Lozania is a genus of Lacistemataceae
Lacistemataceae is a family of flowering plants, consisting 2 genera, Lacistema Sw. and Lozania Mutis ex Caldas .- Common name :Waits Numi...

 consisting of five species:
  • Lozania glabrata A.H. Gentry
  • Lozania grandiflora Schult.
  • Lozania klugii (Mansfeld) Mansfeld (syn. Monandrodendron klugii Mansfeld, Lacistemopsis poculifera Kuhlmann)
  • Lozania mutisiana Schult. (syn. Lozania nemoralis DC, Monandrodendron schultzei Mansfeld, Monandrodendron peruvianum Mansfeld, Lozania bipinnata L.B.Sm., Lozania montana Standl., Perrottetia racemosa Standl., Perrottetia costaricensis Lundell)
  • Lozania pittieri (Blake) L.B.Sm. (syn. Lacistema pittieri Blake, Lacistema pedicellatum Standl., Lozania pedicellata (Standl.) L.B.Sm., Lacistema trichoneurum Blake ex Kunth)
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