List of The Story of Saiunkoku episodes
The anime series The Story of Saiunkoku is based on the series of Japanese light novel
Light novel
A is a style of Japanese novel primarily targeting junior high and high school students . The term "light novel" is a wasei-eigo, or a Japanese term formed from words in the English language. Light novels are often called or for short...

s written by Sai Yukino
Sai Yukino
is a Japanese female author from Ibaraki Prefecture. She is best known for her light novel The Story of Saiunkoku series.-Light novels:Written by Sai Yukino and illustrated by Kairi Yura, the light novel series The Story of Saiunkoku has been serialized in The Beans since 2003...

. Produced by Madhouse Studios and directed by Jun Shishido, the series premiered in Japan on NHK
NHK is Japan's national public broadcasting organization. NHK, which has always identified itself to its audiences by the English pronunciation of its initials, is a publicly owned corporation funded by viewers' payments of a television license fee....

 on April 8, 2006. The first season ran for 39 episodes until its conclusion on February 24, 2007. The series' second season, referred to as Saiunkoku Monogatari 2nd Series, premiered on April 7, 2007 and ran for another 39 episodes until its conclusion on March 8, 2008.

In May 2007, Geneon Entertainment announced it had acquired the licensed to releases the anime in North America with English language options. In September 2007, after only two volumes had been released, Geneon closed its North America operations. In July 2008, Funimation Entertainment
Funimation Entertainment
Funimation is an American entertainment company. Originally founded in 1994 by Gen Fukunaga, the company became a subsidiary of Navarre Corporation on May 11, 2005...

 announced that it will distribute several Geneon titles, including The Story of Saiunkoku.

The series uses three pieces of theme music. "Hajimari no kaze" by Ayaka Hirahara is used for the opening theme for both the first and second seasons. For the ending theme, "Saikou no Kataomoi" by Sachi Tainaka
Sachi Tainaka
is a Japanese singer who is best known for her vocals in the opening songs of the anime version of Fate/stay night. She has a 3½-octave vocal range.Although her name was written in katakana, her birth name is written in kanji...

 is used for the first season, while "Asu he" by Teruya Miho is used for the second season.

Season 1

# Title Original Airdate
Saiunkoku is a country with eight powerful houses governed by one emperor. However, the new leader Ryūki cares not for his new role and is rumored to spend his days chasing after noblemen in his court. Enter Shūrei, a princess whose family has fallen upon hard times. Her dreams of becoming a government official are unattainable since she is a woman, but a twist of fate gives her the chance of a lifetime. If she agrees to become the emperor's consort and turn him into a respectable ruler, she will be greatly rewarded.

Season 2

# Title Original Airdate

Shūrei already a joukan but to make matters worse officials have proposed the idea of kicking out useless joukan in less than a month. No departments are willing to take Shūrei either. Meanwhile she helps the other joukan. In the process she meets a strange joukan Seiga-kun.

See also

External links

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