Let It Fly
Let It Fly is the first live album from Christian alternative rock band The Choir, released in 1997. It was recorded on their Free Flying Soul tour.

Enhanced CD - Audio tracks

All lyrics by Steve Hindalong
Steve Hindalong
Steve Hindalong is an American drummer, percussionist, songwriter and producer best known for his work with the alternative rock band The Choir...

 and all music by Derri Daugherty
Derri Daugherty
Derri Daugherty is an American record producer, songwriter, guitarist and singer, best known as the lead singer and guitarist for band The Choir....

, unless otherwise noted.
  1. "(Intro)" – 1:13
  2. "Circle Slide" / "Sled Dog" (Music by Daugherty, Hindalong; Music by Daugherty, Tim Chandler
    Tim Chandler
    Tim Chandler is a bass guitar player, best known for his work with the rock bands Daniel Amos, The Swirling Eddies and The Choir....

    , Hindalong) – 9:32
  3. "Yellow Skies" – 4:23
  4. "Away With The Swine" – 2:45
  5. "Consider" – 4:50
  6. "Kissers And Killers" (Lyrics by Hindalong, Chandler; Music by Daugherty, Hindalong, Chandler) – 3:22
  7. "Sentimental Song" (Music by Daugherty, Hindalong) – 4:41
  8. "Sad Face" (Music by Daugherty, Chandler, Hindalong)– 7:02
  9. "Tear For Tear" / "About Love" (Music by Daugherty, Hindalong) – 6:05
  10. "Beautiful Scandalous Night" – 3:47
  11. "Restore My Soul" (Music by Daugherty, Hindalong) – 10:08

Enhanced CD - Special features

  • "Sled Dog" (music video)
  • "Weather Girl" (live performance video)
  • Discography
  • Slide Show (commentary by Steve Hindalong
    Steve Hindalong
    Steve Hindalong is an American drummer, percussionist, songwriter and producer best known for his work with the alternative rock band The Choir...

  • Band Interviews with Derri Daugherty
    Derri Daugherty
    Derri Daugherty is an American record producer, songwriter, guitarist and singer, best known as the lead singer and guitarist for band The Choir....

    , Hindalong and Dan Michaels

The Choir

  • Derri Daugherty
    Derri Daugherty
    Derri Daugherty is an American record producer, songwriter, guitarist and singer, best known as the lead singer and guitarist for band The Choir....

     - Lead vocals, guitars, bass guitar
  • Steve Hindalong
    Steve Hindalong
    Steve Hindalong is an American drummer, percussionist, songwriter and producer best known for his work with the alternative rock band The Choir...

     - Drums, percussion
  • Tim Chandler
    Tim Chandler
    Tim Chandler is a bass guitar player, best known for his work with the rock bands Daniel Amos, The Swirling Eddies and The Choir....

     - Bass guitar, vocals
  • Dan Michaels - Saxophone, lyricon
    The Lyricon is an electronic wind instrument, the first wind controller to be constructed.Invented by Bill Bernardi , it was manufactured by a company called Computone Inc in Massachusetts...

Additional musicians

  • Bill Campbell - Guitar
  • Wayne Everett - Percussion
  • Bryan Quincy Newcomb - Opening and closing remarks

Album Production

  • Producers - The Choir
  • Mixing - Derri Daugherty
    Derri Daugherty
    Derri Daugherty is an American record producer, songwriter, guitarist and singer, best known as the lead singer and guitarist for band The Choir....

  • Mastering - Eric Wold
  • Art direction and design - Jim Dantzler
  • Art coordination - Dan Michaels

Road Crew

  • Live sound engineer - Paul Thur
  • Recording - Skye
  • Monitor engineer - Davie Leonhardt
  • Lighting director - Keith Rintala
  • Bus driver - Doug Rioux
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