List of Cicindela species
The beetle genus Cicindela
contains the following species:
Cicindela are generally brightly colored and metallic beetles, often with some sort of patterning of ivory or cream-colored markings. They are most abundant and diverse in habitats with sandy soil , and very often near bodies of water, even if seasonally transient; along river, sea and lake shores,...
contains the following species:
- Cicindela abdominalis Fabricius, 1801
- Cicindela aberrans Fairmaire, 1871
- Cicindela aeneicollis (Bates, 1881)
- Cicindela africana (Cassola, 1983)
- Cicindela albissima Rumpp, 1962
- Cicindela albosinuata Olsoufieff, 1934
- Cicindela allardi (Cassola, 1983)
- Cicindela alluaudi W. Horn, 1911
- Cicindela altaica Eschscholtz, 1829
- Cicindela amargosae Dahl, 1939
- Cicindela ancocisconensis T.W. Harris, 1852
- Cicindela andrewesi (W. Horn, 1894)
- Cicindela angulicollis W. Horn, 1900
- Cicindela ankarahitrae (Jeannel, 1946)
- Cicindela anometallescens W. Horn, 1893
- Cicindela arenicola Rumpp, 1967
- Cicindela asiatica Audouin & Brulle, 1839
- Cicindela asperula L. Dufour, 1821
- Cicindela assamensis Parry, 1844
- Cicindela aterrima (Klug, 1834)
- Cicindela aurofasciataCicindela aurofasciataCicindela aurofasciata is a species of tiger beetle found in India.The larval stages build angular turrets....
Dejean, 1831 - Cicindela aurora (Thomson, 1859)
- Cicindela aurulenta Fabricius, 1801
- Cicindela basilewskyana (Cassola, 1982)
- Cicindela batesi Fleutiaux, 1894
- Cicindela bellissima Leng, 1902
- Cicindela beneshi Varas Arangua, 1929
- Cicindela bianconii (Bertoloni, 1858)
- Cicindela bicolor Fabricius, 1781
- Cicindela bramani Dokhtouroff, 1882
- Cicindela brazzai Fleutiaux, 1893
- Cicindela calligramma Schaum, 1861
- Cicindela campestrisCicindela campestrisCicindela campestris , commonly called the green tiger beetle is a widespread Eurasian species of tiger beetle.Adults are 12-15mm long. The elytra and thorax are green, varying in tone from light to dark, spotted with cream-coloured patches, and in bright sunlight are somewhat iridescent. The eyes...
Linnaeus, 1758 - Cicindela cardini (Leng & Mutchler, 1916)
- Cicindela carissima Fleutiaux, 1919
- Cicindela carlana Gestro, 1893
- Cicindela carolae Gage & McKown, 1991
- Cicindela carthagena (Dejean, 1831)
- Cicindela caternaulti Guerin-Meneville, 1849
- Cicindela cazieri Vogt, 1949
- Cicindela ceylonensis W. Horn, 1892
- Cicindela chinensis DeGeer, 1774
- Cicindela chrysippe (Bates, 1884)
- Cicindela cicindeloides (W. Horn, 1905)
- Cicindela cincta Olivier, 1790
- Cicindela clarina Bates, 1881
- Cicindela clavator (Jeannel, 1946)
- Cicindela clypeata Fischer von Waldheim, 1821
- Cicindela coerulea Pallas, 1773
- Cicindela columbicaCicindela columbicaCicindela columbica, commonly known as the Columbia River tiger beetle, is a species of tiger beetle endemic to the United States.-Source:* World Conservation Monitoring Centre 1996. . Downloaded on 9 August 2007....
Hatch, 1938 - Cicindela compressicornis Boheman, 1860
- Cicindela congoensis Fleutiaux, 1893
- Cicindela convexoabrupticollis W. Horn, 1931
- Cicindela coquereli Fairmaire, 1867
- Cicindela corbetti W. Horn, 1899
- Cicindela craveri Thomson, 1856
- Cicindela cristipennis W. Horn, 1905
- Cicindela cubana (Leng & Mutchler, 1916)
- Cicindela cyanea Fabricius, 1787
- Cicindela cyaniventris (Chevrolat, 1834)
- Cicindela decemnotata Say, 1817
- Cicindela denikei Brown, 1934
- Cicindela denverensis Casey, 1897
- Cicindela depressula Casey, 1897
- Cicindela descarpentriesi (Deuve, 1987)
- Cicindela desertorum Dejean, 1825
- Cicindela desgodinsii Fairmaire, 1887
- Cicindela deyrollei Guerin-Meneville, 1849
- Cicindela didyma Dejean, 1825
- Cicindela diehli (Wiesner, 1997)
- Cicindela discrepans Walker, 1858
- Cicindela dispersesignata W. Horn, 1913
- Cicindela divergentemaculata W. Horn, 1913
- Cicindela diversa W. Horn, 1904
- Cicindela diversilabris (Cassola, 1996)
- Cicindela dives Gory, 1833
- Cicindela duodecimguttataCicindela duodecimguttataCicindela duodecimguttata, commonly known as the twelve-spotted tiger beetle, is a species of tiger beetle that is 12-15 millimeters long and is dark brown to black. In most of the beetles in the species, there is twelve spots on the elytra. The species are commonly found along rivers, moist...
Dejean, 1825 - Cicindela duplosetosa W. Horn, 1929
- Cicindela duponti Dejean, 1826
- Cicindela dysenterica (Bates, 1881)
- Cicindela elegantula Dokhtouroff, 1882
- Cicindela equestris Dejean, 1826
- Cicindela euthales Bates, 1882
- Cicindela fabriciana W. Horn, 1915
- Cicindela fatidica Guerin-Meneville, 1847
- Cicindela favergeri (Audouin & Brulle, 1839)
- Cicindela feisthamelii Guerin-Meneville, 1849
- Cicindela fera (Chevrolat, 1834)
- Cicindela ferriei Fleutiaux, 1895
- Cicindela fimbriata Dejean, 1831
- Cicindela flavomaculata Hope, 1831
- Cicindela flavosignata Laporte de Castelnau, 1835
- Cicindela flavovestita (Fairmaire, 1884)
- Cicindela fleutiauxi W. Horn, 1915
- Cicindela flohri (Bates, 1878)
- Cicindela foliicornis W. Horn, 1896
- Cicindela fontanea Werner, 2007
- Cicindela formosa Say, 1817
- Cicindela fulgida Say, 1823
- Cicindela gabonica Bates, 1878
- Cicindela galapagoensis (W. Horn, 1920)
- Cicindela gallica Brulle, 1834
- Cicindela gemmata Faldermann, 1835
- Cicindela gemmifera W. Horn, 1893
- Cicindela gigantula Schilder, 1953
- Cicindela goryi Chaudoir, 1852
- Cicindela gracileguttata (Mandl, 1966)
- Cicindela grandidieri Kunckel d’Herculais, 1887
- Cicindela grandis W. Horn, 1897
- Cicindela granulata Gebler, 1843
- Cicindela guerrerensis (Bates, 1890)
- Cicindela guttata Wiedemann, 1823
- Cicindela haefligeri W. Horn, 1905
- Cicindela hamiltoniana J. Thomson, 1857
- Cicindela harmandi Fleutiaux, 1893
- Cicindela herbacea Klug, 1832
- Cicindela heros Fabricius, 1801
- Cicindela hiekei (Cassola, 1982)
- Cicindela hirticollisCicindela hirticollisCicindela hirticollis is a species of tiger beetle that is commonly found in sand bars and sandy beaches, is medium sized, is about long, and is active in the summer. The dorsal surfaces of the head, prothorax, and elytra are dark brown. The elytral markings are very light-colored cream or white...
Say, 1817 - Cicindela hybridaCicindela hybridaCicindela hybrida, also known as the northern dune tiger beetle, has a wide distribution in the Palaearctic region.The species is divided into the following subspecies:* Cicindela hybrida sahlbergi Fisher 1823...
Linnaeus, 1758 - Cicindela hydrophoba (Chevrolat, 1835)
- Cicindela iberica Mandl, 1935
- Cicindela intermedia Chaudoir, 1852
- Cicindela interrupta Fabricius, 1775
- Cicindela interruptoabbreviata W. Horn, 1921
- Cicindela interruptofasciata Schmidt-Goebel, 1846
- Cicindela isaloensis (J. Moravec, 2000)
- Cicindela ismenia Gory, 1833
- Cicindela japana Motschulsky, 1858
- Cicindela javetii Chaudoir, 1861
- Cicindela junkeri H.Kolbe, 1892
- Cicindela juno W. Horn, 1901
- Cicindela kachowskyi W. Horn, 1903
- Cicindela karlwerneri (J. Moravec, 1999)
- Cicindela kassaica (Rivalier, 1948)
- Cicindela kenyana (Cassola, 1995)
- Cicindela kerandeli Maindron, 1909
- Cicindela kikondjae (Cassola, 1982)
- Cicindela kolbeana W. Horn, 1915
- Cicindela lacrymans Schaum, 1863
- Cicindela lacteola Pallas, 1776
- Cicindela lagunensis Gautier des Cottes, 1872
- Cicindela lamburni (J. Moravec, 1999)
- Cicindela latesignata LeConte, 1851
- Cicindela laticornis W. Horn, 1900
- Cicindela laurae Gestro, 1893
- Cicindela lengi W. Horn, 1908
- Cicindela leptographa (Rivalier, 1965)
- Cicindela leucopicta Quedenfeldt, 1888
- Cicindela lewisii Bates, 1873
- Cicindela limbalisCicindela limbalisCicindela limbalis is a species of tiger beetle. The length of the beetle is . The beetle's back is reddish purple and sometimes may be dull green or brown. The species can commonly be found on steep, moist bare clay soil. The beetle can live for 3 years....
Klug, 1834 - Cicindela limbata Say, 1823
- Cicindela lisaannae (Gage, 1991)
- Cicindela lizleriana (Werner, 1997)
- Cicindela longestriata W. Horn, 1912
- Cicindela longicornis (W. Horn, 1913)
- Cicindela longilabris Say, 1824
- Cicindela lugubris Dejean, 1825
- Cicindela lurida Fabricius, 1781
- Cicindela lusitanica Mandl, 1935
- Cicindela macrochila (Rivalier, 1948)
- Cicindela macropus W. Horn, 1915
- Cicindela majalis Mandl, 1935
- Cicindela marginella Dejean, 1826
- Cicindela marginipennisCicindela marginipennisCicindela marginipennis is a species of tiger beetle native to the eastern North America. Its range is primarily the eastern United States but it also occurs in New Brunswick, Canada where it is listed as endangered.-Source:...
Dejean, 1831 - Cicindela mariae Gestro, 1893
- Cicindela maritimaCicindela maritimaCicindela maritima is a species of ground beetles native to Europe, where it is found in Belgium, the British Isles, Croatia , mainland Denmark, Finland, mainland France, Germany, Kaliningrad, Latvia, Moldova, mainland Norway, Poland, mainland Portugal , Romania , Russia except in the North,...
Dejean, 1822 - Cicindela maroccana Fabricius, 1801
- Cicindela marshalli Peringuey, 1896
- Cicindela mathani (W. Horn, 1897)
- Cicindela mechowi Quedenfeldt, 1883
- Cicindela mimula Peringuey, 1896
- Cicindela mireki (Werner, 2003)
- Cicindela miseranda W. Horn, 1893
- Cicindela monticola Menetries, 1832
- Cicindela moraveci (Sawada & Wiesner, 1999)
- Cicindela mouhoti Chaudoir, 1865
- Cicindela muata Harold, 1878
- Cicindela mufumbweana Cassola, Werner & Schule, 2009
- Cicindela mwinilungae Cassola, Werner & Schule, 2009
- Cicindela myinthlaingi (Wiesner, 2004)
- Cicindela nagaii (Sawada & Wiesner, 1999)
- Cicindela nebraskana Casey, 1909
- Cicindela neumanni H.Kolbe, 1894
- Cicindela nigrior Schaupp, 1884
- Cicindela nigritula W. Horn, 1915
- Cicindela nordmanni Chaudoir, 1848
- Cicindela nosei (Sawada & Wiesner, 2000)
- Cicindela notata Boheman, 1848
- Cicindela notopleuralis Acciavatti & Pearson, 1989
- Cicindela nubifera Quedenfeldt, 1883
- Cicindela nysa Guerin-Meneville, 1849
- Cicindela obsoleta (Say, 1823)
- Cicindela ocellata (Klug, 1834)
- Cicindela octogramma Chaudoir, 1852
- Cicindela octonotata Wiedemann, 1819
- Cicindela ohlone Freitag, Kavanaugh & Morgan, 1993
- Cicindela oregonaCicindela oregonaCicindela oregona, also called the Western Tiger Beetle, is a species of ground beetles native to North America....
LeConte, 1857 - Cicindela osa Alluaud, 1902
- Cicindela papillosa (Chaudoir, 1854)
- Cicindela parowana Wickham, 1905
- Cicindela patruela Dejean, 1825
- Cicindela permaculata (Basilewsky, 1971)
- Cicindela perroti Fairmaire, 1897
- Cicindela petermayri (Werner, 2003)
- Cicindela petiti Guerin-Meneville, 1849
- Cicindela pierroni Fairmaire, 1880
- Cicindela pimeriana Leconte, 1866
- Cicindela plutonica Casey, 1897
- Cicindela princeps Vigors, 1825
- Cicindela prodotiformis W. Horn, 1892
- Cicindela pseudoaurora (Johnson, 1998)
- Cicindela pseudoradians (Johnson, 1998)
- Cicindela pseudorusticana W. Horn, 1921
- Cicindela pseudosoa W. Horn, 1900
- Cicindela pseudosuturalis W. Horn, 1929
- Cicindela pseudotereticollis W. Horn, 1929
- Cicindela pseudoviridis W. Horn, 1914
- Cicindela pudibunda Boheman, 1860
- Cicindela pudica Boheman, 1848
- Cicindela pugetana Casey, 1914
- Cicindela pulchra Say, 1823
- Cicindela punctulata Olivier, 1790
- Cicindela purpurea Olivier, 1790
- Cicindela quadriguttata Wiedemann, 1821
- Cicindela quedenfeldti W. Horn, 1896
- Cicindela radians (Chevrolat, 1841)
- Cicindela regina H. Kolbe, 1885
- Cicindela repandaCicindela repandaCicindela repanda, commonly known as the Bronzed Tiger Beetle or Common Shore Tiger Beetle, is a tiger beetle that 10-13 millimeters long, lives in most of North America, and has three subspecies. The three subspecies are C. repanda repanda, C. repanda novascotiae, and C. repanda tanneri. Its...
Dejean, 1825 - Cicindela resplendens Dokhtouroff, 1888
- Cicindela restricta Fischer von Waldheim, 1828
- Cicindela rhodoterena Tschitscherine, 1903
- Cicindela rivalieri (Basilewsky, 1958)
- Cicindela roseiventris (Chevrolat, 1834)
- Cicindela rufiventris (Dejean, 1825)
- Cicindela rufoaenea (W. Horn, 1915)
- Cicindela rufomarginata Boheman, 1848
- Cicindela rugicollis Fairmaire, 1871
- Cicindela rusticana Peringuey, 1892
- Cicindela sacchii (Cassola, 1978)
- Cicindela sachalinensis A.Morawitz, 1862
- Cicindela safraneki Werner & Wiesner, 2008
- Cicindela sahlbergii Fischer von Waldheim, 1824
- Cicindela sahy Alluaud, 1902
- Cicindela salvazai Fleautiaux, 1919
- Cicindela satura (Rivalier, 1965)
- Cicindela scabrosa Schaupp, 1884
- Cicindela schillhammeri (Wiesner, 2004)
- Cicindela sedecimpunctata (Klug, 1834)
- Cicindela segonzaci Bedel, 1903
- Cicindela semiconfluens (Rivalier, 1965)
- Cicindela separata Fleutiaux, 1894
- Cicindela serieguttata W. Horn, 1934
- Cicindela setosomalaris W. Horn, 1913
- Cicindela sexguttataCicindela sexguttataThe Six-Spotted Tiger Beetle or Six-spotted Green Beetle is a common North American species of beetle in the Carabidae family.-Description:...
Fabricius, 1775 - Cicindela sexpunctata Fabricius, 1775
- Cicindela shinjii (Sawada & Wiesner, 2000)
- Cicindela shivah Parry, 1848
- Cicindela shozoi (Naviaux & Sawada, 1989)
- Cicindela sjoestedti W. Horn, 1927
- Cicindela smrzi (Werner, 2005)
- Cicindela soalalae Fairmaire, 1903
- Cicindela soluta Dejean, 1822
- Cicindela sommeri (Mannerheim, 1837)
- Cicindela songorica Motschulsky, 1845
- Cicindela splendida Hentz, 1830
- Cicindela suturata W. Horn, 1915
- Cicindela sylvaticaCicindela sylvaticaCicindela sylvatica is a beetle, commonly known as the wood tiger beetle. It is native to Europe, and can be found in Austria, Belarus, Belgium, the British Isles, the Czech Republic, mainland Denmark, Finland, mainland France, Germany, Hungary , Kaliningrad, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Republic of...
Linnaeus, 1758 - Cicindela sylvicolaCicindela sylvicolaCicindela sylvicola is a species of ground beetle native to Europe, where it can be found in Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, mainland France, Germany, Hungary, mainland Italy, Luxembourg, the Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, southern...
Dejean, 1822: 51 - Cicindela talychensis Chaudoir, 1846
- Cicindela tenuicincta Schaupp, 1884
- Cicindela tenuisignata (LeConte, 1851)
- Cicindela tereticollis Boheman, 1860
- Cicindela thalestris (Bates, 1890)
- Cicindela theatina Rotger, 1944
- Cicindela trailini (Werner, 1999)
- Cicindela tranquebarica Herbst, 1806
- Cicindela transbalcalica Motschulsky, 1844
- Cicindela transversefasciata W. Horn, 1913
- Cicindela trifasciata (Fabricius, 1781)
- Cicindela tritoma Schmidt-Goebel, 1846
- Cicindela turkestanica Ballion, 1871
- Cicindela turkestanicoides W. Horn, 1938
- Cicindela varians Ljungh, 1799
- Cicindela vasseletii (Chevrolat, 1834)
- Cicindela velata Bates, 1872
- Cicindela veracruzensis (Johnson, 1998)
- Cicindela villosa Putzeys, 1880
- Cicindela virgula Fleutiaux, 1894
- Cicindela viridiflavescens (W. Horn, 1923)
- Cicindela viridipennis Schilder, 1953
- Cicindela vittata Fabricius, 1801
- Cicindela wachteli (Werner, 2003)
- Cicindela waynei Leffler, 2001
- Cicindela whithillii (Hope, 1838)
- Cicindela xanthophila W. Horn, 1894