Lists of military aircraft by nation
This is a list of articles listing military aircraft by Nation.
  • Australia: RAAF - RAN
  • Canada: RCAF - RCN
  • France
  • Germany
    • World War I designation system
      Idflieg aircraft designation system
      The Idflieg designation system was used to designate German heavier-than-air military aircraft from the early days of the Luftstreitkräfte to the end of World War I. The system necessarily evolved during this period, as new aircraft types were produced. It was never extended to aircraft operated...

    • World War II Germany - (designations - designations systems
      RLM aircraft designation system
      The German Air Ministry had a system for aircraft designation which was an attempt by the aviation bureaucracy of the Third Reich to standardize and produce an identifier for each aircraft type produced in Germany...

  • Ireland
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Israel
  • Japan (designation systems
    Japanese military aircraft designation systems
    The Japanese military aircraft designation systems for the Imperial period are rather difficult to keep track of, primarily because multiple designation systems were in use by each armed service...

  • New Zealand
  • Korea Republic
    Republic of Korea Air Force
    The Republic of Korea Air Force is the air force of South Korea...

  • Pakistan
  • South Africa
  • Sweden
  • U.K. RAF - FAA - (designation systems
    British military aircraft designation systems
    British military aircraft designations are used to refer to aircraft types and variants operated by the armed forces of the United Kingdom.Since the end of the First World War, aircraft types in British military service have generally been known by a name British military aircraft designations are...

  • United States - (designation systems
    United States of America military aircraft designation systems
    The United States Military Aircraft Designation System was first designed in 1919 when the US Army's Aeronautical Division became the United States Army Air Service...

  • USSR and CIS - (designation systems
    USSR military aircraft designation systems
    Imperial Russia does not seem to have had a system.Aircraft were given names or numerical designations by manufacturers, like Ilya Muromets or Anatra Anasal.-Soviet System to 1940:...

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