List of compositions by Josef Suk
List of compositions by Josef Suk
Josef Suk (composer)
Josef Suk was a Czech composer and violinist.- Life :Suk was born in Křečovice. He studied at Prague Conservatory from 1885 to 1892, where he was a pupil of Antonín Dvořák and Antonín Bennewitz. In 1898, he married Dvořák's eldest daughter, Otilie Dvořáková , affectionately known as Otilka...
Opus | Date | Czech title (original title) | English title | Genre | Remarks |
– | 1882 | Polka G dur | Polka in G major | Chamber music | for violin and piano |
– | 1883 | Sonáta C dur | Sonata in C major | Piano | |
– | 1884–1885 | Ouvertura | Overture | Piano | |
– | 1886–1887 | Polonaise C moll | Polonaise in C minor | Piano | |
– | 1886–1887 | Jindřichohradecký cyklus • Příjezd do Hradce • Svatební pochod Milky se slečnou Krásovou • Vchod do rytířského sídla Milky • Vyplazené jazýčky |
Jindřichův Hradec Jindrichuv Hradec Jindřichův Hradec is a town in the South Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic. It has approximately 22,700 inhabitants.- History :The first written mention of the town is in 1220. Before that, it was probably a Slavic settlement. At the end of the 12th century more people arrived... Cycle |
Piano | |
– | 1886–1887 | Skladba bez názvu B dur | Untitled Piece in B major | Piano | |
– | 1886–1887 | Skladba bez názvu G dur | Untitled Piece in G major | Piano | |
– | 1888 | Fantasie D moll | Fantasy in D minor | Orchestra | for string orchestra |
– | 1888 | Fuga C moll | Fugue in C minor | Piano | |
– | 1888 | Smyčcový kvartet D moll | String Quartet in D minor | Chamber music | |
– | 1888–1889 | Křečovická mše B dur | Křečovice Krecovice Křečovice is a village in the Czech Republic famous as the birthplace of Czech Composer Josef Suk.A comedy film about the village was filmed there in 1985.-External links:... Mass in B major |
Choral | for chorus, string orchestra and organ; revised 1932 |
2 | 1889 | Klavírní trio C moll | Piano Trio in C minor | Chamber music | revised 1890–1891 |
– | 1889 | Smuteční pochod C moll | Marche triste in C minor | Orchestra | for string orchestra |
– | 1890 | Balada D moll | Ballade in D minor | Chamber music | for string quartet |
– | 1890 | Balada D moll | Ballade in D minor | Chamber music | for violin and piano |
3 | 1890 | 2 Skladby
2 Pieces
Chamber music | for cello and piano; revised 1898 |
– | 1890 | Fantazie D moll | Fantasy in D minor | Chamber music | for string quartet (and piano ad lib.) |
– | 1890 | Fuga C moll | Fugue in C minor | Chamber music | for string quartet, also for piano |
– | 1890 | Fuga C moll | Fugue in C minor | Piano | also for string quartet |
– | 1890 | Hory, doly, samý květ | Vocal | for voice and piano | |
1 | 1891 | Klavírní kvartet A moll | Piano Quartet in A minor | Chamber music | |
– | 1891 | Noc byla krásná | The Night Was Beautiful | Vocal | for voice and piano |
– | 1891 | 3 Písně beze slov
3 Songs without Words
Piano | |
– | 1891 | Ukolébavka | Lullaby | Vocal | for child's voice and piano |
4 | 1891–1892 | Dramatická ouvertura A moll | Dramatic Overture in A minor | Orchestra | |
– | 1892 | Ach, wärst du mein | Vocal | for voice and piano | |
5 | 1892 | Fantazie-polonéza C dur | Fantasy-Polonaise in C major | Piano | |
6 | 1892 | Serenáda pro smyčcové nástroje Es dur | Serenade for Strings Serenade for Strings (Suk) Josef Suk's Serenade for Strings in E flat major, Op. 6, was composed in 1892.While Suk was studying under Antonín Dvořák at the Prague Conservatory, Dvořák noticed a melancholy strain in much of Suk's music, and recommended he write some lighter and more cheerful music... in E major |
Orchestra | |
7 | 1891–1893 | 6 Klavírních skladeb
6 Piano Pieces
Piano | |
– | 1893 | Capriccietto G dur | Capriccietto in G major | Piano | |
8 | 1893 | Klavírní kvintet G moll | Piano Quintet in G minor | Chamber music | revised 1915 |
– | 1893 | Melodie | Melody | Chamber music | for 2 violins |
– | 1894 | Humoreska C dur | Humoresque in C major | Piano | |
9 | 1894 | Pohádka zimního večera, Předehra | Tale of a Winter's Eve | Orchestra | Overture after Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon"... 's The Winter's Tale The Winter's Tale The Winter's Tale is a play by William Shakespeare, originally published in the First Folio of 1623. Although it was grouped among the comedies, some modern editors have relabelled the play as one of Shakespeare's late romances. Some critics, among them W. W... ; revised 1926 |
10 | 1895 | 5 Nálad
5 Moods
Piano | |
– | 1895 | Lístek do památníku F dur | Album Leaf in F major | Piano | |
– | 1896 | Nechte cizí, mluvte vlastní řečí | Choral | for male chorus | |
11 | 1896 | Smyčcový kvartet č. 1 B dur | String Quartet No. 1 in B major | Chamber music | |
12 | 1895–1896 | 8 Klavírních skladeb
8 Piano Pieces
Piano | |
– | 1897 | Sonatina G moll | Sonatina in G minor | Piano | revised as Op. 21; Andante included in 4 Episodes |
– | 1897 | Vesnická serenáda F dur | Village Serenade in F major | Piano | |
– | 1898 | Bagatela G dur | Bagatelle in G major | Piano | arrangement of the original 3rd movement to Symphonie, Op. 14 |
13 | 1897–1898 | Radúz a Mahulena | Radúz and Mahulena | Orchestra | Music for Julius Zeyer Julius Zeyer Julius Zeyer was a Czech prose writer, poet, and playwright.Zeyer was born into a father of German-French nobility, and mother of Jewish family, and learned the Czech language from his nanny. He was expected to take over the family's factory but instead decided to learn carpentering... 's Fairy-Tale Play for alto, tenor, narrators, chorus and orchestra, revised 1912 |
14 | 1897–1899 | Symfonie E dur | Symphony in E major | Orchestra | |
15 | 1899 | 10 Zpěvů
10 Songs | Choral | for female chorus and piano 4-hands |
16 | 1899–1900 | Pohádka
Fairy Tale Fairy Tale (Suk) Josef Suk wrote the music for Julius Zeyer's mythological drama Radúz and Mahulena in 1897-8. In 1899-1900, Suk extracted a four-movement Suite to this Pohadka . Zeyer greatly impressed Suk. The style and orchestration is much affected by Richard Strauss , although Suk's writing is somewhat simpler...
Orchestra | Suite from Julius Zeyer Julius Zeyer Julius Zeyer was a Czech prose writer, poet, and playwright.Zeyer was born into a father of German-French nobility, and mother of Jewish family, and learned the Czech language from his nanny. He was expected to take over the family's factory but instead decided to learn carpentering... 's Fairy-Tale Play Radúz a Mahulena Radúz and Mahulena Radúz and Mahulena is Czech stage play by novel Julius Zeyer.- Story :Zeyer’s dramatic poem is one of the most beautiful love stories to have graced a Czech stage. Classical fairy-tale motifs wed with mythological references joined together with bravado through a metaphorical language... |
17 | 1900 | 4 Skladby
4 Pieces
Chamber music | for violin and piano |
18 | 1900 | 4 Zpěvy
4 Songs | Choral | for male chorus |
19 | 1900 | 3 Zpěvy
3 Songs | Choral | for chorus, piano ad lib. |
20 | 1900–1901 | Pod jabloní • Bacchanale • Píseň Danici • Sbory blažených • Zpěvy andělů • Živanova touha |
Beneath the Apple Tree | Choral | for alto, narrators, chorus and orchestra; revised 1911, 1915 |
21 | 1900 | Suita
Piano | |
22a | 1902 | Jaro
Piano | |
22b | 1902 | Letní dojmy
Summer Impressions
Piano | |
23 | 1902 | Elegie „pod dojmem Zeyerova Vyšehradu“ | Elegy "Under the Impression of Julius Zeyer Julius Zeyer Julius Zeyer was a Czech prose writer, poet, and playwright.Zeyer was born into a father of German-French nobility, and mother of Jewish family, and learned the Czech language from his nanny. He was expected to take over the family's factory but instead decided to learn carpentering... 's Vyšehrad Vyšehrad Vyšehrad is a castle located in the city of Prague, Czech Republic. It was probably built in the 10th century, on a hill over the Vltava River... " |
Chamber music | for solo violin, solo cello, string quartet, harmonium and harp; also in a shortened version for violin, cello and piano |
– | 1902 | Mé ženě! | To My Wife | Vocal | for voice and piano |
24 | 1902–1903 | Fantazie G moll | Fantasy in G minor | Orchestra | for violin and orchestra |
25 | 1902–1903 | Fantastické scherzo G moll | Fantastic Scherzo in G minor | Orchestra | |
26 | 1904 | Praga | Praga | Orchestra | Symphonic Poem |
27 | 1905–1906 | „Asrael“ Symfonie C moll | Asrael Symphony in C minor | Orchestra | |
– | 1907 | Hospodin jest můj pastýř | The Lord Is My Shepherd | Choral | |
28 | 1907 | O matince
About Mother
Piano | 5 Pieces |
29 | 1908–1909 | Pohádka léta
A Summer's Tale
Orchestra | Symphonic Poem |
– | 1909 | Psina španělská | Spanish Caprice | Piano | |
30 | 1909 | Životem a snem
Things Lived and Dreamed
Piano | 10 Pieces; a.k.a. Life and Dreams |
31 | 1911 | Smyčcový kvartet č. 2 | String Quartet No. 2 | Chamber music | |
– | Tempo di Minuetto G dur | Tempo di Minuetto in G major | Chamber music | for string quartet, rewriting of Minuet from Sonatina for piano | |
32 | 1911–1912 | Mužské sbory
Male Choruses
Choral | |
33 | 1910–1912 | Ukolébavky
Piano | |
34 | 1912–1917 | Zrání | The Ripening | Orchestra | Symphonic Poem |
– | 1915–1917 | Cyklus symfonických básní z českých dějin • Blaník • Česká žena a český muž – Libuše a Přemysl • Jan Ámos Komenský • Jan Hus • Příchod Čechův na Říp |
Cycle of Symphonic Poems from Czech History • Blaník • Přemysl Premysl, the Ploughman The Czechs name Přemysl, the Ploughman, as the mythical ancestor of the Přemyslid dynasty, containing the line of princes and kings which ruled in the Lands of the Bohemian Crown from 873 or earlier until the murder of Wenceslaus III in 1306.-Story:According to a legend, Přemysl was a peasant of... and Libuše Libuše Libuše, Libussa or, historically Lubossa, is a legendary ancestor of the Přemyslid dynasty and the Czech people as whole. Libuše was the wisest of the three sisters and prophesied the foundation of Prague from her castle Libušín... – Czech Husband and Wife • Jan Ámos Komenský Comenius John Amos Comenius ; ; Latinized: Iohannes Amos Comenius) was a Czech teacher, educator, and writer. He served as the last bishop of Unity of the Brethren, and became a religious refugee and one of the earliest champions of universal education, a concept eventually set forth in his book Didactica... • Jan Hus Jan Hus Jan Hus , often referred to in English as John Hus or John Huss, was a Czech priest, philosopher, reformer, and master at Charles University in Prague... • Arrival of the Czechs on Říp Mountain Ríp Mountain Říp mountain is a 459 m solitary hill rising up from the central Bohemian flatland where, according to legend, the first Czechs settled. Říp is located 25 km south-east of Litoměřice, Czech Republic.... |
Orchestra | |
35a | 1914 | Meditace na staročeský chorál „Svatý Václave“ | Meditation on the Old Czech Chorale "St. Wenceslas" | Orchestra | for string orchestra; also for string quartet |
35a | 1914 | Meditace na staročeský chorál „Svatý Václave“ | Meditation on the Old Czech Chorale "St. Wenceslas" | Chamber music | for string quartet; also for string orchestra |
– | 1915 | Smyčcová věta B dur | Quartet Movement "Allegro giocoso" in B major | Chamber music | revision of the finale of String Quartet No.1 |
– | 1917 | Bagatela „S kyticí v ruce“ | Bagatelle Bagatelle (music) A bagatelle is a short piece of music, typically for the piano, and usually of a light, mellow character. The name bagatelle literally means a "trifle", as a reference to the innocent character of the piece.-Earliest known bagatelle:... "With Nosegay Nosegay A nosegay, tussie-mussie, or posy/posey/posie is a small flower bouquet, typically given as a gift. They have existed in some form since at least medieval times, when they were carried or worn around the head or bodice.... in Hand" |
Chamber music | for flute, violin and piano |
– | 1919? | Minuet | Minuet | Chamber music | for violin and piano |
35b | 1919–1920 | Legenda o mrtvých vítězích, Pamětní skladba | Legend of the Dead Victors | Orchestra | Commemoration Piece |
35c | 1919–1920 | V nový život, Slavnostní pochod Sokolský C dur | Towards a New Life in C major | Orchestra | Festive Sokol Sokol The Sokol movement is a youth sport movement and gymnastics organization first founded in Czech region of Austria-Hungary, Prague, in 1862 by Miroslav Tyrš and Jindřich Fügner... March |
36 | 1920 | O přátelství Ges dur | Friendship in G major | Piano | a.k.a. About Friendship |
37 | 1920–1929 | Epilog | Epilogue | Choral | for soprano, baritone, bass, chorus and orchestra; revised 1929–1933 |
– | 1923 | Barkarola – Andante con moto B dur | Barcarolle – Andante con moto in B major | Chamber music | for string quartet; revision of the 2nd movement of String Quartet (1888) |
– | 1924 | O štědrém dni | Christmas Day | Vocal | for 2 voices and violin |
– | 1897 1909 1919/1920 1923 |
4 Episody
4 Episodes
Piano | Andante movement from Sonatina, Op.13 |
– | 1932 | Pod Blaníkem, Pochod | Beneath Blaník Blaník Blaník is a mountain in the Czech Republic. Its height is 638 meters above sea level. The surrounding area is a small natural reservation.Ancient legends are associated with this mountain. The legend says that a huge army of Czech knights led by St. Wenceslas sleeps inside the mountain. The knights... |
Orchestra | March |
– | 1935 | Sousedská | Sousedská | Chamber music | for 5 violins, double bass, cymbals, triangle, side drum and bass drum |
– | 1935 | Sousedská | Sousedská | Piano |