Lola Haskins


She taught at Pacific Lutheran University
Pacific Lutheran University
Pacific Lutheran University is located in Parkland, a suburb of Tacoma, Washington. In September 2009, PLU had a student population of 3,582 and approximately 280 full-time faculty...


Her work has appeared in The Atlantic, Beloit Poetry Journal, The Christian Science Monitor, Prairie Schooner, The Missouri Review, Mississippi Review, The London Review of Books, Georgia Review, Southern Review.


  • two fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts
  • four individual artist fellowships from the state of Florida
  • 1992 Iowa Poetry Prize, for Hunger
  • Writer Magazine/Emily Dickinson Award
    Writer Magazine/Emily Dickinson Award
    The Writer Magazine/Emily Dickinson Award is given once a year to a member of the Poetry Society of America "to honor the memory and poetry of Emily Dickinson, for a poem inspired by Dickinson though not necessarily in her style." The winner receives a $250 prize.-Winners:*2010: Marlene Rosen Fine,...

     from the Poetry Society of America
    Poetry Society of America
    The Poetry Society of America is a literary organization founded in 1910 by poets, editors, and artists including Witter Bynner. It is the oldest poetry organization in the United States. Past members of the have included such renowned writers as Robert Frost, Langston Hughes, Edna St. Vincent...


  • Still the Mountain, forthcoming in 2010 from Paper Kite Press,
  • Across Her Broad Lap Something Wonderful, State Street, 1990


  • Wild Angels, stories from fifteen Florida cemeteries, forthcoming in 2010 from the University Press of Florida.


External links

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