List of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air episodes (season 4)
The fourth season of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is an American television sitcom that originally aired on NBC from September 10, 1990 to May 20, 1996. The show stars Will Smith as a fictionalized version of himself, a street-smart teenager from West Philadelphia who is sent to move in with his aunt and uncle in their...

 premiered on September 20, 1993 and aired its season finale on May 23, 1994. This was the first season to feature Daphne Maxwell Reid as Vivian Banks after Janet Hubert-Whitten
Janet Hubert-Whitten
Janet Louise Hubert , also previously known as Janet Hubert-Whitten, is an American film and television actress. She is best known for playing her role of Vivian Banks on the sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air from 1990 to 1993.-Biography:Hubert was born in Chicago, Illinois. She spent her early...

's departure. This was also the first season to feature Nicky Banks as a regular character on the show. With 26 episodes, this was the longest season of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Episode list

{| class="wikitable" style="width: 100%; margin-right: 0;"
! style="background-color: #8b5742; color: #ffffff;"| Series
! style="background-color: #8b5742; color: #ffffff;"| Season
! style="background-color: #8b5742; color: #ffffff;"| Title
! style="background-color: #8b5742; color: #ffffff;"| Directed by
! style="background-color: #8b5742; color: #ffffff;"| Written by
! style="background-color: #8b5742; color: #ffffff;"| Original air date
! style="background-color: #8b5742; color: #ffffff;"| Production

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