Lugros is a municipality located in the province of Granada, southeastern of Spain, in the comarca of Guadix. It is in the North skirt of Sierra Nevada in the valley called by the villagers like “Valley of the aim of the World”. A great part of its territory this within the national park of Sierra Nevada with hundreds of endemic plants that single are in this zone.
The found references to Lugros throughout history are little, perhaps due to their situation as last enclave inhabited in this zone of the mountain range. It is difficult to establish the date or the exact origin of Lugros due to the little and disperses documentation that exists, and if there were this is lost in the time, the metal search caused the occupation of these earth from the antiquity, according to testify the existing archaeological deposits. The origin of the town it seems to be in the Low Empire, more concretely at the time of the Mozárabes, although other sources think that he is previous to this one. This zone, after reconquers it, was repoblada with Castilian old Christians. During the nazarí period it was a dependent farmhouse of Beas de Guadix (then Beas of the Captives), locality of which throughout times it continued depending in some sense or another one. Numerous archaeological outcrops, like rest of the early metal search in the region, of which they are left the ruins of one old blacksmith shop today already in ruins. The toponímico of the town is of Latin origin, comes from “lupus” (wolf), animal that had to be common by these places, from It derived towards “luberos” and “lubros there”, and ended up evolving until the present Lugros. The gentilicio of its people is “lugreños”, although erroneously by this zone also it is called “lureños”, and to the town “Luros”, at another time they were “lubrises” and “lubríes”.
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