Loretta Chen
Dr Loretta Chen, Ph.D is a bilingual theatre director
Theatre direction
A theatre director or stage director is a practitioner in the theatre field who oversees and orchestrates the mounting of a theatre production by unifying various endeavours and aspects of production...

, actor and host. Some of her directorial projects include 13 Shaolin, a Singapore-China collaboration, 24 Pieties for Toy Factory Theatre Ensemble, Ten Brothers (2005), The Vagina Monologues
The Vagina Monologues
The Vagina Monologues is an episodic play written by Eve Ensler which ran at the Off Broadway Westside Theatre after a limited run at AFRICA in 1996. Ensler originally starred in the production which was produced by David Stone, Nina Essman, Dan Markley, The Araca Group, Willa Shalit, Mike Skipper...

 (2006), The Swimming Instructor (2006).

In 2007, her controversial project 251, based on the story of Singaporean porn-star
Pornographic actor
A pornographic actor/actress or a porn star is a person who appears in pornographic film. Most actors appear nude in films...

 Annabel Chong
Annabel Chong
Grace Quek , better known by her stage name Annabel Chong, is a former pornographic actress now living in the United States. On 19 January 1995, at the age of 22, she became famous by engaging in 251 sex acts with about 70 men over a ten-hour period, setting a world record, with the resulting...

 was nominated for two Life! Theatre Awards. She also directed the Postcards from Rosa, a monologue starring veteran actor Neo Swee Lin. In 2008, she directed Magicbox (2008), a magical extravaganza in collaboration with the creators of Mindfreak and a re-staging of The Vagina Monologues which was nominated for two Life! Theatre Awards. In 2009, she directed Joe Orton's What the Butler Saw and the Broadway classic Victor/Victoria, starring international jazz legend, Laura Fygi. She staged The Vagina Monologues in Toronto and premiered The F Word in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2011. The production was nominated for the Amnesty International Freedom of Expression Award.

Loretta is Treasurer of the Association of Singapore Actors (ASA). In 2008, she was selected by the Mayor of the Northwest CDC to sit on the Arts and Culture Committee. In 2009, she was shortlisted as one of the Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) candidates for the Arts in Singapore, though openly gay.*

She holds a PhD in Theatre (Critical Theory) and was the Artistic Director
Artistic director
An artistic director is the executive of an arts organization, particularly in a theatre company, that handles the organization's artistic direction. He or she is generally a producer and director, but not in the sense of a mogul, since the organization is generally a non-profit organization...

of Zebra Crossing Productions and was also Associate Director at Toy Factory Productions and Action Theatre. She is an alumnus of Anglo-Chinese Junior College and St Theresa's Convent.

Loretta is an activist and is the ambassador to The Body Shop's Stop Sex Trafficking campaign, Hermes' PS I Silk You outreach program for under-privileged girls and Evian's Live Young campaign. She remains strongly committed to advocacy work and was named 100 most inspiring women for her work in theatre and social activism.

She is the creative director of an international creative consultancy, 360 Productions, that has offices in Singapore, USA and Canada.

She is the younger sister of Singapore actor Edmund Chen Zhicai.



  • http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/reviews/view/382517/1/.html
  • http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/entertainmentfeatures/view/378520/1/.html
  • http://www.asiaone.com/print/Just%2BWoman/News/Women%2BIn%2BThe%2BNews/Story/A1Story20080930-90867.html
  • http://wineanddine.asiaone.com/Wine%252CDine%2B%2526%2BUnwind/Unwind/Showtime/Story/A1Story20070622-15075.html
  • http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/entertainment/view/267144/1/.html
  • http://www.todayonline.com/articles/279314.asp
  • http://www.loretta-chen.com
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