Leo Negrelli
Leo Negrelli, born in Trieste
Trieste is a city and seaport in northeastern Italy. It is situated towards the end of a narrow strip of land lying between the Adriatic Sea and Italy's border with Slovenia, which lies almost immediately south and east of the city...

, died in Spain in 1974. As a member of the Sursum Corda
Sursum Corda (group)
The “Sursum Corda” is a poorly investigated Italian student movement. It seems to have its origins in the Italian youth organisations from the first years of the 20th century such as the “battaglioni studenteschi” founded in 1906 in Milan...

 he was one of the organisers of Gabriele D'Annunzio
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Gabriele D'Annunzio or d'Annunzio was an Italian poet, journalist, novelist, and dramatist...

‘s arrival in Fiume in 1919.
Negrelli continued to play an important part in the 1920s as the main liaison for Hermann Göring
Hermann Göring
Hermann Wilhelm Göring, was a German politician, military leader, and a leading member of the Nazi Party. He was a veteran of World War I as an ace fighter pilot, and a recipient of the coveted Pour le Mérite, also known as "The Blue Max"...

 in Italy, after the failure of Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch
Beer Hall Putsch
The Beer Hall Putsch was a failed attempt at revolution that occurred between the evening of 8 November and the early afternoon of 9 November 1923, when Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler, Generalquartiermeister Erich Ludendorff, and other heads of the Kampfbund unsuccessfully tried to seize power...

 in 1923. Before the Putsch Kurt Ludecke
Kurt Ludecke
Kurt Ludecke was an ardent German nationalist, a playboy and international traveler who joined the Nazi party in the early 1920s and who used his social connections to raise money for the NSDAP...

 persuaded Mussolini to send Dr. Leo Negrelli to Munich to interview Hitler on Oct. 16, 1923 for the Corriere Italiano.
In summer 1929 Leo Negrelli was in charge with an experimental radio broadcasting program aimed for Italians residing in America and in the Italian African colonies. The transmissions, intended as a propaganda service, from the stationery Roma S.Paolo were under the control of the Ministry of the communications on behalf of the government press office.
In the Second World War Leo Negrelli was chief press attaché in the Italian Social Republic
Italian Social Republic
The Italian Social Republic was a puppet state of Nazi Germany led by the "Duce of the Nation" and "Minister of Foreign Affairs" Benito Mussolini and his Republican Fascist Party. The RSI exercised nominal sovereignty in northern Italy but was largely dependent on the Wehrmacht to maintain control...

. After the Second World War, Negrelli emigrated to Spain where he remained a reference point for various rightwing expats living there. In Spain Negrelli, as editor of the paper Voce dell'Occidente, had contacts with Yves Guérin-Sérac head of Aginter Press
Aginter Press
Aginter Press, also known under the name Central Order and Tradition , was a pseudo press agency set up in Lisbon, Portugal in September 1966, under Oliveira Salazar's dictatorship...

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