Ligia Maura Costa
Ligia Maura Costa is a full professor at Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo – Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-EAESP). She received her habilitation degree in international law (“livre-docência”) from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo
(FDUSP). She holds a PhD and a LL.M both in international trade law from the Université of Paris-X and a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from FDUSP. She was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan Law School
and was a postdoctoral fellow at Sciences Po, Paris. She is author of several books and articles published in Brazil and abroad, having worked at the WTO in the Legal Affairs Division. Professor Costa was visiting professor at HEC-Parisduring the spring 2011 and she is visiting professor at Universität St Gallen since 2007, teaching the course Doing Business in Latin America. She is professor at Sciences Po. Besides, she has taught and lectured in several other foreign countries, including US, Peru, Mexico and Argentina. She is Chair of the Americas Region in PIM
(Partnership in International Management)
COSTA, L.M. Direitos Sociais e os Códigos de Conduta de Responsabilidade Social do Setor do Gás e do Petróleo. In: Lex. 7 de novembro de 2006. Available at http://www.lex.com.br/noticias/artigos/default.asp?artigo_id=1034984&dou=1
COSTA, L.M. ALCA = OMC + [NAFTA +/- MERCOSUL] Aspectos Jurídicos. In: Revista Saraivajur. 2003; Available at http://www.saraivajur.com.br/doutrinaArtigos.cfm?link=doutrinaEntrevistas.cfm&psqautor=&area=&autor=213&x=5&y=5
COSTA, L.M. OMC: Entendimento relativo às Normas e Procedimentos sobre Solução de Controvérsias. In: Revista Saraivajur. p. 1-13. Available at http://www.saraivajur.com.br/doutrinaArtigosDetalhe.cfm?doutrina=303
COSTA, L.M. Understanding WTO Settlement of Disputes: What it is and How it Really Works. Part II. In: Inter American Trade Report. v. 10, n. 1. p. 2-4, 2003. Available at http://www.natlaw.com/bulletin/2003/0301/trene03.pdf
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo
Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo is an institution of higher education and research in the field of Law located in São Paulo, Brazil...
(FDUSP). She holds a PhD and a LL.M both in international trade law from the Université of Paris-X and a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from FDUSP. She was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan Law School
University of Michigan Law School
The University of Michigan Law School is the law school of the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor. Founded in 1859, the school has an enrollment of about 1,200 students, most of whom are seeking Juris Doctor or Master of Laws degrees, although the school also offers a Doctor of Juridical...
and was a postdoctoral fellow at Sciences Po, Paris. She is author of several books and articles published in Brazil and abroad, having worked at the WTO in the Legal Affairs Division. Professor Costa was visiting professor at HEC-Parisduring the spring 2011 and she is visiting professor at Universität St Gallen since 2007, teaching the course Doing Business in Latin America. She is professor at Sciences Po. Besides, she has taught and lectured in several other foreign countries, including US, Peru, Mexico and Argentina. She is Chair of the Americas Region in PIM
- Computing :* Parallel inference machine, an intended fifth generation computer* Personal information management, the study and practice of information management by individuals* Personal information manager, a portable appliance...
(Partnership in International Management)
- "Negociação. Como Negociam Brasileiros e Franceses", Publisher: Quartier Latin, ISBN 8576744910 (2010)
- "Direito Internacional do Desenvolvimento Sustentável e os Códigos de Conduta de Responsabilidade Social. Análise do Setor do Gás e Petróleo", Publisher: Juruá, ISBN 9788536226286 (2009)
- "Comércio Exterior: Negociação e Aspectos Legais", Publisher: Campus, ISBN 853521996X (2005)
- "Internet: Guia Bibliográfico Comparado", Publisher: ieditora, ISBN 8587916378 (2002)
- "Le Crédit Documentaire. Etude Comparative", Publisher: LGDJ, ISBN 9782275017716 (1998)
- "OMC: Manual Prático da Rodada Uruguai", Publisher: Saraiva, ISBN 8502016253 (1996)
- "O Credito Documentário: E as Novas Regras E Usos Uniformes Da Câmara De Comércio Internacional", Publisher: Saraiva, ISBN 8502014137 (1993)
COSTA, L.M. Battling Corruption Through CSR Codes in Emerging Markets: Oil and Gás Industry. In: RAE Eletrônica. vol. 7, n. 1, Art. 8, jan/jun 2008. available at http://www.rae.com.br/eletronica/index.cfm?FuseAction=Artigo&ID=3424&Secao=ARTIGOS&Volume=7&Numero=1&Ano=2008COSTA, L.M. Direitos Sociais e os Códigos de Conduta de Responsabilidade Social do Setor do Gás e do Petróleo. In: Lex. 7 de novembro de 2006. Available at http://www.lex.com.br/noticias/artigos/default.asp?artigo_id=1034984&dou=1
COSTA, L.M. ALCA = OMC + [NAFTA +/- MERCOSUL] Aspectos Jurídicos. In: Revista Saraivajur. 2003; Available at http://www.saraivajur.com.br/doutrinaArtigos.cfm?link=doutrinaEntrevistas.cfm&psqautor=&area=&autor=213&x=5&y=5
COSTA, L.M. OMC: Entendimento relativo às Normas e Procedimentos sobre Solução de Controvérsias. In: Revista Saraivajur. p. 1-13. Available at http://www.saraivajur.com.br/doutrinaArtigosDetalhe.cfm?doutrina=303
COSTA, L.M. Understanding WTO Settlement of Disputes: What it is and How it Really Works. Part II. In: Inter American Trade Report. v. 10, n. 1. p. 2-4, 2003. Available at http://www.natlaw.com/bulletin/2003/0301/trene03.pdf