Luten arch
A Luten arch is a patented concrete arch design for bridges, designed by Daniel B. Luten
Daniel B. Luten
Daniel B. Luten also known as Daniel Benjamin Luten was an American bridge builder and engineer based in Indianapolis, Indiana.He designed and patented the Luten arch, a type of concrete arch bridge...

, of Indianapolis. Luten was awarded more than 30 patents for his improvements of the Luten arch design.

The Luten arch improves upon preceding concrete arch designs by strategic use of reinforcement where needed to address tension of load upon the bridge. This enables bridges to be considerably lighter.

The Luten Bridge Company
Luten Bridge Company
Luten Bridge Company was a bridge building company based in Knoxville, Tennessee in the early- to mid-20th century. The firm built Luten arch and other types of bridges.-Luten Bridge Co. vs. Rockingham County:...

 was one seller of the designs. The Topeka Bridge & Iron Co.
Topeka Bridge & Iron Co.
Topeka Bridge & Iron Co. was a bridge company. Its works include many bridges that are now listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places. Its Canyon Diablo Bridge was a concrete Luten arch bridge built in 1914...

was a western seller of the designs.

According to Luten, by 1919 he had designed more than 17,000 Luten arch bridges, and there were examples in all but three US states.
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