List of countries by electricity production from renewable source
This article is a list of countries by electricity production from renewable sources (renewable electricity) every year.

World top 10 renewable electricity producers (TW·h/year)

Rank Country Year Total Hydroelectricity
Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity generated by hydropower; the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. It is the most widely used form of renewable energy...

Wind Power
Wind power
Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into a useful form of energy, such as using wind turbines to make electricity, windmills for mechanical power, windpumps for water pumping or drainage, or sails to propel ships....

Biomass, as a renewable energy source, is biological material from living, or recently living organisms. As an energy source, biomass can either be used directly, or converted into other energy products such as biofuel....

Solar power
Solar energy, radiant light and heat from the sun, has been harnessed by humans since ancient times using a range of ever-evolving technologies. Solar radiation, along with secondary solar-powered resources such as wind and wave power, hydroelectricity and biomass, account for most of the available...

Geothermal power
Geothermal energy is thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth. Thermal energy is the energy that determines the temperature of matter. Earth's geothermal energy originates from the original formation of the planet and from radioactive decay of minerals...

Other sources*
1   China
Renewable energy in China
Renewable energy is helping the People's Republic of China complete its economic transformation and achieve "energy security". China rapidly has moved along the path of renewable energy development. About 17 percent of China's electricity came from renewable sources in 2007, led by the world's...

2009 576.9 549.0 40.2 3.0 0.140
-   European Union
Renewable energy in the European Union
The countries of the European Union are currently the number two global leaders in the development and application of renewable energy. Promoting the use of renewable energy sources is important both to the reduction of the EU's dependence on foreign energy imports, and in meeting targets to combat...

2009 587.2
2   United States
Renewable energy in the United States
Renewable energy accounted for 14.3 percent of the domestically produced electricity in the United States in the first six months of 2011. Hydroelectricity is the largest producer of renewable power in the United States. In 2009, the U.S...

2009 424.3 272.1 70.8 54.3 0.808 15.2
3   Brazil 2009 409.8 387.1 1.374 21.354
4   Canada
Renewable energy in Canada
Canada generates a significant part of its electricity from hydroelectric dams, but has otherwise limited renewable energy generation, although wind power is growing quickly. A 15 megawatt tidal plant sits at Annapolis, Nova Scotia, and uses the daily tides of the Bay of Fundy...

2009 374.5 363.2 2.5 0.017
5   Russia
Renewable energy in Russia
Renewable energy in Russia mainly consists of hydroelectric energy. The country is the fifth largest producer of renewable energy in the world, although it is 56th when hydroelectric energy is not taken into account. Some 179 TWh of Russia's energy production comes from renewable energy...

2009 165.1 163.2 0.007 0.48 0.41
6   Norway
Renewable energy in Norway
Norway is a heavy producer of renewable energy, first of all due to good resources in hydropower. Over 99% of the electricity production in mainland Norway is covered by hydropower plants...

2009 126.2 125.0 0.977 0.2
7   India
Renewable energy in India
Renewable energy in India is a sector that is still undeveloped. India was the first country in the world to set up a ministry of non-conventional energy resources, in early 1980s. However its success has been very spotty. In recent years India has been lagging behind other nations in the use of...

2009 121.8 104.4 14.7
8   Germany
Renewable energy in Germany
The share of electricity produced from renewable energy in Germany has increased from 6.3 percent of the national total in 2000 to over 20 percent in the first half of 2011. In 2010, investments totaling 26 billion euros were made in Germany’s renewable energies sector...

2010 101.7 19.694 36.500 33.460 12.000 0.027
9   Japan 2009 98.9 75.2 1.754 0.002 3.027
10  Venezuela 2009 85.8 85.8

* Other sources include wave energy and waste-to-energy.

All countries

Country Year Total renewable (TWh) Hydro
Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity generated by hydropower; the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. It is the most widely used form of renewable energy...

Wind power
Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into a useful form of energy, such as using wind turbines to make electricity, windmills for mechanical power, windpumps for water pumping or drainage, or sails to propel ships....

Biomass, as a renewable energy source, is biological material from living, or recently living organisms. As an energy source, biomass can either be used directly, or converted into other energy products such as biofuel....

Solar power
Solar energy, radiant light and heat from the sun, has been harnessed by humans since ancient times using a range of ever-evolving technologies. Solar radiation, along with secondary solar-powered resources such as wind and wave power, hydroelectricity and biomass, account for most of the available...

Geothermal power
Geothermal energy is thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth. Thermal energy is the energy that determines the temperature of matter. Earth's geothermal energy originates from the original formation of the planet and from radioactive decay of minerals...

% of total
 Afghanistan 2008 520 62.50
 Albania 2008 3.850 3,850 100.00
 Algeria 2009 310 0.77
 Angola 2008 3,804 96.45
 Argentina 2008 29,955 40 1,551 27.33
 Armenia 2008 1,779 2 30.38
Renewable energy in Australia
Renewable energy in Australia represents 5.2% of total energy consumption, but only 1.7% of total production, the difference being the result of significant non-renewable energy exports. In the five years to 2009 renewable energy consumption grew by 3.5%, faster than other energy sources. Of all...

2009 11,442 3,615 1,972 148 0 7.40
 Austria 2008 40,678 2,014 4,264 28 2 70.02
 Azerbaijan 2008 2,210 9.80
 Bangladesh 2008 1,459 4.43
 Belarus 2008 39 1 77 0.35
  Belgium 2008 1,757 996(2009) 166(2009) 6.53
 Belize 2008 204 94.88
 Benin 2008 1 0.78
 Bhutan 2008 7,063 99.97
 Bolivia 2008 2,258 177 40.71
 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2008 4,506 35.50
 Brazil 2009 387,078 1,374 21,354 88.88
 Kingdom of Bulgaria 2007 3,234 47 8.45
 Burkina Faso 2009 131 19.73
 Myanmar 2008 3,988 62.06
 Burundi 2008 206 99.04
 Cambodia 2008 46 4 2 3.78
 Cameroon 2008 4,190 77.29
Renewable energy in Canada
Canada generates a significant part of its electricity from hydroelectric dams, but has otherwise limited renewable energy generation, although wind power is growing quickly. A 15 megawatt tidal plant sits at Annapolis, Nova Scotia, and uses the daily tides of the Bay of Fundy...

2009 363,400 6,100 17 (2007) 64.23
 Cape Verde 2008 0.257 7 2.73
 Central African Republic 2008 0.160 0.130 81.25
 Chile 2008 23,643 36 2,929 44.14
Renewable energy in China
Renewable energy is helping the People's Republic of China complete its economic transformation and achieve "energy security". China rapidly has moved along the path of renewable energy development. About 17 percent of China's electricity came from renewable sources in 2007, led by the world's...

2008 576.1 486,700 5,600 17.88
Renewable energy in Colombia
Colombia has 28.1 Megawatt installed capacity of renewable energy , consisting mainly of wind power. The country has significant small hydro, wind, and solar resources that remain largely unexploited...

2008 43,085 51 561 85.66
 Comoros 2008 0.052 2 3.85
 Republic of the Congo 2008 0.452 371 82.08
 Costa Rica 2008 7,313 188 78 1,075 93.15
 Côte d'Ivoire 2008 1,879 112 35.89
 Independent State of Croatia 2008 5,164 38 20 44.79
 Cuba 2008 137 371 2.99
 Cyprus 2008 10 3 0.28
 Czech Republic 2008 2,376 245 1438 13 4.88
 Democratic Republic of the Congo 2008 7,409 99.42
  Denmark 2009 6,721 2,983 2.7 27.4
 Dominica 2008 32 36.78
 Dominican Republic 2008 1,711 28 11.93
 Ecuador 2008 11,181 3 397 64.12
 Egypt 2008 14,535 884 12.44
 El Salvador 2008 2,018 100 1,443 62.24
 Equatorial Guinea 2008 2 2.17
 Eritrea 2008 0.270 2 0.74
 Estonia 2009 32 195 39 (2006) 3.03
 Ethiopia 2008 3,263 13 88.18
 Faroe Islands 2008 0.153 147 7 61.85
 Fiji 2009 660 68.04
Renewable energy in Finland
Renewable energy in Finland of electricity was : Water 60%, forest industry black liquor 22%, other wood residues 16%, wind power 0.2% and other RE 1 %. The European objectives are: 22% renewable source electricity and 12% renewable of primary energy in 2010 . This includes e.g...

2009 12,588 262 8,586 6 31.56
  France 2008 68,841 5,689 2,116 41 13.34
 Gabon 2008 885 7 45.44
 Georgia (country) 2008 7,090 85.50
Renewable energy in Germany
The share of electricity produced from renewable energy in Germany has increased from 6.3 percent of the national total in 2000 to over 20 percent in the first half of 2011. In 2010, investments totaling 26 billion euros were made in Germany’s renewable energies sector...

2010 101.681 19,694 36,500 33,460 12,000 27 16.50
 Ghana 2008 6,133 75.09
  Greece 2009 4,694 1,887 199 5 13.18
 Guatemala 2008 3,675 1,474 61.33
 Guinea 2008 500 54.35
 Haiti 2008 179 38.41
 Honduras 2008 2.268 187 39.21
 Hungary 2009 226 315 2,323 1 8.44
Renewable energy in Iceland
About 81 percent of total primary energy supply in Iceland is derived from domestically produced renewable energy sources. In 2007, geothermal energy provided about 66 percent of primary energy, the share of hydropower was 15 percent, and fossil fuels 19 percent...

2009 12,156 1 4,325 99.99
Renewable energy in India
Renewable energy in India is a sector that is still undeveloped. India was the first country in the world to set up a ministry of non-conventional energy resources, in early 1980s. However its success has been very spotty. In recent years India has been lagging behind other nations in the use of...

2009 104,439 15,300 2,000 42 14.58
 Indonesia 2008 11,413 55 7,882 13.71
 Iran 2010 16,100 128 1 4 1 20.69
 Iraq 2008 555 1.60
 Republic of Ireland 2007 2.758 667 1,959 133 5 (2001) 10 (2001) 10.15
 Israel 2008 16 9 209 0.44
Renewable energy in Italy
In 2010 Italy saw a growth of 124% investment in clean energy, recording one of the highest increase among the G-20 countries, about 62% of investments in renewable energy was allocated to photovoltaic...

2010 75.270 50,582 8,449 9,281 1,600 5,358 22.2
 Jamaica 2008 156 47 102 4.16
  Japan 2007 95.0 86,350 1,754 2 3,027 9.41
 Jordan 2008 61 3 9 0.56
 Kazakhstan 2009 7,496 9.91
 Kenya 2008 2,821 305 1,120 62.53
 Kyrgyzstan 2009 10,098 91.11
 Laos 2008 3,680 92.46
 Latvia 2008 3,078 56 42 62.10
 Lebanon 2008 369 3.69
 Lesotho 2008 0.200 200 100.00
 Lithuania 2009 424 157 66 (2008) 29 4.40
 Luxembourg 2009 97 61 113 19 10.87
 Republic of Macedonia 2008 832 13.92
 Madagascar 2008 735 66.82
 Malawi 2008 1,451 86.58
 Malaysia 2009 8,640 1 8.54
 Mali 2008 275 56.12
 Mauritania 2008 60 10.97
 Mauritius 2008 100 4.16
 Mexico 2009 26,410 237 823 9 6,403 14.17
 Moldova 2008 81 2.37
 Kingdom of Montenegro 2008 1,530 57.52
 Morocco 2008 920 283 6.17
 Mozambique 2008 14,963 99.92
 Namibia 2008 1,556 70.82
 Nepal 2008 3,042 99.67
  Netherlands 2009 98 4,581 5,422 46 8.94
 New Caledonia 2008 440 24.44
  New Zealand
Renewable energy in New Zealand
Renewable energy in New Zealand is primarily from hydropower. In 2010, 74% of the electricity generated in New Zealand came from renewable sources, a ratio that has been falling for decades while load growth has been met primarily by natural gas-fired power stations...

2010 24,470 1,618 572 5,551 74
 Nicaragua 2008 529 321 306 33.81
 Nigeria 2008 5,664 28.14
 North Korea 2008 13,927 61.85
 Northern Mariana Islands 2001 1 1 0
Renewable energy in Norway
Norway is a heavy producer of renewable energy, first of all due to good resources in hydropower. Over 99% of the electricity production in mainland Norway is covered by hydropower plants...

2009 126,077 977 277 96.63
 Pakistan 2009 27,075 30.34
 Palau 18
 Panama 2008 3,933 18 63.29
 Papua New Guinea 2008 900 30.35
 Paraguay 2008 54.912 54,909 100.00
 Peru 2008 18,850 1 472 60.53
 Philippines 2009 9,690 61 13 1 10,187 33.71
 Poland 2009 2,385 1,038 4,976 5.92
Renewable energy in Portugal
Renewable energy in Portugal was the source for 52% of the country's electricity generation in 2010 - an increase of 28% in 5 years.In 2001, the Portuguese government launched a new energy policy instrument – the E4 Programme , consisting of a set of multiple, diversified measures aimed at...

2010 28.233 16,249 9,024 2,191 213 173 (2009) 52.0
 Puerto Rico 2008 20.921 156 0.75
 Réunion 2008 633 37.17
  Romania 2006 18.4 76 (2008) 27.49
Renewable energy in Russia
Renewable energy in Russia mainly consists of hydroelectric energy. The country is the fifth largest producer of renewable energy in the world, although it is 56th when hydroelectric energy is not taken into account. Some 179 TWh of Russia's energy production comes from renewable energy...

2009 162,270 5 2,400 442 17.83
 Rwanda 2008 30 18.75
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2008 23 17.42
 Samoa 2009 49 45.37
 São Tomé and Príncipe 2008 10 24.39
 Serbia 2009 11,100 29.7
 Senegal 2008 227 29 2 10.56
 Sierra Leone 2008 18 31.03
 Slovakia 2009 4,417 5 508 19.96
 Slovenia 2008 3,959 277 1 27.10
 South Africa 2008 1,247 246 30 21 0.65
 South Korea 2009 2,785 646 533 945 1.18
Renewable energy in Spain
Renewable energy in Spain represented 12.5% of total energy generation in 2009. Spain has set the target of generating 20% of its energy needs from renewable energy sources by 2020....

2010 38,001 42,976 2,167 (2006) 7,276 30.62
 Sri Lanka 2008 4,087 3 2 15 46.18
 Sudan 2008 1,448 33.50
 Suriname 2008 875 55.38
 Swaziland 2008 200 42.55
  Sweden 2009 64,473 2,361 11,321 5 60.42
 Switzerland 2009 35,315 18 2,314 32 58.52
 Syria 2008 2,843 7.35
 Tajikistan 2009 15,900 98.76
 Tanzania 2008 2,628 61.39
 Thailand 2008 7,042 4,593 3 2 8.37
 Togo 2008 90 2 58.60
 Trinidad and Tobago 2008 10 0.13
 Tunisia 2008 38 37 0.52
 Turkey 2010 59,504 5,832 937 0 946 25.32
 Turkmenistan 2008 3 0.02
 Uganda 2008 1,631 74.95
 Ukraine 2008 11,268 43 6.24
  United Kingdom
Renewable energy in the United Kingdom
From the mid 1990s renewable energy began to contribute to the electricity generated in the United Kingdom, adding to a small hydroelectricity generating capacity...

2006 22.464 7,891 5,274 9,291 (2007) 8 6.18
  United States
Renewable energy in the United States
Renewable energy accounted for 14.3 percent of the domestically produced electricity in the United States in the first six months of 2011. Hydroelectricity is the largest producer of renewable power in the United States. In 2009, the U.S...

2009 413.21 272,100 70,800 54,300 808 15,200 10.05
 Uruguay 2008 4,460 787 61.92
 Uzbekistan 2009 9,237 19.47
 Venezuela 2009 85,839 69.57
 Vietnam 2008 25,726 36.77
 Zambia 2008 9,569 99.71
 Zimbabwe 2008 4,220 54.64

See also

  • List of U.S. states by electricity production from renewable sources
  • Low carbon power generation
  • Cost of electricity by source
    Cost of electricity by source
    The cost of electricity generated by different sources measures the cost of generating electricity including initial capital, return on investment, as well as the costs of continuous operation, fuel, and maintenance...

  • Renewable energy in the European Union
    Renewable energy in the European Union
    The countries of the European Union are currently the number two global leaders in the development and application of renewable energy. Promoting the use of renewable energy sources is important both to the reduction of the EU's dependence on foreign energy imports, and in meeting targets to combat...

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