, Milan
Diva, Luxe Gallery, New York
2004 Drawings, Luxe Gallery, New York
FIAC 2004, Gallery Luxe, Paris
Art in General, Studio Visit, New York
Tower of Symbols, Summer Olympics, Athens
2003 Alive In New York, Eugenia Cucalon Gallery, New York
Centre Culturel Hellenique, Paris
2002 Lydia Venieri, Atelier Mallet Stevens, Paris
FIAC 2002, VideoNovella, Gallerie Samy Kinge, Paris
Lydia Venieri, Centre Cultural de Marrousi, Athens
2001 Storm On Moon, Selini Gallery, Athens
Greek Gods and Heroes, Centre for Contemporary Art in Dordrecht, Netherlands
2000 Greek Contemporary Art, Glassing Gallery, Munster, Germany
L'Oeil De La Galerie "Samy Kinge", Selini Galerie, Athens
1999 A Water Melon, Beneton, Cinema Phiri, Athens
Pret Art Porter, Dakis Ioannou Fondation, Athens
Approaching Hellinism: Generation 80s & 90s, Cultural Centre, Stockholm, Sweden
Approaching Hellinism: Generation 80s & 90s,Dazarma Museum, Falum, Sweden
Touch of Art in Ordinary Objects, Selini Gallery, Athens
Opening of Possibilities, Hewlett Packard, Gazi, Athens
Approaching Hellinism: Generation 80s & 90s, Vaiden Castle, Luxembourg
Art Quake, Benakiom Museum, Athens
Approaching Hellinism: Generation 80s & 90s, National Gallery of Greece, Athens
1998 Triptych, Downtown Gallery, Athens
Art & Technology Festival, Eleana Tounta Gallery, Athens
Trash Art, Gazi, Athens
Croix Rouge, Athens
Flying Art, Municipality of Athens, Varvakio Square, Athens
1997 42nd Salon de Montrouge, Paris
1996 Manifesta 1, Rotterdam
Pandora's Box, Women/Beyond Borders, California and Basel, Switzerland
1995 International Video Art Festival, Syracuse, Italy
FIAC 1995, "Fin", Gallerie Samy Kinge, Paris
Lydia Venieri, Espace EIFFEL Branely, Paris
1994 Premiere Rencontre Internationale de Sculpture,
Centre Culturel Europeen de Delphes, Delphes, Greece
1992 Ermata. Errance du Sacre, Galerie Montenay, Paris
Spira I. Douze Createurs Grecs, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid
Metamorphoses du Moderne, Pinacotheque Nationale Athens
1990 Exposition personnelle, Les Sistres du Temps, Ancien Musee Archeologique Municipalite de Thessalonique, Thessalonique, Greece
1989 Biennale Internationale de Jeunes Createurs, Musee Skirnion, Athens
Espirt et Corps, sous les auspices du Ministere de la Culture Greece, Zappion Athens
Celebration de la Terre, organisation par Earth Trust, Centre Culturel du Parc de la Liberte, Athens
Humour et Revolution, organisee a l'occation de 200 ans de la Revolution Franciase, Biennale de Cannes, Cannes et Barcelone, Barcelona
1988 Image et Lettre, Galerie Niki Diana Marquardt, Paris
Salon de Montrouge, Paris
Exposition de l'Institute Francais d'Athenes, Salle Costis Palamas, Athens
1987 Exposition Panhellenique, Piree, Greece
Carte Blanche, a l'occation de l'anniversaire de 10 ans du Centre George Pompidou, Galeries Contemporaines, Paris
Paris Salon des Comparaisons, Grande Palais, Paris
Biennale de Jeunes Createurs de la Mediterannee Europeenne, Thessalonique, Greece
1985 Salon de Mai, Grande Palais, Paris
1983 Exposition a l'Ateilier de Yankel, Galeire Bernanos, Paris
Epilisy, 2005
Last Confilict, 2005
For Ever After, 2004
Sleeping Beauty Conscience, 2002
Martha, 1996
Egg, 1995
Beyond Being, Lydia Venieri, 2000
60 Drawings for Healthy Perversions by Tzimy Panousi, 1995
Her Story, http://www.venieri.com/herstory/
Apology, http://www.venieri.com/apology/
Temple, http://www.venieri.com/icon/
Tarot, http://www.venieri.com/tarot/
Isis, http://www.venieri.com/isis/
Set design for Sarah & Lorraine by Marc Israel-Le Pelletier, Storefront Theatre, Chicago.
Set design for Hellenic Orchestra's tour of USSR, Soviet Union
Set design & costumes for The Lady from Ancona, Anatolia of my Soul: 75 years since the Asian Minor Catastrophy, Theatre of Northern Greece, Drama & Lykabetus Theatre Atheans, 1997
Set design for "Inventaires" de Philippe Minyana, directed by Elia Kountis, l'Institute Francais d'Athenes.
Set design for Daphnis & Cloe, Octana Theatrical Group, Apothiki, Athens
the lady form Ancona, Anatolia of my Soul: 75 years since the Asian Minor Catastrophy, Lykabetus Theatre, Athenia
n Festival, 1997
The Five Seasons, Dance theater Octana 1995
Tower of Symbols, Open Air Sculpture, Central Athens, 2004
Wall of Symbols, Sculpture, Atelier Mallet Stevens, Paris
Lydia on Broadway.com, CD-ROM sponsored by Art Magazine and Hewlett Packard
"Infinity", Collaboration with artist Takis on the sculpture.
Commande en plein air d'une serie de sculputre Eros et Psyche, Fondation Alexandre Iolas, Athenes
Commande d'une serie de sculptures pour l'Incitation à la Creation, Abbaye de Montmajour, Arles
Carte Blanche, a l'occation de l'anniversaire de 10 ans du Centre George Pompidou, Galeries Contemporaines, Paris
Commande en plein air d'une serie de sculputre Eros et Psyche, Fondation Alexandre Iolas, Athenes
Commande d'une serie de sculptures pour l'Incitation à la Creation, Abbaye de Montmajour, Arles
Carte Blanche, a l'occation de l'anniversaire de 10 ans du Centre George Pompidou, Galeries Contemporaines, Paris
Oh You beautiful Doll, Douglas F. Maxwell, 2006
For Ever After, Niko Daskalothanassi, 2005
Olympic 2004, Nelly Kyriazi, 2004
Alive in New York, Nadia Argyropoulou, 2003
Hibernation, Marek Bartelik, 2002
Propos d'Europe, Jean Guyot and Pascale le Thorel, 2002
Pandora's Box, Women Beyond Borders, Sania Papa, 2000
Truthful and Authentic Communication, Sania Papa, 2000
Beyond Being, Lydia Venieri, 2000
Approaching Hellinism, Nelly Kyriazi, 1999
Lydia's Cool Memories, Sania Papa, 1997
Who is Nostalgic, Nikos Dalaretos, 1999
Manifesta, 1996
Telluric Manifesto, Sania Papa, 1994
Anima Mundis, Takis, 1993
Ermata, Wanderings of the Sacred, Sania Papa, 1992
Spira, Sania Papa, 1992
Metamorphose of the Modern, Anna Kafetzi, 1991
Chimes of Time, Jacques Lacarriere, 1990
Humor ad Revolution, Cannes & Barselona, 1989
Spirit and Body, Dora Rogan, 1989
The Gods Revist, Pierrre Giquel, 1988
The Figures of Lydia, Demosthenes Davvetas, 1988
Lydia Venieri -FIAC 88, Nicole Kinge, 1988
Lydia Venieri, Gerard Barriere, 1988
Carte Blanche, Centre George Pompidou, 1987
"No Evil" Series, Jean Miyake Downey, Japan Focus, April, 2008
Photography Fall 2007, John Haber, Haberarts, April 2008
War Games by Lydia Venieri, Yatser, November 2007
War Games at Stux Gallery, Holden, Holden's Blog, November 2007
Lydia Venieri's Politically Charged Dollies, Abby Hertz, Few Reviews, November 2007
Decouverte: Lydia Venieri, Pierrick Thebault, November 2007
ShowOff: les enfant aussi, Connaissance des Arts, October 2007
Lydia Veneiri, The Caretaker, BOE Gazette, October 2007
The Nightly News, Lieven De Boeck, AbsoluteArts, January 2007
Il Mercato e le Sue Passioni, Lucia Spadano, Segno, November 2007
Mary Hrbacek, Lydia Venieri at Stux Gallery, M, November 2007
Lydia Venieri - War Games, le Parisien, October 2007
War Games, Sandra Lapaz ,AM New York, September 2007
Art Under Siege, Julia Morton, New York Press, September 2007
Cult Carnage, R.C Baker, Village Voice, January 2007
Vision To Visuals: War games, Baldev Duggal, Digital PhotoPro, November 2007
Nature Wins Back the Planet,Glow, Xenia Givoglu, July 2006
Lydia Venieri, Sarah Tanguy, Sculpture, September 2005
Hibernation, Nadia Argyropoulou, Marie Claire, 2004
Hibernation, Natalie Angles, Location One, 2004
Theatrical Universe, Arian Lazaridi, Vogue, May 2004
Between Heaven and Earth, Katerina Asimakopoulou/Kostas Pigadas, Vogue, May 2003
Art Sales: Battle of the Art Fairs, Colin Gleadell, Daily Telegraph, 3 October 2003
Myth Maker, Flavia Bigi, Soloarte, 2002
Lydia Venieri, Kathimerini, 2002
Sleeping beauty Awakes, Paraskevi Katiergi, Ta Nea, 21/10/02
Maison Decoration, Oct 2002
Dolls in the Snow, Henrie-Francois De Bailleux, Liberation, April 2002
New York Stories, Nina maria Pashalidou/Caliope, Life & Style, June 2001
Sketches and Words, Taki Maurotas, Marie Claire, May 2000
Naughty Sketches, Hary Savopoulos, Agelioforos, 16/4/2002
Ellie's melting Ice Cream, Thessalokini, 12/4/2002
With the Guarantee of the Imagination, Fotini Bloyianni, Panselinos, August 2000
Harpers Bazzar, George Carouzakis/Camilo Nollas May 2000
Beyond Being, Ego, Apr 2000
Eli's Big Trip, Enimerosi, Apr 2000
Delphi, Elenor Heartney Hellas Sculpture, Winter 1999
Trash Art, Ozon, Oct 1998
The Athenians, Ana Mihalitsianou, L'Officiel, 1998
Trash Art, Klick, Oct 1998
Trash Art, Ependtis, 19/9/98
Trash Art, Yanni Dimitriadi, Diphano, 1998
Two Days in Gazi, Kathimerini, 18/9/98
Art with Trash, Michalis Petrides, Eleutherotypia, 11/9/98
Art with Trash, Exousia, 8/9/98
Two Strangers in the Moon, Eleutheros Typos, 25/9/97
This Little World, Seventeen, Flora Camhi, December 1997
Lydia Venieri: My Relation with the Computer is Platonic. Her Internet Work Since 1994, Amaryssia, 25/11/96
CD_ROM or not CD-ROM, Aspasia Dimitriadi, Art Magazine, 1996
Anima Mundis/ Memory Installation, Athinorama, Nov 1995
The Sound of the Body, Maria Maragou, Eleutherotypia, 4/11/95
Time Environment & Humans, Angelo Polydoro, Amarysia, 2/6/1995
Lydia Venieri by Nikos Stathoulis, Apogeumatini, 1995
Telluric Manifeto, Sania Papa, Inside, Mar 1995
Lydia Venieri's show in Larisa, Eleutreria, 25/4/1995
Telluric Manifesto, Henrie-Francois De Bailleux, Liberation, 1995
At the Planet of Art, Olivia Manzari, Votre Beautué, Feb 1995
Telluric Manifesto, Nikos Dakalothanasis, Art Magazine, 1995
Anima Mundis, Arti, Eleni Pyrioti, Oct 1995
Successful Meeting of Creation in Delphi, Amanda Mihalopoulou, Kathimerini, 10/8/1994
Sculptures Under the Shadow of Apollo, Maria Maragou, Eleutherotypia, 8/8/94
The Meeting, Elenor Heartney, Arti, 1994
With the Winds of Glory, Maria Hasapi, Amaryssia, 17/10/94
Art with Lava, Dimitra Rouboula, Ethnos, 7/10/94
Sculpture pierces the Universe, Thanasis Lalas, To Perodiko, 1994
The Telluric Manifesto, Marina Pisperi, Reumata, Nov/Dec 1994
Sculputres in Delphi, LL, Eleutherotypia, 1994
The Mythical World of Lydia Venieri, Tonia Bogdano/Tasos Paylidis, Madame Figaro, 1994
Lydia Venieri, Nikos Dakalothanasis, Art Magazine, 1994
The Art of Memory, Amanda Mihalakopoulou, Elle, 1994
Person, Ta Nea, 1/8/94
Internet Sculpture, Irini Mitropoulos, Adesmeutos, 1994
The Poetic Universe of Lydia Venieri, Agape Tsahpinoglou/Antoine Rosés, Elle Decor, 1992
Lydia's Universe, Elite, 1992
Lydia Venieri an Active Volcano, Dossi Iordanidou, Diva, December 1991
Lydia Venieri, Alex du Val, Max, 1991
With Volcanic Lava, Nikos Stathoulis, Votre Beautué, Jan 1991
The Guts of Earth, Sania Papa, Art Magazine, 1991
Universal Harmony, La Mia Casa, Nov 1990
The Sistres of Time, George Yanopoulo/Athena Kyriakidou, SL, December 1990
The Sistres of Time, Sania Papa, Sima, 1990
Lydia Venieri, Apogeumatini, 16/12/90
Universal Harmonies at the New Mosque, Olga Bati, Gynaika, 1990
This little great world, Veneri in Thesalonica, Takis Maurotas, Pantheon , 17 December 1990
Young creators, Anne Danberg, Art Press, 1989
Lydia Venieri, Dora Rogan, Kathimerini, 11/12/1988
L'Activite Culturelle, Canal Magazine, 1986
Greece , officially the Hellenic Republic , and historically Hellas or the Republic of Greece in English, is a country in southeastern Europe....
An artist is a person engaged in one or more of any of a broad spectrum of activities related to creating art, practicing the arts and/or demonstrating an art. The common usage in both everyday speech and academic discourse is a practitioner in the visual arts only...
, and a descendant of the Greek branch of the Venier
Marco Venier, Lord of Cerigo
-Ancestry:He was a son of Bartolommeo Venier, fl. between 1252 and 1275, and wife, and paternal grandson of Marco Venier, Marquess of Cerigo, and wife.-Marriage and issue:...
family. Born in Athens
Athens , is the capital and largest city of Greece. Athens dominates the Attica region and is one of the world's oldest cities, as its recorded history spans around 3,400 years. Classical Athens was a powerful city-state...
, she studied at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts
École des Beaux-Arts
École des Beaux-Arts refers to a number of influential art schools in France. The most famous is the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, now located on the left bank in Paris, across the Seine from the Louvre, in the 6th arrondissement. The school has a history spanning more than 350 years,...
, and later lived in Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...
. She is currently living in New York
New York
New York is a state in the Northeastern region of the United States. It is the nation's third most populous state. New York is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south, and by Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east...
. Her web site dates from 1995, and showed some of the first Internet
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide...
-based art.
Venieri is well known for her evocative sculpture installations which bridge mythology with current events, and for her ability to combine humor with self reflection on human conditions in our times, through her characters that are taken from mythology, history, fairy tales and daily life. In her stories dreams reinforce reality and reality reinforce dreams.
The provocative visualizations of the universe of Venieri's work offer a Potnian statement about the world in flux in which we live.
Solo exhibitions
2011 THE DOLPHIN CONSPIRACY, Gallery Lola Nikolauo, ThessalonikiSOS, Gallery Isabel Aninat, Santiago de Chile
The Last Conflict,, Stux Gallery, New York
2010 Bathhouse of the Winds, Athens
2008 See No Evil, Terra Gallery Tokyo, Japan
2007 War Games, Stux Gallery, New York
War Games, Gallery Lola Nikalou, Thessalonica
2006 Forever After, Gallery 3, Athens
For Ever After, Luxe, New York
2005 For Ever After, Gallery Quang, Paris
2004 Athens Hibernation – Summer Olympics, Vernikos
Sleeping Beauty Conscience, Mid-Manhattan Library, New York
Foundation, Kastella, Athens
Hibernation, Luxe Gallery, New York
2002 Hibernation, Gallerie Three, Athens
Hibernation, Gallerie Samy Kinge, Paris
2001 Summer Celebration, Sundaram Targore Gallery, New York
Beyond Being, Space Untitled, New York
2000 Beyond Being, Galerie Three, Athens
Axiome Lambda, Gallerie Samy Kinge, Paris
Beyond Being, Galerie lola Nikolaou, Thessalonique, Greece
1999 Who is Nostalgic, Galerie Vourkariani, Kia, Greece
1997 Two Strangers on the Moon, Galerie Selini, Athens
Cool Memories, Galerie lola Nikolaou, Thessalonique, Greece
1995 Anima Mundis, Art Space X, Athens
Manifeste Tellurique III, Gallerie Samy Kinge, Paris
1994 Manifeste Tellurique II, Galerie lola Nikolaou, Thessalonique, Greece
Manifeste Tellurique I, Gallerie d'Athens, Athens
1993 Anima Mundis, Banque Franco-Hellenique, Larissa
1990 Exposition personnelle, Galerie Asbaek Pilon, Copenhagen
1988 FIAC 1988, Galerie Samy Kinge, Grande Palais, Paris
Les Figures De Lydia, Galerie Medoussa, Athens
1986 Exposition personnelle, Galerie Samy Kinge, Paris
Group exhibitions
2008 Scope 08, Terra Gallery, MiamiArt Miami 08, Stux Gallery, Miami
Moscow 2008, Terra Gallery, Moscow
From Head to Toe, Stux Gallery, New York
NEXT Art Fair, Stux Gallery, Chicago, IL
2007 Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art
War Games, Gallery Quang, Show Off!, Paris
Scope Basel International Art Fair, Stux Gallery, Basel, Switzerland
Art Athina, Luxe Gallery, Athens
Art Chicago, Luxe Gallery, Chicago
Art Miami, Stux Gallery, Miami, FL
The Nightly News, curated by Kathleen Goncharov and Stephan Stoyanov, Luxe, New York
2006 War Games, Gallery Luxe, FIAC 2006, Paris
Tarot, Gallery Quang, FIAC 2006, Paris
The Last Conflict, Location One, New York
The Venieri Tarot, Gallery Quang, Paris
Oh, You Beautiful Doll, curated by Douglas F. Maxwell, Andrea Meislin Gallery, New York
2005 ARTISSIMA 12, Luxe Gallery, Turin
Platonic Exodus - FIAC 2005, Luxe Gallery, Paris
It's Not About Sex, Luxe Gallery, New York
Propos d'Europe IV, Fondation Hippocrene,
Agence de Rob Mallet- Stevens, Paris
Art Athina, Luxe Gallery, Athens
Flash Art Fair, Luxe Gallery, Milan
Diva, Luxe Gallery, New York
2004 Drawings, Luxe Gallery, New York
FIAC 2004, Gallery Luxe, Paris
Art in General, Studio Visit, New York
Tower of Symbols, Summer Olympics, Athens
2003 Alive In New York, Eugenia Cucalon Gallery, New York
Centre Culturel Hellenique, Paris
2002 Lydia Venieri, Atelier Mallet Stevens, Paris
FIAC 2002, VideoNovella, Gallerie Samy Kinge, Paris
Lydia Venieri, Centre Cultural de Marrousi, Athens
2001 Storm On Moon, Selini Gallery, Athens
Greek Gods and Heroes, Centre for Contemporary Art in Dordrecht, Netherlands
2000 Greek Contemporary Art, Glassing Gallery, Munster, Germany
L'Oeil De La Galerie "Samy Kinge", Selini Galerie, Athens
1999 A Water Melon, Beneton, Cinema Phiri, Athens
Pret Art Porter, Dakis Ioannou Fondation, Athens
Approaching Hellinism: Generation 80s & 90s, Cultural Centre, Stockholm, Sweden
Approaching Hellinism: Generation 80s & 90s,Dazarma Museum, Falum, Sweden
Touch of Art in Ordinary Objects, Selini Gallery, Athens
Opening of Possibilities, Hewlett Packard, Gazi, Athens
Approaching Hellinism: Generation 80s & 90s, Vaiden Castle, Luxembourg
Art Quake, Benakiom Museum, Athens
Approaching Hellinism: Generation 80s & 90s, National Gallery of Greece, Athens
1998 Triptych, Downtown Gallery, Athens
Art & Technology Festival, Eleana Tounta Gallery, Athens
Trash Art, Gazi, Athens
Croix Rouge, Athens
Flying Art, Municipality of Athens, Varvakio Square, Athens
1997 42nd Salon de Montrouge, Paris
1996 Manifesta 1, Rotterdam
Pandora's Box, Women/Beyond Borders, California and Basel, Switzerland
1995 International Video Art Festival, Syracuse, Italy
FIAC 1995, "Fin", Gallerie Samy Kinge, Paris
Lydia Venieri, Espace EIFFEL Branely, Paris
1994 Premiere Rencontre Internationale de Sculpture,
Centre Culturel Europeen de Delphes, Delphes, Greece
1992 Ermata. Errance du Sacre, Galerie Montenay, Paris
Spira I. Douze Createurs Grecs, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid
Metamorphoses du Moderne, Pinacotheque Nationale Athens
1990 Exposition personnelle, Les Sistres du Temps, Ancien Musee Archeologique Municipalite de Thessalonique, Thessalonique, Greece
1989 Biennale Internationale de Jeunes Createurs, Musee Skirnion, Athens
Espirt et Corps, sous les auspices du Ministere de la Culture Greece, Zappion Athens
Celebration de la Terre, organisation par Earth Trust, Centre Culturel du Parc de la Liberte, Athens
Humour et Revolution, organisee a l'occation de 200 ans de la Revolution Franciase, Biennale de Cannes, Cannes et Barcelone, Barcelona
1988 Image et Lettre, Galerie Niki Diana Marquardt, Paris
Salon de Montrouge, Paris
Exposition de l'Institute Francais d'Athenes, Salle Costis Palamas, Athens
1987 Exposition Panhellenique, Piree, Greece
Carte Blanche, a l'occation de l'anniversaire de 10 ans du Centre George Pompidou, Galeries Contemporaines, Paris
Paris Salon des Comparaisons, Grande Palais, Paris
Biennale de Jeunes Createurs de la Mediterannee Europeenne, Thessalonique, Greece
1985 Salon de Mai, Grande Palais, Paris
1983 Exposition a l'Ateilier de Yankel, Galeire Bernanos, Paris
Animations and Movies
Tomorrow, 2006Epilisy, 2005
Last Confilict, 2005
For Ever After, 2004
Sleeping Beauty Conscience, 2002
Martha, 1996
Egg, 1995
Moonlight, Lydia Venieri, 2006Beyond Being, Lydia Venieri, 2000
60 Drawings for Healthy Perversions by Tzimy Panousi, 1995
Internet Art
Fin, http://www.venieri.com/fin/Her Story, http://www.venieri.com/herstory/
Apology, http://www.venieri.com/apology/
Temple, http://www.venieri.com/icon/
Tarot, http://www.venieri.com/tarot/
Isis, http://www.venieri.com/isis/
Set design for Sarah & Lorraine by Marc Israel-Le Pelletier, Sanford Meisner Theatre, New York.Set design for Sarah & Lorraine by Marc Israel-Le Pelletier, Storefront Theatre, Chicago.
Set design for Hellenic Orchestra's tour of USSR, Soviet Union
Set design & costumes for The Lady from Ancona, Anatolia of my Soul: 75 years since the Asian Minor Catastrophy, Theatre of Northern Greece, Drama & Lykabetus Theatre Atheans, 1997
Set design for "Inventaires" de Philippe Minyana, directed by Elia Kountis, l'Institute Francais d'Athenes.
Set design for Daphnis & Cloe, Octana Theatrical Group, Apothiki, Athens
the lady form Ancona, Anatolia of my Soul: 75 years since the Asian Minor Catastrophy, Lykabetus Theatre, Athenia
n Festival, 1997
The Five Seasons, Dance theater Octana 1995
Awards and Commissions
Medal for Sculpture, Académie française de Paris, 2004Tower of Symbols, Open Air Sculpture, Central Athens, 2004
Wall of Symbols, Sculpture, Atelier Mallet Stevens, Paris
Lydia on Broadway.com, CD-ROM sponsored by Art Magazine and Hewlett Packard
"Infinity", Collaboration with artist Takis on the sculpture.
Commande en plein air d'une serie de sculputre Eros et Psyche, Fondation Alexandre Iolas, Athenes
Commande d'une serie de sculptures pour l'Incitation à la Creation, Abbaye de Montmajour, Arles
Carte Blanche, a l'occation de l'anniversaire de 10 ans du Centre George Pompidou, Galeries Contemporaines, Paris
Commande en plein air d'une serie de sculputre Eros et Psyche, Fondation Alexandre Iolas, Athenes
Commande d'une serie de sculptures pour l'Incitation à la Creation, Abbaye de Montmajour, Arles
Carte Blanche, a l'occation de l'anniversaire de 10 ans du Centre George Pompidou, Galeries Contemporaines, Paris
Exhibition Catalogues
No Evil, Beth Wilson, 2008Oh You beautiful Doll, Douglas F. Maxwell, 2006
For Ever After, Niko Daskalothanassi, 2005
Olympic 2004, Nelly Kyriazi, 2004
Alive in New York, Nadia Argyropoulou, 2003
Hibernation, Marek Bartelik, 2002
Propos d'Europe, Jean Guyot and Pascale le Thorel, 2002
Pandora's Box, Women Beyond Borders, Sania Papa, 2000
Truthful and Authentic Communication, Sania Papa, 2000
Beyond Being, Lydia Venieri, 2000
Approaching Hellinism, Nelly Kyriazi, 1999
Lydia's Cool Memories, Sania Papa, 1997
Who is Nostalgic, Nikos Dalaretos, 1999
Manifesta, 1996
Telluric Manifesto, Sania Papa, 1994
Anima Mundis, Takis, 1993
Ermata, Wanderings of the Sacred, Sania Papa, 1992
Spira, Sania Papa, 1992
Metamorphose of the Modern, Anna Kafetzi, 1991
Chimes of Time, Jacques Lacarriere, 1990
Humor ad Revolution, Cannes & Barselona, 1989
Spirit and Body, Dora Rogan, 1989
The Gods Revist, Pierrre Giquel, 1988
The Figures of Lydia, Demosthenes Davvetas, 1988
Lydia Venieri -FIAC 88, Nicole Kinge, 1988
Lydia Venieri, Gerard Barriere, 1988
Carte Blanche, Centre George Pompidou, 1987
"Lydia Venieri - Caramelos amargos, Thomas Vio,Art AlLimite, No33, 2008"No Evil" Series, Jean Miyake Downey, Japan Focus, April, 2008
Photography Fall 2007, John Haber, Haberarts, April 2008
War Games by Lydia Venieri, Yatser, November 2007
War Games at Stux Gallery, Holden, Holden's Blog, November 2007
Lydia Venieri's Politically Charged Dollies, Abby Hertz, Few Reviews, November 2007
Decouverte: Lydia Venieri, Pierrick Thebault, November 2007
ShowOff: les enfant aussi, Connaissance des Arts, October 2007
Lydia Veneiri, The Caretaker, BOE Gazette, October 2007
The Nightly News, Lieven De Boeck, AbsoluteArts, January 2007
Il Mercato e le Sue Passioni, Lucia Spadano, Segno, November 2007
Mary Hrbacek, Lydia Venieri at Stux Gallery, M, November 2007
Lydia Venieri - War Games, le Parisien, October 2007
War Games, Sandra Lapaz ,AM New York, September 2007
Art Under Siege, Julia Morton, New York Press, September 2007
Cult Carnage, R.C Baker, Village Voice, January 2007
Vision To Visuals: War games, Baldev Duggal, Digital PhotoPro, November 2007
Nature Wins Back the Planet,Glow, Xenia Givoglu, July 2006
Lydia Venieri, Sarah Tanguy, Sculpture, September 2005
Hibernation, Nadia Argyropoulou, Marie Claire, 2004
Hibernation, Natalie Angles, Location One, 2004
Theatrical Universe, Arian Lazaridi, Vogue, May 2004
Between Heaven and Earth, Katerina Asimakopoulou/Kostas Pigadas, Vogue, May 2003
Art Sales: Battle of the Art Fairs, Colin Gleadell, Daily Telegraph, 3 October 2003
Myth Maker, Flavia Bigi, Soloarte, 2002
Lydia Venieri, Kathimerini, 2002
Sleeping beauty Awakes, Paraskevi Katiergi, Ta Nea, 21/10/02
Maison Decoration, Oct 2002
Dolls in the Snow, Henrie-Francois De Bailleux, Liberation, April 2002
New York Stories, Nina maria Pashalidou/Caliope, Life & Style, June 2001
Sketches and Words, Taki Maurotas, Marie Claire, May 2000
Naughty Sketches, Hary Savopoulos, Agelioforos, 16/4/2002
Ellie's melting Ice Cream, Thessalokini, 12/4/2002
With the Guarantee of the Imagination, Fotini Bloyianni, Panselinos, August 2000
Harpers Bazzar, George Carouzakis/Camilo Nollas May 2000
Beyond Being, Ego, Apr 2000
Eli's Big Trip, Enimerosi, Apr 2000
Delphi, Elenor Heartney Hellas Sculpture, Winter 1999
Trash Art, Ozon, Oct 1998
The Athenians, Ana Mihalitsianou, L'Officiel, 1998
Trash Art, Klick, Oct 1998
Trash Art, Ependtis, 19/9/98
Trash Art, Yanni Dimitriadi, Diphano, 1998
Two Days in Gazi, Kathimerini, 18/9/98
Art with Trash, Michalis Petrides, Eleutherotypia, 11/9/98
Art with Trash, Exousia, 8/9/98
Two Strangers in the Moon, Eleutheros Typos, 25/9/97
This Little World, Seventeen, Flora Camhi, December 1997
Lydia Venieri: My Relation with the Computer is Platonic. Her Internet Work Since 1994, Amaryssia, 25/11/96
CD_ROM or not CD-ROM, Aspasia Dimitriadi, Art Magazine, 1996
Anima Mundis/ Memory Installation, Athinorama, Nov 1995
- Pandoras Box, Art Magazine,
The Sound of the Body, Maria Maragou, Eleutherotypia, 4/11/95
Time Environment & Humans, Angelo Polydoro, Amarysia, 2/6/1995
Lydia Venieri by Nikos Stathoulis, Apogeumatini, 1995
Telluric Manifeto, Sania Papa, Inside, Mar 1995
Lydia Venieri's show in Larisa, Eleutreria, 25/4/1995
Telluric Manifesto, Henrie-Francois De Bailleux, Liberation, 1995
At the Planet of Art, Olivia Manzari, Votre Beautué, Feb 1995
Telluric Manifesto, Nikos Dakalothanasis, Art Magazine, 1995
Anima Mundis, Arti, Eleni Pyrioti, Oct 1995
Successful Meeting of Creation in Delphi, Amanda Mihalopoulou, Kathimerini, 10/8/1994
Sculptures Under the Shadow of Apollo, Maria Maragou, Eleutherotypia, 8/8/94
The Meeting, Elenor Heartney, Arti, 1994
With the Winds of Glory, Maria Hasapi, Amaryssia, 17/10/94
Art with Lava, Dimitra Rouboula, Ethnos, 7/10/94
Sculpture pierces the Universe, Thanasis Lalas, To Perodiko, 1994
The Telluric Manifesto, Marina Pisperi, Reumata, Nov/Dec 1994
Sculputres in Delphi, LL, Eleutherotypia, 1994
The Mythical World of Lydia Venieri, Tonia Bogdano/Tasos Paylidis, Madame Figaro, 1994
Lydia Venieri, Nikos Dakalothanasis, Art Magazine, 1994
The Art of Memory, Amanda Mihalakopoulou, Elle, 1994
Person, Ta Nea, 1/8/94
Internet Sculpture, Irini Mitropoulos, Adesmeutos, 1994
The Poetic Universe of Lydia Venieri, Agape Tsahpinoglou/Antoine Rosés, Elle Decor, 1992
Lydia's Universe, Elite, 1992
Lydia Venieri an Active Volcano, Dossi Iordanidou, Diva, December 1991
Lydia Venieri, Alex du Val, Max, 1991
With Volcanic Lava, Nikos Stathoulis, Votre Beautué, Jan 1991
The Guts of Earth, Sania Papa, Art Magazine, 1991
Universal Harmony, La Mia Casa, Nov 1990
The Sistres of Time, George Yanopoulo/Athena Kyriakidou, SL, December 1990
The Sistres of Time, Sania Papa, Sima, 1990
Lydia Venieri, Apogeumatini, 16/12/90
Universal Harmonies at the New Mosque, Olga Bati, Gynaika, 1990
This little great world, Veneri in Thesalonica, Takis Maurotas, Pantheon , 17 December 1990
Young creators, Anne Danberg, Art Press, 1989
Lydia Venieri, Dora Rogan, Kathimerini, 11/12/1988
L'Activite Culturelle, Canal Magazine, 1986