Liz Baillie
Liz Baillie is an American cartoonist
A cartoonist is a person who specializes in drawing cartoons. This work is usually humorous, mainly created for entertainment, political commentary or advertising...

 and illustrator. She graduated from the School of Visual Arts in 2002, with a major in cartooning. Her work includes the ten-issue mini series My Brain Hurts
My Brain Hurts (comics)
My Brain Hurts is a series of ten comics written and drawn by Liz Baillie and published in 2007 by Microcosm Publishing. It followed the lives of several queer teenage punks living in New York...

and the internet comic
Webcomics, online comics, or Internet comics are comics published on a website. While many are published exclusively on the web, others are also published in magazines, newspapers or often in self-published books....

, since collected into a trade, Freewheel. She was nominated for the Maisie Kukoc Award for Comics Inspiration in 2008 and the Friends of Lulu Kim Yale Award for Best New Talent in 2009.

Selected Bibliography

  • Sing Along Forever, a 29-page minicomic about Baillie's quest to meet heroes The Bouncing Souls
    The Bouncing Souls
    The Bouncing Souls are a punk rock band from New Brunswick, New Jersey, formed in 1987. By the time of their acknowledgment by the national punk rock scene, they had reignited a "pogo" element to New Jersey punk rock by playing fast light-hearted songs, a model followed by various other local...

  • My Brain Hurts
    My Brain Hurts (comics)
    My Brain Hurts is a series of ten comics written and drawn by Liz Baillie and published in 2007 by Microcosm Publishing. It followed the lives of several queer teenage punks living in New York...

    , a 10-issue series based around a group of teenage punks in New York, collected into two volumes.
  • Freewheel, an ongoing free internet comic collected, so far, into one trade paperback edition.
  • Release the Bats, a collection of previously uncollected material that had appeared only in anthologies or zine
    A zine is most commonly a small circulation publication of original or appropriated texts and images. More broadly, the term encompasses any self-published work of minority interest usually reproduced via photocopier....



In addition to individual comics and trade paperback collections of her writing and art, Baillie's work has inspired My Brain Hurts T-shirt
A T-shirt is a style of shirt. A T-shirt is buttonless and collarless, with short sleeves and frequently a round neck line....

s and canvas patches as well as Freewheel badges.
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