List of Shadow Raiders planets
Shadow Raiders
is a 3D CG animated TV cartoon based on the War Planets toy line. It features several planets.
(called nanocites), which enables them to repair any injury (biological) or damage (technological) or freeze other beings. They can, in one instance, be used to maintain a localized temperature to accommodate the user in extreme heats. The cold temperature of the planet is due to the distance of it from the system's sun.
The Beast Planet is apparently indestructible, shrugging off all attempts to harm it with no visible damage. It is able to rest beneath the photosphere
of a yellow dwarf
star, for a period at least several weeks long, and emerge ready to fight. Its armored surface withstands the impact of a planet being rammed into it, and the structures within likewise withstand having a planet detonated inside it. All the weapons employed by the worlds of the Cluster have no effect.
The entire planet is essentially a gigantic factory which uses other planets as raw material. The planets it devours are studied and can even be recreated, as demonstrated with Planet Fire. Eight hatches spread along its vertical circumference each conceal a pair of hangar bays and a Null-Energy cannon, each wider than a Battle Moon and capable of destroying an entire planet; naturally the Beast does not do this as it would be wasteful. When it emerges from the Cluster's star at the end of the first season, it also demonstrated the ability to fire a Null-Energy blast from the main hatch on its surface, which it uses to destroy a Battle Moon from halfway across the system in a show of force.
Jewelia – An unknown race, not from the Cluster, led the opposing faction to Sternum for control of the Planet. She seems to get excited that soldiers on her side are willing to die for her. Due to her appearance, she might be semi-related to the people of Rock.
Shadow Raiders
Shadow Raiders is an animated television series produced by Mainframe Entertainment that aired from 1998 to 1999. The show was loosely based on the Trendmasters toy line, War Planets. The original character designs were created by ReBoot designer, Brendan McCarthy...
is a 3D CG animated TV cartoon based on the War Planets toy line. It features several planets.
Planet Tek
Little is known about Planet Tek, except that it is one of many planets which were consumed by the Beast Planet, as seen in the first episode. Tekla, the princess of Planet Tek, accompanied by four other inhabitants of Tek flying Vari-Tek fighters, managed to escape the destruction of her homeworld but was pursued through space by Beast Drones. Attempting to follow an advance Beast fleet that was on its way to the Cluster, Tekla's companions were killed. Tekla's ship crash-landed on the Planet Ice where she made the acquaintance of Graveheart. Tekla has made it her mission to bring down the Beast whatever the cost. As Tekla has a holster built into her right leg, a communicator in her right ear, and emitters in her hands that allowed her to help build her force field generator, it can be assumed that the people of Planet Tek cybernetically augment themselves over the course of their lives. Interestingly, Planet Tek resembles Cybertron from Beast Machines, another animated series by Mainframe. Despite their mechanical nature, the inhabitants can cry (though we are only shown Tekla doing so).Vari-Tek Fighter
Though only seen in the opening episode of the series, the Vari-Tek fighter, of Planet Tek, is an example of art married with wartime technology. Possessing exceptional speed, maneuverability, and weaponry packed into a slim airframe, the Vari-Tek is second to none in aerial combat. Two side-mounted fully rotating engine bays allow the Vari-Tek to fly in one direction while facing and firing in another, totally disorienting enemy pilots. A rotational joint between the cockpit and main fuselage allows the fighter to roll while the cockpit does not, drastically reducing the stress on the pilot as well as the disorientation of quick maneuvering. A sleek yet angular design and a silver-white fuselage round out this design in what could be the perfect combination of efficiency, form and function. Five Vari-Tek fighters survive the destruction of Planet Tek, but only one makes it past the Beast lines to the Warp Jump. It is shot down and crash-lands on Planet Ice, and is destroyed soon after.Planet Ice
A planet of glaciers and icebergs ruled over by the benevolent King Cryos. Planet Ice is inhabited by insect-like humanoids who are well accustomed to the blistering cold and who harbour no fondness for the invading Beast Planet. Weapons and troops available to Planet Ice are the Glacial Troopers, Ice Mite Tanks, giant tamed Ice Fleas, Blade Wings, and of course, King Cryos' personal flagship, the Aurora. Ice are in possession of nanotechnologyNanotechnology
Nanotechnology is the study of manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally, nanotechnology deals with developing materials, devices, or other structures possessing at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometres...
(called nanocites), which enables them to repair any injury (biological) or damage (technological) or freeze other beings. They can, in one instance, be used to maintain a localized temperature to accommodate the user in extreme heats. The cold temperature of the planet is due to the distance of it from the system's sun.
The Bladewing is Planet Ice's instrument of choice for air assaults and quick strike missions, as well as personnel transport. A massive rear mounted cold fusion reactor gives the Ice skiff enough power to plow through any space or atmospheric environment with ease, its quick speed allows it to act as an excellent reconnaissance vehicle, and six interior seats give it ample room for passengers.Ice Fleas
Large insects, native to the deepest tunnels beneath the glaciers of Ice. Insect-like with breath that can freeze the unwary inside a block of ice, wild Ice Fleas can be deadly and very territorial. Ice's army uses domesticated Ice Fleas in combat, with a heat-seeking weapon of some kind mounted on their backs.Ice Mites
Ice's main battle tank, the Ice Mite armed with a heavy cannon and a pair of smaller rapid-fire cannons. The spider-like Ice Mite has six legs that, while not as fast as a wheeled vehicle, give it the ability to navigate terrain that would be impassable to wheeled or tracked vehicles - in one instance an Ice Mite was seen climbing a vertical wall of rock. When in storage the weapons and legs retract, leaving the tank completely spherical. Ice Mites can be combat-dropped from the Aurora in this form - they roll on impact with the ground. However, while shielded, they lack the cockpit adjustment feature on the Vari-Tek fighter, making the landing quite brutal and turbulent. They also have anti-aircraft abilities.Aurora
Ice's flagship, this space-faring capital ship frequently leads the alliance forces into battle. The Aurora is armed with a number of energy cannon turrets, defended by a shield system, and containing drop bays for Ice Mites and hangars for Bladewings. She has been shown to be extremely fast and combat-capable.DeepFreeze Bomber
Seen only once attempting to damage the beast planet, this ship has a long cylindrical body like a submarine and can fire blasts of energy forwards and down from a front port. This ship is presumably a large bomber used to strafe planet's surfaces but nothing is known as it is only seen once.Planet Rock
A world of mountains and harsh desert weather, Planet Rock is governed from the capital city of Anvilla by Lord Mantle, a ruler who is as ruthless as he is confident in himself and his planet's abilities. The warriors of Planet Rock live in a society where the fittest have power and where comradeship and a planetary version of patriotism are omnipresent. Rock was the only planet not to join the initial coalition against Beast. Graveheart hails from this stern land, but his heart is not made entirely of stone. He, unlike his fellows, can see the danger posed by the Beast. But while he makes his entreaties for their aid against this new threat, the people of Rock are confident that they can rise to the challenge on their own. This is the only planet with a vast array of five Battle Moons, giant weapons that act as the defense of the planet. In addition to the Battle Moons, Planet Rock also boasts a large army of Quarriors, Miners, Sonic Weaponry, and a large range of tanks and ships. The names for all of Rocks inhabitants, vehicles, ranks, and tanks are taken from Rock-based themes.Graveheart
The main character (hero) of the Shadow Raiders series. Graveheart is an honest, hardworking Miner from Planet Rock who tries to be non-judgmental and hopes to unite the planets of the system to fight the Beast. He is also extremely modest, hence his catchphrase "I'm just a miner."Jade
A tough jade-haired woman from Rock who served as one of Lord Mantle's elite Ivory Quarriors until she sided with her old friend Graveheart to help him in his quest.Lord Mantle
The tough, stuborn ruler of Rock. He exiles Graveheart after a raid to Planet Ice goes sour. Wholly unsold on the idea that the Beast Planet could be more than a threat to his five Battle Moons, it takes a great deal of persuasion to get Mantle into the Alliance. During Nor Iron Bars A Cage Mantle procures the Alliance defense codes and shuts down all power to the Fire and Ice Fleets, leaving them helpless to a Beast attack, during a ploy to take control of the Alliance. He then summoned the remainder of the alliance officials to witness his plan to destroy the beast planet with the Battlemoons. His plan backfired, leading to the overwhelming of Planet Rock by the Beast armada. He later confronted Blokk, and was killed.Feldspar
A commander in the Rock Army, Feldspar is a ferociously emotional Quarrior who believes adamantly that Graveheart and co. shouldn’t be allowed on Rock. A loyal fighter, it is Feldspar who leads the Arrowhead wing against the Tachyon fighter invasion of Rock in episode #8. Feldspar is captured and killed by Blokk in the last episode.Slate
The bartender of "Moon over Mayhem", a drinking establishment on one of Rock's Battle Moons.Quarriors
The warrior caste on Planet Rock. They are characterized as being tough and unforgiving, just like their King.Miners
The working caste on Planet Rock. Miners wear armour similar to Quarriors (though noticeably less ornate) and work to cultivate not only their own planet but also the others in the system on essential raiding missions. Strong and resilient, the Miners don't deserve a lot of the disrespect the Quarriors dish out to them.Concussion Pistol
A small sidearm that is standard issue for Quarriors, the pistol fires a shot of highly compressed sound.Concussion Rifle
A larger-scale version of the Concussion Pistol, the Concussion Rifle is housed in a boxy yellow shell and fires compressed sound out of two barrels for maximum efficiency. The rifle features three levels of lethality and is the weapon of choice for Quarriors.Sonic Cannon
A large cannon, usually held over the shoulder or at the hip, that utilizes compression technology to deliver a sustained beam of sound, the cannon is used primarily as a mining tool to break down material for transport. In extreme cases, the cannon can be wielded as a weapon with extreme devastation - they have shown to be extremely effective at destroying Beast Drones. Larger Sonic Cannons are mounted on mining tanks while a smaller version is carried by Quarriors and Miners. Apparently, the larger version can be controlled externally as well as from a control pad within the tank, and Sternum's faction on the Prison Planet used a large Sonic Cannon as a fixed defensive weapon. They give off a sound prior to firing, and are extremely heavy. It is likely because of this that they are not standard weapons, as opponents other than the mindless beast drones would simply dodge aside.Arrowhead
Large, cumbersome attack craft used to defend the skies of Rock as well as deploy for security on raids, Arrowheads are as thick-skinned as the people that pilot them. A functional blend of gentle curves and jutting weapons, Arrowheads are capable of carrying up to 12 Quarriors or Miners to battles or excavation sites.Tectonic Carrier
Large ships capable of space travel. These hulking cruisers carrying Quarriors, Miners, and equipment to raiding sites throughout the Alliance system. They are unique, however, in that they do not act as capital ships or bases. They are merely transport and the Battle Moons would be better described as Rock's representation in interstellar affairs.Battle Moons
Five moons converted into enormous weapon platforms, the Battle Moons are a unique defensive as well as offensive attribute to Planet Rock. Armed with a truly massive energy cannon as well as countless short-range defensive turrets, they are an imposing sight to intruders and an empowering sight to denizens of Rock looking up at them in the night sky. Only Planet Rock possesses these weapons as no other planet in the cluster possesses the materials to build them, and they are virtually impervious to conventional attacks. However, it should be noted that by the second season, only three of them remain - the other two were destroyed by single shots from one of the Beast Planet's Null energy Cannons. Their shields can barely bounce off these shots. The red Battle Moon was destroyed first, as soon as the Beast Planet emerged from the sun, as a gruesome demonstration of the power of the Beast planet, and the green Battle Moon was destroyed when it stumbled into the line of fire of one of the Beast Planet's cannons while attempting to defend planet Fire. On the inside, it carries numerous ships located in tight spaces. It is theorized that one well placed bomb can cripple the Alliance. The denizens of Planet Fire live on the moons.Planet Bone
The planet is a dense and murky swamp, filled with fetid ponds of life and death. A vast amount of near-ancient bones litter the planet's surface, and it is in these bones that the indigenous people have made their dwelling. Ruled over by the pusillanimous Emperor Femur, Bone is an enigma to the other planets. The inhabitants are lizard-like, and seem to be generally unpleasant towards outsiders, even quarrelling among themselves when it suits them. While Femur is ready to commit his people to the Alliance, he shows little real resolve in his pledge. He must also deal with a traitorous court sycophant who is constantly planning to usurp him. The loyal Bone Guard are outfitted with "Smart Suits" as their IQ is lower than their tolerance and loyalty, which, by the way, is almost non-existent. The names of all the characters from Bone are taken from Bones within the human body. Planet Bone's natives are apparently capable of seeing in pitch-black conditions, and all of Planet Bone's technology is biological in basis. Planet Bone is the primary source of food for the Alliance, and is in fact the most self-sufficient planet of the Cluster. There is a rule of how things are governed on Bone, whoever kills the current sovereign rules Bone, which goes in a rhyme: "You snag the throne, you rule on Bone, the guy that dies is food for flies."Carapace Fighter
Like all other military weapons of Planet Bone, the Carapace fighter is a bio-engineered technological oddity.The craft is a living creature, that needs to be healed rather than repaired when damaged. Its frilled wing surfaces bend and twist, providing the Carapace with more agility than any other fighter within the Planet Cluster - though would likely have come in second against Planet Tek's Vari-Tek Fighter. Another unusual feature is that through continued use, the fighter actually becomes stronger and more agile as it grows, learns, and adapts from its experience. The pilot is connected with the ship by using liquid that acts like a transmission agent. The ship is armed with a single energy cannon that fires a large green pulse, two tusks which the craft can use to gouge and attach itself when attempting to board larger vessels and a bomb-bay on the belly housing one or more spherical explosive devices held in a clamp with the visible appearance of a bird's talon. During the early stages of the Battle of Remora, Carapace Fighters made continuous bombing runs on Remora using these bombs. The Carapace is the only fighter in the Planet Cluster that can operate under water thanks to its buoyancy bladders.Clavicle
Planet Bone's command ship. The Clavicle is, like most of Planet Bone's technology, bio-engineered and distinctly organic looking, particularly on the inside. Interior doors 'inflate' rather than slide or pivot, and have the appearance of a giant tongue. On the exterior on either side is a section that repeatedly inflates and deflates, giving the impression of breathing. The level and speed of this is shown to increase when the ship suffers damage. As with the Carapace, the Clavicle must be healed rather than repaired.Planet Fire
Volcanoes litter the planet's surface and liquid magma flows like a lake throughout every crevice. The heat of the planet is due to its close proximity to the system's sun. Ruled over by Prince Pyrus, the people of Fire abide by a system of honour and respect. They are a prideful people and don't appreciate having their traditions interrupted. While Pyrus shows great skill at governing his planet, he has a teenager's passion and must be taught wisdom. For this task, his Vizier is constantly preparing him, scolding him and watching his every move. The Vizier believes that Planet Fire must rely on its own people to deal with outside threats, and so he adopts an isolationist policy, despite the supplications of the Alliance. Later on in the series, the Vizier pilots Planet Fire on a collision course into the Beast Planet in order to allow the other planets of the Alliance to escape. Planet Fire could not escape the Beast Planet due to the damaged state of its World Engines so the Vizier decided to use the planet as a weapon. The collision resulted in the loss of Planet Fire but the Beast Planet appeared undamaged. Later on, Planet Fire would return but Prince Pyrus would find that this world is very different from the Fire he once knew. It is not explicitly stated how the fake Planet Fire was created nor how the Vizier came back, but it was explained that it is sustained by null matter and the Vizier was not the same as the one who cared so deeply for Pyrus. It was created by the Beast Planet to lure the former inhabitants so it could feed off them. When Pyrus realized this, he let he faux Vizier fall into the oceans of null matter, starting the planet's cataclysmic destruction. The guardians of Fire include the Igneous Knights.Inferno Fighter
Capable of carrying out a wide variety of missions, the Inferno is planet Fire's deadly multi-role fighter. The fighters are made from super light and extremely strong metallic alloys that allow for nimble manoeuvres during combat.The light weight allows the craft a small and powerful engine that is powered by Volcanic Alloy, a hard to find and incredibly heavy heat source. Another interesting feature of this craft is the position of the pilot cockpit. It echoes the long tradition of the Igneous Knights riding their Lava Chariots to battle by placing in a vertically oriented position during battle. A standard, sitting position is employed during non combat flights. Physically, the ship greatly resembles the Slave ISlave I
Slave I is a spacecraft in the Star Wars universe. It first appears in the film Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back under the command of bounty hunter Boba Fett , and then in the prequel film Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones commanded by Jango Fett...
Little is known about Prince Pyrus' flagship the Firestorm, other than it is similar in size to the Aurora and has large solar sails as a form of propulsion.Planet Sand
This desert planet is home to two races, the Sun People and the Sand People. Zuma is the main representative of this planet and is befriended by Lady Zera after helping her to save the planet. Ramset is the ruler of the Sun People. The planet was almost destroyed by the Beast Planet but after it was saved, the planet joined the other worlds in their Alliance. The Sand People are basically slaves to the Sun People who believed them little more than animals, and they maintain the capital city. During the episode of their first appearance, the sand people are proved to be highly intelligent (more so even than their Sun People rulers) and to communicate telepathically rather than through speech. The planet has a large capital city were the majority of the planets inhabitants live which suffered minor damage at the hands of Beast Drones. The inhabitants of Planet Sand seem to be based on the ancient Egyptian culture and have little grasp on technology. They also have very little understanding of the universe, akin to the theory of everything revolving around the earth. Their capital city can be protected by closing the walls of the city from all five sides, covering the city and protecting it. The walls when closed form a giant pyramid. Also, only Ramset was shown without his armour as all other Sun People never reveal their faces.Planet Jungle
This is a remote world covered entirely in intelligent plant life. Together the telepathically-linked plants form a single sentient consciousness quite unwelcoming to outsiders. The Alliance planned to booby-trap its world engine to explode inside the Beast Planet in the hopes of destroying it, but after it was discovered that the plant life was sentient they decided to bring the planet along instead. Unfortunately, the plant growth extended into the World Engine and had damaged it beyond repair. With no way of escaping, the plant life consented to the original plan. They gave a single plant cutting to Femur in the hopes that, being of one mind, they would survive as long as a part of them did. The World Engines were packed with stockpiled explosives from Bone and used to detonate the World Engines and the entire planet inside the Beast Planet, but did no discernible damage.Planet Remora
Remora is a desolate, lifeless planet ("dead world") on the outskirts of the Cluster. The Beast Armada inhabited it soon after arriving, and used it as a base of operations during their early attempts to attack and destabilize the other four planets. Beneath the surface, the planet was converted into a battle fortress second only to the Beast Planet itself. The Alliance attacked Remora before this could be completed, and Blokk and Lamphrey sacrificed a good portion of the Beast forces to buy time for its completion. Once done, the planet's crust was shed revealing the planet's true form. Armed with seven twin-barrel Null-Energy turrets the size of a continent and four even-larger beast drone fighter hangars, Remora's defences threatened to overwhelm the combined forces of Fire, Ice, and Bone until the arrival of Rock's Battle Moons turned the tide - the Battle Moons main weapons were even more powerful than Remora's null-energy cannons, and the planet was quickly destroyed. Just prior to the completion and activation of Remora's battle systems, Blokk is heard to remark "Has this plan ever failed before?" implying that this was not the first time a planet has been transformed in this way.Beast Planet
The Beast is a monstrous entity, a voracious consumer of entire worlds and civilizations. From an unknown origin, the Beast Planet exists only to sustain itself by consuming other planets whole. It ensnares worlds with its "World Claw" and drags them within its maw to be devoured.The Beast Planet is apparently indestructible, shrugging off all attempts to harm it with no visible damage. It is able to rest beneath the photosphere
The photosphere of an astronomical object is the region from which externally received light originates. The term itself is derived from Ancient Greek roots, φῶς, φωτός/phos, photos meaning "light" and σφαῖρα/sphaira meaning "sphere", in reference to the fact that it is a spheric surface perceived...
of a yellow dwarf
Yellow dwarf
A G-type main-sequence star , often called a yellow dwarf, is a main-sequence star of spectral type G and luminosity class V. Such a star has about 0.8 to 1.2 solar masses and surface temperature of between 5,300 and 6,000 K., Tables VII, VIII...
star, for a period at least several weeks long, and emerge ready to fight. Its armored surface withstands the impact of a planet being rammed into it, and the structures within likewise withstand having a planet detonated inside it. All the weapons employed by the worlds of the Cluster have no effect.
The entire planet is essentially a gigantic factory which uses other planets as raw material. The planets it devours are studied and can even be recreated, as demonstrated with Planet Fire. Eight hatches spread along its vertical circumference each conceal a pair of hangar bays and a Null-Energy cannon, each wider than a Battle Moon and capable of destroying an entire planet; naturally the Beast does not do this as it would be wasteful. When it emerges from the Cluster's star at the end of the first season, it also demonstrated the ability to fire a Null-Energy blast from the main hatch on its surface, which it uses to destroy a Battle Moon from halfway across the system in a show of force.
Notable inhabitants
The Beast inhabitants consist mostly (if not entirely) of Beast Drones. The Beast itself is also referred to as if it is sentient. In addition to the drones, three Null-Matter beings exist which command the Beast forces - Voyd, Blokk and Lamprey. Unlike the drones, they have no containment unit. Instead, they have a visible skull with small coloured dots for eyes. Because of this, these three are nearly invincible due to their null-matter composition.Voyd
Little is known about Voyd - he does not speak, and is rarely seen. He appears to be the most senior of the three, and is the one who decides whose plan to follow when Blokk and Lamprey have differing opinions. He apparently possesses the ability to absorb Blokk and Lamprey into himself and then teleport the three of them between locations - such as between Remora and a Beast vessel.Blokk
The commander of the Beast Drone forces in battle, Blokk's preferred tactics are quite simple - superior numbers and brute force. His general mission is to destroy the defences of planets prior to the Beast Planet's arrival using his army of drones, which he deploys at the first sign of an opening or weakness. Blokk was killed by Graveheart in single combat, when Graveheart used his forcefield generator to punch his powerglove right into Blokk's abdomen - Blokk falls into the chasm of Rock's World Engine and disintegrates as he falls.Lamprey
Lamprey's general mission is reconnaissance and intelligence, gathering information on the strengths and weaknesses of planets prior to the arrival of the Beast Planet. She does this using stealth and infiltration tactics, which she also uses to encourage and manipulate planets into attacking each other to weaken them - much to Blokk's chagrin, as he prefers to fight them himself than see them fight each other. She last seen when a pool table in a bar on Rock's Battle Moon falls on her. She was fighting Jade in the bar at the time. Her current whereabouts are unknown.Null-Energy Cannon
From the lowliest Beast Drone to the Beast Planet itself, virtually every weapon the Beast Planet has at its disposal uses a Null-Energy Cannon of varying size. The cannon fires a ball of Null-Energy, that will cause smaller objects to vanish in a flash of yellow/white light. The fire from a Beast Drone's weapon will cause a person to vanish, and a direct hit from a Tachyon Marauder's weapon can (but will not always) cause a fighter to vanish. Remora's Null-Energy cannons could destroy whole squadrons of fighters and cause significant damage to a capital ship with only a glancing shot rather than a direct hit. The fire from one of the Beast Planet's cannons can destroy an entire planet, though it does not do this on purpose. A Battle Moon can survive an impact from this cannon by focusing all of its shield energy on the point of impact, though the Moon shuts down afterward - the blocked Null-Energy blast rebound off, which nearly destroyed Planet Ice by mistake. Like the beast itself, these shots are extremely power-hungry, able to incorporate any small matter or energy into itself to increase its size and potency.Beast Drones
More technology than being, the Beast Drone is a creature of pure Null-Matter or "No Matter", held together by a containment unit on its chest and mounting an integrated Null-Energy Cannon in place of its left forearm. Physical contact with a Beast Drone is lethal, and will cause the individual to vanish in a flash of light in much the same was as fire from their Null-Energy Cannons would. Virtually immune to conventional weapons fire, the only way to destroy one is a direct hit to its containment unit and any hit can destroy it, even rocks! - although the wide blast discharge from the Sonic Cannon used by Rock's Miners has proven extremely effective. Showing no sign of independent thought, they may exist only to serve the Beast as warriors. However, they are prone to moments of foolishness, much to both Blokk's and Lamprey's chargin.Forcefield Generator
A device capable of creating a forcefield around an entire planet, impregnable to all but Beast ships. It gains its energy by leeching it from surrounding life forms, fossilising them. One of these devices was used on Planet Bone briefly, killing all nearby life (including many of Bone's warriors) and destroying numerous Alliance fighters attempting to descend to the planet.Tachyon Marauder
The Beast Drone's fighter, the Tachyon Marauder is an extremely capable fighter. As with the Beast Drones, they have a high resilience to conventional weapons fire. Piloted by a Beast Drone and armed with a Null Energy Cannon, they also carry dozens of containment units, each of which can form a Beast Drone, effectively making each fighter a troop carrier as well. They appear to me composed of Null Matter, but do not have a visible Containment unit, making them near-invulnerable to small-arms fire.Abyss
Blokk's customized Tachyon Marauder, the Abyss is shown to have the same basic shape but with an additional pair of jagged fins mounted on the top. Its performance does appear to be higher than a conventional Marauder, but it is unclear if this is due to the design, Blokk's skill, or both.Capital Ship
Sleek in shape and colossal in size, the Beast Armada employs dozens of these powerful capital ships. Unusually, these ships fire a purple beam of energy (presumably Null-Energy) instead of the red/black ball of Null-Energy that all other Beast weapons fire. This weapon is shown to be extremely powerful, capable of cutting a Rock Tectonic Carrier in two with a single shot. The ships themselves resemble an elongated floating egg with a fin on the bottom. Also unusually, these ships "shatter" when destroyed, rather than simply vanishing, implying that they are not completely made of Null matter.Planet Reptizar
This planet is not revealed to the Alliance but is seen in the last episode of the show being consumed by the Beast Planet.Planet Water
Little is known about Planet Water, save that it was in the same system as Planet Tek, was turned into a gigantic weapon to fight the Beast Planet but was ultimately unable to defeat the Beast Planet and was consumed. Notably, the weapon resembled the battlemoon's main weapon, albeit on a massive scale.Prison Planet
This world is a planetoid with a large, city-sized prison facility on it which is enclosed within an energy field. It was used by Planets Ice, Rock, Fire and Bone to house the most violent criminals on their worlds. Any ships that get too close to the Prison Planet are shot down and crash in the prison facility, thus adding more to the planet's population. There are two main factions on the planet, one led by the former Emperor of Bone, Sternum, and the other by a mysterious women, Jewelia. Both sides have no mobile weapons of any sort and contain a vast army of Glacial Troopers (Ice), Quarriors (Rock), Ignious Knights (Fire), and Sternum Warriors (Bone). Sternum's warriors all paint their armor red on top, while Jewelia's paint a laughing mau, similar to that of a stylised shark's maw, on their helmets in blue. All of their equipment are worn out. What little weapons they have are also in shambles and are barely maintained to standards. The factions do have Sonic Cannons along with their standard projectile weapons and the Cannons can be mounted onto small vehicles so that they can be easily moved from one location to another. They also have improvised weapons, such as sniper rifles and custom tanks. The two sides are fighting over control of the planetoid's Teleport Engine, which, unlike other World Engines, can teleport the Prison Planet. The Prison Planet is consumed by the Beast Planet towards the end of the second season but as it is consumed, Sternum triggers the teleportation of the planet which takes the Beast Planet with it.Notable characters
Sternum – The brother of Femur (current Emperor of Bone) and the former Emperor of Bone. Femur overthrew his brother and sent him to the Prison Planet, where he suffered for years before leading a revolt against the guards and found the teleporting engine of the Prison Planet.Jewelia – An unknown race, not from the Cluster, led the opposing faction to Sternum for control of the Planet. She seems to get excited that soldiers on her side are willing to die for her. Due to her appearance, she might be semi-related to the people of Rock.
See also
- Shadow RaidersShadow RaidersShadow Raiders is an animated television series produced by Mainframe Entertainment that aired from 1998 to 1999. The show was loosely based on the Trendmasters toy line, War Planets. The original character designs were created by ReBoot designer, Brendan McCarthy...
- TrendmastersTrendmastersTrendmasters was an American toy company most notable for its figures based on the Godzilla series, as well as the 1998 film of the same name...
makers of War Planets - Mainframe EntertainmentMainframe EntertainmentRainmaker Entertainment, Inc. is a Canadian computer animation and design company based in Vancouver, British Columbia and Los Angeles, California. It produces computer animation TV series and movies. They are best known for producing the first ever CGI animated series ReBoot, as well as the...
producers of Shadow Raiders - List of Shadow Raiders characters