List of bolete species
The following is an incomplete list of some species of the mushroom
genus Boletus
. The genus has a widespread distribution, and contains about 300 species.

A mushroom is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus, typically produced above ground on soil or on its food source. The standard for the name "mushroom" is the cultivated white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus; hence the word "mushroom" is most often applied to those fungi that...
genus Boletus
Boletus is a genus of mushroom, comprising over 100 species. The genus Boletus was originally broadly defined and described by Elias Magnus Fries in 1821, essentially containing all fungi with pores...
. The genus has a widespread distribution, and contains about 300 species.

Boletus abieticola
Boletus aereus
Boletus aereusBoletus aereus is a bolete, an edible mushroom frequently consumed in the Basque Country, Navarre, France and Italy. It is commonly known as ontto beltza in Basque, porcino nero in Italian, and tête de nègre in French...
- Ontto beltza, porcino nero, queen bolete, bronzy bolete, bronzos vargánya- Boletus aestivalis
Boletus affinus
Boletus albidus (see B. radicans
Boletus radicansBoletus radicans, also known as the rooting bolete or whitish bolete, is a large, rare ectomycorrhizal fungus found in Europe under deciduous trees in summer and autumn. It has a pale buff or white cap, yellow pores and a stout stem, and stains blue when bruised or cut...
)Boletus albisulphureus - Chalky-white bolete
Boletus alutaceus
Boletus amygdalinus
Boletus amygdalinusBoletus amygdalinus is a fungus of the bolete family found in western North America. The fruit bodies, or mushrooms, are characterized by their thick, red to brown caps, red pores, and the strong bluing reaction observed when the mushroom tissue is injured or cut. The cap can reach diameters of up...Boletus amyloideus
- Boletus aokii
Boletus appendiculatus
Boletus appendiculatusBoletus appendiculatus is an edible pored mushroom that grows under oaks. It is commonly known as the butter bolete.-Synonyms:* Boletus radicans var. appendiculatus Pers...
- Spindle-stemmed bolete- Boletus armeniacus
- Boletus atkinsonianus
Boletus atkinsonii
Boletus aurantiosplendens
Boletus aureissimus
- Boletus aureomycelinus
Boletus auriflammeus
Boletus auripes
Boletus auriporus
Boletus badius
Boletus badiusBoletus badius , and commonly known as the Bay Bolete is an edible, pored mushroom from Europe and North America...
- Bay boleteBoletus barrowsii
Boletus barrowsiiBoletus barrowsii, also known in English as the white king bolete after its pale colored cap, is an edible and highly regarded fungus in the genus Boletus that inhabits southwestern North America...
- White king boleteBoletus betula
Boletus betulicola
Boletus bicolor
Boletus bicolorBoletus bicolor, also known in English as the two-colored bolete or red and yellow bolete after its two-tone coloring scheme of red and yellow, is an edible fungus of the Boletus genus that inhabits most of eastern North America, primarily east of the Rocky Mountains and in season during the summer...
- Two-colored bolete (North America)Boletus bicoloroides
- Boletus billieae
- Boletus borneensis
- Boletus brasiliensis
- Boletus brevitubus
- Boletus brunneirubens
- Boletus brunneissimus
- Boletus brunneus
Boletus caespitosus
- Boletus calocystides
Boletus calopus
Boletus calopusBoletus calopus, commonly known as the bitter beech bolete or scarlet-stemmed bolete, is a fungus of the bolete family, found in Northern Europe and North America. Appearing in coniferous and deciduous woodland in summer and autumn, the fruiting bodies are attractively coloured, with a reddish...
- Bitter beech boleteBoletus campestris
Boletus carminipes
Boletus carminiporus
- Boletus castaneo-brunneus
- Boletus castanopsidis – Papua New Guinea
- Boletus caucasicus
Boletus chippewaensis
Boletus chromapes (now known as Tylopilus chromapes)
Boletus chrysenteron - Red-cracked bolete
Boletus cisalpinus Simonini, Ladurner & Peintner Boletus citrifragrans
Boletus citrinoporus
- Boletus citrinovirens
Boletus coccyginus
Boletus coniferarum
- Boletus cookei
Boletus curtisii
- Boletus cutifractus
- Boletus debeauxii
Boletus declivitatum (C.Martin) Watling
- Boletus dimocarpicola
Boletus discolor
Boletus dryophilus
Boletus dupainii - Europe, North America
- Boletus eastwoodiae
Boletus edulis
Boletus edulisBoletus edulis, commonly known as penny bun, porcino or cep, is a basidiomycete fungus, and the type species of the genus Boletus. Widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere across Europe, Asia, and North America, it does not occur naturally in the Southern Hemisphere, although it has been...
- Cep, porcini, king bolete, ontto txuri, penny bunBoletus erythropus
Boletus erythropusBoletus luridiformis, formerly known as Boletus erythropus, is a wild mushroom of the bolete family, all of which have tubes and pores, instead of gills beneath their caps. It is found in Northern Europe, and North America, and is sometimes commonly known as the Dotted Stem Bolete...Boletus fagicola
Boletus fairchildianus
Boletus fechtneri
Boletus fechtneriBoletus fechtneri is an edible, rare Boletus mushroom found in warm, deciduous forest on chalk. Since it is rare, it should not be collected despite its good taste.-Description:...
- Pale bolete- Boletus ferrugineus
- Boletus ferruginosporus
Boletus fibrillosus
Boletus fibrillosusBoletus fibrillosus is a basidiomycete fungus of the genus Boletus found in western North America. The fruiting bodies are found in mixed coastal forests in the fall. The cap is up to 17 cm wide, buff to brown to dark brown in color, and has a wrinkled to finely fibrous texture. The tubes...Boletus firmus
Boletus flammans
Boletus flaviporus
- Boletus flavoniger
- Boletus flavoruber
- Boletus flavus
Boletus floridanus
- Boletus formosus
Boletus fragrans
Boletus fraternus
Boletus frostii
Boletus frostiiBoletus frostii, commonly known as Frost's bolete or the apple bolete, is a bolete mushroom first described scientifically in 1874. A member of the Boletaceae family, the mushrooms produced by the fungus have tubes and pores instead of gills on the underside of its cap...
- Apple bolete, Frost's bolete- Boletus fuligineus
- Boletus fulvus
- Boletus fuscopunctatus
Boletus gentiliis
Boletus gertrudiae
Boletus glabellus
- Boletus granulopunctatus
Boletus griseus
- Boletus gyrodontoides
Boletus haematinus
- Boletus harrisonii
Boletus hemichrysus
Boletus holoxanthus
Boletus hortonii
Boletus huronensis
Boletus hypocarycinus
Boletus hypoxanthus
Boletus illudens
Boletus impolitus
Boletus impolitusBoletus impolitus, is a basidiomycete fungus of the Boletaceae family, that has tubes and pores instead of gills. These pores can be seen under the cap as tiny holes. It is edible, but rare, and should not be picked for the table. It grows beneath Quercus trees...
- Iodine boleteBoletus inedulis
Boletus innixus
- Boletus instabilis
- Boletus junquilleus
Boletus kermesinus (Japan)
- Boletus laetissimus
Boletus legaliae
Boletus legaliaeBoletus legaliae, previously known as B. splendidus or B. satanoides, is a basidiomycete fungus of the boletaceae family. It is poisonous, with predominantly gastrointestinal symptoms, and is related to Boletus satanas.-Taxonomy:...- Boletus leptospermi
Boletus lewisii
- Boletus lignatilis
Boletus lignicola
Boletus longicurvipes
- Boletus luridiformis
Boletus luridellus
Boletus luridiformis
Boletus luridus
Boletus luridusBoletus luridus, commonly known as the lurid bolete, is a fungus of the bolete family, found in deciduous woodlands in Europe and eastern North America. Fruiting bodies arise in summer and autumn and may be common. It is a solid bolete with an olive-brown cap, orange pores and stout ochre stem...
- Lurid bolete- Boletus luteocupreus
- Boletus lychnipes
- Boletus magnificus
Boletus mahogonicolor
Boletus manicus
Boletus manicusBoletus manicus is a species of fungus in the Boletaceae family of mushrooms. Found in Papua New Guinea, it was first described by French mycologist Roger Heim in 1963...
(New Guinea)- Boletus megalosporus
Boletus melleoluteus
- Boletus michoacanusBoletus michoacanusBoletus michoacanus is a pored mushroom of the Boletaceae family. Found in Mexico, the species was described as new to science in 1978 by American mycologist Rolf Singer....
Boletus miniato-olivaceus
Boletus miniato-pallescens
Boletus mirabilis
Boletus mirabilisBoletus mirabilis, commonly known as the admirable bolete, the bragger's bolete, and the velvet top, is an edible species of fungus in the Boletaceae mushroom family...
- Admirable bolete- Boletus modestus
- Boletus moravicus
Boletus morrisii
Boletus mottiae
- Boletus neoregius
- Boletus nigricans
Boletus nobilis
Boletus nobilissimus
- Boletus novae-zelandiae
- Boletus obscuratus
- Boletus obscureumbrinus
Boletus ochraceoluteus
- Boletus odaiensis
Boletus oliveisporus
- Boletus ornatipes
Boletus pallidoroseus
Boletus pallidus
- Boletus paluster
- Boletus paradisiacus
Boletus parasiticus
Boletus parasiticusBoletus parasiticus, or Pseudoboletus parasiticus, commonly known as the Parasitic Bolete is a rare, inedible Boletus mushroom found on decaying earthballs .-Description:...Boletus patrioticus
Boletus peckii
- Boletus peltatus
- Boletus perroseus
- Boletus persoonii
- Boletus phaeocephalus
- Boletus phytolaccae
Boletus pinophilus
Boletus pinophilusBoletus pinophilus, commonly known as the pine bolete or pinewood king bolete, is a basidiomycete fungus of the genus Boletus found throughout Europe. The large, edible fruiting bodies known as mushrooms appear under pine trees, generally in summer and autumn...
- Pinewood penny bun, pine cep- Boletus poeticus
Boletus porosporus
Boletus porosporusBoletus porosporus is a small wild mushroom in the Boletaceae family. These mushrooms have tubes and pores instead of gills beneath their caps...
G.Moreno & Bon syn. Xerocomus porosporusBoletus projectellus
- Boletus pruinatus
- Boletus pseudoregius
Boletus pseudoboletinus
- Boletus pseudocalopus
- Boletus pseudoregius
Boletus pseudo-olivaceus
Boletus pseudosensibilis
Boletus pseudosulphureus
- Boletus puellaris
Boletus pulcherrimus
Boletus pulcherrimusBoletus pulcherrimus, commonly known as Alice Eastwood's boletus or the red-pored bolete, is a species of mushroom in the Boletaceae family. It is a large bolete from Western North America with distinguishing features that include a finely netted surface on the upper third of the stem, a red to...Boletus pulchriceps
Boletus pulverulentus
Boletus pulverulentusBoletus pulverulentus is an uncommon, edible Boletus mushroom found in deciduous and mixed forests, particularly on moist soil on slopes and under beech and oak trees. It is rare, but to be expected in eastern North America, early summer...- Boletus punctilifer
Boletus purpureorubellus
Boletus purpureus
- Boletus pyrrhosceles
Boletus queletii
Boletus queletiiBoletus queletii otherwise known as the deceiving bolete, is an uncommon, edible mushroom in the genus Boletus. It can be found in deciduous forest, at lower altitudes, mostly under beech.-Description:...
- Deceiving bolete- Boletus quercinus
- Boletus quercophilus
Boletus radicans
Boletus radicansBoletus radicans, also known as the rooting bolete or whitish bolete, is a large, rare ectomycorrhizal fungus found in Europe under deciduous trees in summer and autumn. It has a pale buff or white cap, yellow pores and a stout stem, and stains blue when bruised or cut...
Pers.- Whitish boleteBoletus rainsii
- Boletus rawlingsii
Boletus regineus
Boletus regineusBoletus regineus, commonly known as the queen bolete, is an edible and highly regarded fungus of the Boletus family that inhabits southwestern North America. It was considered a variant of the similarly edible B. edulis for many years until declared a unique species in 2008. Phylogenetic analysis...
- Queen boleteBoletus regius
Boletus regiusBoletus regius, the regal or butter bolete, is a basidiomycete fungus of the genus Boletus found in Europe. B. regius has a pink cap, yellow flesh, and a reticulate pattern on the stem. Harry D. Thiers described a similar mushroom from California as B. regius, although it has yet to be shown to...Boletus reticulatus
Boletus reticulatusBoletus reticulatus , and commonly referred to as the summer cep is a basidiomycete fungus of the genus Boletus. It occurs in deciduous forests of Europe where it forms a symbiotic mycorrhizal relationship with species of oak...
(prev B. aestivalis) - Summer bolete- Boletus reticulocepsBoletus reticulocepsBoletus sensibilis is a species of fungus in the Boletaceae family. The species was first described scientifically in 1993 as Aureoboletus reticuloceps, and later transferred to the genus Boletus in 2005. The fruit bodies have a dry cap, that is yellowish-brown, deeply wrinkled and reticulated,...
Boletus rex-veris
Boletus rex-verisBoletus rex-veris, commonly known as the spring king bolete, is a basidiomycete fungus of the genus Boletus found in western North America. The large, edible fruiting bodies known as mushrooms appear under pine trees, generally in May to June. It has a pinkish to brownish cap and its stem is often...
- Spring king boleteBoletus rhodopurpureus
Boletus rhodopurpureusBoletus rhodopurpureus is an inedible fungus of the genus Boletus, found in coniferous forests mostly near silver fir or spruce on chalk, mainly at higher altitude.- Description :...Boletus rhodosanguineus
Boletus rhodoxanthus
Boletus rhodoxanthusBoletus rhodoxanthus is a fungus of the genus Boletus. It is a rare, inedible bolete found in warm deciduous forests of southern Europe mainly under oak and beech, on chalky soil.-Description:...- Boletus ripariellus
Boletus roseipes
- Boletus roseolus
Boletus roxanae
Boletus rubellus
Boletus rubellusBoletus rubellus, commonly known as the Ruby Bolete, is a small, dainty, brightly coloured member of the Boletus genus, with a reddish cap and stipe, and yellow pores. Like many boletes, it stains blue when cut or bruised. It is found in deciduous woodland in autumn...- Boletus ruborculus
Boletus rubricitrinus
Boletus rubripes
Boletus rubripesBoletus rubripes, commonly known as the bitter bolete or red-stemmed bitter bolete, is a mushroom in the Boletaceae family. It is non-toxic but is so bitter as to be inedible....
- Bitter Bolete, Red-stemmed Bitter BoleteBoletus rubroflammeus
Boletus rubropunctus
- Boletus rufo-aureus
- Boletus rufo-brunnescens
Boletus rufocinnamomeus
Boletus rufomaculatus
- Boletus rugosellus
- Boletus rugosiceps
Boletus satanas - Devil's bolete
Boletus satanoides (see B. legaliae
Boletus legaliaeBoletus legaliae, previously known as B. splendidus or B. satanoides, is a basidiomycete fungus of the boletaceae family. It is poisonous, with predominantly gastrointestinal symptoms, and is related to Boletus satanas.-Taxonomy:...
)Boletus sensibilis
Boletus sensibilisBoletus sensibilis is a species of fungus in the Boletaceae family. The species was first described scientifically by American mycologist Charles Horton Peck in 1879....
- Brick-cap bolete (Eastern North America)- Boletus sichianus
Boletus smithii
Boletus spadiceus
Boletus speciosus
Boletus sphaerocephalus
Boletus splendidus (see B. legaliae
Boletus legaliaeBoletus legaliae, previously known as B. splendidus or B. satanoides, is a basidiomycete fungus of the boletaceae family. It is poisonous, with predominantly gastrointestinal symptoms, and is related to Boletus satanas.-Taxonomy:...
)- Boletus squamulistipes
- Boletus subappendiculatus
Boletus subcaerulescens
Boletus subcaerulescensBoletus subcaerulescens is a basidiomycete fungus of the genus Boletus found in northeastern North America. The fruiting bodies are found associated with pine and spruce. The cap is up to 18 cm wide, convex to flat, and brown in color. The tubes are yellow and stain blue when bruised, while...- Boletus subclavatosporus
Boletus subdepauperatus
Boletus subfraternus
Boletus subglabripes
Boletus subgraveolens
Boletus subluridellus
Boletus subluridus
- Boletus subsanguineus
- Boletus subsplendidus
Boletus subtomentosus
Boletus subtomentosusBoletus subtomentosus is a species of edible mushrooms in the family Boletaceae, occurring in forests throughout Eurasia, North America and Australia and forming a mycorrhizal relationship with a wide range of hardwood and conifer trees.-Taxonomy:Boletus subtomentosus was first described in 1753 by...
- Suede boleteBoletus subvelutipes
- Boletus taianus
- Boletus tasmanicus
Boletus tenax
- Boletus tomentipes
- Boletus tomentulosus
- Boletus torosus
- Boletus tristiculus
Boletus truncatus
- Boletus tubulus
- Boletus umbriniporus
Boletus variipes
- Boletus velutipes
Boletus venenatus (Japan)
Boletus vermiculosoides
Boletus vermiculosus
- Boletus violaceofuscus
- Boletus viridiflavus
Boletus viscidocorrugis
- Boletus weberi
- Boletus xanthocyaneus
- Boletus yunnanensis
Boletus zelleri
Boletus zelleriBoletus zelleri, commonly known as Zeller's Bolete, is an edible species of mushroom in the family Boletaceae. First described scientifically by American mycologist William Alphonso Murrill in 1912, the species has been juggled by various authors to several genera, including Boletus, Boletellus,...