List of Kazan khans
The list of rulers of Kazan Khanate
  • Ghiasetdin of Kazan
    Ghiasetdin of Kazan
    Ghiasetdin , was a ruler of Kazan, Ghiasetdin Ulus from the 1420s. He was a son of Khan Shadibak . After the death of Idegay in 1419 he usurped the throne of the Kazan Duchy. He also struggled against Olug Moxammat Khan for the leadership of the Golden Horde, and died in this struggle....

     - as a ruler of Ghiasetdin Ulus (district), not the Khanate.

  • Olug Moxammat (Ulug Mohammad, Oluğ Möxämmät, Ulu Mukhamed) (1438-1446)
  • Maxmud
    Maxmud of Kazan
    Mäxmüd khan ; in Russian chronicles Махмутек ; ?-1467) was a ruler of the Kazan Khanate in , an elder son of Oluğ Möxämmäd. He is reputed to be one of the khanate's founders. He participated in his father's campaigns against Muscovy. In 1445, he won the battle of Suzdal and took captive the Grand...

     (Mäxmüd, Mahmudek, Mahmud, Makhmud) (1446-1466)
  • Xalil (Xälil, Khalil ibn Mahmud) (1466-1467)
  • Ibrahim
    Ibrahim of Kazan
    İbrahim khan was a ruler of Kazan Khanate . He was the son of Mäxmüd. He was crowned after Xalil's death and was married to his wife Nursoltan. In 1467–1469 and 1478 he participated in wars against Muscovy. After the treaty concluded with Ivan III all Russian prisoners of war were liberated...

     (İbrahim) (1467-1479)
  • Ilham (İlham, Ğäli, Ghali, Ali) (1479-1485)(1486-1487)
  • Moxammat Amin (Möxämmät Ämin, Möxämmädämin, Muhammad Amin) (1485-1486) (1487-1496)(1502-1518). Olug Moxammat dynasty terminated.
  • Mamuq (Mamıq, Mameq, Mamuk) (1496-1497)
  • Ghabdellatif
    Ghabdellatif of Kazan
    Ghabdellatif was the khan of Kazan Khanate in 1496-1502.Ghabdellatif was the youngest son of Ibrahim and Nur Soltan. When his father died in 1479, his mother married Meñli I Giray and moved to Crimean Khanate. Around 1490 Meñli I Giray sent Abdul to Muscovy for service, where he received town of...

     (Ğäbdellatíf, Abd Al-----Latyf, Abdul Latyf) (1497-1502)
  • Shahgali (Şahğäli, Shah Ali) (1518-1521)(1546)(1551-1552)
  • Sahib Giray (Säxibgäräy, Sakhib-Girey) (1521-1525)
  • Safa Giray (Safagäräy, Safa-Girey)(1525-1532)(1535-1546)(1546-1549)
  • Cangali (Canğäli, Jan Ali, Can Ali) (1532-1535)
  • Utamesh (Utamesh Giray, Ütämeşgäräy, Ötemiş, Otemish, Utyamysh) (1549-1551) Soyembika (Söyembikä) as regent and actual ruler
  • Yadegar Moxammad (Yadegär Möxämmät, Yadigar Muhammad, Yadygar) (1552)
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