List of Acts of the Parliament of South Africa, 1990–1999
This is a list of acts
of the Parliament of South Africa
enacted in the years 1990 to 1999.
South African Acts are uniquely identified by the year of passage and an act number within that year. In some cases an act has had more than one short title
in the course of its existence; the titles are listed in chronological order.
The following proclamations issued by the President under section 237(3) of the Interim Constitution are regarded as having status equivalent to that of an Act of Parliament:
Act of Parliament
An Act of Parliament is a statute enacted as primary legislation by a national or sub-national parliament. In the Republic of Ireland the term Act of the Oireachtas is used, and in the United States the term Act of Congress is used.In Commonwealth countries, the term is used both in a narrow...
of the Parliament of South Africa
Parliament of South Africa
The Parliament of South Africa is South Africa's legislature and under the country's current Constitution is composed of the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces....
enacted in the years 1990 to 1999.
South African Acts are uniquely identified by the year of passage and an act number within that year. In some cases an act has had more than one short title
Short title
The short title is the formal name by which a piece of primary legislation may by law be cited in the United Kingdom and other Westminster-influenced jurisdictions , as well as the United States. It contrasts with the long title which, while usually being more fully descriptive of the...
in the course of its existence; the titles are listed in chronological order.
Act no. | Short title |
1 | Part Appropriation Act, 1990 |
2 | Additional Post Office Appropriation Act, 1990 |
3 | Public Accountants' and Auditors' Amendment Act, 1990 |
4 | Transport Services Additional Appropriation Act, 1990 |
5 | Alexander Bay Development Corporation Amendment Act, 1990 |
6 | Additional Appropriation Act, 1990 |
7 | Part Appropriation Act (House of Representatives), 1990 |
8 | Part Appropriation Act (House of Assembly), 1990 |
9 | Prevention and Combating of Pollution of the Sea by Oil Amendment Act, 1990 |
10 | Associated Health Service Professions Amendment Act, 1990 |
11 | Part Appropriation Act (House of Delegates), 1990 |
12 | Reciprocal Service of Civil Process Act, 1990 |
13 | Attorneys Amendment Act, 1990 |
14 | Small Claims Courts Amendment Act, 1990 |
15 | Trade Metrology Amendment Act, 1990 |
16 | Small Business Development Amendment Act, 1990 |
17 | Close Corporations Amendment Act, 1990 |
18 | Companies Amendment Act, 1990 |
19 | Additional Appropriation Act (House of Assembly), 1990 |
20 | Additional Appropriation Act (House of Representatives), 1990 |
21 | Additional Appropriation Act (House of Delegates), 1990 |
22 | Post Office Appropriation Act, 1990 |
23 | National Parks Amendment Act, 1990 |
24 | Radio Amendment Act, 1990 |
25 | Security Officers Amendment Act, 1990 |
26 | Remuneration of Town Clerks Amendment Act, 1990 |
27 | Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act, 1990 |
28 | Stock Theft Amendment Act, 1990 |
29 | Dangerous Weapons Amendment Act, 1990 |
30 | Arms and Ammunition Amendment Act, 1990 |
31 | Development Trust and Land Second Amendment Act, 1990 |
32 | Municipal Ordinance Amendment Act (Cape) (House of Assembly), 1990 |
33 | Local Government Ordinance Amendment Act (O.F.S.) (House of Assembly), 1990 |
34 | Recognition of the Independence of Namibia Act, 1990 |
35 | Indemnity Act, 1990 |
36 | Rand Water Board Statutes (Private) Act Amendment Act, 1990 |
37 | Town and Regional Planners Amendment Act, 1990 |
38 | Roodepoort and Weltevreden Agricultural Settlements Adjustment Amendment Act, 1990 |
39 | Manpower Training Amendment Act, 1990 |
40 | Workmen's Compensation Amendment Act, 1990 |
41 | Universities and Technikons (Education and Training) Amendment Act, 1990 |
42 | Education and Training Amendment Act, 1990 |
43 | Harmful Business Practices Amendment Act, 1990 |
44 | Import and Export Control Amendment Act, 1990 |
45 | Inquests Amendment Act, 1990 |
46 | Natural Scientists' Amendment Act, 1990 |
47 | University of Stellenbosch (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1990 |
48 | Validation of Certain By-Laws Act (House of Assembly), 1990 |
49 | Divisional Councils Ordinance Amendment Act (Cape) (House of Assembly), 1990 |
50 | Local Government (Administration and Elections) Ordinance Amendment Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly), 1990 |
51 | Local Councils Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1990 |
52 | Local Government Ordinance Amendment Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly), 1990 |
53 | Local Authorities Rating Ordinance Amendment Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly), 1990 |
54 | Local Authorities Capital Development Fund Ordinance Amendment Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly), 1990 |
55 | Land Use Planning Ordinance Amendment Act (Cape) (House of Assembly), 1990 |
56 | Dog Tax Ordinance Amendment Act (Cape) (House of Assembly), 1990 |
57 | Appropriation Act (House of Assembly), 1990 |
58 | Appropriation Act (House of Delegates), 1990 |
59 | Customs and Excise Amendment Act, 1990 |
60 | Private Schools Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1990 |
61 | Constitution Amendment Act, 1990 |
62 | Transnet Pension Fund Act, 1990 |
63 | Administration of Estates Amendment Act, 1990 |
64 | Financial Institutions Amendment Act, 1990 |
65 | Reinsurance of Material Damage and Losses Amendment Act, 1990 |
66 | Auditor-General Amendment Act, 1990 |
67 | Usury Amendment Act, 1990 |
68 | Water Amendment Act, 1990 |
69 | Companies Second Amendment Act, 1990 |
70 | Housing Development Schemes for Retired Persons Amendment Act, 1990 |
71 | Scientific Research Council Amendment Act, 1990 |
72 | Development Trust and Land Amendment Act, 1990 |
73 | Excision of Released Areas Amendment Act, 1990 |
74 | South African Citizenship at Attainment of Independence by Namibia Regulation Act, 1990 |
75 | Research Development Act, 1990 |
76 | Land Survey Amendment Act, 1990 |
77 | Urban Transport Amendment Act, 1990 |
78 | Abuse of Dependence-producing Substances and Rehabilitation Centres Amendment Act, 1990 |
79 | Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act, 1990 |
80 | Prevention of Illegal Squatting Amendment Act, 1990 |
81 | Abolition of Development Bodies Amendment Act, 1990 |
82 | Civil Defence Amendment Act, 1990 |
83 | Fire Brigade Services Amendment Act, 1990 |
84 | KwaZulu and Natal Joint Services Act, 1990 |
85 | Livestock Improvement Amendment Act, 1990 |
86 | Agricultural Research Act, 1990 |
87 | Wine and Spirit Control Amendment Act, 1990 |
88 | Maintenance and Promotion of Competition Amendment Act, 1990 |
89 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 1990 |
90 | Mier Rural Area Act (House of Representatives), 1990 |
91 | Housing and Development Amendment Act (House of Representatives), 1990 |
92 | Prisons Amendment Act, 1990 |
93 | Appropriation Act, 1990 |
94 | Deposit-taking Institutions Act, 1990 / Banks Act, 1990 |
95 | Extension of the Powers of the South African Reserve Bank Act, 1990 |
96 | Mutual Building Societies Amendment Act, 1990 |
97 | Financial Services Board Act, 1990 |
98 | Sea Fishery Amendment Act, 1990 |
99 | Human Sciences Research Amendment Act, 1990 |
100 | Discriminatory Legislation regarding Public Amenities Repeal Act, 1990 |
101 | Income Tax Act, 1990 |
102 | Correspondence Colleges Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1990 |
103 | Appropriation Act (House of Representatives), 1990 |
104 | Local Government Ordinance Second Amendment Act (Orange Free State) (House of Assembly), 1990 |
105 | Extension of the Public Resorts Ordinance Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly), 1990 |
106 | University of Pretoria (Private) Act (House of Assembly), 1990 |
107 | Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1990 |
108 | Mentally Ill Persons' Legal Interests Amendment Act, 1990 |
109 | Finance Act, 1990 |
110 | Police Amendment Act, 1990 |
111 | National States Constitution Amendment Act, 1990 |
112 | Application of Certain Laws to Namibia Abolition Act, 1990 |
113 | Broadcasting Amendment Act, 1990 |
114 | Engineering Profession of South Africa Act, 1990 |
115 | Air Services Licensing Act, 1990 |
116 | National Policy for Health Act, 1990 |
117 | Pension Laws Amendment Act, 1990 |
118 | Pensions (Supplementary) Act, 1990 |
119 | Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 |
120 | Public Service Laws Amendment Act, 1990 |
121 | Rural Areas Amendment Act (House of Representatives), 1990 |
Act no. | Short title |
1 | Legal Aid Amendment Act, 1991 |
2 | Maintenance Amendment Act, 1991 |
3 | Sheriffs Amendment Act, 1991 |
4 | Judicial Matters Amendment Act, 1991 |
5 | Criminal Procedure Amendment Act, 1991 |
6 | Insolvency Amendment Act, 1991 |
7 | Protection of Animals Amendment Act, 1991 |
8 | Inquests Amendment Act, 1991 |
9 | Labour Relations Amendment Act, 1991 |
10 | Diamonds Amendment Act, 1991 |
11 | Alexander Bay Development Corporation Amendment Act, 1991 |
12 | Mining Rights Amendment Act, 1991 |
13 | Mines and Works Amendment Act, 1991 |
14 | Mining Titles Registration Amendment Act, 1991 |
15 | Eskom Amendment Act, 1991 |
16 | Water Amendment Act, 1991 |
17 | Plant Improvement Amendment Act, 1991 |
18 | Animal Diseases Amendment Act, 1991 |
19 | Roodepoort and Weltevreden Agricultural Settlements Adjustment Amendment Act, 1991 |
20 | Nuclear Energy Amendment Act, 1991 |
21 | Identification Amendment Act, 1991 |
22 | |
23 | National Libraries Amendment Act, 1991 |
24 | Universities and Technikons Advisory Council Amendment Act, 1991 |
25 | National Monuments Amendment Act, 1991 |
26 | Additional Appropriation Act, 1991 |
27 | Part Appropriation Act, 1991 |
28 | Part Appropriation Act (House of Assembly), 1991 |
29 | Part Appropriation Act (House of Representatives), 1991 |
30 | Part Appropriation Act (House of Delegates), 1991 |
31 | Additional Appropriation Act (House of Assembly), 1991 |
32 | Additional Appropriation Act (House of Representatives), 1991 |
33 | Additional Appropriation Act (House of Delegates), 1991 |
34 | Unauthorized Expenditure Act (House of Delegates), 1991 |
35 | Post Office Appropriation Act, 1991 |
36 | Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri-Urban Areas Ordinance Amendment Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly), 1991 |
37 | Local Authorities Capital Development Fund Ordinance Amendment Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly), 1991 |
38 | Local Government (Administration and Elections) Ordinance Amendment Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly), 1991 |
39 | Town-planning and Townships Ordinance Amendment Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly), 1991 |
40 | Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1991 |
41 | Unauthorized Expenditure Act (House of Representatives), 1991 |
42 | Local Authorities Rating Ordinance Amendment Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly), 1991 |
43 | Local Government Ordinance Amendment Act (Orange Free State) (House of Assembly), 1991 |
44 | Finance Act (House of Assembly), 1991 |
45 | Local Government Affairs Council Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1991 |
46 | Municipal Ordinance Amendment Act (Cape) (House of Assembly), 1991 |
47 | Land Use Planning Ordinance Amendment Act (Cape) (House of Assembly), 1991 |
48 | Local Government Ordinance Amendment Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly), 1991 |
49 | Townships Ordinance Amendment Act (Orange Free State) (House of Assembly), 1991 |
50 | Minerals Act, 1991 |
51 | Transfer of Powers and Duties of the State President Act, 1991 |
52 | Transnet Limited Amendment Act, 1991 |
53 | Forest Amendment Act, 1991 |
54 | Financial Institutions Amendment Act, 1991 |
55 | Police Amendment Act, 1991 |
56 | Application of Certain Laws to Namibia Abolition Act, 1991 |
57 | Public Service Amendment Act, 1991 |
58 | South African Medical Research Council Act, 1991 |
59 | Provincial Matters Amendment Act, 1991 |
60 | Pension Benefits for Councillors of Local Authorities Amendment Act, 1991 |
61 | Lekoa City Council Dissolution Act, 1991 |
62 | Financial Relations Amendment Act, 1991 |
63 | Sectional Titles Amendment Act, 1991 |
64 | Harmful Business Practices Amendment Act, 1991 |
65 | Trade Marks Amendment Act, 1991 |
66 | Housing Development Schemes for Retired Persons Amendment Act, 1991 |
67 | National Road Safety Amendment Act, 1991 |
68 | Petroleum Products Amendment Act, 1991 |
69 | Registration of Services-type Uniforms Act Repeal Act, 1991 |
70 | South African Citizenship Amendment Act, 1991 |
71 | Businesses Act, 1991 |
72 | Exemption from Certain Payments at the Transfer of the Sorghum Beer Industry Act, 1991 |
73 | Road Traffic Amendment Act, 1991 |
74 | Joint Executive Authority for KwaZulu and Natal Amendment Act, 1991 |
75 | Regional Services Councils Amendment Act, 1991 |
76 | Local Government Training Amendment Act, 1991 |
77 | Black Communities Development Amendment Act, 1991 |
78 | University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1991 |
79 | Arms and Ammunition Amendment Act, 1991 |
80 | Public Accountants' and Auditors' Act, 1991 |
81 | Deposit-taking Institutions Amendment Act, 1991 |
82 | Municipal Consolidated Loans Fund Ordinance Amendment Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly), 1991 |
83 | Local Government Ordinance Second Amendment Act (Orange Free State) (House of Assembly), 1991 |
84 | Removal of Restrictions Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1991 |
85 | Post Office Amendment Act, 1991 |
86 | Child Care Amendment Act, 1991 |
87 | Police Second Amendment Act, 1991 |
88 | Education Affairs Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1991 |
89 | Value-Added Tax Act, 1991 |
90 | National Education Policy Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1991 |
91 | Appropriation Act (House of Assembly), 1991 |
92 | Appropriation Act (House of Representatives), 1991 |
93 | Appropriation Act (House of Delegates), 1991 |
94 | Medicines and Related Substances Control Amendment Act, 1991 |
95 | Abolition of the National Energy Council Act, 1991 |
96 | Aliens Control Act, 1991 |
97 | Machinery and Occupational Safety Amendment Act, 1991 |
98 | Environment Conservation Amendment Act, 1991 |
99 | Radio Amendment Act, 1991 |
100 | Education and Training Amendment Act, 1991 |
101 | Adjustment of Fines Act, 1991 |
102 | Attorneys Amendment Act, 1991 |
103 | Short Process Courts and Mediation in Certain Civil Cases Act, 1991 |
104 | Advocate-General Amendment Act, 1991 |
105 | Game Theft Act, 1991 |
106 | Admission of Advocates Amendment Act, 1991 |
107 | Decriminalization Act, 1991 |
108 | Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Act, 1991 |
109 | Promotion of Local Government Affairs Amendment Act, 1991 |
110 | Transnet Limited Second Amendment Act, 1991 |
111 | Customs and Excise Amendment Act, 1991 |
112 | Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Act, 1991 |
113 | Less Formal Township Establishment Act, 1991 |
114 | Population Registration Act Repeal Act, 1991 |
115 | Fund-raising Amendment Act, 1991 |
116 | Probation Services Act, 1991 |
117 | Investigation of Serious Economic Offences Act, 1991 |
118 | Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, 1991 |
119 | Financial Institutions Second Amendment Act, 1991 |
120 | Finance Act, 1991 |
121 | Mediation in Certain Divorce Matters Amendment Act, 1991 |
122 | Correctional Services and Supervision Matters Amendment Act, 1991 |
123 | Universities Amendment Act, 1991 |
124 | Coal Act Repeal Act, 1991 |
125 | Physical Planning Act, 1991 |
126 | Development Aid Laws Amendment Act, 1991 |
127 | Local Authority Affairs Amendment Act, 1991 |
128 | Interim Measures for Local Government Act, 1991 |
129 | Income Tax Act, 1991 |
130 | Divisional Councils Ordinance Amendment Act (Cape) (House of Assembly), 1991 |
131 | Municipal Ordinance Second Amendment Act (Cape) (House of Assembly), 1991 |
132 | Appropriation Act, 1991 |
133 | Pensions (Supplementary) Act, 1991 |
134 | Boxing and Wrestling Control Amendment Act, 1991 |
135 | Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1991 |
136 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 1991 |
137 | Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Amendment Act, 1991 |
138 | Internal Security and Intimidation Amendment Act, 1991 |
139 | Prevention of Public Violence and Intimidation Act, 1991 |
Act no. | Short title |
1 | Estate Affairs Amendment Act, 1992 |
2 | Small Claims Courts Amendment Act, 1992 |
3 | Domicile Act, 1992 |
4 | Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1992 |
5 | Computer Evidence Amendment Act, 1992 |
6 | Coal Resources Act Repeal Act, 1992 |
7 | Sectional Titles Amendment Act, 1992 |
8 | Commonwealth War Graves Act, 1992 |
9 | Agricultural Pests Amendment Act, 1992 |
10 | Livestock Brands Amendment Act, 1992 |
11 | Marketing Amendment Act, 1992 |
12 | Agricultural Produce Agents Act, 1992 |
13 | Gatherings and Demonstrations Amendment Act, 1992 |
14 | Urban Transport Amendment Act, 1992 |
15 | Air Services Licensing Amendment Act, 1992 |
16 | Aviation Amendment Act, 1992 |
17 | Road Traffic Amendment Act, 1992 |
18 | Merchant Shipping Amendment Act, 1992 |
19 | Mental Health Amendment Act, 1992 |
20 | Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependency Act, 1992 |
21 | Nursing Amendment Act, 1992 |
22 | Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund Amendment Act, 1992 |
23 | Police Amendment Act, 1992 |
24 | Additional Appropriation Act (House of Assembly), 1992 |
25 | Additional Appropriation Act (House of Representatives), 1992 |
26 | Additional Appropriation Act (House of Delegates), 1992 |
27 | Part Appropriation Act, 1992 |
28 | Additional Appropriation Act, 1992 |
29 | Central Energy Fund Amendment Act, 1992 |
30 | Part Appropriation Act (House of Assembly), 1992 |
31 | Part Appropriation Act (House of Representatives), 1992 |
32 | Part Appropriation Act (House of Delegates), 1992 |
33 | Cultural Institutions Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1992 |
34 | Correspondence Colleges Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1992 |
35 | Local Government Ordinance Amendment Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly), 1992 |
36 | Division of Land Ordinance Amendment Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly), 1992 |
37 | Local Government Affairs Council Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1992 |
38 | Delegation of Powers Ordinance Amendment Act (Orange Free State) (House of Assembly), 1992 |
39 | Education Affairs Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1992 |
40 | Road Traffic Second Amendment Act, 1992 |
41 | Financial Services Board Amendment Act, 1992 |
42 | Deposit-taking Institutions Amendment Act, 1992 |
43 | Law of Succession Amendment Act, 1992 |
44 | Divorce Amendment Act, 1992 |
45 | Expropriation Amendment Act, 1992 |
46 | Armaments Development and Production Amendment Act, 1992 |
47 | Legal Succession to the South African Transport Services Amendment Act, 1992 |
48 | Post Office Appropriation Act, 1992 |
49 | Validation of Unauthorized Expenditure Act, 1992 |
50 | Prevention of Public Violence and Intimidation Amendment Act, 1992 |
51 | Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1992 |
52 | National Parks Amendment Act, 1992 |
53 | Hazardous Substances Amendment Act, 1992 |
54 | Conversion of the Tweefontein Timber Company Limited Act, 1992 |
55 | Education and Training Amendment Act, 1992 |
56 | Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Amendment Act, 1992 |
57 | Sea Fishery Amendment Act, 1992 |
58 | Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act, 1992 |
59 | Social Assistance Act, 1992 |
60 | Board of Trade and Industry Amendment Act, 1992 |
61 | Customs and Excise Amendment Act, 1992 |
62 | Development and Housing Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1992 |
63 | Townships Ordinance Amendment Act (Orange Free State) (House of Assembly), 1992 |
64 | Land Use Planning Ordinance Amendment Act (Cape) (House of Assembly), 1992 |
65 | Local Government Ordinance Amendment Act (Orange Free State) (House of Assembly), 1992 |
66 | Divisional Councils Ordinance Amendment Act (Cape) (House of Assembly), 1992 |
67 | Education Ordinances Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1992 |
68 | University of the Orange Free State (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1992 |
69 | University of Port Elizabeth (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1992 |
70 | Unauthorized Expenditure Act (House of Delegates), 1992 |
71 | Sugar Amendment Act, 1992 |
72 | Appropriation Act (House of Assembly), 1992 |
73 | Appropriation Act (House of Representatives), 1992 |
74 | Appropriation Act (House of Delegates), 1992 |
75 | Unauthorized Expenditure Act (House of Assembly), 1992 |
76 | Public Investment Commissioners Amendment Act, 1992 |
77 | Profession of Town Clerks Amendment Act, 1992 |
78 | Finance Acts Consolidation Act, 1992 |
79 | Environment Conservation Amendment Act, 1992 |
80 | Correctional Services Amendment Act, 1992 |
81 | Close Corporations Amendment Act, 1992 |
82 | Companies Amendment Act, 1992 |
83 | Financial Institutions Amendment Act, 1992 |
84 | Financial Services Board Second Amendment Act, 1992 |
85 | Safe Deposit of Securities Act, 1992 / Custody and Administration of Securities Act, 1992 |
86 | Transport General Amendment Act, 1992 |
87 | Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation Amendment Act, 1992 |
88 | Payment of Members of Parliament Amendment Act, 1992 |
89 | South African Certification Council Amendment Act, 1992 |
90 | Publications Amendment Act, 1992 |
91 | National Parks Second Amendment Act, 1992 |
92 | Attorney-General Act, 1992 |
93 | Reporting by Public Entities Act, 1992 |
94 | Corruption Act, 1992 |
95 | Appropriation Act, 1992 |
96 | Part Appropriation Acts Abolition Act, 1992 |
97 | Referendums Amendment Act, 1992 |
98 | Powers and Privileges of Parliament Amendment Act, 1992 |
99 | International Air Services Amendment Act, 1992 |
100 | National Roads Amendment Act, 1992 |
101 | Posts and Telecommunications Acts Amendment Act, 1992 |
102 | Prohibition of the Exhibition of Films on Sundays and Public Holidays Amendment Act, 1992 |
103 | Gatherings and Demonstrations in or near the Union Buildings Act, 1992 |
104 | Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Act, 1992 |
105 | Customs and Excise Second Amendment Act, 1992 |
106 | Education and Training Second Amendment Act, 1992 |
107 | University of Stellenbosch (Private) Act (House of Assembly), 1992 |
108 | Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1992 |
109 | Local Government Ordinance Second Amendment Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly), 1992 |
110 | Local Government Ordinance Second Amendment Act (Orange Free State) (House of Assembly), 1992 |
111 | Hospitals Ordinance Amendment Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly), 1992 |
112 | Coloured Persons Education Amendment Act (House of Representatives), 1992 |
113 | Coloured Persons Education Second Amendment Act (House of Representatives), 1992 |
114 | Indians Education Amendment Act (House of Delegates), 1992 |
115 | Environment Conservation Second Amendment Act, 1992 |
116 | Alexkor Limited Act, 1992 |
117 | Arms and Ammunition Acts Amendment Act, 1992 |
118 | Police Second Amendment Act, 1992 |
119 | Security Officers Amendment Act, 1992 |
120 | South African Abattoir Corporation Act, 1992 |
121 | Abattoir Hygiene Act, 1992 |
122 | Audit Arrangements Act, 1992 |
123 | Auditor-General Amendment Act, 1992 |
124 | Indemnity Amendment Act, 1992 |
125 | Copyright Amendment Act, 1992 |
126 | Criminal Law Second Amendment Act, 1992 |
127 | Interception and Monitoring Prohibition Act, 1992 |
128 | Management of State Forests Act, 1992 |
129 | Electoral Amendment Act, 1992 |
130 | Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act, 1992 |
131 | Finance Act, 1992 |
132 | Defence Amendment Act, 1992 |
133 | Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Amendment Act, 1992 |
134 | Provincial and Local Authority Affairs Amendment Act, 1992 |
135 | Internal Peace Institutions Act, 1992 |
136 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 1992 |
137 | Members of Parliament and Political Office-bearers Pension Scheme Amendment Act, 1992 |
138 | Pensions (Supplementary) Act, 1992 |
139 | General Law Amendment Act, 1992 |
140 | Drugs and Drug Trafficking Act, 1992 |
141 | Income Tax Act, 1992 |
142 | Secret Services Account Amendment Act, 1992 |
143 | Judicial Matters Amendment Act, 1992 |
144 | Gambling Amendment Act, 1992 |
145 | Inquests Amendment Act, 1992 |
146 | Constitution Second Amendment Act, 1992 |
147 | Joint Administration of Own Affairs Act, 1992 |
148 | Filling of Casual Vacancies in Parliament Act, 1992 |
149 | Constitution Amendment Act, 1992 |
150 | University of the North Amendment Act, 1992 |
151 | Further Indemnity Act, 1992 |
Act no. | Short title |
1 | Additional Appropriation Act, 1993 |
2 | Registration of Newspapers Amendment Act, 1993 |
3 | Aliens Control Amendment Act, 1993 |
4 | Identification Amendment Act, 1993 |
5 | Secret Services Amendment Act, 1993 |
6 | Mutual Building Societies Amendment Act, 1993 |
7 | Financial Institutions Amendment Act, 1993 |
8 | Financial Supervision of the Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund Act, 1993 |
9 | Deposit-taking Institutions Amendment Act, 1993 |
10 | South African Reserve Bank Amendment Act, 1993 |
11 | Liquor Products Amendment Act, 1993 |
12 | Agricultural Research Amendment Act, 1993 |
13 | Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Amendment Act, 1993 |
14 | Deeds Registries Amendment Act, 1993 |
15 | Sectional Titles Amendment Act, 1993 |
16 | Police Amendment Act, 1993 |
17 | Trade Metrology Amendment Act, 1993 |
18 | General Law Amendment Act, 1993 |
19 | Witpoort Adjustment Act, 1993 |
20 | Liquid Fuel and Oil Act Repeal Act, 1993 |
21 | Universities Amendment Act, 1993 |
22 | Social Work Amendment Act, 1993 |
23 | Medical Schemes Amendment Act, 1993 |
24 | Additional Appropriation Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
25 | Additional Appropriation Act (House of Representatives), 1993 |
26 | Additional Appropriation Act (House of Delegates), 1993 |
27 | Transport Services Unappropriated Expenditure Act, 1993 |
28 | Town and Regional Planners Amendment Act, 1993 |
29 | Standards Act, 1993 |
30 | Usury Amendment Act, 1993 |
31 | Armaments Development and Production Amendment Act, 1993 |
32 | Defence Amendment Act, 1993 |
33 | Harmful Business Practices Amendment Act, 1993 |
34 | Professional Land Surveyors' and Technical Surveyors' Amendment Act, 1993 |
35 | Post Office Appropriation Act, 1993 |
36 | Education Affairs Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
37 | Co-operatives Amendment Act, 1993 |
38 | Marine Traffic Amendment Act, 1993 |
39 | Road Traffic Amendment Act, 1993 |
40 | Vista University Amendment Act, 1993 |
41 | Local Authorities Loans Fund Amendment Act, 1993 |
42 | Animal Matters Amendment Act, 1993 |
43 | Imprint Act, 1993 |
44 | Airports Company Act, 1993 |
45 | Air Traffic and Navigation Services Company Act, 1993 |
46 | Petroleum Products Amendment Act, 1993 |
47 | Public Service Acts Amendment Act, 1993 |
48 | Unauthorized Expenditure Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
49 | Unauthorized Expenditure Act (House of Delegates), 1993 |
50 | Indians Education Amendment Act (House of Delegates), 1993 |
51 | University of Durban-Westville Amendment Act (House of Delegates), 1993 |
52 | Unauthorized Post Office Expenditure Act, 1993 |
53 | Agricultural Credit Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
54 | University of South Africa (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
55 | Unauthorized Expenditure Act (House of Representatives), 1993 |
56 | Local Government Affairs Amendment Act, 1993 |
57 | Security by Means of Movable Property Act, 1993 |
58 | Groot Constantia Trust Act, 1993 |
59 | Convention on the International Recognition of Rights in Aircraft Act, 1993 |
60 | International Air Services Act, 1993 |
61 | Value-Added Tax Amendment Act, 1993 |
62 | Documentary Evidence from Countries in Africa Act, 1993 |
63 | Associated Health Service Professions Amendment Act, 1993 |
64 | Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
65 | Arms and Ammunition Amendment Act, 1993 |
66 | Road Traffic Second Amendment Act, 1993 |
67 | Chartered Accountants Designation (Private) Act, 1993 |
68 | Correctional Services Amendment Act, 1993 |
69 | Exchequer Amendment Act, 1993 |
70 | Public Accountants' and Auditors' Amendment Act, 1993 |
71 | Price Control Amendment Act, 1993 |
72 | Tourism Act, 1993 |
73 | Broadcasting Amendment Act, 1993 |
74 | Appropriation Act (House of Representatives), 1993 |
75 | Appropriation Act (House of Delegates), 1993 |
76 | Shortened Registration Procedures of Land Amendment Act (House of Representatives), 1993 |
77 | Appropriation Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
78 | University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
79 | Finance Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
80 | Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys (Private) Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
81 | University of the Orange Free State (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
82 | Constitution Amendment Act, 1993 |
83 | Tobacco Products Control Act, 1993 |
84 | Space Affairs Act, 1993 |
85 | Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 |
86 | Academic Health Centres Act, 1993 |
87 | Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act, 1993 |
88 | Boxing and Wrestling Control Amendment Act, 1993 |
89 | Regional and Land Affairs General Amendment Act, 1993 |
90 | Magistrates Act, 1993 |
91 | Judges' Remuneration and Conditions of Employment Amendment Act, 1993 |
92 | Water Amendment Act, 1993 |
93 | Joint Administrative Authority for Walvis Bay Act, 1993 |
94 | Environment Conservation Amendment Act, 1993 |
95 | Security Forces Board of Inquiry Act, 1993 |
96 | Appropriation Act, 1993 |
97 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 1993 |
98 | Customs and Excise Amendment Act, 1993 |
99 | Joint Administration of Certain Matters Act, 1993 |
100 | Geoscience Act, 1993 |
101 | Housing Amendment Act, 1993 |
102 | Public Service Labour Relations Act, 1993 |
103 | Minerals Amendment Act, 1993 |
104 | Financial Institutions Second Amendment Act, 1993 |
105 | Liquor Amendment Act, 1993 |
106 | Natural Scientific Professions Act, 1993 |
107 | Revocation and Assignment of Powers of Self-governing Territories Act, 1993 |
108 | General Law Second Amendment Act, 1993 |
109 | Regulation of Joint Executive Action regarding Certain Land Act, 1993 |
110 | Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Amendment Act, 1993 |
111 | Land Titles Adjustment Act, 1993 |
112 | Rural Areas Amendment Act (House of Representatives), 1993 |
113 | Income Tax Act, 1993 |
114 | Recognition of Foreign Legal Qualifications and Practice Act, 1993 |
115 | Attorneys Amendment Act, 1993 |
116 | Criminal Matters Amendment Act, 1993 |
117 | Local Government Affairs Second Amendment Act, 1993 |
118 | Health and Welfare Matters Amendment Act, 1993 |
119 | Distribution and Transfer of Certain State Land Act, 1993 |
120 | Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, 1993 |
121 | Provision of Special Funds for Tertiary Education and Training Act, 1993 |
122 | Insolvency Amendment Act, 1993 |
123 | Finance Act, 1993 |
124 | Mutual Banks Act, 1993 |
125 | Technikons Act, 1993 |
126 | Provision of Certain Land for Settlement Act, 1993 |
127 | Overvaal Resorts Limited Act, 1993 |
128 | Pensions (Supplementary) Act, 1993 |
129 | General Law Third Amendment Act, 1993 |
130 | Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 |
131 | Nuclear Energy Act, 1993 |
132 | General Law Fourth Amendment Act, 1993 |
133 | Prevention of Family Violence Act, 1993 |
134 | Defence Second Amendment Act, 1993 |
135 | Correctional Services Second Amendment Act, 1993 |
136 | Police Second Amendment Act, 1993 |
137 | Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Act, 1993 |
138 | University of Cape Town (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
139 | Education Laws Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
140 | Revenue Laws Amendment Act, 1993 |
141 | Policy Board for Financial Services and Regulation Act, 1993 |
142 | Exchequer Second Amendment Act, 1993 |
143 | National Emergency Telephone Service Act, 1993 |
144 | Estate Agents Amendment Act, 1993 |
145 | Nursing Amendment Act, 1993 |
146 | Education Labour Relations Act, 1993 |
147 | Agricultural Labour Act, 1993 |
148 | Independent Media Commission Act, 1993 |
149 | Internal Peace Institutions Amendment Act, 1993 |
150 | Independent Electoral Commission Act, 1993 |
151 | Transitional Executive Council Act, 1993 |
152 | Self-governing Territories Constitution Amendment Act, 1993 |
153 | Independent Broadcasting Authority Act, 1993 |
154 | Pension and Other Benefits for Ministerial Representatives Act, 1993 |
155 | Housing Arrangements Act, 1993 |
156 | Dangerous Weapons Amendment Act, 1993 |
157 | General Law Fifth Amendment Act, 1993 |
158 | University of Pretoria (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
159 | Rhodes University (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
160 | Adjustments Appropriation Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
161 | Second Unauthorized Expenditure Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
162 | Education Affairs Second Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
163 | University of Natal (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
164 | Adjustments Appropriation Act (House of Representatives), 1993 |
165 | Adjustments Estimate Act (House of Delegates), 1993 |
166 | Second Unauthorized Expenditure Act (House of Delegates), 1993 |
167 | Adjustments Appropriation Act, 1993 |
168 | Income Tax Amendment Act, 1993 |
169 | Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1993 |
170 | Regional and Land Affairs Second General Amendment Act, 1993 |
171 | Post Office Amendment Act, 1993 |
172 | Application of Resolutions of the Security Council of the United Nations Act, 1993 |
173 | Correctional Services Third Amendment Act, 1993 |
174 | Agricultural Research Second Amendment Act, 1993 |
175 | Agricultural Development Fund Act, 1993 |
176 | Post Office Second Amendment Act, 1993 |
177 | Arms and Ammunition Second Amendment Act, 1993 |
178 | Explosives Amendment Act, 1993 |
179 | Public Services Amendment Act, 1993 |
180 | Health and Welfare Matters Second Amendment Act, 1993 |
181 | Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act, 1993 |
182 | Exchequer Third Amendment Act, 1993 |
183 | Police Third Amendment Act, 1993 |
184 | Second Finance Act, 1993 |
185 | Certification Council for Technikon Education Amendment Act, 1993 |
186 | Businesses Amendment Act, 1993 |
187 | Regional Industrial Development Act, 1993 / Manufacturing Development Act, 1993 |
188 | Marketing Amendment Act, 1993 |
189 | Environment Conservation Second Amendment Act, 1993 |
190 | Sea-shore Amendment Act, 1993 |
191 | Housing Matters Amendment Act, 1993 |
192 | Guardianship Act, 1993 |
193 | Independent Electoral Commission Amendment Act, 1993 |
194 | Trade Marks Act, 1993 |
195 | Designs Act, 1993 |
196 | Restoration and Extension of South African Citizenship Act, 1993 |
197 | Closed Pension Fund Act, 1993 |
198 | Development and Housing Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993 |
199 | Housing Development Amendment Act (House of Delegates), 1993 |
200 | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1993 |
201 | Constitution Consequential Amendments Act, 1993 |
202 | Electoral Act, 1993 |
203 | Transfer of Walvis Bay to Namibia Act, 1993 |
204 | General Law Sixth Amendment Act, 1993 |
205 | Regulation of Gatherings Act, 1993 |
206 | Abolition of Restrictions on Free Political Activity Act, 1993 |
207 | Castle Management Act, 1993 |
208 | Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Amendment Act, 1993 |
209 | Local Government Transition Act, 1993 |
210 | Lotteries and Gambling Board Act, 1993 |
Act no. | Short title |
1 | Electoral Amendment Act, 1994 |
2 | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Amendment Act, 1994 |
3 | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Second Amendment Act, 1994 |
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1993, came into force on 27 April 1994 with the election South African general election, 1994 The South African general election of 1994 was an election held in South Africa to mark the end of apartheid, therefore also the first held with universal adult suffrage. The election was conducted under the direction of the Independent Electoral Commission .Millions queued in lines over a three... of the first non-racial Parliament on that date. |
4 | South African Passports and Travel Documents Act, 1994 |
5 | Independent Electoral Commission Amendment Act, 1994 |
6 | Payment of Members of Parliament Act, 1994 |
7 | Reconstruction and Development Programme Fund Act, 1994 |
8 | Housing Amendment Act, 1994 |
9 | Judicial Service Commission Act, 1994 |
10 | Judges' Remuneration and Conditions of Employment Amendment Act, 1994 |
11 | Post Office Appropriation Act, 1994 |
12 | Unauthorized Post Office Expenditure Act, 1994 |
13 | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Third Amendment Act, 1994 |
14 | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Fourth Amendment Act, 1994 |
15 | Maritime Zones Act, 1994 |
16 | Appropriation Act, 1994 |
17 | Correctional Services Amendment Act, 1994 |
18 | Imprint Amendment Act, 1994 |
19 | Customs and Excise Amendment Act, 1994 |
20 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 1994 |
21 | Income Tax Act, 1994 |
22 | Restitution of Land Rights Act, 1994 |
23 | Public Protector Act, 1994 |
24 | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Sixth Amendment Act, 1994 |
25 | Mutual Banks Amendment Act, 1994 |
26 | Banks Amendment Act, 1994 |
27 | National Roads General Amendment Act, 1994 |
28 | Shipping and Civil Aviation Laws Rationalisation Act, 1994 |
29 | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Fifth Amendment Act, 1994 |
30 | Volkstaat Council Act, 1994 |
31 | Council of Traditional Leaders Act, 1994 |
32 | Waters Laws Rationalisation and Amendment Act, 1994 |
33 | Housing Second Amendment Act, 1994 |
34 | Local Government Transition Act Amendment Act, 1994 |
35 | National Economic, Development and Labour Council Act, 1994 |
36 | Public Holidays Act, 1994 |
37 | Commission on the Remuneration of Representatives Act, 1994 |
38 | Intelligence Services Act, 1994 |
39 | National Strategic Intelligence Act, 1994 |
40 | Committee of Members of Parliament on and Inspectors-General of Intelligence Act, 1994 / Intelligence Services Oversight Act, 1994 |
41 | Finance Act, 1994 |
42 | Trade Metrology Amendment Act, 1994 |
43 | Fund-raising Amendment Act, 1994 |
44 | Aged Persons Amendment Act, 1994 |
45 | Social Assistance Amendment Act, 1994 |
46 | Electricity Amendment Act, 1994 |
47 | Mineral and Energy Laws Rationalisation Act, 1994 |
48 | Central Energy Fund Amendment Act, 1994 |
49 | Integration of Labour Laws Act, 1994 |
50 | Agricultural Labour Amendment Act, 1994 |
51 | Forestry Laws Rationalisation and Amendment Act, 1994 |
52 | Environment Conservation Amendment Act, 1994 |
53 | Remuneration and Allowances of Executive Deputy Presidents, Ministers and Deputy Ministers Act, 1994 |
54 | Human Rights Commission Act, 1994 |
55 | Admission of Advocates Amendment Act, 1994 |
The following proclamations issued by the President under section 237(3) of the Interim Constitution are regarded as having status equivalent to that of an Act of Parliament:
- Proclamation No. 103 of 1994: Public Service Act, 1994
- Proclamation No. 105 of 1994: Public Service Labour Relations Act, 1994
- Proclamation No. 138 of 1994: Educators' Employment Act, 1994
Act no. | Short title |
1 | Adjustments Appropriation Act, 1995 |
2 | Land Administration Act, 1995 |
3 | Town and Regional Planners Amendment Act, 1995 |
4 | Additional Post Office Appropriate Act, 1995 |
5 | Nursing Amendment Act, 1995 |
6 | Pharmacy Amendment Act, 1995 |
7 | Arms and Ammunition Amendment Act, 1995 |
8 | Arms, Ammunition and Armament Laws Transitional Regulation Act, 1995 |
9 | Industrial Development Amendment Act, 1995 |
10 | Recognition of Foreign Legal Qualifications and Practice Amendment Act, 1995 |
11 | Land Affairs General Amendment Act, 1995 |
12 | Auditor-General Act, 1995 |
13 | Constitutional Court Complementary Act, 1995 |
14 | Periods of Office of Members of Councils for Architects, Engineers, Quantity Surveyors and Valuers Adjustment Act, 1995 |
15 | South African Roads Board Amendment Act, 1995 |
16 | Transport General Amendment Act, 1995 |
17 | Post Office Appropriation Act, 1995 |
18 | Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act, 1995 |
19 | Tax Amnesty Act, 1995 |
20 | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Amendment Act, 1995 |
21 | Income Tax Act, 1995 |
22 | Public Investment Commissioners Amendment Act, 1995 |
23 | Public Accountants' and Auditors' Amendment Act, 1995 |
24 | Land Bank Amendment Act, 1995 |
25 | Local Authorities Loans Fund Amendment Act, 1995 |
26 | Bophuthatswana National Provident Fund Amendment Act, 1995 |
27 | Technikons Amendment Act, 1995 |
28 | Internal Peace Institutions Act Repeal Act, 1995 |
29 | Remuneration of Traditional Leaders, 1995 |
30 | Labour Appeal Court Sitting as Special Tribunal Act, 1995 |
31 | Committee of Members of Parliament on and Inspectors-General of Intelligence Amendment Act, 1995 |
32 | Insolvency Amendment Act, 1995 |
33 | Admission of Legal Practitioners Amendment Act, 1995 |
34 | Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act, 1995 |
35 | Post Office Amendment Act, 1995 |
36 | Independent Broadcasting Authority Amendment Act, 1995 |
37 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 1995 |
38 | National Parks Amendment Act, 1995 |
39 | Board on Tariffs and Trade Amendment Act, 1995 |
40 | Chiropractors, Homeopaths and Allied Health Service Professions Amendment Act, 1995 |
41 | Home Affairs Laws Rationalisation Act, 1995 |
42 | Appropriation Act, 1995 |
43 | Legal Succession to the South African Transport Services Amendment Act, 1995 |
44 | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Second Amendment Act, 1995 |
45 | Customs and Excise Amendment Act, 1995 |
46 | Investigation of Serious Economic Offences Amendment Act, 1995 |
47 | Identification Amendment Act, 1995 |
48 | Public Holidays Amendment Act, 1995 |
49 | National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act, 1995 |
50 | Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Amendment Act, 1995 |
51 | Water Amendment Act, 1995 |
52 | Social Work Amendment Act, 1995 |
53 | Audit Matters Rationalisation and Amendment Act, 1995 |
54 | Stock Exchange Control Amendment Act, 1995 |
55 | Financial Markets Control Amendment Act, 1995 |
56 | Independent Electoral Commission Amendment Act, 1995 |
57 | Liquor Amendment Act, 1995 |
58 | South African Qualifications Authority Act, 1995 |
59 | Pan South African Language Board Act, 1995 |
60 | Electricity Amendment Act, 1995 |
61 | Local Government Transition Act Amendment Act, 1995 |
62 | Right of Appearance in Courts Act, 1995 |
63 | Forest Amendment Act, 1995 |
64 | Space Affairs Amendment Act, 1995 |
65 | Agricultural Credit Amendment Act, 1995 |
66 | Labour Relations Act, 1995 |
67 | Development Facilitation Act, 1995 |
68 | South African Police Service Act, 1995 |
69 | Eskom Amendment Act, 1995 |
70 | Post Office Service Amendment Act, 1995 |
71 | Defence Special Account Amendment Act, 1995 |
72 | Defence Amendment Act, 1995 |
73 | Dumping at Sea Control Amendment Act, 1995 |
74 | Sea Fishery Amendment Act, 1995 |
75 | Criminal Procedure Second Amendment Act, 1995 |
76 | Aliens Control Amendment Act, 1995 |
77 | Interception and Monitoring Prohibition Amendment Act, 1995 |
78 | National Supplies Procurement Amendment Act, 1995 |
79 | Credit Agreements Amendment Act, 1995 |
80 | Sale and Service Matters Amendment Act, 1995 |
81 | Usury Amendment Act, 1995 |
82 | Transport Second General Amendment Act, 1995 |
83 | Air Services Licensing Amendment Act, 1995 |
84 | Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Act, 1995 |
85 | Judicial Matters Amendment Act, 1995 |
86 | State of Emergency Act, 1995 |
87 | Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Amendment Act, 1995 |
88 | South African Citizenship Act, 1995 |
89 | Local Government Transition Act Second Amendment Act, 1995 |
Act no. | Short title |
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 | |
1 | Adjustments Appropriation Act, 1996 |
2 | South African Reserve Bank Amendment Act, 1996 |
3 | Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act, 1996 |
4 | Independent Broadcasting Authority Amendment Act, 1996 |
5 | Former States Posts and Telecommunications Reorganisation Act, 1996 |
6 | Housing Amendment Act, 1996 |
7 | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Amendment Act, 1996 |
8 | Parliamentary and Provincial Medical Aid Scheme Amendment Act, 1996 |
9 | Transport Advisory Council Abolition Act, 1996 |
10 | International Air Services Amendment Act, 1996 |
11 | Deeds Registries Amendment Act, 1996 |
12 | Local Government Transition Act Amendment Act, 1996 |
13 | Public Service Amendment Act, 1996 |
14 | Correctional Services Amendment Act, 1996 |
15 | Plant Breeders' Rights Amendment Act, 1996 |
16 | Agricultural Research Amendment Act, 1996 |
17 | University of North-West (Private) Act, 1996 |
18 | Justice Laws Rationalisation Act, 1996 |
19 | National Youth Commission Act, 1996 |
20 | Legal Aid Amendment Act, 1996 |
21 | Estate Agents Amendment Act, 1996 |
22 | Pension Funds Amendment Act, 1996 |
23 | Currency and Exchanges Amendment Act, 1996 |
24 | National Roads Amendment Act, 1996 |
25 | Plant Improvement Amendment Act, 1996 |
26 | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Third Amendment Act, 1996 |
27 | National Education Policy Act, 1996 |
28 | Communal Property Associations Act, 1996 |
29 | Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 |
30 | Post Office Appropriation Act, 1996 |
31 | Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act, 1996 |
32 | Supervision of Financial Institutions Rationalisation Act, 1996 |
33 | National Gambling Act, 1996 |
34 | Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Amendment Act, 1996 |
35 | Magistrates Amendment Act, 1996 |
36 | Income Tax Act, 1996 |
37 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 1996 |
38 | Tax on Retirement Funds Act, 1996 |
39 | Commission on Gender Equality Act, 1996 |
40 | Births and Deaths Registration Amendment Act, 1996 |
41 | Appropriation Act, 1996 |
42 | Labour Relations Amendment Act, 1996 |
43 | National Archives of South Africa Act, 1996 |
44 | Customs and Excise Amendment Act, 1996 |
45 | Rationalisation of Corporate Laws Act, 1996 |
46 | Revenue Laws Amendment Act, 1996 |
47 | Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 |
48 | Borrowing Powers of Provincial Governments Act, 1996 |
49 | General Law Amendment Act, 1996 |
50 | Broadcasting Amendment Act, 1996 |
51 | Electoral Commission Act, 1996 |
52 | Land Administration Amendment Act, 1996 |
53 | Unit Trusts Control Amendment Act, 1996 |
54 | Insurance Amendment Act, 1996 |
55 | Banks Amendment Act, 1996 |
56 | Road Accident Fund Act, 1996 |
57 | Integration of Usury Laws Act, 1996 |
58 | Trade Metrology Amendment Act, 1996 |
59 | Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Amendment Act, 1996 |
60 | Antarctic Treaties Act, 1996 |
61 | Remuneration of Town Clerks Act, Repeal Act, 1996 |
62 | Profession of Town Clerks Act, Repeal Act, 1996 |
63 | Sentech Act, 1996 |
64 | Security Officers Amendment Act, 1996 |
65 | Films and Publications Act, 1996 |
66 | International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships Amendment Act, 1996 |
67 | Public Service Second Amendment Act, 1996 |
68 | Integration Measures in respect of Labour Laws, Amendment and Adjustments Act, 1996 |
69 | Special Pensions Act, 1996 |
70 | Safe Deposit of Securities Amendment Act, 1996 |
71 | Stock Exchanges Control Amendment Act, 1996 |
72 | Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction Act, 1996 |
73 | Financial Markets Control Amendment Act, 1996 |
74 | Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act, 1996 |
75 | International Co-operation in Criminal Matters Act, 1996 |
76 | Proceeds of Crime Act, 1996 |
77 | Extradition Amendment Act, 1996 |
78 | Land Restitution and Reform Laws Amendment Act, 1996 |
79 | Correctional Services Second Amendment Act, 1996 |
80 | University of Zululand (Private) Amendment Act, 1996 |
81 | University of Transkei (Private) Act, 1996 |
82 | University of Durban-Westville (Private) Amendment Act, 1996 |
83 | University of Port Elizabeth (Private) Amendment Act, 1996 |
84 | South African Schools Act, 1996 |
85 | Criminal Procedure Second Amendment Act, 1996 |
86 | Criminal Procedure Amendment Act, 1996 |
87 | Agriculture Laws Extension Act, 1996 |
88 | Abolition of Restrictions on the Jurisdiction of Courts Act, 1996 |
89 | University of Venda (Private) Act, 1996 |
90 | Safety Matters Rationalisation Act, 1996 |
91 | Former States Broadcasting Reorganisation Act, 1996 |
92 | Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1996 Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1996 The Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1996 is the law governing abortion in South Africa. It allows abortion on demand up to the twelfth week of pregnancy, under broadly-specified circumstances from the thirteenth to the twentieth week, and only for serious medical reasons after the... |
93 | National Road Traffic Act, 1996 |
94 | Wreck and Salvage Act, 1996 |
95 | Divorce Amendment Act, 1996 |
96 | Child Care Amendment Act, 1996 |
97 | Local Government Transition Act Second Amendment Act, 1996 |
98 | Aviation Laws Amendment Act, 1996 |
99 | Demobilisation Act, 1996 |
100 | Environment Conservation Act Extension Act, 1996 |
101 | Final Relief on Tax, Interest, Penalty and Additional Tax Act, 1996 |
102 | National Small Enterprise Act, 1996 |
103 | Telecommunications Act, 1996 |
104 | Judicial Matters Amendment Act, 1996 |
105 | Tourism Amendment Act, 1996 |
106 | Welfare Laws Amendment Act, 1996 |
107 | Intellectual Property Laws Rationalisation Act, 1996 |
108 | Act number originally allocated to the Constitution |
Act no. | Short title |
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, came into force on 4 February 1997 but the existing Parliament continued without an election. | |
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Amendment Act, 1997 / Constitution First Amendment Act of 1997 | |
1 | Adjustments Appropriation Act, 1997 |
2 | Post Office Appropriation Act, 1997 |
3 | Exchequer Amendment Act, 1997 |
4 | Defence Amendment Act, 1997 |
5 | Public Accountants' and Auditors' Amendment Act, 1997 |
6 | Finance Act, 1997 |
7 | Prescribed Rate of Interest Amendment Act, 1997 |
8 | Land Survey Act, 1997 |
9 | KwaZulu-Natal Ingonyama Trust Amendment Act, 1997 |
10 | Council of Traditional Leaders Act, 1997 / National House of Traditional Leaders Act, 1997 |
11 | Post Office Amendment Act, 1997 |
12 | Telecommunications Amendment Act, 1997 |
13 | Development Bank of Southern Africa Act, 1997 |
14 | South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport Act, 1997 |
15 | Genetically Modified Organisms Act, 1997 |
16 | Board on Tariffs and Trade Amendment Act, 1997 |
17 | National Council of Provinces (Permanent Delegates Vacancies) Act, 1997 |
18 | Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Amendment Act, 1997 |
19 | Nursing Amendment Act, 1997 |
20 | Electoral Amendment Act, 1997 |
21 | University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (Private) Amendment Act, 1997 |
22 | Financial Institutions Amendment Act, 1997 |
23 | Shipping General Amendment Act, 1997 |
24 | Broadcasting Amendment Act, 1997 |
25 | Medical University of Southern Africa (Private) Amendment Act, 1997 |
26 | Close Corporations Amendment Act, 1997 |
27 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 1997 |
28 | Income Tax Act, 1997 |
29 | Appropriation Act, 1997 |
30 | Reporting by Public Entities Amendment Act, 1997 |
31 | Insurance Amendment Act, 1997 |
32 | University of Durban-Westville (Private) Amendment Act, 1997 |
33 | Abolition of Corporal Punishment Act, 1997 Abolition of Corporal Punishment Act, 1997 The Abolition of Corporal Punishment Act, 1997 is an act of the Parliament of South Africa that abolished judicial corporal punishment. It followed the Constitutional Court's 1995 decision in the case of S v Williams and Others that caning of juveniles was unconstitutional... |
34 | South African Revenue Service Act, 1997 |
35 | Act number originally assigned to the Constitution First Amendment Act |
36 | South African Olympic Hosting Act, 1997 |
37 | Counterfeit Goods Act, 1997 |
38 | Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Act, 1997 |
39 | South African Reserve Bank Amendment Act, 1997 |
40 | Unauthorised Post Office Expenditure Act, 1997 |
41 | South African Police Service Amendment Act, 1997 |
42 | Repeal of Local Government Laws Act, 1997 |
43 | Dental Technicians Amendment Act, 1997 |
44 | Sectional Titles Amendment Act, 1997 |
45 | Extension of Terms of Office of Members of Certain Councils Act, 1997 |
46 | Public Service Commission Act, 1997 |
47 | Public Service Laws Amendment Act, 1997 |
48 | Abolition of Public Administration Commissions Act, 1997 |
49 | South African Passports and Travel Documents Amendment Act, 1997 |
50 | Marriage Act, Extension Act, 1997 |
51 | Environmental Laws Rationalisation Act, 1997 |
52 | Organised Local Government Act, 1997 |
53 | Post Office Second Amendment Act, 1997 |
54 | Legal Deposit Act, 1997 |
55 | National Advisory Council on Innovation Act, 1997 |
56 | National Arts Council Act, 1997 |
57 | Lotteries Act, 1997 |
58 | Water Amendment Act, 1997 |
59 | Marketing of Agricultural Products Amendment Act, 1997 |
60 | Livestock Improvement Amendment Act, 1997 |
61 | Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Amendment Act, 1997 |
62 | Extension of Security of Tenure Act, 1997 |
63 | Land Restitution and Reform Laws Amendment Act, 1997 |
64 | State of Emergency Act, 1997 |
65 | Divorce Courts Amendment Act, 1997 |
66 | Contingency Fees Act, 1997 |
67 | Births and Deaths Registration Amendment Act, 1997 |
68 | Identification Act, 1997 |
69 | South African Citizenship Amendment Act, 1997 |
70 | National Parks Amendment Act, 1997 |
71 | Nonprofit Organisations Act, 1997 |
72 | Mine Health and Safety Amendment Act, 1997 |
73 | National Film and Video Foundation Act, 1997 |
74 | Overvaal Resorts Limited Amendment Act, 1997 |
75 | Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 |
76 | Criminal Procedure Amendment Act, 1997 |
77 | Judges' Remuneration and Conditions of Employment Amendment Act, 1997 |
78 | Qualification of Legal Practitioners Amendment Act, 1997 |
79 | Constitutional Court Complementary Act Amendment Act, 1997 |
80 | Magistrates' Court Second Amendment Act, 1997 |
81 | Magistrates' Court Amendment Act, 1997 |
82 | Aviation Laws Amendment Act, 1997 |
83 | Explosives Amendment Act, 1997 |
84 | Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Second Amendment Act, 1997 |
85 | Criminal Procedure Second Amendment Act, 1997 |
86 | Natural Fathers of Children Born out of Wedlock Act, 1997 |
87 | Parole and Correctional Supervision Amendment Act, 1997 |
88 | Pharmacy Amendment Act, 1997 |
89 | Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act, 1997 |
90 | Medicines and Related Substances Control Amendment Act, 1997 |
91 | Chiropractors, Homeopaths and Allied Health Service Professions Amendment Act, 1997 |
92 | Independant Commission for the Remuneration of Public Office-bearers Act, 1997 |
93 | Public Service Laws Second Amendment Act, 1997 |
94 | Pension Funds Amendment Act, 1997 |
95 | Revenue Funds Interim Arrangements Act, 1997 |
96 | Financial and Fiscal Commission 1993 Constitutional Provisions Repeal Act, 1997 |
97 | Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations Act, 1997 |
98 | Local Authorities Loans Funds Acts Repeal Act, 1997 |
99 | Financial and Fiscal Commission Act, 1997 |
100 | Education Laws Amendment Act, 1997 |
101 | Higher Education Act, 1997 |
102 | Correctional Services Amendment Act, 1997 |
103 | Public Funding of Represented Political Parties Act, 1997 |
104 | Security Officers Amendment Act, 1997 |
105 | Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1997 Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1997 The Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1997 is an act of the Parliament of South Africa which dealt with the consequences of the Constitutional Court's ruling in S v Makwanyane in which capital punishment was declared to be unconstitutional... |
106 | Welfare Laws Amendment Act, 1997 |
107 | Housing Act, 1997 |
108 | Water Services Act, 1997 |
Act no. | Short title |
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Amendment Act, 1998 / Constitution Second Amendment Act of 1998 | |
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Second Amendment Act, 1998 Third Amendment of the Constitution of South Africa The Third Amendment of the Constitution of South Africa made changes to allow the creation of municipalities that cross provincial boundaries. It was enacted by the Parliament of South Africa, signed by President Mandela on 20 October 1998, and came into force on the 30th of the same month... / Constitution Third Amendment Act of 1998 |
1 | Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act, 1998 |
2 | Airports Company Amendment Act, 1998 |
3 | Adjustments Appropriation Act, 1998 |
4 | Cross-Border Road Transport Act, 1998 |
5 | South African Maritime Safety Authority Act, 1998 |
6 | South African Maritime Safety Authority Levies Act, 1998 |
7 | The South African National Roads Agency Limited and National Roads Act, 1998 |
8 | National Road Traffic Amendment Act, 1998 |
9 | Additional Post Office Appropriation Act, 1998 |
10 | Department of Communications Rationalisation Act, 1998 |
11 | Interim Appropriation Act, 1998 |
12 | Unit Trusts Control Amendment Act, 1998 |
13 | Financial Markets Control Amendment Act, 1998 |
14 | Stock Exchanges Control Amendment Act, 1998 |
15 | Regulation of Foreign Military Assistance Act, 1998 |
16 | Economic Co-operation Promotion Loan Fund Amendment Act, 1998 |
17 | Transfer of Staff to Municipalities Act, 1998 |
18 | Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 |
19 | Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act, 1998 Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act, 1998 The Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act is an act of the Parliament of South Africa which came into effect on June 5, 1998, and which sets out to prevent arbitrary evictions.... |
20 | Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Act, 1998 |
21 | Land Bank Amendment Act, 1998 |
22 | Regional Industrial Development Amendment Act, 1998 |
23 | National Research Foundation Act, 1998 |
24 | Measuring Units and National Measuring Standards Amendment Act, 1998 |
25 | Wine and Spirit Control Amendment Act, 1998 |
26 | Provision of Certain Land for Settlement Amendment Act, 1998 |
27 | Local Government: Municipal Demarcation Act, 1998 |
28 | Division of Revenue Act, 1998 |
29 | Appropriation Act, 1998 |
30 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 1998 |
31 | Uncertificated Securities Tax Act, 1998 |
32 | National Prosecuting Authority Act, 1998 |
33 | Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Amendment Act, 1998 |
34 | Judicial Matters Amendment Act, 1998 |
35 | Companies Amendment Act, 1998 |
36 | National Water Act, 1998 |
37 | National Strategic Intelligence Amendment Act, 1998 |
38 | Safe Deposit of Securities Amendment Act, 1998 |
39 | Transport Appeal Tribunal Act, 1998 |
40 | South African Civil Aviation Authority Act, 1998 |
41 | South African Civil Aviation Authority Levies Act, 1998 |
42 | South African Passports and Travel Documents Amendment Act, 1998 |
43 | Births and Deaths Registration Amendment Act, 1998 |
44 | Sterilisation Act, 1998 |
45 | National Land Transport Interim Arrangement Act, 1998 |
46 | Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act, 1998 Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act, 1998 The Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act, 1998 is an act of the Parliament of South Africa which introduces a points demerit system for violations of traffic law. It is managed by the Road Traffic Management Corporation , a public entity under the Department of Transport... |
47 | Road Traffic Laws Rationalisation Act, 1998 |
48 | KwaZulu Land Affairs Amendment Act, 1998 |
49 | Insurance Amendment Act, 1998 |
50 | Demutualisation Levy Act, 1998 |
51 | Insurance Second Amendment Act, 1998 |
52 | Long-term Insurance Act, 1998 |
53 | Short-term Insurance Act, 1998 |
54 | Inherited Debt Relief Act, 1998 |
55 | Employment Equity Act, 1998 |
56 | Adoption Matters Amendment Act, 1998 |
57 | Shipping Laws Amendment Act, 1998 |
58 | Ship Registration Act, 1998 |
59 | Culture Promotion Amendment Act, 1998 |
60 | Companies Second Amendment Act, 1998 |
61 | Land Affairs General Amendment Act, 1998 |
62 | Animal Improvement Act, 1998 |
63 | Agricultural Product Standards Amendment Act, 1998 |
64 | Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act Repeal Act, 1998 |
65 | Act number originally assigned to the Constitution Second Amendment Act |
66 | Magistrates Amendment Act, 1998 |
67 | Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, 1998 |
68 | Criminal Matters Amendment Act, 1998 |
69 | Determination of Delegates (National Council of Provinces) Act, 1998 |
70 | Road Transport Appeal Matters Amendment Act, 1998 |
71 | Road Accident Fund Commission Act, 1998 |
72 | Agricultural Laws Rationalisation Act, 1998 |
73 | Electoral Act, 1998 |
74 | Sheriffs Amendment Act, 1998 |
75 | Special Pensions Amendment Act, 1998 |
76 | Employment of Educators Act, 1998 |
77 | Port of Ngqura Establishment Act, 1998 |
78 | National Payment System Act, 1998 |
79 | Reconstruction and Development Programme Fund Amendment Act, 1998 |
80 | Inspection of Financial Institutions Act, 1998 |
81 | Defence Special Tribunal Act, 1998 |
82 | Executive Members' Ethics Act, 1998 |
83 | South African Police Service Amendment Act, 1998 |
84 | National Forests Act, 1998 |
85 | Council of Traditional Leaders Amendment Act, 1998 |
86 | Public Service Laws Amendment Act, 1998 |
87 | Act number originally assigned to the Constitution Third Amendment Act |
88 | State Information Technology Agency Act, 1998 |
89 | Competition Act, 1998 |
90 | Estate Agents Amendment Act, 1998 |
91 | The South African Library for the Blind Act, 1998 |
92 | The National Library of South Africa Act, 1998 |
93 | Deeds Registries Amendment Act, 1998 |
94 | Transformation of Certain Rural Areas Act, 1998 |
95 | Housing Consumers Protection Measures Act, 1998 |
96 | Parliamentary Villages Management Board Act, 1998 |
97 | Skills Development Act, 1998 |
98 | Further Education and Training Act, 1998 |
99 | Maintenance Act, 1998 |
100 | Aged Persons Amendment Act, 1998 |
101 | National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 |
102 | Social Work Amendment Act, 1998 |
103 | Alienation of Land Amendment Act, 1998 |
104 | No act by this number |
105 | National Empowerment Fund Act, 1998 |
106 | National Parks Amendment Act, 1998 |
107 | National Environmental Management Act, 1998 |
108 | National Development Agency Act, 1998 |
109 | South African Sports Commission Act, 1998 |
110 | National Sport and Recreation Act, 1998 |
111 | Correctional Services Act, 1998 |
112 | Witness Protection Act, 1998 |
113 | Public Protector Amendment Act, 1998 |
114 | Debt Collectors Act, 1998 |
115 | Attorneys and Matters relating to Rules of Court Amendment Act, 1998 |
116 | Domestic Violence Act, 1998 |
117 | Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 |
118 | South African Geographical Names Council Act, 1998 |
119 | Cultural Institutions Act, 1998 |
120 | Recognition of Customary Marriages Act, 1998 |
121 | Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 |
122 | Judicial Matters Second Amendment Act, 1998 |
123 | No act by this number |
124 | Postal Services Act, 1998 |
125 | Companies Third Amendment Act, 1998 |
126 | Eskom Amendment Act, 1998 |
127 | Labour Relations Amendment Act, 1998 |
128 | Demobilisation Amendment Act, 1998 |
129 | Second Adjustments Appropriation Act, 1998 |
130 | Refugees Act, 1998 |
131 | Medical Schemes Act, 1998 |
132 | South African Medicines and Medical Devices Regulatory Authority Act, 1998 |
133 | No act by this number |
134 | Conversion of SASRIA Act, 1998 |
135 | Insider Trading Act, 1998 |
136 | Boxing and Wrestling Control Amendment Act, 1998 |
137 | Boxing and Wrestling Control Second Amendment Act, 1998 |
Act no. | Short title |
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Amendment Act, 1999 Fourth Amendment of the Constitution of South Africa The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution of South Africa made two technical changes relating to the calling of provincial elections and the choice of delegates to the National Council of Provinces. It was enacted by the Parliament of South Africa, signed by Acting President Thabo Mbeki on 17 March... / Constitution Fourth Amendment Act of 1999 |
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Second Amendment Act, 1999 Fifth Amendment of the Constitution of South Africa The Fifth Amendment of the Constitution of South Africa made two technical changes, one relating to national election procedures and the other to the membership of the Financial and Fiscal Commission. It was enacted by the Parliament of South Africa, signed by Acting President Thabo Mbeki on 17... / Constitution Fifth Amendment Act of 1999 |
1 | Public Finance Management Act, 1999 |
2 | Act number originally assigned to the Constitution Fifth Amendment Act |
3 | Act number originally assigned to the Constitution Fourth Amendment Act |
4 | Broadcasting Act, 1999 |
5 | Public Service Amendment Act, 1999 |
6 | Statistics Act, 1999 |
7 | Public Investment Commissioners Amendment Act, 1999 |
8 | University of Cape Town (Private) Act, 1999 |
9 | Skills Development Levies Act, 1999 |
10 | Pan South African Language Board Amendment Act, 1999 |
11 | National Heritage Council Act, 1999 |
12 | Tobacco Products Control Amendment Act, 1999 |
13 | Child Care Amendment Act, 1999 |
14 | Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependency Amendment Act, 1999 |
15 | Arms and Ammunition Amendment Act, 1999 |
16 | Military Discipline Supplementary Measures Act, 1999 |
17 | Military Veterans' Affairs Act, 1999 |
18 | Land Restitution and Reform Laws Amendment Act, 1999 |
19 | Onderstepoort Biological Products Incorporation Act, 1999 |
20 | Road Traffic Management Corporation Act, 1999 |
21 | National Road Traffic Amendment Act, 1999 |
22 | Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Amendment Act, 1999 |
23 | Harmful Business Practices Amendment Act, 1999 |
24 | Prevention of Organised Crime Amendment Act, 1999 |
25 | National Heritage Resources Act, 1999 |
26 | Judicial Matters Amendment Act, 1999 |
27 | Housing Consumers Protection Measures Amendment Act, 1999 |
28 | Housing Amendment Act, 1999 |
29 | Public Finance Management Amendment Act, 1999 |
30 | Division of Revenue Act, 1999 |
31 | Appropriation Act, 1999 |
32 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 1999 |
33 | South African Sports Commission Amendment Act, 1999 |
34 | Films and Publications Amendment Act, 1999 |
35 | Competition Amendment Act, 1999 |
36 | Gambling Matters Amendment Act, 1999 |
37 | Companies Amendment Act, 1999 |
38 | Prevention of Organised Crime Second Amendment Act, 1999 |
39 | National Gambling Amendment Act, 1999 |
40 | Financial Markets Control Amendment Act, 1999 |
41 | Closed Pension Fund Amendment Act, 1999 |
42 | Intelligence Services Control Amendment Act, 1999 |
43 | Abolition of Certain Title Conditions Act, 1999 |
44 | Sentech Amendment Act, 1999 |
45 | National Water Amendment Act, 1999 |
46 | Nuclear Energy Act, 1999 |
47 | National Nuclear Regulator Act, 1999 |
48 | Education Laws Amendment Act, 1999 |
49 | World Heritage Convention Act, 1999 |
50 | Rental Housing Act, 1999 |
51 | Adjustments Appropriation Act, 1999 |
52 | Second Adjustments Appropriation Act, 1999 |
53 | Revenue Laws Amendment Act, 1999 |
54 | Mutual Banks Amendment Act, 1999 |
55 | Higher Education Amendment Act, 1999 |
56 | National Student Financial Aid Scheme Act, 1999 |
57 | South African Sports Commission Second Amendment Act, 1999 |
58 | Local Government: Municipal Structures Amendment Act, 1999 |
59 | Disestablishment of the Local Government Affairs Council Act, 1999 |
60 | Housing Second Amendment Act, 1999 |