List of autumn flowers

Throughout the autumn

  • Aster (genus)
  • Chinese bellflower
    Chinese bellflower
    Platycodon grandiflorus is a species of perennial flowering plant of the family Campanulaceae and the only member of the genus Platycodon . This species is known as platycodon or Chinese bellflower...

  • Chrysanthemum
    Chrysanthemums, often called mums or chrysanths, are of the genus constituting approximately 30 species of perennial flowering plants in the family Asteraceae which is native to Asia and northeastern Europe.-Etymology:...

  • Persimmon
    A persimmon is the edible fruit of a number of species of trees in the genus Diospyros in the ebony wood family . The word Diospyros means "the fire of Zeus" in ancient Greek. As a tree, it is a perennial plant...

Mid autumn

  • Diospyros kaki
  • Callistephus
    Callistephus is a genus of flowering plants, in the Asteraceae ; the genus includes only one species, C. chinensis, the China Aster....

  • Canna flaccida
    Canna flaccida
    Canna flaccida Salisb. is a species of the Canna genus, a member of the family Cannaceae. Indigenous to the wetlands of south-eastern USA. It was a parent to many of the early-hybridised cannas originally known as orchid flowered cannas, but now correctly named as Italian Group cannas. It grows...

  • Hamamelis virginiana
    Hamamelis virginiana
    Hamamelis virginiana is a species of Witch-hazel native to eastern North America, from Nova Scotia west to Minnesota, and south to central Florida to eastern Texas....

  • Symphyotrichum
    Symphyotrichum is a genus of about 90 species of herbaceous annual and perennial plants in the composite family that were formerly treated within the genus Aster. The majority are endemic in North America, but several species also occur in the West Indies, Central and South America, as well as in...

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