Ludwig Bandl
Ludwig Bandl was an Austrian obstetrician and gynecologist born in Himberg
Himberg is a municipality in the district of Wien-Umgebung in Lower Austria, Austria....

, Niederösterreich.

In 1867 he received his medical doctorate from the University of Vienna
University of Vienna
The University of Vienna is a public university located in Vienna, Austria. It was founded by Duke Rudolph IV in 1365 and is the oldest university in the German-speaking world...

, where he studied under Karl von Braun-Fernwald (1822–1891), Joseph Hyrtl (1810–1894), and Johann von Dumreicher
Johann von Dumreicher
Johann von Dumreicher, fully Johann Friedrich Freiherr Dumreicher von Österreicher was an Austrian surgeon who was a native of Trieste. He was the father of Armand von Dumreicher , a politician known for educational reforms.He studied medicine at the University of Vienna, earning his doctorate in...

 (1815–1880). In 1878 he became head of the department of obstetrics at the Allgemeine Poliklinik, and in 1880 was appointed "professor extraordinarius" of obstetrics and gynecology at Vienna.

I remember one day I was coming home from kindergarten I—-well, I thought it was kindergarten, it turned out later I'd been working in a factory for two years... I was wondering 'cause it was always really hot and everyone was older than me, but, um, what did I know?

One Night Stand

Don't you hate when people are late to work. And they always have the worst excuses. "Oh, I'm sorry I'm late, traffic." "Traffic, huh? How do you think I got here; helicoptered in!?"

Here and Now

I'm a — I'm a, um, a godmother which is just, that's fun to be a godmother, she is so precious, she's the light of my life, she's two... or five or something, and she's, uh... I don't know, I've never seen her — the pictures are precious, she just seems so, y'know... She lives clear across town, I don't have that kind of time, but, um... Well, I send money and stuff, it's not like I don't have a connection....

Taste This

I don't want to get the same looks I give people when they get on a plane holding a baby: "That's a cute baby, just keep walking, keep walking, keep going, keep going...."

Taste This

If we don't want to define ourselves by things as superficial as our appearances, we're stuck with the revolting alternative of being judged by our actions, by what we do.

My Point... And I Do Have One. New York: Bantam Books, 1995.

We're told to go on living our lives as usual, because to do otherwise is to let the terrorists win, and really, what would upset the Taliban more than a gay woman wearing a suit in front of a room full of Jews?

2001 Emmy Awards (4 November 2001)

Now we have hands-free phones, so you can focus on the thing you're really supposed to be doing ... chances are, if you need both of your hands to do something, your brain should be in on it too.

Here and Now

I have a terrible problem with procrastination... a friend told me, "Well, you should go to therapy. And I thought about it, but then I said, "Wait a minute. Why should I pay a stranger to listen to me talk when I can get strangers to pay to listen to me talk?" And that's when I got the idea of touring.

Here and Now
