List of Potentilla species

- Potentilla acaulis sensu, non L.
- subsp.
- subsp. cinerea (Chaix ex Vill.) M. Guinochet in Guinochet & R. Vilmorin (synonym = P. cinerea)
- subsp. pusilla (Host) M. Guinochet in Guinochet & R. Vilmorin (synonym = P. pusilla)
- subsp. tommasiniana (F.W. Schultz) J. Soják (synonym = P. cinerea)
- subsp. velutina (Lehm.) M. Guinochet in Guinochet & R. Vilmorin (synonym = P. cinerea)
- var.
- subsp.
- subsp.
- subsp.
- subsp.
Potentilla arenaria
Potentilla arenaria is a plant species in the genus Potentilla....
Borckh. (synonym = P. cinerea)
- subsp.
- subsp.
Potentilla arguta
Drymocallis arguta, commonly known as the tall cinquefoil or sticky cinquefoil, is a perennial plant in the Rosaceae family of flowering plants native to North America. It was formerly included with the typical cinquefoils in the genus Potentilla.There are two accepted subspecies:* Drymocallis...
- subsp.
- subsp.
- subsp.
- Potentilla baldensis A. Kerner ex Zimmeter (synonym = P. crantzii)
- Potentilla basaltica Tiehm & Ertter
- Potentilla battersbyi Siegfried ex R. Keller (synonym = P. cinerea)
- Potentilla bescansae Gredilla (synonym = P. cinerea)
- Potentilla biennisPotentilla biennisPotentilla biennis is a species of cinquefoil known by the common name biennial cinquefoil. It is native to western North America from northwestern Canada to the southwestern United States, where it grows in moist habitat. This is an annual or biennial herb producing an erect stem up to 70...
Greene - Potentilla bifurca L. (synonym = P. orientalis Juz.)
- Potentilla biflora Willd. ex Schltdl.
- Potentilla billotii N. Boulay (sinnimo = P. neumanniana)
- Potentilla bithynica Hornem. (synonym = P. crantzii)
- Potentilla bolzanensis Zimmeter (synonym = P. cinerea)
- Potentilla bornmuelleri Borbás (synonym = P. astracanica Jacq.)
- Potentilla brauneana Hoppe (synonyms = P. minima Haller f.; = P. dubia (Crantz) Zimmeter)
- Potentilla buccoana Clementi
- Potentilla breviscapa Vest (synonyms = P. micrantha; = P. carniolica A.Kern.)

- Potentilla cacerensis Rivas Mateos (synonym = P. reptans)
- Potentilla calabra Ten. (synonym = P. virgata Lehm)
- Potentilla callieri (Th.Wolf) Juz.
- Potentilla cana Jordan ex Verlot (synonym = P. argentea)
- Potentilla canadensis L.
- Potentilla candollei Jeanb. & Timb.-Lagr. (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- Potentilla canescens Besser (synonym = P. inclinata Vill.)
- subsp.
- var. adscendens (Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.) DC. in Lam. & DC. (synonym = P. inclinata)
- var. inclinata (Vill.) Ser. in DC. (synonym = P. inclinata)
- proles
Potentilla chamissonis
Potentilla chamissonis is distributed across Svalbard, northern Norway, Greenland and the eastern Arctic of Canada. It grows on ledges on steep slopes, and in crevices.-Description:...
Hultén (synonym = P. kuznetzowii (Govor.) Juz.)
Fragaria chiloensis
Fragaria chiloensis, the beach strawberry, Chilean strawberry, or coastal strawberry, is one of two species of strawberry that were hybridized to create the modern garden strawberry . It is noted for its large berries. Its natural range is the Pacific Ocean coasts of North and South America, and...
(L.) Mill.)
- subsp.
- proles
- subsp.
Potentilla crantzii
Potentilla crantzii is a flowering plant of the genus Potentilla in the family Rosaceae.The synonym P. verna as described by Linnaeus is usually assigned to this plant in recent times. In much of the 20th century botanists tended to believe it referred to P. aurea. Yet earlier authors commonly...
(Crantz) Beck ex Fritsch (synonyms = P. salisburgensis Haenke; = P. gelida sensu Th.Wolf; = P. verna L.; = P. baldensis A.Kern. ex Zimmeter; = P. villosa (Crantz) Zimmeter; = P. alpestris Haller f.)
- subsp.
- var.
Potentilla cristae
Potentilla cristae is a rare species of cinquefoil known by the common name crested cinquefoil. It is endemic to the Klamath Mountains of far northern California, where it is known from a few occurrences in the subalpine and alpine climates of the high mountain ridges. It grows in talus and moist...
Ferlatte & Strother
- var.
- Potentilla daltoniana (J. Gay) Mabb. (synonyms = Fragaria daltonianaFragaria daltonianaFragaria daltoniana is a species of strawberry native to the Himalayas. Its fruit has a poor flavor, and is of no commercial value. All strawberries have a base haploid count of 7 chromosomes. Fragaria daltoniana is diploid, having 2 pairs of these chromosomes for a total of 14...
J. Gay; = P. glabrata Willd.) - Potentilla daucifolia Greene (synonym = Horkelia daucifoliaHorkelia daucifoliaHorkelia daucifolia is a species of flowering plant in the rose family known by the common name Carrotleaf horkelia. It is native to the Klamath Mountains and surrounding ranges in northern California and southern Oregon, where it grows in mountain slopes and fields, often on serpentine soils...
(Greene) Rydb.) - Potentilla davurica Nestler (synonyms = Dasiphora davurica (Nestl.) Kom.; = Dasiphora glabra (G. Lodd.) Sojak; = Pentaphylloides davurica (Nestl.) Ikonn.; = Potentilla glabra G. Lodd.; = Potentilla veitchii E. H. Wilson)
- Potentilla decipiens Jordan ex Verlot (synonym = P. collina)
- Potentilla decumbens Jordan (synonym = P. argentea)
- Potentilla delphinensisPotentilla delphinensisPotentilla delphinensis is a herbaceous perennial species of cinquefoil belonging to the Rosaceae family.-Description:The biological form of Potentilla delphiniensis is hemicryptophyte scapose, as its overwintering buds are situated just below the soil surface and the floral axis is more or less...
Gren. & Godron - Potentilla demissa Jordan (synonym = P. argentea)
- Potentilla denticulosa Ser. in DC. (synonym = Duchesnea indica)
- Potentilla deorum Boiss. & Heldr.
- Potentilla depressa Willd. ex Schlecht. (synonym = P. heptaphylla)
- Potentilla desertorum Bunge (ainonimo = Potentilla arnavatensis (Th. Wolf) Th. Wolf ex Juz.)
- Potentilla detommasii Ten. (synonym = P. holosericea Griseb.)
- Potentilla dichotoma Moench (synonym = P. norvegica)
- Potentilla dickinsii Franch. & Sav.
- Potentilla dissecta (Wallr.) Zimmeter, non Pursh (synonym = P. argentea)
- Potentilla divaricata DC. (synonym = P. recta)
- Potentilla divergens (Reichenb.) Poeverlein (synonym = P. erecta)
- Potentilla diversifoliaPotentilla diversifoliaPotentilla diversifolia is a species of cinquefoil known by the common names varileaf cinquefoil and different-leaved cinquefoil.-Distribution:...
Lehm. - Potentilla doerfleri Wettst. (synonym = P. caulescens L. var. doerfleri (Wettst.) Th.Wolf)
- Potentilla drummondiiPotentilla drummondiiPotentilla drummondii is a species of cinquefoil known by the common name Drummond's cinquefoil. It is native to North America from Alaska to California, where it grows in many types of moist habitat. It is perhaps better described as a species complex containing many intergrading subspecies that...
Lehm. - Potentilla dubia (Crantz) Zimmeter, non Moench (synonym = P. brauneana)
- Potentilla dubia Moench (synonym = P. heptaphylla)

- Potentilla egedii Wormsk. ex Hornem. (synonym = P. anserina L. subsp. egedii (Wormsk.) Hiitonen)
- Potentilla elata Salisb. (synonym = P. fruticosa)
- Potentilla emarginata Desf. (synonym = P. sterilis)
- Potentilla emarginata Pursh, non Desf. (synonym = P. hyparctica Malte)
- Potentilla emilii-popii Nyár.
- Potentilla erecta (L.) Raeusch. (synonyms = P. sylvestris Neck.; = P. tormentilla Stokes)
- subsp. erecta
- subsp. strictissima (Zimmeter) A.J. Richards
- var. erecta
- var. herminii (Ficalho) Coutinho
- var. strictissima (Zimmeter) G. Beck in Reichenb.
- Potentilla eremica Coville
- Potentilla eriocarpa Wall. ex Lehm.
- Potentilla eriocarpoides J. Krause
- Potentilla erodora Jordan in Verlot (synonym = P. aurea)
- Potentilla eversmanniana Fisch. ex Ledeb.
- Potentilla explanata Zimmeter (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- Potentilla eynensis Rouy (synonym = P. crantzii) (synonym = Potentilla frigida x aurea)
- Potentilla fagineicola Lamotte (sinopnimo = P. heptaphylla subsp. fagineicola)
- Potentilla fallacina Blocki in Zimmeter (synonym = P. recta)
- Potentilla filiformis Vill. (synonym = P. crantzii)
- Potentilla fissidens Borbás ex Zimmeter (synonym = P. inclinata)
- Potentilla flabellifoliaPotentilla flabellifoliaPotentilla flabellifolia is a species of cinquefoil known by the common names high mountain cinquefoil and fan-foil. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Wyoming, where it grows in higher elevation mountainous habitat, such as summertime meadows. It produces...
Hook. ex Torrey & A. Gray - Potentilla flabelliformis Lehm.
- Potentilla floribunda Pursh (synonyms = Pentaphylloides floribunda (Pursh) A. Love; = P. fruticosa)
- Potentilla foliosa Keller (synonym = P. rupestris)
- Potentilla fragaria Poiret in Lam. (synonym = P. sterilis)
- subsp. micrantha (Ramond ex DC.) Nestler (synonym = P. micrantha)
- Potentilla fragariastrum Ehrh. (synonym = P. sterilis)
- subsp. hybrida (Wallr.) Nyman (synonym = P. ×hybrida)
- subsp. micrantha (DC.) Bonnier & Layens (synonym = P. micrantha)
- Potentilla fragariifolia C.C. Gmelin (synonym = P. sterilis)
- Potentilla fragarioidesPotentilla fragarioidesPotentilla fragarioides is a member of the Rosaceae family that is native to Asia.It is native to China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, and Russia.-Ethnomedical uses:The stem is boiled for use as a hemostatic in Traditional Chinese Medicine ....
L. - Potentilla fragarioidesPotentilla fragarioidesPotentilla fragarioides is a member of the Rosaceae family that is native to Asia.It is native to China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, and Russia.-Ethnomedical uses:The stem is boiled for use as a hemostatic in Traditional Chinese Medicine ....
Vill., non L. (synonym = P. sterilis) - Potentilla fragiformis Willd. ex Schltdl.
- Potentilla friedrichsenii Spath
- Potentilla frigida Villars
- subsp. minima (Haller fil.) Bonnier & Layens (synonym = P. brauneana)
- var. brauneana (Hoppe) DC. in Lam. & DC. (synonym = P. brauneana)
- var. dubia (Crantz) Vill. (synonym = P. brauneana)
- var. suffruticosa Pourret ex Poiret in Lam. (synonym = P. frigida)
- Potentilla fruticosa L. (synonyms = Pentaphylloides fruticosa (L.) O. Schwarz; = Dasiphora fruticosa (L.) Rydb.)
- subsp. floribunda (Pursh) Elkington (synonym = P. fruticosa)
- var. prostrata Gautier (synonym = P. fruticosa)
- var. pyrenaica Willd. ex Schlecht. (synonym = P. fruticosa)
- Potentilla fulgens Wall. ex Lehm. (synonym = P. siemersiana Lehm.)
- Potentilla gaudinii Gremli (synonym = P. pusilla)
- Potentilla gelida C. A. Mey.
- Potentilla gelida sensu Th.Wolf (sinnimo = P. crantzii (Crantz) Beck ex Fritsch)
- Potentilla geminiflora Schrank (synonym = P. norvegica)
- Potentilla geminiflora Zimmeter, non Schrank (synonym = P. anserina)
- Potentilla gentilis Jordan (synonym = P. heptaphylla)
- Potentilla geoides M.Bieb. (synonym = P. jailae Juz.)
- Potentilla glabra G. Lodd. (synonyms = Dasiphora davurica (Nestl.) Kom.; = Dasiphora glabra (G. Lodd.) Sojak; = Pentaphylloides davurica (Nestl.) Ikonn.; = P. davurica Nestl.; = P. veitchii E. H. Wilson)
- Potentilla glabrata Willd. (synonym = P. davurica Nestl.)
- Potentilla glacialis Haller fil. in Ser. (synonym = P. frigida)
- Potentilla glandulifera Krasan (synonym = P. pusilla)
- Potentilla glandulosaPotentilla glandulosaPotentilla glandulosa is a species of cinquefoil known by the common name sticky cinquefoil. It is native to western North America from southwestern Canada to the southwestern United States, where it is widespread and can be found in many types of habitat. It is highly variable and there are many...
Lindl. - Potentilla glaucescens Willd. ex Schlecht. (synonym = P. cinerea)
- Potentilla goldbachii Rupr. (synonym = P. thuringiaca)
- Potentilla gracilisPotentilla gracilisPotentilla gracilis, known as Slender Cinquefoil, or Graceful Cinquefoil is a species of cinquefoil.Named varieties are:* Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri Jeps. – Combleaf Cinquefoil* Potentilla gracilis var...
Douglas ex Hook. - Potentilla grammopetala Moretti
- Potentilla grandiceps Zimmeter (synonym = P. argentea)
- Potentilla grandiflora L.
- subsp. pedemontana (Reuter) Nyman (synonym = P. grandiflora subsp. pedemontana)
- var. grandiflora
- var. minor Venetz. ex Ser. in DC. (synonym = P. grandiflora var. grandiflora)
- var. pedemontana (Reuter) Gremli
- var. pyrenaica (Ramond ex DC.) Ser. in DC. (synonym = P. pyrenaica)
- Potentilla grayiPotentilla grayiPotentilla grayi is a species of cinquefoil known by the common name Gray's cinquefoil.-Description:Potentilla grayi is a small upright plant growing 10 to 20 centimeters tall. The leaves are ternate, divided into three leaflets. Each leaflet is roughly oval in shape and has usually seven blunt...
S. Watson - Potentilla griffithii Hook. f.
- Potentilla guarensis P. Montserrat (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- Potentilla guentheri Pohl (synonym = P. collina)
- Potentilla gunneri Hartman (synonym = P. sterilis)
- Potentilla gusuleacii Hormuzaki (synonym = P. norvegica)
- Potentilla halacsyana Degen (synonym = P. rupestris)
- Potentilla halleri Haller fil. in Ser. (synonym = P. aurea)
- var. latiloba Ser. in DC. (synonym = P. aurea)
- var. minor Ser. in DC. (synonym = P. aurea)
- Potentilla haynaldiana Janka
- Potentilla hedrichii Domin in Domin & Podp. (synonym = P. collina)
- Potentilla heeri Brügger (synonym = P. aurea)
- Potentilla heidenreichii Zimmeter (synonym = P. intermedia)
- Potentilla helvetica Schleicher (synonym = P. frigida)
- Potentilla hemsleyana Th. Wolf (synonym = Duchesnea filipendula (Hemsl.) Focke)
- Potentilla heptaphylla L. (synonyms = P. opaca L.; = P. rubens (Crantz) Zimmeter) **subsp. australis (Nyman) Gams in Hegi (synonym = P. zimmeteri)
- subsp. fagineicola (Lamotte) P. Fourn.
- subsp. heptaphylla
- subsp. rubens (Crantz) P. Fourn. (synonym = P. heptaphylla)
- subsp. nestleriana (Tratt.) Celak. (synonym = P. thuringiaca)
- var. gentilis (Jordan) Rouy & E.G. Camus (synonym = P. heptaphylla)
- Potentilla heptaphylla sensu H.J.Coste, non L. (synonym = P. thuringiaca)
- Potentilla herbichii Blocki (synonym = P. recta)
- Potentilla heterophylla Lapeyr. (synonym = P. crantzii subsp. latestipula)
- Potentilla hickmanii Eastw.
- Potentilla hippiana Lehm.
- Potentilla hirsuta Michaux (synonym = P. norvegica subsp. monspeliensis)
- Potentilla hirta L. (synonym = P. angustifolia DC.)
- proles recta (L.) Rouy (synonym = P. recta)
- subsp. laeta (Focke) Prodan (synonym = P. hirta)
- subsp. pedata (Willd. ex Sprengel) Holmboe (synonym = P. hirta var. pedata)
- subsp. recta (L.) Briq. (synonym = P. recta)
- var. angustifolia Ser. in DC. (synonym = P. hirta)
- var. divaricata (Gren.) Rouy & E.G. Camus (synonym = P. recta)
- var. hirta
- var. lacunosa (Waldst. & Kit. ex Nestler) Ser. in DC. (synonym = P. recta)
- var. media Rouy & E.G. Camus (synonym = P. hirta)
- var. obscura (Willd. Ser. in DC. (synonym = P. recta)
- var. pallida (Lag. ex Lehm.) Rouy & E.G. Camus (synonym = P. recta)
- var. pedata (Willd.) Koch
- var. pilosa (Poiret) Rouy & E.G. Camus (synonym = P. recta)
- var. recta (L.) Ser. in DC. (synonym = P. recta)
- var. rubens DC. in Lam. & DC. (synonym = P. recta)
- Potentilla hirta Auct. Balcan., non L. (synonym = P. recta L.)
- Potentilla hispanica Zimmeter
- Potentilla hispida Willd. (synonym = P. pensylvanica)
- Potentilla holosericea Griseb. (synonym = P. detommasii Ten.)
- Potentilla hookerana Lehm. (synonym = P. kuznetzowii (Govor.) Juz.)
- Potentilla humifusa Willd. ex Schltdl. (synonyms = P. adenophylla Boiss. & Hohen.; = P. opaciformis Th.Wolf)
- Potentilla hungarica Schlecht. (synonym = P. inclinata)
- Potentilla hybrida Wirtg.
- Potentilla hyparctica Malte (synonym = P. emarginata Pursh)
- Potentilla iinumae (Makino) Mabb. (synonym = Fragaria iinumaeFragaria iinumaeFragaria iinumae is a species of strawberry native to Japan and eastern Russia.In Japan it was first discovered on and the name was given....
Makino) - Potentilla impolita Wahlenb. (synonyms = P. argentea L.; = P. neglecta Baumg.)
- subsp. dissecta (Wallr.) Soó (synonym = P. argentea)
- Potentilla impolita Auct., non Wahlenb. (synonym = P. neglecta Baumg.)
- Potentilla inaperta Jordan (synonym = P. collina)
- subsp. sordida (Fries) O. Schwarz (synonym = P. collina)
- Potentilla incana G. Gaertner, B. Meyer & Scherb. (synonym = P. cinerea)
- Potentilla incana Lam. ex Zimmeter in A. Kerner, non G. Gaertner (synonym = P. cinerea)
- var. arenicola (H. Roux) Burnat (synonym = P. cinerea)
- var. cinerea (Chaix ex Vill.) Burnat (synonym = P. cinerea)
- var. gaudinii (Gremli) Burnat (synonym = P. pusilla)
- Potentilla incana Moench, non G. Gaertner (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- Potentilla incanescens Opiz (synonym = P. argentea)
- Potentilla incerta Vill.
- Potentilla incisa Desf. (synonym = P. crantzii)
- Potentilla inclinata Vill. (synonyms = P. canescens Besser; = P. adscendens Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.)
- subsp. subrecta (Jordan) Nyman (synonym = P. inclinata)
- var. adscendens (Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.) Nyman (synonym = P. inclinata)
- var. canescens (Besser) Rouy & E.G. Camus (synonym = P. inclinata)
- Potentilla indica (Andrews) (synonyms = Duchesnea indica (Andrews) Focke; = Fragaria indica Andrews)
- Potentilla inquinans Turcz. (synonym = P. rupestris)
- Potentilla integrifolia Lapeyr. (synonym = P. nivalis)
- Potentilla intermedia L. (synonym = P. heidenreichii Zimmeter)
- subsp. delphinensis (Gren.) Bonnier & Layens (synonym = P. delphinensis)
- subsp. inclinata (Vill.) Bonnier & Layens (synonym = P. inclinata)
- var. canescens (Besser) Wahlenb. (synonym = P. inclinata)
- var. mathonetii (Jordan) Cariot & St-Lager (synonym = P. ×mathonetii)
- Potentilla isosepala Blocki (synonym = P. collina Wibel)
- Potentilla jailae Juz. (synonym = P. geoides M.Bieb.)
- Potentilla jankaeana Pant. (synonym = P. montenegrina Pant.)
- Potentilla johanniniana Goiran (synonym = P. collina)
- Potentilla jurana Reuter (synonym = P. crantzii)
- Potentilla karoi Uechtr. ex Zimmeter (synonym = P. collina)
- Potentilla kionaea Halácsy (synonym = P. apennina Ten. subsp. kionaea (Halácsy) Maire & Petitm.)
- Potentilla kryloviana Th. Wolf
- Potentilla kuznetzowii (Govor.) Juz. (synonyms = Potentilla hookerana Lehm.; = P. chamissonis Hultén)
- Potentilla laciniosa Waldst. & Kit. ex Nestler (synonyms = P. recta L.; = P. transcaspia Th. Wolf)
- Potentilla laeta Reichenb., non Salisb. (synonyms = P. hirta; = P. recta L.)
- Potentilla laeta Salisb. (synonym = P. erecta)
- Potentilla lanata Lam. (synonyms = P. valderia; = P. nivalis Lapeyr.)
- Potentilla lanata (Lange) Zimmeter, non Lam.
- Potentilla lanata sensu [1936), non Lam. (synonym = P. nivalis)
- Potentilla lapponica (F. Nylander) Juzepczuk in Komarov (synonym = P. multifida)
- Potentilla latestipula Br.-Bl. (synonym = P. crantzii subsp. latestipula)
- Potentilla laxa Willd. ex Schlecht. (synonym = P. heptaphylla)
- Potentilla ledebouriana Porsild
- Potentilla leiocarpa Vis. ex Pancic (synonym = P. chrysantha Trevir.)
- Potentilla leuconota D. Don
- Potentilla leucopolitana P.J. Müller in Billot (synonym = P. collina)
- Potentilla leucotricha Borbás (synonym = P. recta)
- Potentilla lindackeri Tausch (synonym = P. collina)
- Potentilla loddigesii Sprengel (synonym = P. inclinata)
- Potentilla longifolia Willd. ex Schltdl. (synonyms = P. viscosa Donn ex Lehm.)
- Potentilla longipes Ledeb.
- Potentilla lupinoides Willd. (synonym = P. nivalis)
- subsp.
- var. integrifolia (Lapeyr.) Nestler (synonym = P. nivalis)
- var. nivalis (Lapeyr.) Pers. (synonym = P. nivalis)
- Potentilla macrocalyx Huet (synonym = P. rupestris)
- Potentilla maculata Pourret, non Gilib. (synonym = P. crantzii subsp. latestipula)
- var.
- subsp.
Potentilla millefolia
Potentilla millefolia is a species of cinquefoil known by the common name cutleaf cinquefoil. It is native to Oregon, Nevada and eastern California, where it grows in moist mountain meadows and similar habitat. The plant produces a basal rosette from a taproot, then a decumbent stem up to about 20...
- var.
- var.
Potentilla morefieldii
Potentilla morefieldii is a species of cinquefoil known by the common name Morefield's cinquefoil. It is endemic to eastern California, where it is known from just a few occurrences in the White Mountains. It grows in rocky habitat such as talus in alpine climates...
Fragaria moupinensis
Fragaria moupinensis is a species of strawberry native to China.All strawberries have a base monoploid count of 7 chromosomes. Fragaria moupinensis is tetraploid, having 4 pairs of these chromosomes for a total of 28 chromosomes.-External links:*...
(Franch.) Cardot)
- Potentilla nebrodensis Strobl (synonym = P. caulescens)
- Potentilla neglecta Baumg. (synonyms = P. argentea L.; = P. impolita Wahlenb.; = P. virgata Lehm.)
- Potentilla nemoralis Nestler (synonym = P. anglica)
- Potentilla nepalensis Hook.
- Potentilla nervosula Gandoger
- Potentilla nestleriana Tratt. (synonym = P. thuringiaca)
- Potentilla neumannianaPotentilla neumannianaPotentilla neumanniana, the Spring Cinquefoil or Spotted Cinquefoil, is a flowering plant of the cinquefoil genus in the rose family . It was first scientifically described by H.G.L. Reichenbach in 1832....
Rchb.- var.
Potentilla newberryi
Potentilla newberryi is a species of cinquefoil known by the common name Newberry's cinquefoil. It is native to the Pacific Northwest of the United States from Washington to the northeastern Modoc Plateau in California and Nevada.-Distribution:...
A. Gray
Fragaria nilgerrensis
Fragaria nilgerrensis is a species of wild strawberry native to southern and southeast Asia. Its fruit has a poor flavour, and is of no commercial value....
Schltdl. ex J. Gay)
- subsp. nivalis
- var. integrifolia (Lapeyr.) DC. in Lam. & DC. (synonym = P. nivalis)
- var. intermedia (Jordan) Rouy & E.G. Camus (synonym = P. nivalis)
- subsp. nivea
- subsp. subquinata (Lange) Hultén
Potentilla norvegica
Potentilla norvegica is a species of cinquefoil known by the common names rough cinquefoil and Norwegian cinquefoil. It is native to Eurasia...
L. (synonyms = P. monspeliensis L.)
- subsp. hirsuta (Michaux) Hylander (synonym = P. norvegica subsp. monspeliensis; = P. gusuleacii Hormuz.)
- subsp. monspeliensis (L.) Ascherson & Graebner
- subsp. norvegica
Fragaria nubicola
Fragaria nubicola is a species of strawberry native to the Himalaya. It is of no commercial value. All strawberries have a base haploid count of 7 chromosomes. Fragaria nubicola is diploid, having 2 pairs of these chromosomes for a total of 14 chromosomes.-External links:**...
(Hook. f.) Lindl. ex Lacaita)
- Potentilla obscura Willd. (synonym = P. recta)
- Potentilla officinalis S.F. Gray (synonym = P. recta)
- Potentilla opaca L., non L. (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- subsp. australis Nyman (synonym = P. zimmeteri)
- subsp. saxatilis (Boulay) Nyman (synonym = P. crantzii)
- Potentilla opaca L., non L. (synonym = P. heptaphylla)
- var. neumanniana (Reichenb.) Nyman [1878, Consp. Fl. Eur. : 26] º P. neumanniana
- var. rubens (Crantz) Nyman [1889, Consp. Fl. Eur., Suppl. 2 (1) : 111] = P. heptaphylla subsp. heptaphylla
- var. sericea Lapeyr. [1813, Hist. Pl. Pyr. : 289] = P. cinerea
- Potentilla opaca Vill., non L. (synonym = P. cinerea)
- Potentilla opacata Lamotte
- Potentilla opaciformis Th.Wolf (synonym = P. humifusa Willd.)
- Potentilla opizii Domin
- Potentilla orbiculata Th.Wolf (synonym = P. chrysantha Trevir.)
- Potentilla orientalis Juz. (synonym = P. bifurca L.)
- Potentilla ornithopoda Tausch (synonym = P. multifida L.)
- Potentilla ovalis Lehm. (synonyms = Fragaria glauca (S. Watson) Rydb.; = Fragaria multicipita Fernald; = Fragaria ovalis (Lehm.) Rydb.)
- Potentilla ovata Poiret in Lam. (synonym = P. cinerea)
- Potentilla pacifica Howell
- Potentilla pallens Moench (synonym = P. recta)
- Potentilla pallida Lag. ex Besser (synonym = P. recta)
- Potentilla palustrisPotentilla palustrisComarum palustre , known by the common names Purple Marshlocks, Swamp Cinquefoil and Marsh Cinquefoil, is a common waterside shrub. It has a Circumboreal distribution, occurring throughout North America, Europe, and Asia, particularly the northern regions...
(L.) Scop. (synonym = Comarum palustre L.)- var. remotifolia Rouy & E.G. Camus (synonym = P. palustris)
- var. stipulacea (Grognot) Rouy & E.G. Camus (synonym = P. palustris)
- var. subdigitata Rouy & E.G. Camus (synonym = P. palustris)
- Potentilla paradoxa Nutt. in Torrey & A. Gray (synonym = P. supina)
- Potentilla parryi (Greene) Greene
- Potentilla parviflora Clairv., non Desf. (synonym = P. micrantha)
- Potentilla parviflora Desf. (synonym = P. micrantha)
- Potentilla parviflora Gaudin (synonyms = P. thuringiaca; = P. chrysantha Trevir.)
- Potentilla parvifolia Fisch. ex Lehm. (synonyms = Dasiphora parvifolia (Fisch. ex Lehm.) Juz.; = Pentaphylloides parvifolia (Fisch. ex Lehm.) Sojak)
- Potentilla patula Waldst. & Kit. (synonym = P. schurii Fuss ex Zimmeter)
- Potentilla pectinata Rafin.(1840) (synonym = P. pensylvanica)
- Potentilla pedata Willd. ex Schlecht. (synonym = P. hirta var. pedata)
- Potentilla pedata Nestl.
- Potentilla pedemontana Reuter (synonym = P. grandiflora)
- Potentilla peduncularis D. Don
- Potentilla pensylvanicaPotentilla pensylvanicaPotentilla pensylvanica is a species of cinquefoil known by the common names Pennsylvania cinquefoil and prairie cinquefoil. It is native to much of northern and western North America, including most of Canada and the western half of the United States. It grows in many types of habitat. The plant...
L. (synonyms = P. strigosa (Pursh) Pall. ex Tratt.; = P. sanguisorbifolia Favre)- proles sanguisorbifolia (F.O. Wolf) Rouy & E.G. Camus in Rouy (synonym = P. pennsylvanica)
- subsp. hispida (Willd.) Tratt. (synonym = P. pensylvanica)
- Potentilla pentaphylla (Losinsk.) Mabb. (synonym = Fragaria pentaphylla Losinsk.)
- Potentilla petiolulata Gaudin (synonym = P. caulescens subsp. petiolulata)
- Potentilla petiolulosa (Haller fil.) Strobl (synonym = P. caulescens subsp. petiolulata)
- Potentilla petrophila Boiss.
- Potentilla pilatensis Gandoger
- Potentilla pilosa Vill. (synonym = P. hirta)
- Potentilla pilosa Willd., non Vill. (synonym = P. recta)
- Potentilla pimpinelloides L. (synonyms = P. volgaria Juz.; = P. tanaitica N.W.Zinger)
- Potentilla pindicola (Nyman) Hausskn. (synonym = P. virescens (Boiss.) Halácsy)
- Potentilla polymorpha Spenner (sinnimo = P. cinerea)
- var. cinerea (Chaix ex Vill.) Spenner (synonym = P. cinerea)
- var. opaca Spenner (synonym = P. heptaphylla)
- Potentilla polyphylla Wall. ex Lehm. (synonym = P. mooniana Wight)
- Potentilla polytricha Jordan ex Verlot (synonym = P. cinerea)
- Potentilla porrigens Zimmeter (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- Potentilla praecox F.W. Schultz (synonym = P. collina)
- Potentilla praeruptorum F.W. Schultz (synonym = P. crantzii)
- Potentilla procumbens Sibth. (synonym = P. anglica)
- proles salisii (Boreau) Rouy & E.G. Camus in Rouy (synonym = P. anglica subsp. nesogenes)
- subsp. nesogenes Briq. (synonym = P. anglica subsp. nesogenes)
- var. salisii (Boreau) P. Fourn. (synonym = P. anglica subsp. nesogenes)
- Potentilla procumbens (L.) Clairv., non Sibth. (synonym = Sibbaldia procumbensSibbaldia procumbensSibbaldia procumbens is a species of flowering plant in the rose family known by the common name creeping sibbaldia. It has a circumpolar distribution; it can be found throughout the northern latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere from Arctic regions into higher-elevation temperate areas...
) - Potentilla prostrata Gremli, non Rottb. (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- Potentilla prostrata Lapeyr., non Rottb. (synonym = P. fruticosa)
- Potentilla prostrata Moench, non Rottb. (synonym = P. sterilis)
- Potentilla prostrata Rottb.
- subsp. floccosa Soják
- subsp. prostrata
- Potentilla pseudoargentea Blocki ex Zimmeter (synonym = P. argentea)
- Potentilla pseudosericeaPotentilla pseudosericeaPotentilla pseudosericea is a species of cinquefoil known by the common name silky cinquefoil. It is native to the Sierra Nevada of California and mountain ranges just to the east, where its distribution extends into Nevada. It grows in rocky mountainous habitat. It is a small plant forming mats or...
Rydb. - Potentilla pseudoleucopolitana Zimmeter in Sydow & Mylins (synonym = P. collina)
- Potentilla puberula Krasan (synonym = P. pusilla)
- Potentilla pubescens Moench (synonym = P. pensylvanica)
- Potentilla pulchella R.Br. (synonym = P. sommerfeltii Lehm.)
- Potentilla pulcherrima Lehm.
- Potentilla pulchra Salisb. (synonym = P. anserina)
- Potentilla pusilla Host (synonyms = P. puberula Krasan; = P. verna L., subsp. puberula (Krasan) Hegi; = P. glandulifera Krasan; P. gaudinii Gremli)
- Potentilla pygmaea Jordan, non C. Muell. (synonym = P. rupestris subsp. corsica)
- Potentilla pyrenaica Ramond ex DC.
- 'Potentilla ranunculus Lange
- Potentilla rectaPotentilla rectaPotentilla recta is a species of cinquefoil. It is native to Eurasia but it is present in North America as an introduced species, ranging through almost the entire continent except the northernmost part of Canada and Alaska.The plant probably originated in the Mediterranean Basin, and it was first...
L. (synonyms = P. laciniosa Kit. ex Nestl.; = P. transcaspia Th. Wolf)- subsp.
- subsp. hirta (L.) Arcangeli (synonym = P. hirta)
- subsp. laciniosa (Waldst. & Kit. ex Nestler) Nyman (synonym = P. recta)
- subsp. leucotricha (Borbás) Jáv. (synonym = P. recta)
- subsp. obscura (Willd.) Arcangeli (synonym = P. recta)
- subsp. pilosa (Poiret) Jáv. (synonym = P. recta)
- subsp. sulphurea (Lam.) Jáv. (synonym = P. recta)
- var. divaricata Gren. in Grern. & Godron (synonym = P. recta)
- var. obscura (Willd.) Poiret in Lam. (synonym = P. recta)
- var. pilosa Poiret in Lam. (synonym = P. recta)
- var. sulphurea (Lam.) DC. in Lam. & DC. (synonym = P. recta)
- subsp.
Potentilla rimicola
Potentilla rimicola is a species of cinquefoil-Potentilla, known by the common name cliff cinquefoil. It is native to the San Jacinto Mountains in Riverside County of the Peninsular Ranges in Southern California where it is known from just a few occurrences, and to Baja California...
(Munz & I. M. Johnston) Ertter
Potentilla rivalis
Potentilla rivalis is a species of cinquefoil known by the common name brook cinquefoil. It is native to much of North America, including the southern half of Canada and the western and central United States. It grows in moist habitat, sometimes in disturbed areas. It is an annual or biennial herb...
Nutt. in Torrey & A. Gray
Potentilla robbinsiana
Potentilla robbinsiana is a small, yellow-flowered, perennial found exclusively above the tree line in the White Mountains of New Hampshire...
(Lehm.) Oakes ex Rydb.
- proles
- Potentilla sabauda DC. in Lam. & DC. (synonym = P. crantzii)
- Potentilla salisburgensis Haenke in Jacq. (synonym = P. crantzii)
- proles
- subsp. saxatilis (Boulay) Berher in L. Louis (synonym = P. crantzii)
- var. alsatica Rouy & E.G. Camus(synonym = P. crantzii)
- var. baldensis (A. Kerner ex Zimmeter) Burnat & Briq. in Burnat (synonym = P. crantzii)
- var. elatior Rouy & E.G. Camus (synonym = P. pyrenaica)
- var. firma Koch (synonym = P. crantzii)
- var. jurana (Reuter) Rouy & E.G. Camus (synonym = P. crantzii)
- var. minor Rouy & E.G. Camus (synonym = P. pyrenaica)
- var. praeruptorum (F.W. Schultz) Rouy & E.G. Camus(synonym = P. crantzii)
- var. sabauda (Lehm.) Burnat & Briq. in Burnat (synonym = P. crantzii)
- var. stricticaulis (Gremli) Burnat (synonym = P. crantzii)
- var. verlotii (Jordan) Rouy & E.G. Camus
Sibbaldia procumbens
Sibbaldia procumbens is a species of flowering plant in the rose family known by the common name creeping sibbaldia. It has a circumpolar distribution; it can be found throughout the northern latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere from Arctic regions into higher-elevation temperate areas...
- var.
- subsp.
- var.
- var.
- var.
- subsp.
- Potentilla tabernaemontani Asch. (synonyms = P. neumanniana; = P. verna L.)
- subsp. hirsuta (DC.) O. Bolòs & Vigo (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- Potentilla tanacetifolia Willd. ex Schltdl.
- Potentilla tanaitica N.W.Zinger (synonym = P. pimpinelloides L.)
- Potentilla taurica Willd.
- Potentilla taurica sensu Th.Wolf (synonym = P. astracanica Jacq.)
- Potentilla tauriciformis Nyár. (synonym = P. astracanica)
- Potentilla tenuifolia Willd. ex Schlecht. (synonym = P. fruticosa)
- Potentilla tenuiloba Jordan (synonym = P. argentea)
- Potentilla terglouensis Hacquet (synonym = P. nitida)
- Potentilla ternata K.Koch (synonym = P. aurea L. subsp. chrysocraspeda (Lehm.) Nyman)
- Potentilla tetrapetala Haller fil. ex Ser. (synonym = P. erecta)
- Potentilla theodoriana Ascherson & Graebner (synonym = P. collina)
- Potentilla thuringiaca Bernh. ex Link (synonyms = P. goldbachii Rupr.; = P. heptaphylla sensu H.J.Coste, non L.; P. nestlerana Tratt.)
- Potentilla thyrsiflora Zimmeter
- Potentilla togasii Ohwi
- Potentilla tommasiniana F.W. Schultz (synonym = P. cinerea)
- Potentilla tormentilla Necker (synonym = P. erecta)
- proles reducta Rouy & E.G. Camus in Rouy (synonym = P. erecta)
- subsp. divergens (Reichenb.) Nyman (synonym = P. erecta)
- subsp. procumbens (Sibth.) Syme in Sm. (synonym = P. anglica)
- subsp. sylvestris Syme in Sm. (synonym = P. erecta)
- var. dacica Borbás ex Zimmeter (synonym = P. erecta subsp. strictissima)
- var. herminii Ficalho (synonym = P. erecta)
- var. humifusa Lecoq & Lamotte (synonym = P. erecta)
- var. nemoralis Ser. in DC. (synonym = P. anglica)
- var. procumbens (Sibth.) Wenderoth, non Wahlenb. (synonym = P. anglica)
- Potentilla tormentilla Stokes (synonym = P. erecta (L.) Raeusch.)
- Potentilla tormentilloides F. Mayer (synonym = P. anglica)
- Potentilla transcaspia Th. Wolf (synonyms = P. laciniosa Kit. ex Nestl.; = P. recta L.)
- Potentilla tremolsii Pau (synonym = P. hirta)
- Potentilla tridentata Aiton
- Potentilla trifoliolata (Koch) G. Beck (synonym = P. cinerea)
- Potentilla tuberculata Porta (synonym = P. rupestris)
- Potentilla turicinensis Zimmeter (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- Potentilla valderia L.
- var. lupinoides (Willd.) Poiret in Lam.(synonym = P. nivalis)
- var. nivalis (Lapeyr.) Poiret in Lam. (synonym = P. nivalis)
- Potentilla validula Gandoger
- Potentilla varia Spenner (synonym = P. argentea)
- var. argentea (L.) Spenner (synonym = P. argentea)
- var. canescens (Besser) Spenner (synonym = P. inclinata)
- Potentilla varians Moench (synonym = P. intermedia)
- Potentilla veitchii E. H. Wilson (synonyms = Dasiphora davurica (Nestl.) Kom.; = Dasiphora glabra (G. Lodd.) Sojak; = Pentaphylloides davurica (Nestl.) Ikonn.; = P. davurica Nestl.; = P. glabra G. Lodd.)
- Potentilla velenovskyi Hayek (synonym = P. recta)
- Potentilla velutina Lehm. (synonym = P. cinerea)
- Potentilla verna L. (synonym = P. crantzii)
- proles aurulenta (Gremli) Rouy & E.G. Camus in Rouy
- proles opaca (L.) Rouy & E.G. Camus in Rouy
- subsp. alpestris (Haller fil.) Bonnier & Layens (synonym = P. crantzii)
- subsp. arenaria (Borckh.) Gams in Hegi (synonym = P. cinerea)
- subsp. baldensis (Zimmeter) Murbeck (synonym = P. crantzii)
- subsp. batalleri (Sennen) Sennen (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- subsp. billotii (Boulay) Nyman (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- subsp. gonzaloi (Sennen) Sennen (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- subsp. incana (G. Gaertner, B. Meyer & Scherb.) Schübler & Martens (synonym = P. cinerea)
- subsp. cinerea (Chaix ex Vill.) Gams in Hegi (synonym = P. cinerea)
- subsp. leucopolitana (P.J. Müller) Berher in L. Louis (synonym = P. collina)
- subsp. opaca Bonnier & Layens (synonym = P. heptaphylla)
- subsp. puberula (Krasan) Hegi (synonym = P. pusilla)
- subsp. saxatilis (Boulay) Nyman (synonym = P. tabernaemontani Asch.)
- subsp. serotina (Vill.) Focke in Koch (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- subsp. verna (synonym = P. crantzii (Crantz) Beck ex Fritsch)
- subsp. vulgaris (Haller fil.) Kittel (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- var. aestiva (Haller fil.) Briq. (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- var. australis Gautier (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- var. billottii (Boulay) Briq. (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- var. campestris Wallr. (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- var. candollei (Jeanb. & Timb.-Lagr.) Gautier (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- var. cinerea (Chaix ex Vill.) Ser. in DC. (synonym = P. cinerea)
- var. crantzii (Crantz) Fiori (synonym = P. crantzii)
- var. filiformis (Vill.) Willd. (synonym = P. crantzii)
- var. frigida (Vill.) Fiori in Fiori & Paoletti (synonym = P. frigida)
- var. hirsuta DC. in Lam. & DC. (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- var. incana C.C. Gmelin (synonym = P. cinerea)
- var. incerta (Vill.) All. (synonym = P. frigida)
- var. lapeyrousiana Rouy & E.G. Camus (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- var. neumanniana (Reichenb.) Th. Wolf (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- var. nana DC. in Lam. & DC. (synonym = P. brauneana)
- var. opaca (Spenner) Döll (synonym = P. heptaphylla)
- var. pilosa Döll, non var. pilosa C.C. Gmelin (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- var. pusilla Koch (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- var. rotundifolia (Vill.) Poiret in Lam. (synonym = P. crantzii)
- var. rubens (Vill.) Willd. (synonym = P. crantzii)
- var. salisburgensis (Haenke) Nestler (synonym = P. crantzii)
- var. serotina (Vill.) Poiret in Lam. (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- var. stipularis Gautier (synonym = P. crantzii subsp. latestipula)
- var. tabernaemontani (Ascherson) Fiori in Fiori & Paoletti (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- var. vivariensis (Jordan) Nyman (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- var. xerophila (Jordan) Nyman (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- Potentilla vernalis Salisb. (synonym = P. verna L.)
- Potentilla vesca (L.) Scop. (synonyms = Fragaria insularis Rydb.; = Fragaria vesca L.)
- Potentilla vestita Jordan (synonym = P. cinerea)
- Potentilla villosaPotentilla villosaPotentilla villosa is a species of cinquefoil known by the common name Northern Cinquefoil. Potentilla Villosa is a member of the Rose Family...
Dulac, non Vill. (synonym = P. sterilis) - Potentilla villosaPotentilla villosaPotentilla villosa is a species of cinquefoil known by the common name Northern Cinquefoil. Potentilla Villosa is a member of the Rose Family...
(Crantz) Vill. (synonym = P. crantzii) - Potentilla villosaPotentilla villosaPotentilla villosa is a species of cinquefoil known by the common name Northern Cinquefoil. Potentilla Villosa is a member of the Rose Family...
Pursh - Potentilla virescens (Boiss.) Halácsy (synonym = P. pindicola (Nyman) Hausskn.)
- Potentilla virgata Lehm. (synonyms = P. argentea L.; = P. neglecta Baumg.; = P. calabra Ten.)
- Potentilla virginiana (Mill.) E. H. L. Krause (synonym = Fragaria virginiana Mill.)
- Potentilla viridescens Gandoger
- Potentilla viridis (Weston) Prantl (synonyms = Fragaria collina Ehrh.; = Fragaria viridisFragaria viridisFragaria viridis is a species of strawberry native to Europe and central Asia. It has extremely small berries with fine flavour. They have surprisingly little of the usual strawberry aroma, but a refreshing acidity, and sometimes ripen without becoming red...
Weston) - Potentilla viridis Zimmeter, non (Weston) Prantl (synonym = P. anserina)
- Potentilla viscosa Donn ex Lehm. (synonym = P. longifolia Willd. ex Schltdl.)
- Potentilla visianii Pancic
- Potentilla vitodurinensis Zimmeter (synonym = P. neumanniana)
- Potentilla vivariensis Jordan (synonym = P. cinerea)
- Potentilla volgaria Juz. (synonym = P. pimpinelloides L.)
- Potentilla wallichiana Ser. in DC. (synonym = Duchesnea indica)
- Potentilla wallrothii Soó (synonym = P. argentea)
- Potentilla wheeleriPotentilla wheeleriPotentilla wheeleri is a species of cinquefoil known by the common name Kern cinquefoil. It is native to the Sierra Nevada and nearby ranges of California and it has been reported from Arizona and Baja California. Its habitat includes moist areas in mountainous regions...
S. Watson - Potentilla wibeliana T. Wolf (synonym = P. collina)
- Potentilla wiemanniana Asch. & Gr.
- Potentilla wiemanniana Günther & Schummel
- subsp. leucopolitana (J.P. Müller) Ascherson & Graebner (synonym = P. collina)
- Potentilla wiemannioides Blocki (synonym = P. collina)
- Potentilla wislicenii Poeverlein (synonym = P. argentea)
- Potentilla yakusimensis (Masam.) Mabb. (synonyms = Fragaria nipponicaFragaria nipponicaFragaria nipponica is a species of strawberry native to the western side of the Japanese island of Honshū, with a variety Fragaria nipponica var. yakusimensis on Yakushima. Some botanists treat it as a synonym of Fragaria yezoensis....
Makino; = Fragaria yakusimensis Masam.; = Fragaria yezoensisFragaria yezoensisFragaria yezoensis is a species of strawberry native to the eastern side of the Japanese island of Hokkaidō, and the adjacent Kuril Islands and Sakhalin in Russia. It is of no economic value. Some botanists include the very similar Fragaria nipponica in F. yezoensis as a synonym.All strawberries...
H. Hara)
Some hybridsHybridIn biology and specifically, genetics, the term hybrid has several meanings, all referring to the offspring of sexual reproduction.#In general usage, hybrid is synonymous with heterozygous: any offspring resulting from the mating of two distinctly homozygous individuals#a genetic hybrid carries two...
- Potentilla ×aurulenta Gremli (synonym = P. ×matzielekii)
- Potentilla argentea x calabra (synonym = P. semiargentea Borbás ex Zimmeter)
- Potentilla ×balatonensis Borbás (synonym = P. ×semiargentea)
- Potentilla ×bazargica Prodan - hybrid between : P. collina e P. hirta
- Potentilla ×beckii J. Murr - hybrid between : P. crantzii e P. neumanniana)
- Potentilla ×boetzikesii J. Murr - hybrid between : P. neumanniana e P. pusilla
- Potentilla brauneana × cinerea – Ibido fra : P. brauneana e P. cinerea
- Potentilla brauneana × frigida - Ibido fra : P. brauneana e P. frigida
- Potentilla ×breunia Huter in A. Kerner - hybrid between : P. crantzii e P. prostrata subsp. floccosa
- Potentilla ×castriferrei Borbás & Waisb. - hybrid between : P. heptaphylla e P. pusilla
- Potentilla ×delavayi P. Fourn. - hybrid between : P. brauneana e P. frigida
- Potentilla erecta × reptans – hybrid between : P. erecta e P. reptans
- Potentilla ×eynensis sensu Rouy - hybrid between : P. aurea e P. frigida
- Potentilla ×fallax Moretti ex Zimmeter, non Rochel (synonym = P. ×suberecta)
- Potentilla ×fleischeri Domin & Podp. in Polovka (synonym = P. ×boetzikesii)
- Potentilla ×fraterna Wallr. (synonym = P. ×hybrida)
- Potentilla frigida x aurea (synonym = P. eynensis Rouy & E.G.Camus)
- Potentilla ×frigidoides Léveillé (synonym = P. ×eynensis)
- Potentilla ×gremblichii Gandoger ex Zimmeter (synonym = P. ×hybrida)
- Potentilla ×gremlii Zimmeter (synonym = P. ×italica)
- Potentilla ×guyotiana Nyár. (synonym = P. ×kerneri)
- Potentilla ×hegetschweileri Brügger - hybrid between : P. crantzii e P. frigida
- Potentilla ×huteri Siegfried - hybrid between : P. aurea e P. crantzii
- Potentilla ×hybrida Wallr. - hybrid between : P. alba e P. sterilis
I – J - K
- Potentilla ×italica Lehm. (sinonim = P. ×mixta)
- Potentilla ×jaeggiana Siegfried ex R. Keller – hybrid between : P. argentea e P. neumanniana
- Potentilla ×kerneri Borbás – hybrid between : P. argentea e P. recta
- Potentilla ×mathonetii Jordan – hybrid between : P. crantzii e P. thuringiaca
- Potentilla ×matzialekii Opiz ex Domin – hybrid between : P. heptaphylla e P. neumanniana
- Potentilla ×mixta Nolte ex Koch – hybrid between : P. anglica e P. reptans
- Potentilla ×moravica Dostál (synonym = P. ×matzialekii)
- Potentilla ×murbeckii Domin (synonym = P. ×mixta)
- Potentilla ×pennina Gremli – hybrid between: P. crantzii e P. multifida
- Potentilla ×procumbentoides Léveillé (synonym = P. ×suberecta)
- Potentilla ×permixta Waisbecker, non Schur (synonym = P. ×castriferrei)
- Potentilla ×pseudocanescens Blocki ex Ascherson & Graebner (synonym = P. ×kerneri)
- Potentilla ×reineckii Sagorski (synonym = P. ×hybrida)
- Potentilla ×rhaetica Brügger – hybrid between : P. crantzii e P. grandiflora
- Potentilla ×semiargentea Borbás – Ibridi fra : P. argentea e P. inclinata
- Potentilla ×slendzinskii Borbás (synonym = P. ×subargentea)
- Potentilla ×spuria A. Kerner – hybrid between : P. micrantha e P. sterilis
- Potentilla ×styriaca Hayek (synonym = P. ×castriferrei)
- Potentilla ×subarenaria Zimmeter – hybrid between : P. cinerea e P. neumanniana
- Potentilla ×subargentea Borbás in Zimmeter – hybrid between : P. argentea e P. cinerea
- Potentilla ×suberecta Zimmeter – hybrid between : P. anglica e P. erecta
- Potentilla ×subrubens Borbás in Zimmeter – hybrid between : P. cinerea e P. heptaphylla
- Potentilla ×superargentea Waisbecker (synonym = P. ×semiargentea)
- Potentilla ×ternata Brügger – hybrid between : P. aurea e P. brauneana
- Potentilla ×tynieckii Blocki – hybrid between : P. argentea e P. collina
V - W
- Potentilla ×vallesiaca Huet – hybrid between : P. frigida e P. grandiflora
- Potentilla ×wolffiana Siegfried in T. Wolf - hybrid between : P. inclinata e P. recta