Levator muscle of thyroid gland
A fibrous or muscular band is sometimes found attached, above, to the body of the hyoid bone
Hyoid bone
The hyoid bone is a horseshoe-shaped bone situated in the anterior midline of the neck between the chin and the thyroid cartilage. At rest, it lies at the level of the base of the mandible in the front and the third cervical vertebra behind.Unlike other bones, the hyoid is only distantly...

, and below to the thyroid isthmus
Thyroid isthmus
The thyroid isthmus connects together the lower thirds of the lobes; it measures about 1.25 cm. in breadth, and the same in depth, and usually covers the second and third rings of the trachea.Its situation and size present, however, many variations....

, or its pyramidal lobe. When muscular, it is termed the Levator muscle of thyroid gland.
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