List of ambulance manufacturers
- ETT http://www.ettvehicles.com
- HealthPro http://www.healthpro.com.au no longer produces ambulances
- JAKAB http://www.jakab.com.au defunct
- Mader http://www.mader.com.au
- Mills-Tui http://www.mills-tui.com.au/ambulances.html
- Paull & Warner http://www.paull-warner.com.au
- Varley http://www.varleygroup.com/templates/varley_specialised_vehicles.aspx?pageID=3535
- Ambucar http://www.ambucar.be
- Autographe http://www.autographe.be
- Somati http://www.somati.be
- Advanced Response Vehicles Inc. http://www.advancedresponsevehicles.com now a subsidiary of Demers, no longer produces its own designs.
- Demers Ambulances http://www.demers-ambulances.com
- Crestline CoachCrestline CoachCrestline Coach Ltd. is an ambulance manufacture located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. The company is based in Saskatoon with offices in Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario,Quebec,and California. The company manufactures ambulances and specialty vehicles as well as being a distributor for buses...
http://www.crestlinecoach.com - Malley Industries http://www.malleyindustries.com
- Medevac http://www.medevac-rescue.com & Les Plastiques Flexibülb http://www.flexibulb.com/page-emergency-en.html
- Tri-Star http://www.tri-star.ca
- Tufport http://www.tufport.com/medical_overview.htm
- TVR Technologies http://www.tvrtechnologies.com/tvrhome.htm
- Chongqing Jinguan Technology http://jinguankeji.en.alibaba.com/product/0/50688608/Emergency_Ambulance.html
Czech Republic
» Emergency Ambulances (& Non-Emergency)- F.C.S. Ambulance http://www.fcsambulance.cz
- FD servis Praha http://www.fdservispraha.cz
- FOSAN http://www.fosan.cz
- KOV Velim http://www.kov.cz/hlavni.php?lng=czech&stranka=sanity http://www.kov.cz/hlavni.php?lng=czech&stranka=LMU - Modules for F.C.S. Ambulance - ZZS Praha
- Medtec-VOP http://www.medtec-vop.cz
- Sicar http://www.sicar.cz - Largest in Republic
» Non-Emergency Ambulances (Geriatric, Wheelchair, ...)
» Modular Body
- Paragan http://www.paragan.cz/produkty.php?id=28&kat=5&lang=cz - Modules for Sicar
- Silwi http://www.silwi.com/?a=page&page=47fa24bc71ce233dc80c http://www.silwi.com/?a=page&page=48590a991341e1290b02d
- Ambulances Paris Est http://www.ambulances-paris-est.com
- AMTIB (TIB) http://www.amtib.com http://www.tib.fr
- Binz France http://www.binz.fr
- BSE Ambulances http://www.bse-ambulances.com
- CODA Ambulance http://www.codaambulance.com
- Direct Medical http://www.directmedical.fr
- Gifa (Collet) http://www.gifa.fr http://www.groupe-collet.com
- Gruau (Petit, Picot, Sanicar) http://www.gruau.com http://www.gruau.com/english_version/produits/ambulances.htm
- Les Dauphins http://www.lesdauphins.fr
- Rouzier Carross Ambulances http://www.carrossambulances.com
- Location ambulance - AJC 24 http://www.location-ambulance.fr
- AmbulanzMobile http://www.ambulanzmobile.de - famous aerodynamic ambulance "Delfis"
- B.A.U.S http://www.baus-gmbh.de
- BINZ http://www.binz-ambulanz.de http://www.binz-service.com/index.php?id=378
- C Miesen http://www.miesen.de
- CP Special-Cars http://www.cp-special-cars.de
- FAHRTEC-Systeme (NFW) http://www.fahrtec-systeme.de
- GSF Sonderfahrzeugbau http://www.gsf-twist.de
- HospiMobil http://www.hospimobil.de
- IPS InterMedical Production Services http://www.ips-intermedical.de
- KFB-Extramobile http://www.kfb-extramobile.com
- RKB Döbeln http://www.rkb-sachsen.de/produkte/sonderbaureihen/rkb-rescue.html
- Seewald Fahrzeugtechnik http://www.seewald24.de
- System Strobel http://www.system-strobel.de
- Wietmarscher (WAS) http://www.wietmarscher.de
- Zeppelin Mobile Systeme http://www.zeppelin-mobile-systeme.de/zmsrtwe.htm
- IB ehf. Selfossi http://www.ib.is
- MT bílar http://www.mtbilar.is
- Sigurjón Magnússon http://www.smagnusson.is
- RJ Designs http://www.rjdesigns.co.in/sitemap.html
- Kalapuraparambil http://www.kalapuraparambil.com/mobile-icu-manufacture-kochi-kerala-india.html
- Tata Winger http://www.defencesolutions-tatamotors.com/homeland-security/winger-ambulance.html http://www.winger-tatamotors.com/application/winger-ambulance.html
- Royal Medical Solutions http://www.ambulanceinfo.net
- Chintamani Motors http://www.chintamanimotors.com
- Alea http://www.alea-italia.it
- Alessi & Becagli http://www.alessibecagli.it
- Aricar http://www.aricar.com http://www.aricarlife.it http://www.caralis.it
- Autocarrozzeria Moderna http://www.autocarrozzeriamoderna.info
- AVS http://www.avuesse.it
- Bell's Car http://www.bellscar.com/ALLESTIMENTI_SPECIALI.htm
- Bertazzoni http://www.carrozzeriabertazzoni.it/ambulanze/ambulanze.htm
- Bollanti Veicoli Sanitari http://www.bollanti.it http://www.pegasodesign.it
- BONFANTI http://www.carrozzeriabonfanti.it
- Carrozzeria Vannoni http://www.carrozzeriavannoni.com/default.aspx?ID=9145
- CCD http://www.carrozzeriacasartelli.com/realizzazioni.asp?cat=Ambulanze
- CeVi http://www.cevi-snc.it
- Ciabilli http://www.ciabilli.it/veicoli/soccorso.html
- DiSteCo http://www.disteco.it
- Ecotrasport http://www.ecotrasport.it
- EDM http://www.edmforli.it
- FAST http://www.fast-automotive.com
- GFallestimenti http://www.gfallestimenti.it
- GGG Elettromeccanica http://www.gggele.it/ambulanze-en.html
- MAF Veicoli speciali http://www.mafveicolispeciali.com
- Mariani Fratelli http://www.marianifratelli.it
- Medicar http://www.medicarambulanze.com
- MOBITECNO http://www.mobitecno.it
- ODONE http://www.odone.info/ambulanze
- Oregon http://www.oregon-group.it
- Orion-Veicolispeciali http://www.orion-veicolispeciali.it
- P.M.C. Allestimenti Speciali http://www.pmc.al.it
- PML http://www.pmlsnc.com/ambulanze/ambulanze.htm
- Vision Ambulanze http://www.ambulanze.it
- AEERSA http://www.aeersa.com
- Arcamex http://www.carroceriasarcamex.com http://www.expologistica.com.mx/preguntasfrecuentes.cfm?Expositor_ID=3667&Expo_ID=84
- Carrocerias Merino http://www.carroceriasmerino.com
- COMSA (mexico)|COMSA http://www.comsa.com.mx
- Concare http://www.concaresa.com
- DESPA http://www.grupodespa.com
- El Dorado http://www.grupoeldorado.com
- FEGAL http://www.fegal.com/13ambu/ambulancias.html
- Ferbel http://www.ferbel.com
- Progrumex http://www.wsidevelopment.com/progrumex domain name expired on 19 April 2010 and is pending renewal or deletion
- QUIROGA http://www.quirogatrucks.com
- REDIMEDIC http://www.unidadesmedicas.com.mx
- Reingenieria Medica http://www.reingenieriamedica.com
- IEV Ambulances http://www.ievambulances.com/web/Iev_Ambulances.html
New Zealand
- Fairfax http://www.fairfaxindustries.co.nz/ambulance
- Mills-Tui http://www.mills-tui.co.nz/mobile.htm
- Wade http://www.wadegroupltd.com
- Simarud http://www.simarud.no/ambulanseprosjekt.html
- VBK Nordic http://www.vbknordic.no
- AMZ-Kutno http://www.amz.pl
- ARKOM http://www.arkom.com.pl
- AutoForm http://www.autoform.pl
- EINHORN http://www.einhorn-group.com
- Gruau Polska http://www.gruau.pl/?page=oferta_details&subpage=zabudowyspecjalne
- WAS Polska http://www.was.pl
- Auto Ribeiro http://www.autoribeiro.pt
- Emergencia 2000 http://www.emergencia2000.pt
- Futurvida http://www.futurvida.com
- InterCamp Veículos Especials
- Iribus http://www.iribus.pt
- Medimobil http://www.medimobil.eu
- GAZ http://www.gaz-company.com/Skoraya.aspx
- SICAR-M http://www.sicar-m.com
- UAZ http://www.uaz.ru/models/sm/
- ZiL http://www.amo-zil.ru/zil_eng/65.html#view
Slovak Republic
- Chirosan http://www.chirosan.sk
- Panax F.C.S. http://www.zppanax.sk
- Sicar SK http://www.sicarslovakia.sk
- Stražan http://www.strazan.sk
- Bergadana http://www.bergadana.com
- Carfun http://www.carfun.es/carfun/ambulancias.html
- Carrozados Canarias http://www.carrozadoscanarias.com/listado.php?RegId=10
- Diavia http://www.diavia.es/es/vehiculos_especiales/ambulancias.html
- Emergencia 2000 http://www.emergencia2000.com http://catalogo.fenin.org/ficha.cfm?id=108
- Gaza Carrocera http://www.gazacarrocera.com
- Gruau Iberica http://www.gruau.com/iberica/seguridad.htm
- LafunCAR http://www.lafuncar.com
- RLA http://www.rodriguezlopez.com
- SepyMedical http://www.sepymedical.com/ambulancias.htm
- Stil Conversion http://www.stilconversion.com
- Tecnove http://www.tecnove.com/tecnove04_ve/web_ve_i/ve_prod_medic.htm
- Ambulansproduktion http://www.ambulansproduktion.se
- Euro-Lans http://www.eurolans.se
- Nilsson Special Vehicles http://www.nilsson.se
United Kingdom
- ATT Papworth http://www.att-papworth.co.uk - defunct from from 2009
- Customline
- Eagle http://www.eagle999.co.uk
- Foley http://www.foleyspecialistvehicles.co.uk/ambulances.htm
- MMB (Macclesfield Motor Bodies http://www.mmbinternational.co.uk
- MacNeillie http://www.macneillie.co.uk/index.php?ambulances
- Oughtred & Harrison http://www.oh-facilities.co.uk
- Response-SV http://www.response-sv.com
- Seylec-EVS http://www.seylec.co.uk
- UVModular (UVG) http://www.uvmodular.co.uk http://www.uvg.co.uk - In administration from 15.01.2010
- VCS (Vehicle Conversion Specialists) http://www.vcsltd.org.uk
- Wietmarscher (WAS) UK
- Wilker UK http://www.wilkergroup.com
United States
- American Emergency Vehicles (AEV) http://www.aev.com
- Braun Industries http://www.braunambulances.com
- Braun Northwest http://www.braunnorthwest.com
- CRS Emergency Vehicles http://www.cciambulancegroup.com/ambulances.php
- Custom Truck & Body Works http://www.customworksrescue.com
- Equiptec Corp. http://www.equipteccorp.com - (formerly National Ambulance) specializes in Type II ambulances and Modular remounts
- Excellance http://www.excellance.com
- Frazer http://www.frazerbilt.com
- Horton Emergency Vehicles http://www.hortonambulance.com
- Leader Emergency Vehicles http://www.leader-ambulance.com
- Life Line Emergency Vehicles http://www.lifelineambulance.com
- Marque Ambulances http://www.marqueinc.com
- McCoy Miller http://www.mccoymiller.com
- Medix Specialty Vehicles http://www.medixambulance.com
- Medtec http://www.medtecambulance.com
- Miller Coach http://www.millercoach.com
- Osage Ambulances http://www.osageind.com
- PL Custom http://www.plcustom.com
- Road Rescue http://www.roadrescue.com
- Taylor Made http://www.taylormadeambulance.com
- Wheeled Coach http://www.wheeledcoach.com - the largest ambulance manufacturer in the United States
- Triton ambulance builders (http://www.tritonambulance.com)
See also
- ambulanceAmbulanceAn ambulance is a vehicle for transportation of sick or injured people to, from or between places of treatment for an illness or injury, and in some instances will also provide out of hospital medical care to the patient...
- Ambulance stationAmbulance stationAn ambulance station is a structure or other area set aside for storage of ambulance vehicles, medical equipment, personal protective equipment, and other medical supplies. Most stations are made up of garage bays or a parking area, normally undercover...
- Air ambulanceAir ambulanceAn air ambulance is an aircraft used for emergency medical assistance in situations where either a traditional ambulance cannot reach the scene easily or quickly enough, or the patient needs to be transported over a distance or terrain that makes air transportation the most practical transport....
- Combination carCombination carFor the railroad vehicle, see Combine car.A combination car was a vehicle built upon a "professional car" chassis which could be employed either as a hearse or as an ambulance, and had the capability of being swapped between those roles without much difficulty...
- Fly-carFly-carAn ambulance emergency response vehicle is a vehicle operated by an emergency medical service to respond to medical emergencies either in addition to, or in place of, an ambulance capable of transporting patients....
- Emergency Medical DispatcherEmergency medical dispatcherAn Emergency medical dispatcher is a professional telecommunicator, tasked with the gathering of information related to medical emergencies, the provision of assistance and instructions by voice, prior to the arrival of Emergency Medical Services, and the dispatching and support of EMS resources...
- Ambulance & emergency vehicle visibility