List of quadrangles on Tethys
Tethys (moon)
Tethys or Saturn III is a mid-sized moon of Saturn about across. It was discovered by G. D. Cassini in 1684 and is named after titan Tethys of Greek mythology. Tethys is pronounced |Odysseus]] is about 400 km in diameter, while the largest graben—Ithaca Chasma is about 100 km wide and...

 has been divided into 15 quadrangle
Quadrangle (geography)
In geology or geography, the word "quadrangle" usually refers to a United States Geological Survey 7.5-minute quadrangle map, which are usually named after a local physiographic feature. The shorthand "quad" is also used, especially with the name of the map; for example, "the Ranger Creek, Texas...

Name Number Latitude Longitude Namesake Map
Ste1 65–90° N 0–360° W Labeled, unlabeled
Anticleia Ste2 21–66° N 0–90° W Anticlea Labeled, unlabeled
Odysseus Ste3 21–66° N 90–180° W Odysseus
Odysseus (crater)
Odysseus is the largest crater on Saturn's moon Tethys. It is 445 km across, more than 2/5 of the moon's diameter, and is one of the larger craters in the Solar System. It is situated in the western part of leading hemisphere of the moon—the latitude and longitude of its center are 32.8°N and...

Labeled, unlabeled
Alcinous Ste4 21–66° N 180–270° W Alcinous Labeled, unlabeled
Telemachus Ste5 21–66° N 270–360° W Telemachus Labeled, unlabeled
Circe Ste6 22° N–22° S 0–72° W Circe Labeled, unlabeled
Polycaste Ste7 22° N–22° S 72–144° W Polycaste Labeled, unlabeled
Theoclymenus Ste8 22° N–22° S 144–216° W Theoclymenus Labeled, unlabeled
Penelope Ste9 22° N–22° S 216-288° W Penelope
Penelope (crater)
Penelope is the fourth largest impact crater on Tethys, which is one of Saturn's moons. It is 208 kilometers wide, and is located near the equator in the center of trailing hemisphere of the moon at 10.8°S, 249.2°W. It is approximately opposite to the largest crater on Tethys—Odysseus.Penelope...

Labeled, unlabeled
Salmoneus Ste10 22° N-22° S 288–360° W Salmoneus Labeled, unlabeled
Ithaca Chasma Ste11 21–66° S 0–90° W Ithaca Chasma
Ithaca Chasma
Ithaca Chasma is a valley on Saturn's moon Tethys, named after the island of Ithaca, in Greece. It is on average 100 km wide, 3 to 5 km deep and 2,000 km long, running approximately three-quarters of the way around Tethys' circumference, making it one of the longer valleys in the...

Labeled, unlabeled
Hermione Ste12 21–66° S 90–180° W Hermione Labeled, unlabeled
Melanthius Ste13 21–66° S 180–270° W Melanthius
Melanthius (crater)
Melanthius is the third largest impact crater on Tethys, which is one of Saturn's moons. Melanthius is wide, and is located in the southern quadrant of Melanthius, named after the crater. Melanthius is noted for its prominent cluster of central peaks, which were formed in the original impact...

Labeled, unlabeled
Antinous Ste14 21–66° S 270–360° W Antinuous Labeled, unlabeled
Naubolos Ste15 65–90° S 0–360° W Naubolos Labeled, unlabeled
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