List of Marvin Harris works
This is a two-part chronological list of the works of anthropologist Marvin Harris
. The first list contains his scholarly articles; the second contains his books.
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Also published in
Marvin Harris
Marvin Harris was an American anthropologist. He was born in Brooklyn, New York. A prolific writer, he was highly influential in the development of cultural materialism...
. The first list contains his scholarly articles; the second contains his books.
Articles and book chapters
Full version
- 1959
- 1962 - "Race Relations Research and Research Auspices in the United States." Information 1:28-51.
- 1963 - "The Structural Significance of Brazilian Racial Categories" (with Conrad KottakConrad KottakConrad Kottak is an American anthropologist. He earned his Ph.D from Columbia University, and he did extensive research in Brazil and Madagascar, visiting societies there and writing books about them...
) Sociologia 25: 203-208 (São Paulo) - 1964 - "Racial Identity in Brazil." Luso-Brazilian Review 1:21-28.
- 1965 - "The Myth of the Sacred Cow." In Man, Culture and Animals, 217-28. Washington D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
- 1966
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- "Race, Conflict, and Reform in Mocambique." In The Transformation of East Africa, 157 - 83.
- 1967
- "The Classification of Stratified Groups." In Social Structure, Stratification, and Mobility, 298 - 324. Washington, D.C.: Pan-American Union.
- "The Myth of the Sacred Cow." Natural History (March):6-12.
- 1968
- "Big Bust on Morningside Heights." The Nation June 10, 1968 757-763. *Big Bust on Morningside Heights
- "Race." in International Encyclopedia of the Social SciencesInternational Encyclopedia of the Social SciencesThe International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences was first published in 1968. Edited by David L. Sills and Robert K. Merton.-See also:*List of encyclopedias by branch of knowledge*International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences...
, 13:263-69. - "Report on N.S.F. Grant G.S. 1128, Techniques of Behavioral Analysis." Unpublished manuscript
- 1969 - "Patterns of Authority and Superordination in Lower Class Urban Domiciles." Research proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation. Unpublished manuscript.
- 1970 - "Referential Ambiguity in the Calculus of Brazilian Racial Identity." Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 26:1-14.
- 1971 - "Comments on Alan Heston's 'An Approach to the Sacred Cow of India." Current Anthropology 12: 199-201
- 1972 - "Portugal's Contribution to the Underdevelopment of Africa and Brazil." In Ronald Chilcote, ed., Protest and Resistance in Angola and Brazil Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 209–223
- 1974 - "Reply to Corry Azzi." Current Anthropology 15: 323.
- 1975 - "Why a Perfect Knowledge of All the Rules That One Must Know in Order to Act Like a Native Cannot Lead to a Knowledge of How Natives Act." Journal of Anthropological Research 30: 242-251
- 1976 - "Levi-Strauss et La Palourde." L'Homme 16: 5 - 22.
- 1976 - "History and Significance of the Emic/Etic Distinction." Annual Review of Anthropology 5:329-50.
- 1977 - "Why Men Dominate Women" New York Times Magazine, date:( )
- 1977 - "Bovine Sex and Species Ratios in India." Paper read at American Anthropological AssociationAmerican Anthropological AssociationThe American Anthropological Association is a professional organization of scholars and practitioners in the field of anthropology. With 11,000 members, the Arlington, Virginia based association includes archaeologists, cultural anthropologists, biological anthropologists, linguistic...
meetings in Houston - 1978
Also published in
- "Origins of the U.S. Preference for Beef." Psychology Today, October: 88-94.
- 1979
- "The Human Strategy: Our Pound of Flesh." Natural History 88:30-41.
- "Reply to Sahlins." New York Review of Books.
- 1980 - "History and Ideological Significance of the Separation of Social and Cultural Anthropology." In Beyond the Myths of Culture: Essays in Cultural Materialism, edited by Eric Ross, 391-407. New York: Academic Press
- 1982 - "Mother Cow" Anthropology 81/82, Annual Editions
- 1984
- "A Cultural Materialist Theory of Band and Village Warfare: The Yanomamo Test." In Warfare, Culture, and Environment, edited by R. Brian Ferguson, 111-40. Orlando: Academic Press
- 1987 - "Cultural Materialism: Alarums and Excursions." In Waymarks: The Notre Dame Inaugural lectures in Anthropology
- 1990 - "Emics and Etics Revisited; Harris's Reply to Pike; Harris's Final Response." In Emics and Etics: The Insider/Outsider Debate, edited by Thomas N. Headland, Kenneth L. PikeKenneth L. PikeKenneth Lee Pike , also known during his life as Ken Pike, was an American linguist and anthropologist. He was the originator of the theory of tagmemics and coiner of the terms "emic" and "etic".-Life:...
, and Marvin Harris, 48-61, 75-83, 202-16. Newbury Park: Sage. - 1991 - "Anthropology: Ships that Crash in the Night." In Perspectives on Social Science: The Colorado Lectures, edited by Richard Jessor, 70-114. Boulder, CO: Westview.
- 1992 - "Distinguished Lecture: Anthropology and the Theoretical and Paradigmatic Significance of the Collapse of the Soviet and European Communism." American Anthropologist 94:295-305.
- 1993
- "Who are the Whites?" Social Forces 72: 451-62.
- "The Evolution of Gender Hierarchies: a Trial Formulation." in Sex and Gender Hierarchies, edited by Barbara Diane Miller
- 1995
- "Commentary on articles by Nancy Scheper-HughesNancy Scheper-HughesNancy Scheper-Hughes is a professor of Anthropology and director of the program in Medical Anthropology at the University of California at Berkeley. She is known for her writing on the anthropology of the body, hunger, illness, medicine, psychiatry, madness, social suffering, violence and genocide...
and Roy D'AndradeRoy D'AndradeRoy Goodwin D'Andrade is one of the founders of the theory of cognitive anthropology.Born in New Jersey, D'Andrade matriculated at Rutgers University but left to fulfill his military service. He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Connecticut. He then studied in the Department...
. Current Anthropology 36: 423-24. - "Anthropology and Postmodernism" in Science, Materialism, and the Study of Culture (which is dedicated to Harris) edited by Martin F. Murphy and Maxine L. Margolis.
- "Commentary on articles by Nancy Scheper-Hughes
Paperback ISBN 0-7591-0133-7- Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches: The Riddles of Culture ISBN 0-679-72468-0
- Good to Eat: Riddles of Food and Culture (Original title The Sacred Cow and the Abominable Pig) ISBN 1-57766-015-3
- Cannibals and Kings: Origins of CulturesCannibals and KingsCannibals and Kings is a book written by anthropologist Marvin Harris. The book presents a systematic discussion of ideas about the reasons for a culture making a transition by stages from egalitarian hunter-gatherer to hierarchically based states as population density increases.According to...
ISBN 0-679-72849-X - Our Kind: Who We Are, Where We Came From, Where We Are Going ISBN 0-06-091990-6 Paperback ISBN 0-7619-9021-6
- Why Nothing Works: The Anthropology of Daily Life (Original title America Now: the Anthropology of a Changing Culture) ISBN 0-671-63577-8 Paperback ISBN 0-7591-0135-3
- Culture, People, Nature: An Introduction to General Anthropology (7th Edition) ISBN 0-673-99093-1
- Cultural Anthropology (7th Edition) ISBN 0-205-45443-7
- Patterns of Race in the Americas ISBN 0-313-22359-9
- Death, Sex, and Fertility: Population Regulation in Preindustrial and Developing Societies ISBN 0-231-06270-2
- Town and Country in Brazil ISBN 0-404-50587-2
- Emics and Etics : The Insider/Outsider Debate (editor) ISBN 0-8039-3738-5
- Food and Evolution: Toward a Theory of Human Food Habits (editor) ISBN 0-87722-668-7
External links
- Marvin Harris' major works. Overviews and chapter headings.