List of Portuguese words of Arabic origin
- Açafate
- Açafrão (azzafaran)
- Acéquia (assekyah)
- Achaque (ashshaka)
- Acicate (ashshukat)
- Açoite (assaut)
- Açorda (athurda)
- Açoteia (assutaiha)
- Açougue (assok)
- Açucena (assusana)
- Açude (assudd)
- Açúcar (assukar derived from Sanskrit çarkara)
- Adarga (addarka)
- Aduana (addwana)
- Alá (al-ilâh)
- Alabão (allabban)
- Alambique
- Alarife (alarif)
- Alarve (al-árab)
- Alazão
- Albarda (albarda'a)
- Albardar (albarda'a)
- Albarraque
- Albornoz (al-burnus)
- Albufeira (al-buHera)
- Alcáçova (alkasaba)
- Alcachofra (alkharshof)
- Alcaide (alkaid)
- Alcaidaria (alkaid)
- Alcaiote (alkawwad)
- Alcalóide (composed word: Arabic. alcali and Greek eîdos)
- Alcaravia (alkarawiya)
- Alcaraviz (alkarabís)
- Alcateia (alkataia)
- Alcatifa (alkatifa)
- Alcatruz (alkadus compound word: Arabic. al and Greek kádos, jar for water or wine)
- Alcavala (alkabala)
- Alcofa (alkuffa)
- Álcool (alkohul)
- Alcorão (Alkuran)
- Alcova (alkubba)
- Alecrim (aliklil)
- Aletria (alitríya)
- Alface
- Alfafa
- Alfaia
- Alfaiate (al-khayyáţ)
- Alfândega (al-funduq)
- Alfanje
- Alfaraz
- Alfarela
- Alfarrábio
- Alfarrabista
- Alfarroba
- Alfarrobeira
- Alfavaca
- Alfazema
- Alfeire
- Alferes (alfaris)
- Alfobre (alhufra)
- Alforge (alhurj)
- Alforria (compound word: Arabic.al and French feurre)
- Algarismo (alkarizmi, name of Arab mathematician Abu Ibn Muça)
- Algarve(al-rarb)
- Álgebra
- Algema (aljami'a)
- Algeroz (azzurub)
- Algibeira (al-jibaira)
- Algodão (alkutun)
- Algodoeiro
- Algoritmo
- Alguidar (algidar)
- Alicate (allikkát)
- Aljama (aljamaa)
- Aljava (aljaba)
- Almadrava (almadraba)
- Almanaque (almanakh)
- Almedina (almedina)
- Almóada
- Almocreve (almukari)
- Almofada (almukhadda)
- Almofate (almikhyat)
- Almofre
- Almogávar (almugauar)
- Almôndega (albundeca)
- Almorávida (almurabit)
- Almotacé (almuhtasib)
- Almotolia (almutli)
- Almoxarifado
- Almoxarife
- Almude
- Alqueire
- Alqueive
- Alvanel
- Alvará
- Alvazil
- Alveitar
- Alvitana
- Alvíssaras
- Alvorge
- Armazém
- Arrátel
- Arroba
- Arroz (رز)
- Arsenal
- Atafal
- Atafona
- Atalaia
- Azar
- Azeite
- Azeitona
- Azemel
- Azémola
- Azimute
- Azenha
- Azinhaga
- Azulejo
- Laranja (naranj derived from the Persian naräng)
- Laranjeira (naranj derived from the Persian naräng)
- Lezíria (al-jaza'ir)
- Limão (laimun derived from the Persian limun)
- Limoeiro (laimun derived from the Persian limun)
- Madraçal (madraça, school)
- Magazine
- Marabuto
- Masmorra (matmura)
- Matraca (mitraka)
- Mesquita (masdjid)
- MeticalMozambican meticalThe metical is the currency of Mozambique, abbreviated with the symbol MZN or MTn. It is nominally divided into 100 centavos.-First metical :...
(MozambicanMozambiqueMozambique, officially the Republic of Mozambique , is a country in southeastern Africa bordered by the Indian Ocean to the east, Tanzania to the north, Malawi and Zambia to the northwest, Zimbabwe to the west and Swaziland and South Africa to the southwest...
currency, from mitķāl, an Arabic unit of weight, from taķāl', weigh). - Moçárabe (must'rib)
- Mudéjar (mudajjin)
- Muezim
- Maomé (originally Muhammad; also Maomet; formerly Maomede, Mafoma, Mafamede)
- Muladi (malado)
- Sáfaro (sahra', desert)
- Safra (safaria)
- Salamaleque (as-salam-alaik, may peace be upon you)
- Saloio (çahroi)
- Sofá (suffah, couch)
- Sultanato (sultan, ruler)
- Sultão (sultan, ruler)
- Sura
- Xadrez (xatranj derived from the Sanskrit xaturanga)
- Xarope (xarab)
- Xaveco (xabbak)
- Xeque (xaikh)
- Xeque-mate
External links
- As Projeções da Língua Árabe na Língua Portuguesa, essay by Antônio Houaiss
See also
- Influence of Arabic on other languagesInfluence of Arabic on other languagesArabic has had a great influence on other languages, especially in vocabulary. The influence of Arabic has been most profound in those countries dominated by Islam or Islamic power...
- List of Arabic loanwords in English
- List of French words of Arabic origin
- Arabic influence on the Spanish languageArabic influence on the Spanish languageArabic influence on the Spanish language has been significant due to the Islamic presence in the Iberian peninsula between 711 and 1492 A.D. ....