List of genealogy portals
This is a list of genealogy web portals, sites on the web that are large curated sets of links to genealogy resources. This list should not overlap with list of general genealogy databases, as the items here are not associated with specific databases of genealogy information. Only the largest of the web genealogy portals which transcend national boundaries, family lines, and time periods should appear here, as there are many thousands of minor portals.

  • Cyndi's List
    Cyndi's List
    Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet is a categorized and cross-referenced list of links for genealogical research. The site contains roughly 290,000 links in 180 categories...

    , containing >250,000 resource links, categorized and cross-referenced in more than 180 categories.
    GENUKI is a genealogy web portal, run as a charitable trust. Its aim is "to serve as a "virtual reference library" of genealogical information that is of particular relevance to the UK & Ireland"...

    , information covering England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man; Irish County Based Genealogical Centres affiliated to the Irish Family History Foundation
  • Deutscher Genealogieserver of the Verein für Computergenealogie, major portal for German genealogy and genealogical societies.
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