Lichen myxedematosus
Lichen myxedematosus is a group of cutaneous disorders considered mucinoses. Conditions included in this group are:
  • Generalized lichen myxedematosus
  • Localized lichen myxedematosus
    Localized lichen myxedematosus
    Localized lichen myxedematosus is a group of skin condition caused by fibroblasts producing abnormally large amounts of mucopolysaccharides, a disease for which there is no treatment....

  • Discrete papular lichen myxedematosus
    Discrete papular lichen myxedematosus
    Discrete papular lichen myxedematosus is a skin condition caused by fibroblasts producing abnormally large amounts of mucopolysaccharides characterized by the occurrence of waxy, flesh-colored papules....

  • Acral persistent papular mucinosis
    Acral persistent papular mucinosis
    Acral persistent papular mucinosis is a skin condition caused by fibroblasts producing abnormally large amounts of mucopolysaccharides, characterized by bilaterally symmetrical, flesh-colored papules localized to the hands and wrists....

  • Self-healing papular mucinosis
    Self-healing papular mucinosis
    Self-healing papular mucinosis is a skin condition caused by fibroblasts producing abnormally large amounts of mucopolysaccharides, and may present in adult and juvenile forms. The juvenile variant is also called self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis....

  • Self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis
    Self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis
    Self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis is a skin condition caused by fibroblasts producing abnormally large amounts of mucopolysaccharides, and os characterized by the sudden onset of skin lesions and polyarthritis....

  • Papular mucinosis of infancy
    Papular mucinosis of infancy
    Papular mucinosis of infancy is a skin condition caused by fibroblasts producing abnormally large amounts of mucopolysaccharides, characterized by skin-colored or translucent papules....

  • Atypical lichen myxedematosus
    Atypical lichen myxedematosus
    Atypical lichen myxedematosus is a skin condition caused by fibroblasts producing abnormally large amounts of mucopolysaccharides....

  • Atypical tuberous myxedema
    Atypical tuberous myxedema
    Atypical tuberous myxedema, also known as Jadassohn–Dosseker syndrome, is thought to represent a pure nodular variant of lichen myxedematosus....

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