List of photographic films
Black & White films
- Agfapan AP 100
- Agfapan AP 400
- Agfapan APX 25
- Agfapan APX 100. Production of identical material announced for 2010 by ADOX
- Agfapan APX 400. Production of identical material announced for 2010 by ADOX
- Isopan ISS (Super Special)
- Isopan F - Portrait film
- Isopan F
- Isopan Ultra
- Isopan Super Special
- Isopan Fine Grain
- Isopan Record
- Agfa Vario-XL (C-41 process chromogenic film)
- Dia-Direct (reversal film)
- Scala (reversal film)
Color Reversal (slide) films
- Agfacolor Neue
- Agfa CT18
- Agfachrome 50 S / 50 L
- RSX series.
- Precisa
Color Negative films
- Agfacolor Negative
- Agfacolor CN17
- Agfa CNS
- Agfacolor Pcket Special
- Agfa Optima
- Agfa Portrait
- Agfa Ultra
VelviaVelviaVelvia is a brand of daylight-balanced color reversal film produced by the Japanese company Fujifilm. The name is a contraction of "Velvet Media", a reference to its smooth image structure. The original incarnation of the film was called "Velvia for Professionals", known as RVP, a classification...
- Type: Color Reversal
- Speed: ISO 50/18°
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120, 220, 4x5", 8x10", 13x18cm
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 9
- Latitude: ±½ stop
- Color saturation: Very high
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 160 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 80 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage: Landscape and nature scenes.
- General characteristics: Very high contrast, very high saturation.
Velvia 100
- Type: Color Reversal
- Speed: ISO 100/21°
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120, 220, 4x5", 8x10"
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 8
- Latitude:
- Color saturation: Very high
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 160 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 80 line/mm
- History: Set to replace 'classic' Velvia 50.
- Primary usage: Landscape and nature scenes.
- General characteristics: Very high contrast, very high saturation.
Velvia 100F
- Type: Color Reversal
- Speed: ISO 100/21°
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120, 220, 4x5", 8x10", 9x12cm, 13x18cm
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 8
- Latitude: ±½ stop
- Color saturation: Very high
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 160 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 80 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage:
- General characteristics: Very high contrast, very high saturation.
ProviaProviaProvia is a brandname for a pair of daylight-balanced color reversal films produced by the Japanese film company Fujifilm. It is available in two speeds: 100/21° marketed as Fujichrome Provia 100F Professional [RDP III], and 400/27° marketed as Fujichrome Provia 400X Professional [RXP].Provia 100F...
- Type: Color Reversal
- Speed: ISO 100/21°
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120, 220, 4x5", 8x10", 9x12cm, 13x18cm
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 8
- Latitude: ±½ stop
- Color saturation: Very high
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 140 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 60 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage:
- General characteristics:
Astia 100F
- Type: Color Reversal
- Speed: ISO 100/21°
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120, 220, 4x5", 8x10"
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 7
- Latitude:
- Color saturation: Subdued
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 140 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 60 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage: Fashion, portraits, interior, products.
- General characteristics: Soft tones
Provia 400X
- Type: Color Reversal
- Speed: ISO 400/27°
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 11
- Color saturation: High
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 135 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 55 line/mm
- History: Replaced Provia 400F
- Primary usage: Sports, journalism, stage shows, astrophotography
64T type II
- Type: Color Reversal
- Speed: ISO 64/19°
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120, 4x5", 8x10", 9x12cm
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 10
- Latitude:
- Color saturation: Natural
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 135 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 55 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage: Product photography and reproducing illustrations or paintings.
- General characteristics: For tungsten lighting.
Sensia 100
- Type: Color Reversal
- Speed: ISO 100/21°
- Available formats: 35 mm
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 8
- Latitude:
- Color saturation: Natural
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 140 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 60 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage: General
- General characteristics:
Sensia 200
- Type: Color Reversal
- Speed: ISO 200/24°
- Available formats: 35 mm
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 13
- Latitude:
- Color saturation: Natural
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 140 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 60 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage: General, indoor
- General characteristics:
Sensia 400
- Type: Color Reversal
- Speed: ISO 400/27°
- Available formats: 35 mm
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 13
- Latitude:
- Color saturation: Natural
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 135 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 55 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage: Sports, portraits, nighttime, astrophotography.
- General characteristics:
Pro 160S
- Type: Color negative
- Speed: ISO 160/23°
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120, 220, 4x5", 8x10", 9x12cm, 13x18cm
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 3
- Latitude:
- Color saturation:
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 63 line/mm
- History: Replaced NPS160
- Primary usage: Portraits
- General characteristics:
Pro 160C
- Type: Color negative
- Speed: ISO 160/23°
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120, 220, 4x5"
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 3
- Latitude:
- Color saturation: Enhanced
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 63 line/mm
- History: Replaced NPC160
- Primary usage: Portraits, fashion, architecture, interior.
- General characteristics:
NPL 160
- Type: Color negative
- Speed: ISO 160/23°
- Available formats: 120, 4x5", 8x10"
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 4
- Latitude:
- Color saturation:
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 63 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage: Studio portraits, copying.
- General characteristics: For tungsten lighting.
Pro 400H
- Type: Color negative
- Speed: ISO 400/27°
- Available formats: 35mm, 120, 220
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 4
- Latitude: Wide.
- Color saturation: Natural.
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
- History: Used to be called NPH400
- Primary usage: Weddings, portraits, fashion.
- General characteristics: 4th Color layer.
Pro 800Z
- Type: Color negative
- Speed: ISO 800/30°
- Available formats: 35mm, 120, 220
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 5
- Latitude: Wide.
- Color saturation: Natural.
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 115 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
- History: Used to be called NPZ800
- Primary usage: Weddings, portraits, fashion.
- General characteristics:
SuperiaFujifilm SuperiaSuperia is a brand of daylight balanced colour negative film produced by the Japanese company Fujifilm. It is available in 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1600 speeds...
- Type: Color negative
- Speed: ISO 100/21°
- Available formats: 35mm, 120
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 4
- Latitude: Wide.
- Color saturation: Natural.
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 63 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage: Weddings, portraits, fashion.
- General characteristics: 4th Color layer, fine grain.
Superia 100
- Type: Color negative
- Speed: ISO 100/21°
- Available formats: 35mm, 120
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 4
- Latitude: Wide.
- Color saturation: Natural.
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 63 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage: General.
- General characteristics: 4th Color layer.
Superia 200
- Type: Color negative
- Speed: ISO 200/24°
- Available formats: 35mm, 110
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 4
- Latitude: Wide.
- Color saturation: Natural.
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage: General.
- General characteristics: 4th Color layer.
Superia X-tra 400
- Type: Color negative
- Speed: ISO 400/27°
- Available formats: 35mm
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 4
- Latitude: Wide.
- Color saturation: Natural.
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage: General.
- General characteristics: 4th Color layer.
True definition 400
- Type: Color negative
- Speed: ISO 400/27°
- Available formats: 35mm
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 5
- Latitude: Wide.
- Color saturation: Natural.
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage: General.
- General characteristics: 4th Color layer, fine grain.
Superia X-tra 800
- Type: Color negative
- Speed: ISO 800/30°
- Available formats: 35mm
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 5
- Latitude: Wide.
- Color saturation: Natural.
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage: General.
- General characteristics: 4th Color layer.
Superia 1600
- Type: Color negative
- Speed: ISO 1600/33°
- Available formats: 35mm
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 7
- Latitude: Wide.
- Color saturation: Natural.
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage: General.
- General characteristics: 4th Color layer.
Press 400
- Type: Color negative
- Speed: ISO 400/27°
- Available formats: 35mm
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 4
- Latitude: Wide.
- Color saturation: Natural.
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage: General.
- General characteristics: 4th Color layer.
Press 800
- Type: Color negative
- Speed: ISO 800/30°
- Available formats: 35mm, 110
- Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 5
- Latitude: Wide.
- Color saturation: Natural.
- Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
- History:
- Primary usage: General.
- General characteristics: 4th Color layer.
DeltaIlford DeltaIlford Delta is a series of photographic films manufactured by Harman Technology Limited. Delta films are tabular-grain black-and-white films....
- Type: Black and White
- Speed: ISO 100, DIN 21
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120, Sheet Film
- Granularity: Extremely Fine
- Resolving power: High
- History: 100 speed version of Delta released in 1992
- Primary usage: General black-and-white photography
- General characteristics: Extreme contrast, fine-grain, fairly wide latitude
Delta 400
- Type: Black and White
- Speed: ISO 400, DIN 27
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120
- Granularity: Fine
- Latitude: EI 200/24 to EI 3200/36
- Resolving power:
- History: The Delta films are Ilford's answer to Kodak's T-grained films (T-Max). Unveiled in 1990, it uses Ilford's core-shell crystal technology. The current version was released in 2001.
- Primary usage: All-purpose black-and-white film
- General characteristics: Relatively fine grain and high contrast, good speed
Delta 3200
- Type: Black and White
- Speed: ISO 1000/DIN 31
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120
- Granularity:
- Latitude: EI 1600/33 to EI 6400/39, up to EI 25000/45 with push processing
- Resolving power:
- History: Available since 1998 as a competitor to Kodak's T-Max 3200. Unlike Kodak's emulsion, it is available in 120 format.
- Primary usage: Low light and extreme low light depending on what speed it is exposed and developed at.
XP2 Super
- Type: Black and White (ChromogenicChromogenicChromogenic refers to color photographic processes in which a traditional silver image is first formed, and then later replaced with a colored dye image.- Description :...
Dye) - Speed: ISO 400/DIN 27
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120
- Latitude: EI 50/18 to EI 800/30
- History: Replaced the original XP2, Ilford decided not to Call it XP3
- Primary usage: A medium speed, C41 (One hour photo) process film.
Ortho Plus
- Type: Black and White Orthochromatic Copy Film
- Speed: ISO 80/DIN 20 in Daylight, ISO 40/DIN 17 in Tungsten
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120
- Primary usage: Copy work, B&W duplicating, alternative processes, creative portraiture.
- General characteristics: Orthochromatic, thus subjects that reflect red light show little density on the negative. Very fine grain and high resolving power. Highest contrast and Dmax of all Ilford films.
Pan F Plus
- Type: Black and White (Silver, Panchromatic)
- Speed: ISO 50/DIN 18
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120
- Granularity: Very Fine
- Latitude: EI 25/15 to EI 50/18
- Resolving power:
- History: Available since 1992
- Primary usage: Portraiture, Landscape, Still life.
- General characteristics: Very fine grain and high resolving power. High contrast and Dmax.
FP4 PlusIlford FPFP is a cubic-grain black-and-white film from Ilford Photo with a long history. It originated as Fine grain Panchromatic roll film in 1935. Like HP film, it has gone through a number of versions since then, with the latest being FP4 plus .- External links :*...
- Type: Black and White
- Speed: ISO 125, DIN 22
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120, Sheet Film
- Granularity: Very Fine
- Latitude: EI 50/18 to EI 200/24
- Resolving power:
- History:
- Primary usage: General Black and White Photography, Landscape Photography
- General characteristics: Very fine grain, Medium-high Contrast
HP5 PlusIlford HPHP is a cubic-grain black-and-white film from Ilford Photo with a long history. It originated as Hypersensitive Panchromatic plates in 1931. Since then it progressed through a number of versions, with HP5 plus being the latest...
- Type: Black and White
- Speed: ISO 400, DIN 27
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120, Sheet Film
- Granularity:
- Latitude: EI 400/27 to EI 3200/36
- Resolving power:
- History:
- Primary usage: Photojournalism, amateur, students.
- General characteristics: medium to fine grain, depending on developer and format used; medium contrast
SFX 200Ilford SFXSFX is a black-and-white film from Ilford Photo with extended sensitivity into the near-infrared at 740nm. It can be used as a panchromatic film on its own, or with different red/infrared filters to give varying levels of the effect seen in infrared photography; i.e dark skies and bright plant...
- Type: Black and White with Extended Red Sensitivity
- Speed: ISO 200, DIN 24
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120
- Granularity: Medium-Coarse
- Latitude:
- Resolving power:
- History:
- Primary usage: Infrared Photography
- General characteristics: medium grain, sensitive to IR up to about 750 nm
Pan 100
- Type: Black and White
- Speed: ISO 100, DIN 21
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120
- Granularity:
- Latitude: EI 50/18 to EI 200/24
- Resolving power:
- History:
- Primary usage:
- General characteristics:
Pan 400
- Type: Black and White
- Speed: ISO 400, DIN 27
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120
- Granularity:
- Latitude: EI 200/24 to EI 3200/36
- Resolving power:
- History:
- Primary usage:
- General characteristics:
Black-and-white films
- Panatomic-X
- Plus-X
- Tri-XKodak Tri-XTri-X is a classic high-speed black-and-white photographic film from Kodak. Introduced around 1940 in sheets rated at ASA daylight 200 and tungsten 160, it was one of Kodak's first high-speed black-and-white films. Tri-X was released in 35mm and 120 in 1954. Currently it is available in two...
- T-MAXKodak T-MAXKodak Professional T-MAX Film is a continuous tone, panchromatic, tabular-grain black and white negative film made by Eastman Kodak. It is sold in three speeds: 100, 400 and 3200...
- High Contrast Copy
- Technical PanTechnical PanTechnical Pan was an almost panchromatic black-and-white film produced by Kodak. While it could reproduce the visible light spectrum, it leaned to the red, and so unfiltered outdoor shots would render blues, most notably the sky, with additional darkening and reds with some lightening. These unique...
- Kodalith
- IR film
Color Films
- Kodak Gold
- Kodak Ultramax 400
- Kodak Ektar (Color negative)
- EktachromeEktachromeEktachrome is a brand name owned by Kodak for a range of transparency, still, and motion picture films available in most formats, including 35 mm and sheet sizes to 11x14 inch size. Ektachrome has a distinctive look that became familiar to many readers of National Geographic, which used it...
- KodachromeKodachromeKodachrome is the trademarked brand name of a type of color reversal film that was manufactured by Eastman Kodak from 1935 to 2009.-Background:...
- PortraKodak PortraKodak Portra is a family of daylight-balanced professional colour negative films made mainly for portrait and wedding applications. The films come in three speeds — 160, 400, and 800 ISO — with the 160 speed available as "natural color" and "vivid color" varieties.Despite the supplement of...
Portra 800
- Type: Color negative
- Speed: ISO 800/30°
- Available formats: 35mm, 120, 220
- Granularity: (x 1000):
- Latitude: Wide.
- Color saturation: Natural.
- Resolving power:
- History: Updated in 2004, then again in 2006, the 2006 version still has 800-2 written on the negs.
- Primary usage: Weddings, portraits, fashion.
- General characteristics:
- Type: Black and White
- Speed: ISO 400, DIN 27
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120, Sheet Film
- Granularity:
- Latitude: EI 400/27 to EI 3200/36
- Resolving power:
- History: introduced in 1954
- Primary usage: Photojournalism, amateur, students.
- General characteristics:
- Type: Black and White (orthochromaticOrthochromatic- Orthochromatic photography :Orthochromatic photography refers to a photographic emulsion that is sensitive to only blue and green light, and thus can be processed with a red safelight. The increased blue sensitivity causes blue objects to appear lighter and red ones darker...
) - Speed: ISO 25, DIN 15°
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120, Sheet Film
- Granularity: Extremely Fine
- Resolving power: Extremely High (>330lp/mm)
- History: evolution of Agra Ort25c, same emulsion as MACO EM miocrography film, evolved later in ORTO25
- Primary usage: Reprography, Micrography, specialty black-and-white photography
- General characteristics:
Product sheet of EM film
Rollei R3 Film
- Type: Black and White
- Speed: ISO 200, DIN 24° (can be used from ISO25 to ISO6400)
- Available formats: 35 mm, 120, Sheet Film
- Granularity: Fine
- Resolving power: High
- History: launched in 2004
- Primary usage: General black-and-white photography
- General characteristics: Fairly wide latitude, PET base for better film flatness, extended spectral sensitivity from IR to near-UV, to be stored in special black cartridges
Product sheet
Gigabit Film
- Type: Black and White
- Speed: ISO 40, DIN 17°
- Available formats: 35 mm
- Granularity: Extremely Fine
- Resolving power: Extremely High
- History: said to be Agfa Copex micrography film, sold with special low-contrast developer to increase dynamic range
- Primary usage: General black-and-white photography, with scanning in mind
- General characteristics: PET base for better film flatness, strong contrast and low exposure tolerance, fine grain not much subject to grain aliasing in usual resolution scans
Product sheet