List of Guinea-Bissau-related topics
Articles related to Guinea-Bissau
(Abdoul Ndaiye) -
Abdul Rahman al-Sadi -
Administrador -
Africa Squadron
Leo Africanus
Agriculture in Guinea-Bissau -
Aldeamento -
Alfa Mahmoud Kati -
Alfa Molo -
Alfa Yaya -
Jose Eduardo Araujo -
Armazens do Povo (People's Stores) -
Armee de Liberation Nacionale Guineene (ALNG) -
Art of Guinea-Bissau -
Askia Mohammad -
Assembleia Nacional Popular (ANP) -
Assimilados -
Diego da Azambuja -
Gomes Eannes de Azurara
Baiotes -
Balantas -
Balantes -
Balde -
Bambaras -
Bana -
Banco National Ultramarino (BNU) -
Banyuns; Banhuns; Bainuk
Rafael Paula Barbosa -
Honorio Pereira Berreto -
Ibn Battuta
Batuko; Batuco
; Batuque
Beafadas; Biafadas -
Phillip Beaver -
Berlin Congress -
Antonio de Barros Bezerra -
Bijagos; Bidyogos; Bijegas; Bissagos; Bojagos; Bujagos -
Judice Joaquim Biker -
Black Ladino
Bolanhas; Balana
; Bulana -
Bolola -
Bolor -
Brames -
Benjamin Pinto Bull -
Jiame Pinto Bull -
Juvenal Cabral -
Luis de Almeida Cabral -
Pedro Álvares Cabral
Vasco Cabral -
Alvise Cadamosta -
Caderneta -
Marcello Caetano -
Canary Current
Diogo Cão
Capitacao -
Casa dos Estudantes do Imperio (CEI) -
Casablanca Group
Casangas -
Centro do Instrucao Politico Militar (CIPM) -
Champalimaud -
Cinema of Guinea-Bissau -
Class in Guinea-Bissau -
Cobianas -
Cocolis; Kokolis -
Coli Tenguela -
Christopher Columbus
Comissao Permanente -
Companhia do Cacheu e Cabo Verde -
Companhia Geral do Grão Pará e Maranhão -
Companhia Lusitana do Aluminio da Guine e Angola -
Companhia Uniao Fabril
(CUF) -
Conferência das Organizações Nacionalistas das Colónias Portuguesas (CONCP) -
Conhaques (Conhaguis) -
Conselho de Guerra -
Comite Executivo da Luta (CEL) -
Conselho Superior da Luta (CSL) -
Contratado -
Corubal River
(Rio Corubal) -
Crioulo -
Currency of Guinea-Bissau -
Vasco da Gama
Silvino da Luiz -
Degredados -
Demographics of Guinea-Bissau
Denianke; Denanke
Antonio de Noli -
Dialonkes; Djalonkes; Jaloncas; Jallonkes -
Bartolomeu Dias
Diniz Dias -
Diolas; Djolas; Jolas -
Direcao Geral de Seguaranca (DGS) -
Donatario -
Abilio Augusto Monteiro Duarte -
Dulce Almada Duarte -
Dyulas; Diulas; Julas -
Gil Eannes -
Economy of Guinea-Bissau
Education in Guinea-Bissau
Elections in Guinea-Bissau
Exploration of Guinea-Bissau -
Farim River
; Cacheu River -
Feitor -
Feotoria -
Felupe -
Gil Vincente Vaz Fernandes -
Valentim Fernandes
Antonio Batica Ferreira -
Fode Kaba (Alfa Molo) -
Forcas Armadas Revolucionarias do Povo (FARP) -
Foreign relations of Guinea-Bissau
Forrea -
Frente de Libertacao da Guine (FLG) -
Frente de Libertacao da Guine Portuguesa e Cabo Verde (FLGC) -
Frente de Luta Pela Independencia Nacional da Guine-Bissau (FLING
) -
Frente Democratica (FD) -
Frente Democratica Social (FDS) -
Frente Revolucionaria Africana Para a Independencia Nacional das Colonias Portuguesas (FRAIN
) -
Front Uni de Liberation (FUL) -
Fula language
; Fula people
; Fulbe; Fulani; Peul
; Fellani; Ful
; Foulah; Fellata
Fuladu -
Fouta Djallon
; Djalonkes; Jalonke; Dialonke; Jaalo -
Futa Toro -
Henriques Galvao -
Rio de Geba; Geba River
Diogo Gomes
Fernao Gomes
Antão Gonçalves
Grumetes; Grumettas -
Grupo de Accao Democratica de Cabo Verde e da Guine (GADCVG) -
Sofia Pomba Guerra -
Guiledge -
Guinala; Quinara -
Guinea-Bissau Civil War
Health in Guinea-Bissau -
Henry the Navigator -
History of Guinea-Bissau
Ilhas de Sotavento -
Indigena -
Infali Sonco -
Injai -
Islam in Guinea-Bissau
Pansau na Isna -
; Gabu
; Kabu -
Inocencio Kani -
Kansala; Cansala -
Mahmoud Kati -
Kussunde -
Labor unions in Guinea-Bissau -
Landumas; Landomas -
Languages of Guinea-Bissau
Lebanese in Guinea-Bissau -
Legislative Assembly of Portugal -
LGBT rights in Guinea-Bissau
(Gay rights) -
Liga Guineense -
Aristides Raimundo Lima -
Literature of Guinea-Bissau -
Mamadu -
Mandinka people
; Mandinka language
; Manding
; Mandinga; Mandingo; Malinké; Mande -
Manjaco; Mandyako -
Mansa Musa
Rio Mansoa; Mansoa River -
Media in Guinea-Bissau -
Francisco Mendes
Simoes Antonio Mendes -
Mesticos -
Minerals in Guinea-Bissau -
Antonio Mascarenhas Gomes Monteiro -
Military of Guinea-Bissau
Moranca -
Mouvement de Liberation des Iles du Cap Vert (MLICV) -
Mouvement de Liberation de la Guinee "Portugaise" ed des Iles du Cap Vert (MLGCV) -
Mouvement des Forces Democratiques de la Casamance (MFDC) -
Movimento Anti-Colonialista (MAC) -
Movimento de Libertacao da Guine (MLG) -
Movimento de Libertacao da Guine Portuguesa (MLGP) -
Movimento de Unidade Para a Democracia (MUDe) -
Movimento Para Democracia (MpD
) -
Movimento Para Independencia Nacional da Guine Portuguesa (MING
) -
Musa Molo Balde -
Music of Guinea-Bissau
Ouri; Ayo
; Mankala; Mankara
; Ohwaree; Omweso
; Wari -
Pajadincas -
Palmatoria -
Mungo Park
Partido Africano da Independencia da Guine e Cabo Verde (PAIGC) -
Partido da Convergência Democrática (PCD) -
Partido da Renovação Social (PRS) -
Partido Democrático do Progresso (PDP) -
Partido Para Renovacao e Desenvolvimento (PRD) -
Partido Unido Social Democrata (PUSD) -
Guinea-Bissauan passport
Mamadu Pate -
Pepels; Pepeis -
Aristides Maria Pereira -
Carmen Pereira
Peoples of Guinea-Bissau -
Duarte Pacheco Pereira
Francisca Pereira -
Permanent Secretariat/Commission -
Sociedade Anonima de Refinacao de Petroleos (SOCAR) -
Pijiguiti -
Joao Teixeira Pinto -
Pionieros de Partido (PP) -
Pedro Verona Rodrigues Pires -
Policia Internacional Para Defesa do Estado (PIDE
) -
Marquis de Pombal -
Politics of Guinea-Bissau
Ponta -
Prehistory of Guinea-Bissau -
Rassemblement Democratique Africain de la Guinee (RDAG) -
Regime do Indigenato -
Regulo -
Religion in Guinea-Bissau
Resistência da Guiné-Bissau-Movimento Bafatá (RGB-MB) -
Rice in Guinea-Bissau -
Antonio de Oliveira Salazar
; Salum
Sama Koli -
Sao Tiago
Saracotes; Saracole -
Senegambians -
Ernestina Sila -
Pedro da Sintra -
Slave trade -
Songhai -
Soninke -
Sonko -
Antonio de Spinola
Susus; Soussous; Sossos; Sosos -
Umar Tall
; Tendas -
Tangomaos; Tangomaus -
Tekrur; Tukolor -
Tenguella; Teengala; Tengella; Temala; Coli
; Kooli
; Koly
Timenes -
Tiramakhan Traore
Samori Toure -
Transportation in Guinea-Bissau -
Nuno Tristão
Uniao da Populacoes das Ilhas de Cabo Verde (UPICV) -
Uniao Democratica da Guine (UDG) -
Uniao Democratica das Mulheres (UDEMU) -
Uniao dos Naturais da Guine Portuguesa (UNGP) -
Uniao Geral dos Estudiantes da Africa Negra (UGEAN) -
Uniao Geral dos Trabalhadores da Guine-Bissau (UGTGB) -
Uniao Nacional dos Trabalhadores de Guine (UNTG) -
Uniao Popular Para Libertacao da Guine (UPLG) -
Union des Ressortissants de la Guinee Portugaise (URGP) -
The Republic of Guinea-Bissau is a country in West Africa. It is bordered by Senegal to the north, and Guinea to the south and east, with the Atlantic Ocean to its west....
Abdul InjaiAbdul Injai
Abdul Injai or Abdoul Ndaiye was a Muslim Wolof mercenary in colonial Portuguese Guinea at the turn of the 20th century. Born in the neighboring West African country of Senegal, Abdul Injai initially came to notice while assisting in the punitive military missions of Portuguese colonialists...
(Abdoul Ndaiye) -
Abdul Rahman al-Sadi -
Administrador -
Africa Squadron
Africa Squadron
The Africa Squadron was a unit of the United States Navy that operated from 1819 to 1861 to suppress the slave trade along the coast of West Africa...
Leo Africanus
Leo Africanus
Joannes Leo Africanus, was a Moorish diplomat and author who is best known for his book Descrittione dell’Africa describing the geography of North Africa.-Biography:Most of what is known about his life is gathered from autobiographical...
Agriculture in Guinea-Bissau -
Aldeamento -
Alfa (title)
Alfa is a title given to distinguished figures in Guinea, particularly in the Kankan Region. It has become known in Guinea as a title of respect, especially amongst the Maninka and Fulbé and is commonly given to scholars and learned and religious military leaders....
Alfa Mahmoud Kati -
Alfa Molo -
Alfa Yaya -
Jose Eduardo Araujo -
Armazens do Povo (People's Stores) -
Armee de Liberation Nacionale Guineene (ALNG) -
Art of Guinea-Bissau -
Askia Mohammad -
Assembleia Nacional Popular (ANP) -
Assimilados -
Diego da Azambuja -
Gomes Eannes de Azurara
Gomes Eannes de Azurara
Gomes Eanes de Zurara , sometimes spelled Eannes or Azurara, was the second of the notable Portuguese chroniclers, after Fernão Lopes.- Life and career :Gomes Eanes de Zurara adopted the career of letters in middle life...
Badius -Bafatá
Bafatá is a town in central Guinea-Bissau, known as the birthplace of Amílcar Cabral. The town has a population of 22,501 .It lies in an area known for its wildlife, including monkeys. Bafatá’s main industry is brickmaking. It is the capital of Bafatá Region as well as the seat of the Roman...
Baga people
The Baga people live in the coastal area of Guinea. They can be subdivided into five groups of which Landouma is the largest, accounting for fifty percent of all ethnic Bagas. Apart from the various Baga languages, most of the Baga also speak the Mande language Susu, the regional trade language...
Baiotes -
The balafon is a resonated frame, wooden keyed percussion idiophone of West Africa; part of the idiophone family of tuned percussion instruments that includes the xylophone, marimba, glockenspiel, and the vibraphone...
Balantas -
Balantes -
Balde -
Bambaras -
Bana -
Banco National Ultramarino (BNU) -
Banyuns; Banhuns; Bainuk
The Bainuk people are an ethnic group that today lives primarily in Senegal as well as in parts of Gambia and Guinea-Bissau...
Rafael Paula Barbosa -
Honorio Pereira Berreto -
Ibn Battuta
Ibn Battuta
Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Battuta , or simply Ibn Battuta, also known as Shams ad–Din , was a Muslim Moroccan Berber explorer, known for his extensive travels published in the Rihla...
Batuko; Batuco
Batuco is a locality of Chile, situated in the commune of Lampa, in the Santiago Metropolitan Region....
; Batuque
Batuque (music)
The batuque is a music and dance genre from Cape Verde.- As a music genre :As a music genre, the batuque is characterized by having an andante tempo, a 6/8 or 3/4 measure and traditionally it is just melodic, i.e., it is just sung, it has no polyphonic accompaniment...
Beafadas; Biafadas -
Phillip Beaver -
Berlin Congress -
Antonio de Barros Bezerra -
Bijagos; Bidyogos; Bijegas; Bissagos; Bojagos; Bujagos -
Judice Joaquim Biker -
Bissau is the capital city of Guinea-Bissau. The city's borders are conterminous with the Bissau Autonomous Sector. In 2007, the city had an estimated population of 407,424 according to the Instituto Nacional de Estatística e Censos...
Black Ladino
Black Ladino
Black Ladinos were Spanish-speaking black Africans born in Latin America, or exiled to the Americas after spending time in Castile .They were often referred to as negros ladinos , as opposed to negros bozales .Between 1502 and 1518, Spain exiled hundreds of black slaves who had spent time in...
Bolama is the closest of the Bijagós Islands to the mainland of Guinea-Bissau, and is also the name of the island's main town, the capital of the Bolama Region. Population 10,014 ....
Bolanhas; Balana
Balana is a village in Sri Lanka. It is located within Central Province.-External links:*...
; Bulana -
Bolola -
Bolor -
Brames -
Buba is the largest city in southern Guinea-Bissau, lying on the Rio Grande de Buba, near the Contanhez National Park. Population 6,815 .It is also a seaport and is the capital of the Quinara Region...
Benjamin Pinto Bull -
Jiame Pinto Bull -
Amílcar CabralAmílcar Cabral
Amílcar Lopes da Costa Cabral was a Guinea-Bissauan and Cape Verdean agricultural engineer, writer, and a nationalist thinker and politician. Also known by his nom de guerre Abel Djassi, Cabral led the nationalist movement of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde Islands and the ensuing war of independence...
Juvenal Cabral -
Luis de Almeida Cabral -
Pedro Álvares Cabral
Pedro Álvares Cabral
Pedro Álvares Cabral was a Portuguese noble, military commander, navigator and explorer regarded as the discoverer of Brazil. Cabral conducted the first substantial exploration of the northeast coast of South America and claimed it for Portugal. While details of Cabral's early life are sketchy, it...
Vasco Cabral -
Cacheu is a town in north western Guinea-Bissau, lying on the Cacheu River. Population 9,849 .-History and landmarks:The town of Cacheu is situated in territory of the Papel people....
Alvise Cadamosta -
Caderneta -
Marcello Caetano -
Canary Current
Canary Current
The Canary Current is a wind-driven surface current that is part of the North Atlantic Gyre. This eastern boundary current branches south from the North Atlantic Current and flows southwest about as far as Senegal where it turns west and later joins the Atlantic North Equatorial Current. The...
Canchungo is a town located in the western Cacheu Region of Guinea-Bissau formerly known as Vila Teixeira Pinto after Major Teixeira Pinto, the colonial officer that pacified the area.Population 6,434 ....
Diogo Cão
Diogo Cão
Diogo Cão was a Portuguese explorer and one of the most remarkable navigators of the Age of Discovery, who made two voyages sailing along the west coast of Africa to Namibia in the 1480s.-Early life and family:...
Capitacao -
A caravel is a small, highly maneuverable sailing ship developed in the 15th century by the Portuguese to explore along the West African coast and into the Atlantic Ocean. The lateen sails gave her speed and the capacity for sailing to windward...
Casa dos Estudantes do Imperio (CEI) -
Casablanca Group
Casablanca group
The Casablanca Group was an organization of "progressive states" founded in 1961. It gathered Gamal Abdel-Nasser's Egypt, Ghana — led by Kwame Nkrumah, leading proponent of Pan-Africanism —, Sékou Touré's Guinea, Mali, Libya or Morocco for a short period — left-wing Moroccan prime...
Casamance is the area of Senegal south of The Gambia including the Casamance River. It consists of Basse Casamance and Haute Casamance...
Casangas -
Centro do Instrucao Politico Militar (CIPM) -
Champalimaud -
Cinema of Guinea-Bissau -
Class in Guinea-Bissau -
Cobianas -
Cocolis; Kokolis -
Coli Tenguela -
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was an explorer, colonizer, and navigator, born in the Republic of Genoa, in northwestern Italy. Under the auspices of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, he completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean that led to general European awareness of the American continents in the...
Comissao Permanente -
Companhia do Cacheu e Cabo Verde -
Companhia Geral do Grão Pará e Maranhão -
Companhia Lusitana do Aluminio da Guine e Angola -
Companhia Uniao Fabril
Companhia União Fabril
The Companhia União Fabril is a Portuguese chemical corporation and a part of Grupo José de Mello.-History:The company was founded by Alfredo da Silva in 1871 and managed by his descendents, including José Manuel de Mello as a family-run business conglomerate. CUF was one of the largest and most...
(CUF) -
Conferência das Organizações Nacionalistas das Colónias Portuguesas (CONCP) -
Conhaques (Conhaguis) -
Conselho de Guerra -
Comite Executivo da Luta (CEL) -
Conselho Superior da Luta (CSL) -
Contratado -
Corubal River
Corubal River
The Corubal is a river of West Africa, a major tributary of the Geba River. It rises near Labe on the Fouta Djallon plateau of Guinea, enters Guinea-Bissau on its eastern border, then meanders generally southwest, nearing the Guinea-Bissauan border, then turns northwest, passes by Xitole, then...
(Rio Corubal) -
Crioulo -
Currency of Guinea-Bissau -
Duarte Lobo da Gama -Vasco da Gama
Vasco da Gama
Vasco da Gama, 1st Count of Vidigueira was a Portuguese explorer, one of the most successful in the Age of Discovery and the commander of the first ships to sail directly from Europe to India...
Silvino da Luiz -
Degredados -
Demographics of Guinea-Bissau
Demographics of Guinea-Bissau
This article is about the demographic features of the population of Guinea-Bissau, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population....
Denianke; Denanke
The Empire of Great Fulo, also known as the Denanke Kingdom or Denianke Kingdom was a pre-Islamic Pulaar kingdom of Senegal, which dominated the Futa Tooro region...
Antonio de Noli -
Dialonkes; Djalonkes; Jaloncas; Jallonkes -
Bartolomeu Dias
Bartolomeu Dias
Bartolomeu Dias , a nobleman of the Portuguese royal household, was a Portuguese explorer who sailed around the southernmost tip of Africa in 1488, the first European known to have done so.-Purposes of the Dias expedition:...
Diniz Dias -
Diolas; Djolas; Jolas -
Direcao Geral de Seguaranca (DGS) -
Donatario -
Abilio Augusto Monteiro Duarte -
Dulce Almada Duarte -
Dyulas; Diulas; Julas -
Consalo Eannes -Gil Eannes -
Economy of Guinea-Bissau
Economy of Guinea-Bissau
Guinea-Bissau is among the world's least developed nations and one of the 10 poorest countries in the world, and depends mainly on agriculture and fishing. Cashew crops have increased remarkably in recent years, and the country now ranks sixth in cashew production. Guinea-Bissau exports fish and...
Education in Guinea-Bissau
Education in Guinea-Bissau
Education in Guinea-Bissau is compulsory from the age of 7 to 13. In 1998, the gross primary enrollment rate was 53.5 percent, with higher enrollment ratio for males compared to females...
Elections in Guinea-Bissau
Elections in Guinea-Bissau
Elections in Guinea-Bissau gives information on election and election results in Guinea-Bissau.Guinea-Bissau elects on national level a head of state and a legislature. The president is elected for a five year term by the people...
Exploration of Guinea-Bissau -
Louis FaidherbeLouis Faidherbe
Louis Léon César Faidherbe was a French general and colonial administrator. He created the Senegalese Tirailleurs when he was governor of Senegal.- Background :...
Farim is a town of northern Guinea-Bissau. It sits on the north bank of the Farim/Cacheu River, about 135 miles up the river from Cacheu. Population 6,405 .-History:...
Farim River
Farim River
The Farim is a river of Guinea-Bissau also known as the Cacheu along its lower length. Its total length is about 257 km.Its headwaters are near the northern border of the country, north of Contobeul and close to a bend of the Geba River...
; Cacheu River -
Feitor -
Feotoria -
Felupe -
Gil Vincente Vaz Fernandes -
Valentim Fernandes
Valentim Fernandes
Valentim Fernandes was a printer who lived in Portugal. An ethnic German originally from Moravia, he moved to Portugal in 1495. He produced prints on the orders of Leonor of Viseu and worked on the book Vita Christi.-References:...
Antonio Batica Ferreira -
Fode Kaba (Alfa Molo) -
Fonio is the term for cultivated grains in the Digitaria genus. These are notable in parts of West Africa and one species in India. The grains are very small.-White fonio :...
Forcas Armadas Revolucionarias do Povo (FARP) -
Foreign relations of Guinea-Bissau
Foreign relations of Guinea-Bissau
The Republic of Guinea-Bissau follows a nonaligned foreign policy and seeks friendly and cooperative relations with a wide variety of states and organizations...
Forrea -
Frente de Libertacao da Guine (FLG) -
Frente de Libertacao da Guine Portuguesa e Cabo Verde (FLGC) -
Frente de Luta Pela Independencia Nacional da Guine-Bissau (FLING
Fling may refer to:* Fling - a brief casual relationship* Fling - a chocolate bar made by Mars, Incorporated* Fling - a 2008 John Stewart Muller film* FLING, the Struggle Front for the National Independence of Guinea...
) -
Frente Democratica (FD) -
Frente Democratica Social (FDS) -
Frente Revolucionaria Africana Para a Independencia Nacional das Colonias Portuguesas (FRAIN
Frain is a commune in the Vosges department in Lorraine in northeastern France.- References :*...
) -
Front Uni de Liberation (FUL) -
Fula language
Fula language
The Fula or Fulani language is a language of West Africa. It is spoken as a first language by the and related groups from Senegambia and Guinea to Cameroon and Sudan...
; Fula people
Fula people
Fula people or Fulani or Fulbe are an ethnic group spread over many countries, predominantly in West Africa, but found also in Central Africa and Sudanese North Africa...
; Fulbe; Fulani; Peul
Fula people
Fula people or Fulani or Fulbe are an ethnic group spread over many countries, predominantly in West Africa, but found also in Central Africa and Sudanese North Africa...
; Fellani; Ful
Fula people
Fula people or Fulani or Fulbe are an ethnic group spread over many countries, predominantly in West Africa, but found also in Central Africa and Sudanese North Africa...
; Foulah; Fellata
Fula people
Fula people or Fulani or Fulbe are an ethnic group spread over many countries, predominantly in West Africa, but found also in Central Africa and Sudanese North Africa...
Fuladu -
The Funaná is a music and dance genre from Cape Verde. Funaná is an accordion-based music. It is perhaps the most upbeat form of Cape Verdean music...
Fouta Djallon
Fouta Djallon
Fouta Djallon is a highland region in the centre of Guinea, West Africa. The indigenous name is Fuuta-Jaloo...
; Djalonkes; Jalonke; Dialonke; Jaalo -
Futa Toro -
GabúGabú Region
Gabú region is the eastern-most region in Guinea-Bissau. Its capital is Gabú. The region borders Senegal to the north, Guinea to the east and south and the Guinea-Bissau regions of Tombali and Bafatá to the east. It covers an area of 9,150 km2, making it the largest of Guinea-Bissau's...
Henriques Galvao -
Geba - the hill, , a Levitical city of Benjamin on the north border of Judah adjacent to Ramah in Benjamin north of Gibeah. It has been identified with Jeb'a, about 5½ miles north of Jerusalem...
Rio de Geba; Geba River
Geba River
The Geba is a river of West Africa that rises in Guinea, passes through Senegal, and reaches the Atlantic Ocean in Guinea-Bissau. It is about in total length.Its tributary the Colufe River joins the Geba at Bafatá...
Diogo Gomes
Diogo Gomes
Diogo Gomes , was a Portuguese navigator, explorer and writer.Diogo Gomes was a servant and explorer of Portuguese prince Henry the Navigator. His memoirs were dictated late in his life to Martin Behaim...
Fernao Gomes
Fernão Gomes
Fernão Gomes was a Portuguese merchant and explorer from Lisbon, the son of Tristão Gomes de Brito .In 1469, King Afonso V of Portugal granted him the monopoly on trade in the Gulf of Guinea...
Antão Gonçalves
Antão Gonçalves
Antão Gonçalves was a 15th century Portuguese explorer and slave trader who was the first European to buy Africans as slaves from black slave traders....
Île de Gorée Île de Gorée Île de Gorée (i.e. "Gorée Island"; is one of the 19 communes d'arrondissement (i.e. "commune of arrondissement") of the city of Dakar, Senegal. It is a island located at sea from the main harbor of Dakar ....
A griot or jeli is a West African storyteller. The griot delivers history as a poet, praise singer, and wandering musician. The griot is a repository of oral tradition. As such, they are sometimes also called bards...
Grumetes; Grumettas -
Grupo de Accao Democratica de Cabo Verde e da Guine (GADCVG) -
Sofia Pomba Guerra -
Guiledge -
Guinala; Quinara -
Guinea-Bissau Civil War
Guinea-Bissau Civil War
The Guinea-Bissau Civil War was triggered by an attempted coup d'état against the government of President João Bernardo Vieira led by Brigadier-General Ansumane Mané in June 1998...
John HawkinsJohn Hawkins
Admiral Sir John Hawkins was an English shipbuilder, naval administrator and commander, merchant, navigator, and slave trader. As treasurer and controller of the Royal Navy, he rebuilt older ships and helped design the faster ships that withstood the Spanish Armada in 1588...
Health in Guinea-Bissau -
Henry the Navigator -
History of Guinea-Bissau
History of Guinea-Bissau
The history of Guinea-Bissau was dominated by Portugal from the 1450s to the 1970s; since independence, the country has been primarily controlled by a single-party system.-Portuguese rule:...
Ilhas de Barlavento -Ilhas de Sotavento -
Indigena -
Indigo is a color named after the purple dye derived from the plant Indigofera tinctoria and related species. The color is placed on the electromagnetic spectrum between about 420 and 450 nm in wavelength, placing it between blue and violet...
Infali Sonco -
Injai -
Islam in Guinea-Bissau
Islam in Guinea-Bissau
Islam is the predominant religion of Guinea-Bissau, numbering an estimated 50% of the roughly 1.4 million nationals as followers making it the largest religion of the country....
Pansau na Isna -
The Kaabu Empire was a Mandinka Kingdom of Senegambia that rose to prominence in the region thanks to its origins as a former province of the Mali Empire...
; Gabu
Gabú is the largest town in eastern Guinea-Bissau and capital of the Gabú Region. Population 14,336 .The town is known for its Fula population and dominant Muslim religion. It was originally the centre of the Kaabu empire until the Fouta Djallon came to dominate it in the nineteenth century. Gabú...
; Kabu -
Inocencio Kani -
Kansala; Cansala -
Mahmoud Kati -
Kussunde -
Henri Labery -Labor unions in Guinea-Bissau -
Black Ladino
Black Ladinos were Spanish-speaking black Africans born in Latin America, or exiled to the Americas after spending time in Castile .They were often referred to as negros ladinos , as opposed to negros bozales .Between 1502 and 1518, Spain exiled hundreds of black slaves who had spent time in...
The Lançados were settlers and adventurers of Portuguese origin in Senegambia, the Cape Verde Islands and other areas of the West Africa. Many were Jews escaping persecution from the Portuguese Inquisition, and many had wives from the local African groups...
Landumas; Landomas -
Languages of Guinea-Bissau
Languages of Guinea-Bissau
The official language of Guinea-Bissau is Portuguese, despite being spoken by only 14% of the population. Kriol is spoken by 44% of the population. French is also learned in schools, as the country is surrounded by French-speaking countries and is a full member of the Francophonie as well as the...
Lebanese in Guinea-Bissau -
Legislative Assembly of Portugal -
LGBT rights in Guinea-Bissau
LGBT rights in Guinea-Bissau
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons in Guinea-Bissau face legal challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents. Both male and female homosexual acts are legal.-Law regarding same-sex sexual activity:...
(Gay rights) -
Liga Guineense -
Aristides Raimundo Lima -
Literature of Guinea-Bissau -
Antonio MalfanteAntonio Malfante
Antonio Malfante was a Genoese trader, known for traveling to Africa on behalf of the Centurione Bank in 1447. In a letter written in Latin from the Saharan oasis of Tuwat to a merchant in Genoa, Malfante reported on what he learned from an informant about the trans-Saharan trade...
Mali , officially the Republic of Mali , is a landlocked country in Western Africa. Mali borders Algeria on the north, Niger on the east, Burkina Faso and the Côte d'Ivoire on the south, Guinea on the south-west, and Senegal and Mauritania on the west. Its size is just over 1,240,000 km² with...
Mamadu -
Mandinka people
Mandinka people
The Mandinka, Malinke are one of the largest ethnic groups in West Africa with an estimated population of eleven million ....
; Mandinka language
Mandinka language
The Mandinka language is a Mandé language spoken by millions of Mandinka people in Mali, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea-Bissau and Chad; it is the main language of The Gambia. It belongs to the Manding branch of Mandé, and is thus fairly...
; Manding
Manding languages
The Manding languages are a fairly mutually intelligible group of dialects or languages in West Africa, belonging to the Mande languages. Their best-known members are Bambara, the most widely spoken language in Mali; Mandinka, the main language of Gambia; Maninka or Malinké, a major language of...
; Mandinga; Mandingo; Malinké; Mande -
Manjaco; Mandyako -
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa
Musa I , commonly referred to as Mansa Musa, was the tenth mansa, which translates as "king of kings" or "emperor", of the Malian Empire...
Rio Mansoa; Mansoa River -
Media in Guinea-Bissau -
Francisco Mendes
Francisco Mendes
Francisco Mendes, nom de guerre Chico Té was a Guinea-Bissau politician. He was the country's first Prime Minister and held that position from September 24, 1973 until his assassination on July 7, 1978 under suspicious circumstances.In early 1960s PAIGC launched an armed struggle against...
Simoes Antonio Mendes -
Mesticos -
For the parish in Portugal, see Mindelo, PortugalMindelo , is a port city in the northern part of the island of São Vicente in Cape Verde. Mindelo is also the seat of the parish of Nossa Senhora da Luz, and this island's municipality...
Minerals in Guinea-Bissau -
Antonio Mascarenhas Gomes Monteiro -
Military of Guinea-Bissau
Military of Guinea-Bissau
The Armed Forces of Guinea-Bissau consist of an Army, Navy, Air Force and paramilitary forces. A 2008 United Nations Development Programme census estimated that there were around 4,000 personnel in the Armed Forces. An earlier CIA World Fact Book figure was 9,250...
Moranca -
Mouvement de Liberation des Iles du Cap Vert (MLICV) -
Mouvement de Liberation de la Guinee "Portugaise" ed des Iles du Cap Vert (MLGCV) -
Mouvement des Forces Democratiques de la Casamance (MFDC) -
Movimento Anti-Colonialista (MAC) -
Movimento de Libertacao da Guine (MLG) -
Movimento de Libertacao da Guine Portuguesa (MLGP) -
Movimento de Unidade Para a Democracia (MUDe) -
Movimento Para Democracia (MpD
-In chemistry:* 2-Methyl-2,4-pentanediol* m-Phenylenediamine* Methylphenidate-In electronics:* Medium PRF doppler radar used e.g...
) -
Movimento Para Independencia Nacional da Guine Portuguesa (MING
Ming is a common personal name among Chinese people, Vietnamese people, and Korean people. In pinyin, it is written Míng, in romanized Vietnamese, it is written as Minh, and in Korean it is pronounced Myeong...
) -
Musa Molo Balde -
Music of Guinea-Bissau
Music of Guinea-Bissau
The music of Guinea-Bissau is usually associated with the polyrhythmic gumbe genre, the country's primary musical export. However, civil unrest and a small size have combined over the years to keep gumbe, and other genres, out of mainstream audiences, even in generally syncretist African...
Oil PalmOil palm
The oil palms comprise two species of the Arecaceae, or palm family. They are used in commercial agriculture in the production of palm oil. The African Oil Palm Elaeis guineensis is native to West Africa, occurring between Angola and Gambia, while the American Oil Palm Elaeis oleifera is native to...
Ouri; Ayo
Oware is an abstract strategy game of Akan origin. Part of the mancala family, it is played throughout West Africa and the Caribbean. Among its many names are Ayò , Awalé , Wari , Ouri, Ouril or Uril , Warri , Adji , and Awélé...
; Mankala; Mankara
-Demographics: India census, Mankara had a population of 17787 with 8624 males and 9163 females.This village stands 20km away from the exact town.The village has a good HSS school,a well maintained police station and a railway station .It is teemed with flora. It is a place of scenic beauty with...
; Ohwaree; Omweso
Omweso is the traditional mancala game of the Ugandan people. The game was supposedly introduced by the Bachwezi people of the ancient Bunyoro-kitara empire of Uganda. Nowadays the game is dominated by Ugandan villagers. It is a very hard and fast game said to keep one's mind high and ever...
; Wari -
A padrão was a large stone cross inscribed with the coat of arms of Portugal that was placed as part of a land claim by numerous Portuguese explorers during the Portuguese Age of Discovery...
Pajadincas -
Palmatoria -
Pano may refer to:*Panorama*Panoan languages*Panosteitis, a common bone disease in dogs....
Mungo Park
Mungo Park (explorer)
Mungo Park was a Scottish explorer of the African continent. He was credited as being the first Westerner to encounter the Niger River.-Early life:...
Partido Africano da Independencia da Guine e Cabo Verde (PAIGC) -
Partido da Convergência Democrática (PCD) -
Partido da Renovação Social (PRS) -
Partido Democrático do Progresso (PDP) -
Partido Para Renovacao e Desenvolvimento (PRD) -
Partido Unido Social Democrata (PUSD) -
Guinea-Bissauan passport
Guinea-Bissauan passport
Republic of Guinea-Bissau Passports are issued to citizens of Guinea-Bissau to travel outside of the country. It is the only primarily proof for international travel. It can also be used for identification in national registration card or drivers license. It is also the primary proof for citizenship...
Mamadu Pate -
Pepels; Pepeis -
Aristides Maria Pereira -
Carmen Pereira
Carmen Pereira
Carmen Pereira is a politician in Guinea-Bissau. She served three days as Acting President in 1984, becoming the first woman in this role in Africa and the only one in Guinea-Bissau's history.-Early life:...
Peoples of Guinea-Bissau -
Duarte Pacheco Pereira
Duarte Pacheco Pereira
Duarte Pacheco Pereira, called the Great, was a 15th century Portuguese sea captain, soldier, explorer and cartographer. He travelled particularly in the central Atlantic Ocean west of the Cape Verde islands, along the coast of West Africa and to India...
Francisca Pereira -
Permanent Secretariat/Commission -
Petrofina was a Belgian oil company which merged with Total in 1999 to form TotalFina, but the name has now been changed back to Total after another merger...
Sociedade Anonima de Refinacao de Petroleos (SOCAR) -
Pijiguiti -
Joao Teixeira Pinto -
Pionieros de Partido (PP) -
Pedro Verona Rodrigues Pires -
Policia Internacional Para Defesa do Estado (PIDE
In 1969, Marcello Caetano changed the name PIDE to DGS . The death of Salazar and the subsequent ascension of Caetano brought some attempts at democratization, in order to avoid popular insurgency against censorship, the ongoing colonial war and the general restriction of civil rights...
) -
Marquis de Pombal -
Politics of Guinea-Bissau
Politics of Guinea-Bissau
Politics of Guinea-Bissau takes place in a framework of a semi-presidential representative democratic republic in transition, whereby the President is head of state and the Prime Minister is head of government, and of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative...
Ponta -
Prehistory of Guinea-Bissau -
Domingos Ramos -Rassemblement Democratique Africain de la Guinee (RDAG) -
Regime do Indigenato -
Regulo -
Religion in Guinea-Bissau
Religion in Guinea-Bissau
An estimated 38 to 45 percent of the population of Guinea-Bissau is Muslim, and 5 to 13 percent is Christian. The remainder of the population follows traditional indigenous or animist religious practices. There are few atheists. Islam is practiced most widely by the Fula and Mandinka ethnic groups,...
Resistência da Guiné-Bissau-Movimento Bafatá (RGB-MB) -
Rice in Guinea-Bissau -
Saadi or Sadi may refer to:geography:* Sədi, village in Azerbaijan*Sadi, Nepalfamily name:* Saadi dynasty, a dynasty of Morocco* Saadi , medieval Persian Sufi poet* Dheyaa al-Saadi, Iraqi lawyer...
Antonio de Oliveira Salazar
António de Oliveira Salazar
António de Oliveira Salazar, GColIH, GCTE, GCSE served as the Prime Minister of Portugal from 1932 to 1968. He also served as acting President of the Republic briefly in 1951. He founded and led the Estado Novo , the authoritarian, right-wing government that presided over and controlled Portugal...
The Kingdom of Saloum in Senegal is a traditional kingdom which was renamed Saloum in the late 15th century by the son of a Serer and a Guelowar from the kingdom of Kaabu to the south. The ancient and present capital of the Kingdom of Saloum is the city of Kahone. Previous to that, it was known...
; Salum
The Kingdom of Saloum in Senegal is a traditional kingdom which was renamed Saloum in the late 15th century by the son of a Serer and a Guelowar from the kingdom of Kaabu to the south. The ancient and present capital of the Kingdom of Saloum is the city of Kahone. Previous to that, it was known...
Sama Koli -
Sao Tiago
São Tiago
São Tiago is a Brazilian city in the state of Minas Gerais. As of 2004 its population is estimated to be 10,554....
Saracotes; Saracole -
Senegambians -
Serer people
The Serer people along with the Jola people are acknowledged to be the oldest inhabitants of The Senegambia....
Ernestina Sila -
Pedro da Sintra -
Slave trade -
Songhai -
Soninke -
Sonko -
Antonio de Spinola
António de Spínola
António Sebastião Ribeiro de Spínola , GCTE, ComA was a Portuguese soldier, conservative politician and author, who was important in the transition to democracy following the Portuguese Carnation...
Susus; Soussous; Sossos; Sosos -
Tabanca Committee -Umar Tall
Umar Tall
El Hadj Umar ibn Sa'id Tall , , born in what is now actual Senegal was a West African political leader, Islamic scholar, and Toucouleur military commander who founded a brief empire encompassing much of what is now Guinea, Senegal, and Mali.-Name:Umar Tall's name is spelled variously: in...
- Tandas :Tanda also known as cundinas, susu, hui, or quiniela depending in which country is being perform. Usually tanda is a Mexican and Latino tradition for financial help...
; Tendas -
Tangomaos; Tangomaus -
Tarrafal is the name for some locations in Cape Verde:Towns and villages:*For the town in the island of Santiago, see Tarrafal, Cape Verde.*For the town in the island of São Nicolau, see Tarrafal de São Nicolau, Cape Verde....
Tekrur; Tukolor -
Tenguella; Teengala; Tengella; Temala; Coli
Coli is a comune in the Province of Piacenza in the Italian region Emilia-Romagna, located about 160 km west of Bologna and about 40 km southwest of Piacenza...
; Kooli
Kooli is a village in Valgjärve Parish, Põlva County in southeastern Estonia....
; Koly
KOLY may refer to:*KOLY , a radio station licensed to Mobridge, South Dakota, United States*KOLY-FM, a radio station licensed to Mobridge, South Dakota, United States...
Timenes -
Tiramakhan Traore
Tiramakhan Traore
Tiramakhan Traore was a 13th century general in the Mali Empire who served under Sunjata Keita. Traore expanded the power of Mali westward and set up the Kabu Empire....
Tomás is a Spanish, Portuguese and Gaelic given name or, occasionally, surname, equivalent of Thomas...
Samori Toure -
Transportation in Guinea-Bissau -
Traoré or Traore is a surname of Malian origin.A number of famous and prominent people have the surname Traoré:Politics*Aminata Traoré , Malian politician*Babemba Traoré, King of the Kénédougou Empire...
Nuno Tristão
Nuno Tristão
Nuno Tristão was a 15th century Portuguese explorer and slave trader, active in the early 1440s, traditionally thought to be the first European to reach the region of Guinea .-First Voyage:Nuno Tristão was a knight of the household of Henry the Navigator...
Uniao Caboverdeana Para a Independencia e Democracia (UCID) -Uniao da Populacoes das Ilhas de Cabo Verde (UPICV) -
Uniao Democratica da Guine (UDG) -
Uniao Democratica das Mulheres (UDEMU) -
Uniao dos Naturais da Guine Portuguesa (UNGP) -
Uniao Geral dos Estudiantes da Africa Negra (UGEAN) -
Uniao Geral dos Trabalhadores da Guine-Bissau (UGTGB) -
Uniao Nacional dos Trabalhadores de Guine (UNTG) -
Uniao Popular Para Libertacao da Guine (UPLG) -
Union des Ressortissants de la Guinee Portugaise (URGP) -